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Togane speaks again!

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Jamatatu, Somali waa in yar oo istaqaan" weligaa ma maqashey. Riwaayada iyo Isjiidka iska daaya oo ilaahey ka baqa.



Runta haka baqin saxib.

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i agree with rahima on this one the old man really doesnt give "alternative/constructive" views in any way shape or form so therefore while there is no doubt he is humorous in his method and properly does have an aim but he all that comes to the fore is the insults and the only way to defend his peoms is to maybe say he is trying to devalue the tribal system like the African Americans did to the word Nigger by making a mockery out of it.



but his poems lack any reall depth and is very hard to find anything tangible beyong the insults that keep coming back.

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Originally posted by Qudhac:

the only way to defend his peoms is to maybe say he is trying to devalue the tribal system like the African Americans did to the word Nigger by making a mockery out of it.



Reminds me of this transcript by DR BILL COSBY SPEAKS

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^^^ Togane is difficult to undertsand, I have been alarmed at his language and the way he insults clans. However if you look at his whole work then he spares no clan, region or individual. He mocks them all. This is what sets him apart. I agree with Qudhac his poems lack real depth and are quite simple. Yet thats why they are so provocative and get the attention of everyone.


He is proud to be Somali..

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people get killed every where in the world and some western cities actually do have a higher murder rate than the whole Somalia combined in a year.

That is the most s-t-u-p-i-d thing to say, it is in a way blessing, and trying to normalise what is going on in that part of somalia, what your saying is whats happening in xamar is the same as whats happening in London, Newyork, Paris, etc.

What a comparison! you are comparing these great cities to a place where even the dead are not save from their bones being robbed.


So you guys held you heads up and accept the critiq Togane is giving, it might be harsh, and maybe hurtful but its the truth, and the truth hurts.

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You all are missing the point here. It's not about the method or style of the messenger but rather what he stands for and if he has got a point valid that is.


Rahima is still refusing to accept the reality. I believe that if we would be married together you would make a great wife because you would sweep all our personal and relationship problems under the carpet and pretend that everything is just fine and well. It might work in a relationship marriage but would that approach work in another situation and circumstance?


No is the answer because you can hide what is going on in your household and bedroom but you can not hide a mess big like Moqadishu.


For the sake of your reputation stop defending the indefendable and try to excuse the inexcusable!


Moqadishu warlords are the lowest of the low and that's for everyone to see no PR or spin can hide that fact.


I don't have anything against my brothers in Moqadishu in the contrary I wish them all the best. But I cannot look away and ignore the plight of my people it really needs to be stopped because it hurts me.


Your reputation as a passive observer and pacifist stands for nothing because you just showed us that you actually care and indulge in Qabiil.


Prove me wrong by saying that Moqadishu warlords are destroying us, our future, childrens future and environment but will you be strong enough to disengage you from your clan loyalty?


Time will only tell!

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Yoonis, sxb, I agree with you on some points and I disagree with you on others. First, many people have articulated that Togane is a poet, and so as a poet, he can say whatever he wants. There is a difference between saying he should not be taken seriously or listened to and saying he should be censored by somalis , because "tribal diatribes" (whatever the intention) is not a somali phenemonon. The Greeks used to insult the hell out of each other; Oh, the arabs are masters of "raping" (figuratively) whole tribes. So, it comes down to preference. It would be nice if every tribe had some like Togane who lashes them with his tongue. That's just my silly opinion.


One thing though, if a person hates this kind of literature you dont have to force it down their throats. And for the love of God, you're chasing Rahima and mentioning her in every post, let it go. This is not a defense, but it just looks embarrassing, nin weeyn oo qof dumar ah eryanaya

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No one is chasing anyone, you thicko! You got that.


So stop dramatising. Don't dig your dirt and frustrations on me. If you got problems sort it out.


I have great respect and adminiration for Rahima but is it too much to demand a decent answer that I owe her.

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Logically, if someone gets frustrated with a lack of progress of a town he holds dear, and cares about its residents, that same person would jump to the flicker of radiance and hope coming out of that same town any day. Contrary to that, those who are all blame will come out violently against a mere link that shows the organization for the blind open in Muqdisho, the AIDS Awareness campaign the city held, or the Schools and Colleges open in the town, Or the civil meetings inwhich residents discuss how to solve their problems. Such steps-forward-in-the-right-direction can never be enough, but they are worth mentioning. It seems such movements and steps are not important but the death of someone by a faithless thug, who would murder his mother anyway, gets their attention simply because such negative news advances their causes. Muqdisho needs a strong hand which transcends tribe oriented government to bring together the devided hearts and minds, at the same time, it is a far cry from the graveyard depiction and the image of its people's cannibalism many propagate to advance their causes.




Adiga Rahiimaa ku qafiiftey.

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Prove me wrong by saying that Moqadishu warlords are destroying us, our future, childrens future and environment but will you be strong enough to disengage you from your clan loyalty?

My clan loyalty? This is getting worse by the day. Waryaa do you actually believe in the garbage you write, mise are trying to entertain us all?


You’ve being a member long enough to know my views on the Mogadishu warlords. What I want you to do however is be man enough (it will be hard I realise) is quote where I have defended any of them. Even more precisely, tell us what this topic has got to do with them?


I don't have anything against my brothers in Moqadishu in the contrary I wish them all the best. But I cannot look away and ignore the plight of my people it really needs to be stopped because it hurts me.

Lying is xaraam.


I have great respect and adminiration for Rahima

Lying is xaraam.


I do not like the poems of Togane. I think that they are tribilistic. If he had a point to make, he would not be referring to supporting the militia of his tribe over the others (this is what tribalists do, Nationalists distance themselves from both). If he had a point to make he would be constructive. If he has a point he would not be so rude and vile. If he had a point he would not contributing to the clannish culture of ours that you Yoonis are accustomed to. All that said, it is my opinion.


I believe that if we would be married together you would make a great wife because you would sweep all our personal and relationship problems under the carpet and pretend that everything is just fine and well.

Don’t make me shoot myself.




Shall do now ;)

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Reer Qurac, kaalay ma waxaad u furateen Somaliaonline inaad eedadeey Rahima ku ceshceshataan, oo aad dhinac walba kasoo weerartaan? Hadaad dowladii socodsiin weydeen, dumar xagxagasho iyo caay miyaad wax ku socod siineysaan, waliba adinkoo og taas inay dagaal horleh idiin soo jiideyso iyo weeraro culus oo xageena idinkaga yimaado! :D


Jumatatu is very truthful when he said, "the rules of Somaliaonline are bendable for some people". If eedadeey Rahima was from Reer Qurac, then the overwhelming majority of reer qurac would feel filing constant complaints against the ones who are bothering her self and tribe. Well that has not happen, and I thought my reer Abti had learned great deal of lessons from their past behaviours of injustices against reer dulqaad badane.


Walee waad iga faa'iideysateen intaan kusii jeeday Liberal-kii meeshan qasayay, laakiin waa iga balan inaan ganbar weyn dhex dhigtaa meeshan aad ku walaaqeysaan qabyaalada, eexda, iyo dulmiga gabdhaha. Wadaan biyo ah hooyadeey ma dhalin oo waad arki doontaan waxaan idinku dhigo hadaa tihiin reer aabi-badane!


The morron, Togane, has said everything that was looming in your animosity-engraved minds, and truth will come again as you rejoice the most nonsensical remarks extolled for your nonexistant so-called government headed by the criminal Abdullahi Yuusuf.



For my Eedo Rahima , I would like to say to you please refrain from these wolves, for they respect nobody but their clan members. Even they embarked the forbidden things in our culture that binds them and us, which is not to offend the integrity of women nor question their good intentions. My grand father used to say, I was bothered things uttered by the mouths that are not mine, "Af aan igu oolin edbintiis ayaa i dhibtay", and that is realy true when I read from the statements of these unprincipled folks over here. So, eedo xaal qaado, raalina ahow, iskana cafi kuwaan ilaaheey qabyaalada iyo dhaqanka gurracan lagu saladay, koleey adigaa sharaf iyo nasiib u yeeshay inaad kasoo jeedid reer dulqaad iyo karti farabadan lagu xantee.


Haa eedo, just do that, I am sure by the will of Allah, (sw), you will obtain significant rewards from that heroic course of action. And me, you will see the results of my unbearable retaliatins on them, specially on their despair-driven government with its naf-lacaari traitor!

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