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men, who really likes them anyway?

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Loool^^ She's never tired, and you cannot fail at somehing you've never tired to get smile.gif


Mantra and ibtisaam I wonder why would any one want to be alone...or be content with being alone?? what is so bad about getting married and establishing a loving relationship with a husband?

AAliya i am not going to answer because i fear i might knock you out with verbal harsh reality. I'll let you find out for your self. We'll catch up in a few years time... shall we

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She is only 20, lets say she started trying at the age of 19 (the normal age) thats only 1 year, she could have only been seriously knocked back 1time or maybe 2 if she is fast. :D

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ibti i thought its my job to be the cynic one dam u gal go and find a new personality i am sure ASDA has some in store 4 u, lol afternoon ppl, man mhh will i need them, without them i wont be here ie my DAD, and i love my bros so i say i do need man indeed unless by man u mean the man u inted to knock ureself down with only?

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Ibtisam, assuming i'm the 'she' you're talking about, I have to ask where on earth did you get the idea that I was 20?


jacaylbaro it's men like you, always assuming things that simply arent there that make me like your sex less and less..

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sorry i was just mocking JAcy and his assumptions. I am sure you are not 20 :D


Afternoon C LAdy smile.gif i thinking you are in the danger zone, you might have to change your name. clearly you are not living up to it :D

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Originally posted by ibtisam:



Mantra and ibtisaam I wonder why would any one want to be alone...or be content with being alone?? what is so bad about getting married and establishing a loving relationship with a husband?

AAliya i am not going to answer because i fear i might knock you out with verbal harsh reality. I'll let you find out for your self. We'll catch up in a few years time...
shall we
^^^lol anything you or I say now will just be met with... " :rolleyes: you two are just bitter"

life is indeed the best teacher, I must say i've always enjoyed watching girls have their dreams the end they come back to me and I meet them with a big grin on my face and a huge banner saying I TOLD YOU SO! :D

what joy..

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Ah! Nice thread.


** Puts on his judgmental hat **


I have studied the situation and examined the facts. The ladies are not for turning. It’s total, absolute, never. They don’t like men, are not attracted to men and are in no need for men. Discussion and arguing is futile. Life is like that. Not everyone is the same. Some people fall in love at ten years of age, others never do. Life is like that.


Then again, this might be one of those familiar cases of girls asserting their own independence and genuinely not being interested in men, well not unless that independence is fully asserted (so to speak).


From long experience with twenty-something girls, and having learned not to trust a woman as far as you could throw her (when it comes to these matters). This seems to me like some subconscious mating dance. For, surely, what self respecting, red-blooded male will let such ladies pass him by without at least arguing with them and showing them the merits and advantages of loving men?


Our ladies here might really not be interested in men right now, today or this year. But they’ll sure protest and argue with every man they meet about their abhorrence for the ideas of marriage, love or companionship. Many of these men will argue back and try to convince, persuade and cajole. They’ll wink, they’ll nudge, and they’ll buy her chocolate fudge. But she’ll remain unmoved. Didn’t she already say that ‘networking’ is not her thing; she’s a stand-alone, people.


But, one day, she’ll argue with one that has piercing eyes and a personality that shakes all her foundations. Why does this short, bald and pot bellied midget with penetrating eyes affects her so? Who is he to tell her how she should think? How dare her tell her that she’s wrong. At first, all her problems with men were to do with the fact that she thought them irrelevant. Now, because of this midget, she actually HATES men. The useless, pointless, arrogant and full of themselves oafs! She’s a stand-alone and a stand-alone she’ll forever remain. In fact, she’ll dedicate her life to hating men, opposing men and exposing men. No! She’ll dedicate her life to hating the midget, for he is the representation of all that is bad about men.


She’ll stay awake at night planning, plotting and conceiving all sorts of new ways and arguments to defeat the midget. His total humiliation will be on her mind day and night. She’ll invent excuses to phone him and drag him into an argument over the same issue again and when he gets too irritating, she’ll hang up.


How dare he challenge all her sound arguments? How dare he look her in the eye in THAT way? How dare he force her to go red with anger then mistake it for a blush?

This midget has to be defeated. Now his defeat is the one and only overwhelming purpose of her life. Got to subjugate the midget. Got to put him in his place. Got to show him that she’s boss of her own destiny and that her views, decisions and plans in life are concretely sound.


She finally wins the battle. The midget is humiliated, defeated and conquered. He leaves her alone saying that she’s mad. But this black widow is not content. She wants him to admit that she’s right.


A day, week or month of no communication passes by. She phones him to tell him that she was right and he was wrong. He argues back a little but soon gives up. He agrees and hangs up. Another day, week or month passes by. She starts feeling guilty. Yes he’s a horrible man. Yes he’s argumentative and (manly) rude. Yes she does not like him one bit. BUT, is it fair to be nasty to him? She wouldn’t be that cruel to an ant or a dog! Shouldn’t she just phone and apologise just to be humane?


She phones him. Apologises. Reiterates her immovable position. They argue. She hangs up! A day, week or month passes by. She’s still not satisfied. Why does this midget annoy her so? Why not just forget about him and move on. Strong, independent woman like her letting such a midget get on her nerves? Irrational. She resolves to forget about him.


She remembers those irritatingly piercing stares of his. She fumes with anger and sighs with irritation. Wooh! This is a new kind of anger! God, she must be really angry now. In fact, she’s so angry she’s feeling light headed and getting a tingly feeling all over her body. Oh the memory of those intense eyes of his irritate her so!


She decides to try a different approach. She phones him. Asks him how he’s doing. Exchanges pleasantries. Out of politeness and decorum, she tells him her news. An hour later, she hangs up content that they’ve made their peace and that she needn’t worry herself with him again. Bloody midget.


He phones her! What does he want with me, she asks herself. Does he think I’m one of those girls that would stoop so low as to chat to boys? She wonders. Ah, these simple men. You speak to them nicely once and they assume you want them. She resolves to put him in his place right there and right then. Before answering the phone, she runs to her bedroom mirror to check if her face is stern enough. She scowls at the mirror, she frowns, she notices a couple of hairs out of place and she adjusts them. She answers the phone. She notices her face in the mirror as she returns his greetings. Why the hell is she smiling? Curse that midget for making her smile. Curse all men. Curse his friendly voice. Curse those penetrating eyes of his.


He says something to her. She giggles a girly I-really-like-you kind of giggle. She notices that she’s playing with her hair and swaying slowly as she speaks on the phone. She frowns at herself. He says something else that makes her giggle. The call ends.


She sits on her bed looking at herself in the mirror. Why did she play with her hair in that flirty way, she wonders. Why did she giggle at his jokes, she asks. He’s a midget. An ugly, intolerable, objectionable, MALE midget! But he’s sweet, patient and polite. There is nothing wrong with being friendly to him. Yes, we’re just friends, she says to herself. Nothing wrong with giggling at a friend’s joke.


She sighs, lies back on bed and starts thinking about her new friend’s penetrating eyes...



And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you .... :D

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^^^that was a good read smile.gif why did he have to so ugly by the way??




^LOOOOOOOOOOOOL^^^ i try not to... very hard, specially when i saw it coming :D:D seriously some people are so blind :(


Today whole lunch was taking up by this friend that works with me. "then he, yad yadya........can you believe it" for a whole hr!!! now i am eating at my desk! :rolleyes: A never ending problem :rolleyes: why do they bother is beyond me. I am sure all that stress is not worth few min's of pleasure here and there :rolleyes:

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You may be scared cuz of not meeting and seeing the right person, you should not HATE if you havent met the right person YET. You may come to UAE, and a visit to the GOLD market will change your view. :D:Dicon_razz.gif




Waiting for Mr. Right.



Ibtisam, You share with us those files you sending via PM n dont mislead the girl.

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ibti u read that??... poor ya



marta well I dont have a significant-other however I do have insignificant-other. So if I can be persuaded, i know u shall be soon.


Cynical ibti is right.. u have 2 give ur kastumo 2 marta.. clearly she can rock it way better than ya.. damn u cynical

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:rolleyes: dabshid thanks for the heads up. Had she spoke to me i would have told her there was no such thing :rolleyes:


Devil good luck (although i think he probably needs more luck than you being the devilangel and all)

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dev and ibti go and find ure own kastumo to give away, this is mine daah Man have a very big role to play in my life and the above qs is just krasy 2 me i need them so i am not going to view such cynical comments towwards it.... anywho recently i have been watching bollywood i blame them for my musshy wossshy comments lol :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



ps ngonge OMG how many romantic novels have u got in ure possession.... plz do pass them to ibti darling its so unmanly of u to own them at the 1 place. :rolleyes:

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