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Wariye Katirsan Idaacadda Qur'aanka Kariimka ee Magaalada Muqdisho oo lagu xiray Xabsiga Magaalada Hargeysa.



Hargeysa, 07-October-06 ( Wariye C/Casiis Sheekh Yuusuf Muuse oo uga soo warrama idaacada Qur'aanka Kariima magaalada Hargaysa ayaa shalay lagu xiray magaalada Hargaysa ee xarunta maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland,xilli uu duubanayay khudbadii salaada Jimcaha ee masjidka Xawaadle ee magaalada Hargaysa,halkaasoo uu khudbad ka jeedinayay Sheekh Aadan Xaaji Maxamed oo ku caan baxay dhaliilada cid kasto oo wax ka sheegta maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland.


Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil “Cirro†ayaa ku dooday in wariyahaasi oo aan wax aqoonsi ah ka haysan maamulkooda lagu arkay isagoo si qarsoodi ah u duubanaya khudbadii salaada jimcaha, taasoo uu ku tilmaamay in ay tahay mid khilaafsan wax uu kusheegay qaanuunka maamulkiisa, waxa uuna intaa ku daray in ciidamada ay baarayaan arrinta wariyahaasi.


Mar aan isku daynay in aan xiriir la sameyno maamulka Idaacada Qur'aanka Kariimka nooma aynan suura galin,hayeeshee qaar ka mid ah hawl wadeenada Idaacadaasi ayaa muujiyay sida ay ugu xun yihiin falka lagu xiray wariye C/casiis Sheekh Yuusuf Muuse,ayagoo canbaareeyay falka lagu xiray,waxa ayna dalbadeen in si deg deg ah lagu sii daayo wariyahaasi oo gudanayay hawshiisa saxafanimo.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa ka cabsi qaba kacdoon shacbi oo ka dhaca gobollada uu ka taliyo tan iyo wixii ka danbeeyay fadeexadii la xiriirtay jir dilka lagu la kacay Sheekh Maxamed Ismaaciil (Allaha dhawree, hana ka soo saara gacanta mujrimiinta jir dilaysa),waxa ayna aad u adkeeyeen amniga masjidyada iyo xarumo diineedyada,iyagoo ka baqaya kacdoon shacbi oo la mid ah kii ka dhacay Muqdisho.


Sheekh Aadan Xaaji Maxamed ayaa lagu sheegay in uu yahay nin taageera maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland,iyadoo Sheekhaasi la sheegay in khudbadiisa uu ku dhaliilay golaha maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ee ka taliya koonfurta dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo ku andacooday in warqad hanjabaad ah loo soo diray,taasoo ku amraysa in uu faraha kala baxo wax ka sheegida maxkamadaha haddii kale cawaaqib xumo uu la kulmi doono.


Ma cada cidda soo qortay warqadaasi waaba haddii ay jirtee, hayeeshee waxaa si weyn uga xumaaday hadaladiisa culimaa'uddiinka iyo shacabka reer Hargaysa oo aragti ahaan taageersan waxqabadka maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ee gacanta ku haya koonfurta Soomaaliya.


Dhinaca kale Odayaal dhaqameed ku sugan magaalada Burco ayaa ugu baaqay maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland in ay sii daayaan Sheekh Maxamed Ismaaciil,iyagoo xaqiijiyay in aaney qiil u noqoneyn maamulkaasi dafirada fadeexada jir dilka Sheekha loo gaystay ee lagu baahiyay barta internetka,waxa ayna dalbadeen si deg deg ah in lagu sii daayo Sheekh Maxamed Ismaaciil.


Dhinca kale Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee Qaadisiya ayaa waxa ay cambaareyn dusha uga tuurtay Maamulka Somaliland Xarigii ay u geysteen Wariye C/casiis Yuusuf Muuse oo Idaacadda Qur'aanka uga soo warrama Magaalada Hargeysa.


Tifaftiraha Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee Qaadisiya Ibnu Muxammed ayaa ugu baaqay Maamulka isku magacaabay Somalinad in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay kusoo daayaan Wariye C/casiis Yuusuf Muuse isla markaana ay dhowraan Xuriyadda Saxaafadda iyo Sharafta Qofka Muslimka ah uu leeyahay, waxaa sidoo kale cambaareyntani si wada jir ah ugu jeediyay Maamulka Iskumagacaabay Somaliland Guud ahaan Shaqaalaha Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee Qaadisiya iyagoo kacodsaday in Xuriyaddiisa dib loogu celiyo Wariye C/casiis Yuusuf Muuse.

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If he was reer hargeysa wey uuu dhamaadtay if he was reer mogadisho wey uu dhamaadtay he will be jaild


But i like the imaam in hargeysa in mosqe in hawaadle region of hargeysa he anti courts the imam in hargeysa


And thats what the the journalist was tapeng on tape

But we also so know that this guys who is arrested doesent have any license to be a journalist in Somaliland

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^^You need to wake up, Mr. Oodweyne! The non-islamic administration in Hargeysa is experiencing an irreversible time in its ugly history of stooginess.


the muslims in hargeysa are now changing the course of that history and we pray for them, insha-Allah. And we will see soon your worst fears unfolding before us as Hargeysa becomes the second front of the Islamic movement against the invasion.

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Oodweyne, what is the problem mate, you seem to be confused buddy everytime someone posts something you just go on none-stop for nothing, is daji adeer, dhacdo Hargeysa ka dhacdey unbaan inta ku soo tabiyey, waaxey jirka ku damqadey, orodoo dhageeso your Mr Cige of BBC somali in hargeisa, he tells you the same incident.



Oodweyne, dulqaad yeelo adeer, waad dadgdag badantahay, dulmiga jooji iyo waxad la hantataqeyso, waxaagu ma sidee baa loo soo hadal qaadi karaabaa Somaliland naw gaw baw

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^^Nuunow, War Oodweyne waa naxsan yahay, waa dadka aad u jecel in hal qabiil ay dowlad noqdaan, oo halkaas qabiilna ay hogaamiyaan dad Itoobiya jecel oo walaalahood neceb. Laakiin taasi dhici meyso inta ay noolyihiin dad aniga iyo adiga oo kale ah.



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alle uu baahen Ethiopia iyo tigray waxaad ku nacaseyd ball iisheeg maxa kugu sameeyen aniga uu nin beelaha somaliland uu dhashay ah wax ba imey jeeliin laakin diyaarad somaliyeed uu nin somali uu waddo baa magaaladadii burburiye marka tigrey angia wax ba ii muu jeeleyn

Dadki haan ka dhashay eeh reer bani hashim jacfar ibn aby thalib awoowgey walaalkey cali ibn abu thalib na wey uu soo tallaaben ardu al habasha boqor tigre aah ayaa nabad galiye

ma fahantay


Somaliland is qarran sxb qabil maha wadaad surwaal gabaan na xidhan wala xiidhaya u walley ba wala jidh diiliya haduu xukuumada wax ka sheego

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The political whores of our era are once more dressed in new attire and and are lab dancing to new tune.


indeed its funny how these coalition of misfits seem to always get new mahdi on the horizon.


one which they swear will sweap away their continues nightmare entity known as somaliland which seems to have inflicted these poor souls with so much pain and anguish over the years with its mere existance.


But allas its always a fake horizon its always back to ground zero for them, they always end up having to look for new Ideology to protitute themselves for all over again.



indeed our principle never change, our vision never blurs and our beloved nations destiny is written in blood and no polical whores of today is going to change that.

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Dadkan iska qiiroonaya baa ka yaabay.

Amba sheekh hala xidho, amba sheydaan hala dilo amba daahir riyaale iyo xukumadiisa hala rido. Sland weligeed koonfur ku noqonmayso. dad baan weli taa fahmin oo moodaya in Dahir riyaale Sland sameeyey.

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Whether these ultra-sessionist of Waqooyi Galbeed like it or not, we'll bring the Riyaale Kaahin criminal and his associates on justice and clear the muslim territory for the rule of Islamic religion, insha-Allah.


For Mr. Oodweyne, I ask you why you extremely hate Islam as a religion and Allah's laws?


Cajiib! Waxaan ka baqayaa Mr. Oodweyne inuu yahay kuwii diinta iyo nabiga caayi jiray oo bulshada waqooyi galbeed magaceeda bi'iyay!

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Maya Alleh Ubaahne, Istaaqfura Allah dheh, it's wrong to make assumptions. How might you assume that if you dont know Mr. Oodweyne personally???


Alleh Ubaahne Adna dawo uqor sidaasoo kale, haduu mar yadhi medical experiment ayaan kuu isticmaali lahaa.Adna taa iyo wax ka daran dheh, laakin, diin cay haku sheegin adoon waxba aan ka ogayn shakhsi ahaantiisa. That is all, carry on---

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hahaha aalah uu bahaane adeer anagu diin mudug lugu soo samaeeye anagu reer bani hashim aah ciidi na barrey mayso


As for what do want 2 spread in the horn peace well we have peace the past 16 year while u lot where figting

Islam we had islamic king dom the n 12 centry we split from they axumite kingdom becous we where muslims led bye axmed seylaci in seylaci later on the history the first eheyle al bey sh isxaaq came 2 the horn 2 spread some more sunni islam in2 the horn

Then later one we fought agains the axumite kingdom in axum under led by a man who was born in and raisd in seylac also known as

axmed gurray

So know one telss us about islam becous we belive that we are faithfull ppl we do our salawaat we pray our prayers we celebrate the malata nabii and the ashura

So what is you going bring us sharia law well if we wanted sharia law we would do it our self

I think we will wait for imam mahdi our couzin who is a decented of hassan ibn ali ibn abithalib.

Imam mahdi when comes he will make islamic world so we thing we are gonne wait for them

Sorry we just dont like hutu millitia men who are wiling 2 fight and capture as mutch land as they can but they cant have somaliland.

They are a fraid of Ethiopia and melez they are lockt up they cant go 2 baydhabo they cant go and invade galkacyo so what they gonne do stay in there clan based courts

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

And, that particular line of merely informing the outcome of that last political bet that some folks have had against Somaliland; goes directly to my old friend, namely the said
Mr. XiinFaniin
, who, as I said it, in another thread, would of have won, the prize that goes to the person, who have the most temerity to swap political shirt, in a drop of a hat, without even blushing, for such a soul-destroying feet of political dress-crossing in the open and in the company of polite society....


Consequently, you, my dear,
Mr. Xiinfaniin
remind me, or at least your conduct do so, what was said a long time ago, about the spectacle of
political opportunism
at it's most truism sense; particularly if one recalled, that it was thus, a practitioner of this political cross-dressing, who once said:


This is my political principle,...but if you object to it, I can also have different ones for your convenience.



Do you remember when he temporarily jumped off the tekniko wagon when Gaalkayu was threatened? :D

Anyways, one can easlisy detect who is whom in SOL by the crude process of elimination and the help the ICU ventures. ;) I bet my five Samoosas the new and energised Nuune is Turkish


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