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Puntland's Education Minister Defects to Somaliland

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oodweyne, You shall see whether I am reading a degree in theorotical physics or law when I see you soon! smile.gif


Baashi, some may have difficult fathoming why he did what Xassan has done. But knowing him -- dhowr odey ayaan kala tirsanaa- he is young ambitious man who will try to realise his ambitions without or with his people. I am not particularly happy what is going down in Puntland at the moment, but that does not mean i will forsake and be dishonest to my people and what they stand for. Anyhow, it is with delight I acknowledge that he vacated the possition for more suitable men who can fulfill the needs of this post.


Anyhow, hangaraarac lug uma uu dhutiyo. :D


#Thus Spake I

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is this the next asylum seeker to somaliland on the line?


Mid ka mid ah wasiirada Puntland oo ka hor yimid kordhinta xukuumada



Sida uu qoray maanta wargeyska shacab ee ka soo baxa Garoowe waxaa si toos ah uga horyimid kordhintii xukumada Puntland loo kor dhiyey wasiirka maaliyada C/raxmaan Faroole oo ku timamaay mid Barlamaanka keligiis watay oo aan golaha xukuumada waxba kala socon ,hadalka xiligaan kasoo yeeray wasiirka ayaa u eg mid lagu kala qebsan yahay oo xiligaan dawlada ku ah falaar ku gaadsan, sidoo kale waxuu ku tilmaamay wasiirka madaxwayne ku xigeenka nin wada in Puntland mar kale qasanto sidii ay u qasantay xiligii hore ee kala guurka.



Dhanka kale maanta ayaa baarlamaanka Puntland ku kala dareeray doorashada xisaabiyah guud ee Punland ka dib markii uu saakay soo hordhigay qareenka guud ,arinkaasi oo aad moodid mid siweyn loogu kala qeybsanyihiin xubnaha Barlamaanka Punland.

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^^^ Sooyaal, you are in a dream if you think Faroole is going to Somaliland. Know who ya talking about first then make your wish. ;)



Originally posted by Baashi:

True the reality on the ground is clear and that is Ceerigaabo is under Somaliland gov.

Baashi, i disagree with ya bro. I disagree that Somaliland has a full control of the city. The key word here is "full" control. True the SNM savages captured the city and killed thousands of innocent civilians as Mr Oodweyne hinted but the reality is that it is a divided city along tribal line just like Galkacyo na'mean.

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Originally posted by Baashi:


What about the mass graves in Hargeisa? Not long ago your minister have been angry at Siilaanyo about this issue. What was that all about

mass graves are no laughing matter, if your gonna bring up a serious topic like that at least have the decency to be serious on the subject. We don't all share your childish sense of humour. Thousands of Mujahiids the likes of Siilanyo have given their lives to defend our people, so stop your moronic allegations and speak like the grown man that I presume you are. I have to wonder why this matter would even concern you in the first place, worry about your Somaliweyn warlords who are sucking the blood out of your population.

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I stand corrected bro.



Calm down sxb...and don't take this cyber exchanges too seriously. If u do take seriously plz have the patience to ask clarifications on the things u don't understand.


Now, I will mind my own business and tend Somaliweyn issues. FYI, Somaliland is part of Somaliweyn issues aight :D


This is what I was laughing about Walaweyn victims' cover up fiasco and here is excerpt of that snippet

Xasuuqa Waloweyn baa qaadatay, adduunkii baa aqbalay, dhabarkaynu u saarnay, waynu ku shaambadaynay, Xabaalihii Malko-durduro baynu tusnay, adigu ha innagu soo celin, waxaynu u rarnay dad aynu is hayno, oo col nahay, oo culayskooda qaadi kari waayey, adigu ha u khafiifin, haddii aanad dan kale lahayn ha u hiilin oo ha noqon Faysal baa rag laayey. Waa hadallada ay ku dacwoodaan Koonfurtu oo ay leeyihiin Malko-durduro dadka ku aasan ee ay dadka tusayaan waa lafihii Oromadii iyo dadkii kale ee Koonfurta ee ay laayeen, halkii ay ku aaseen, tii bay innagu shaabadaynaysaa oo UN-tu yidhaahdeen waxaanu soo diraynaa dad baadha lafahaas waqtigii ay ahaayeen 1981 – 1988.


.....Siilaanyo oo xumbaynaya baa igu yidhi dalka waa in la xoreeyaa, maanta fursad baynu leenahay, lix bilood raashinkii ciidamada waan hayaa, Afweyne waa fulay, waan ku tukhaantukhinayaa dagaalka.” Markii uu dhammaystay hadalkiisii waxaan ku idhi; “Maxamed Siyaad Barre waddani ma aha oo waad taqaanaa, dhawr iyo toban sannadood Wasiir baad u ahayd, beel buu rabaa in uu gudaha soo gashado oo Askar ka dhigto, bal adiga yaa kaa maqan?”


....Edna [Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda] ha uga dego [Rayaale],....


...Markii laba beelood Saaxil [berbera] isku dileen, rag odayaal ah baa u tegay oo beeshiisa ka socda oo ku yidhi labadaa reer ee Berbera isku haysta ee is dilaya aan heshiisiino, caguhuu dhulka ugu dhuftay, wuxuu ku yidhi; “La heshiisiin maayo labadaa beelood midna khayr ma laha ha isku dhammaadeen.”


...Ninkaa [siilaanyo] xisbigiisu aamusiin maayo oo kuwa cid u xigaa aamusiin maayaan Aadan Madoobe [Reerka Siilaanyo] aamusiiya haddaan garanayo waan la hadli lahaa, ma garanayo, illeyn qofka cid uun baa u naxdee.


....Siilaanyo waa Soomaaliweyn “I know”, Nairobi baan joogay Gaalada waxa uu ku yidhaahdo iyo waxa ay ka ogyihiin waan ogahay, koonfurta [soomaaliya] baan ogahay waxay Siilaanyo ka haystaan, kun Yaasiin bay akhriyi lahaayeen haddii uu guulaysto.

Remember this is not my words but from no other than Somaliland Minister. Hey lander, don't get too upset now aight icon_razz.gif


It is unmanly and foolish to laugh about these tragadies. But Cawil's remarks begs for one good laugh...don't u think so.

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True! The minister defected from Abdullahi. What does that mean now? Ayoub I find it amusing about the whole thing. A week ago the good minister was this side of the fence. Today he is the other side of the fence. Tells u something about them - all of them.


I see u jumping up and down as if the fundementals of this conflict has changed...

Baashi mate, I know what sort of people Somali politicians are, and I for one was not be surprised by Mr Dhiilood's action. What you have to accept is a lot has changed in the 'fundermentals of this conflict' because Mr Dhilood was one of the organisers in Puntland when it came to Sool. He didn't spend the last few days in Xudun and the surrounding areas for no reason and what he says and does in the next few days will have some impact. Someone famously said its better having someone pissing out from inside the tent than having them pissing in from the ousite.



Originally posted by Gediid

“Waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay inaan dalkayga dib ugu soo laabto, waxaanan ka mahad naqayaa sida magaalooyinka Somaliland laygu so dhaweeyay” ayuu yidhi Md. Dhiilood oo daal ka muuqday.

Welcome home son, all is forgiven. ;)

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^^ :D



He won't be tried for a treason? Remind me who is sitting in the dungeon for a treason? Buurmadow...that is it, the traditional leader whose love for peace with his neighbors made him numero uno enemy of the state!


Just does not add up pal!

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^^^I still don't know which way the king was pissing, do you? :cool:


BTW, when will the pro-Puntland media break the Dhiilood story, they still haven't touched the story regarding the jailing of Deputy Sports Minister and his crew. :confused:

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^^U have point on the pissing analogy. But if PL had him in the dugeon just like u had the good Boqor, the pissing scenario would not come into play ;) right?


Tell u what! free the Boqor and let us see whether he "pisses" from the outside into the tent or not :D till then save me the....

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Boqor Cismaan will get his day in court and I hope he gets justice unlike Suldan Hurre, if you still remember him.

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baashi what on earth are you talking about c can you not read when mudane (cawil) made theses wild allegations which are without any evidence or logic he was not blaming siilaanyo for committing mass graves but for being behind the killings of two snm mujahids muj:Adan shiine and i forgot the other mujahids name.But these were the reasons so i suggest you get your facts right.

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I say this is a big boost for the politically beleaguered Riyaale. Big boost.


The Wesley Clark and Howard Dean of Somaliland politics can only wait and watch helplessly as Riyaale scores another victory in the Somaliland political arena.

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