Game changer

Somaliland should have 6 powerful governors !

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We should dismantle the guurti and office of president as well.   Instead it's better if we  introduce new system in which each region can elect Their own governor.  Collectively  they are the EXECUTIVE Committee  or golaha ( golaha fulinta)   their term can be extended to 12 years , they can choose  one among themselves for every 2 years as the head of state. 

This system  brings the only one thing we need the most,  'stability' it removes the feeling that someone and his community are mis using power  , how ever every thing else will remain Centralised.  somalida tuhun baa waalay.     Kuwaa hadhaw intay mid doqona   kusoo darsadan golaha fulinta odhan doona  waa nala khiyaamayey.😃    . 

Anagu hadaanu bariga burco Nahay 2 qodob ba diyaar baanu u Nahay in system ka hada jira la difaaco oo ilkaha laga daadiyo wixii lidi Ku ah , in system ka lagu bedelo mid Ka fiican sida Kan aan hada soo jeediyey oo kale . Rag waxa u liita midaan arina keenin aqbal na hayn.  










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1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Thats madness no we should have a president but the term should be always ten years. 



We tried and it never worked effectively.   Our social structure encourages  talo wadaag, so why not let every clan/region elect their own representative at the executive committee.  We don't even need political parties since we have no Idiologal differences . Candidates can compete independently. All we need is to upgrade the educational requirements of the candidate to PHD level , in this way we can put our most educated ones at the top level.

Reer walba kooda ugu cilmiga badan buu keenaya gaal iyo Islam wuxu doono ha ahaadee . Hadiiba dhaliili timaado lixdooda oo isku dhanba dhaliisha yeelanaya.   Reer reer Ka cabanaya ma jiri doonto , iyo asxaab boolatiigaysa midna , qof walba as a muwaadin xor ahbu dhaliili kara ama taageeri kara nimanka xukunka haya. Region walbaana wuxu la xisaabtami karaa oo keliya baarlamaankooda.   Gudiga fulinta waxa la murmi kara oo keliya baarlamaanka oo Ka wakiila shacabka .


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Laangaab yadaasi  yagu  meesha caqli iyo cilmina toona Kuma karkariyan , ee inay Isku baroor darsadaan bay Somalia online u joogaan.  Waaryaadhen waxa la yidhi islaamaha  hablaha guda  intay gudo naago kale Ka shaqaynayan , bay gudahooda dayacaan.     Jamhuuriyada waa u talinayna  ee tiina ha ilaawina.  

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1 hour ago, Game changer said:

We don't even need political parties since we have no Ideologic differences

That is the only true message in your idea. You forgot even to say 5 governors. Saaxil isn't a region, it is a fake. 

You guys forgot that the only way the project reached thus far was by tribal consensus. This was the most centralized system in the world. The parliament is in name only, they never debated a budget or rejected one since Rayaale left. 

Why even elect the mayor since he could be suspended or selected by the interior ministry. The governor is now just like Xogayaha xisbiga, at least kuwii kacaanku awood ayey lahaayeen ay wax ku qabtaan. 

Mid inadaarkaa ah oo gaajeysan ayaa waxa uu iibiyey xafiiskii governorka Awdal. He doesn't even have an office for a while.

I was debating the other day some guys who wanted to save the project this late time where the horses had left the barn. They said , Why not every region elect  their governors, form their government, collect their taxes, build their infrastructure and just be under the ambarella of Somaliland.?

I said if you collect the taxes and use for your own, how are you going to pay the 50 ministers and their fake departments?

System la difaacaa ma yaale, start from scratch. Holding elections for 13 parties is out of the question. Even if Cirro is elected, he is surrounded by Hirsi ( 50 jir $50 million haysta) and the corrupt old guard.

Sida keliya ee ay ku jiri karto waa in gebigeedaba anaga nalagu wereejiyo, waa haddii aad rabtaan in aad noolaataan. I am joking, the best way to dissolve the project and organize a new shir. 

Coleyba anagu waan baxayna mar dhaw.





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15 hours ago, galbeedi said:

That is the only true message in your idea. You forgot even to say 5 governors. Saaxil isn't a region, it is a fake. 

You guys forgot that the only way the project reached thus far was by tribal consensus. This was the most centralized system in the world. The parliament is in name only, they never debated a budget or rejected one since Rayaale left. 

Why even elect the mayor since he could be suspended or selected by the interior ministry. The governor is now just like Xogayaha xisbiga, at least kuwii kacaanku awood ayey lahaayeen ay wax ku qabtaan. 

Mid inadaarkaa ah oo gaajeysan ayaa waxa uu iibiyey xafiiskii governorka Awdal. He doesn't even have an office for a while.

I was debating the other day some guys who wanted to save the project this late time where the horses had left the barn. They said , Why not every region elect  their governors, form their government, collect their taxes, build their infrastructure and just be under the ambarella of Somaliland.?

I said if you collect the taxes and use for your own, how are you going to pay the 50 ministers and their fake departments?

System la difaacaa ma yaale, start from scratch. Holding elections for 13 parties is out of the question. Even if Cirro is elected, he is surrounded by Hirsi ( 50 jir $50 million haysta) and the corrupt old guard.

Sida keliya ee ay ku jiri karto waa in gebigeedaba anaga nalagu wereejiyo, waa haddii aad rabtaan in aad noolaataan. I am joking, the best way to dissolve the project and organize a new shir. 

Coleyba anagu waan baxayna mar dhaw.





Anagu hadaba wixii baxaba waa laynayna si badheedha oo cad.  Hala kala adkaado.  Weligayana anagu system ka somaliland Ka bixi mayno ,  in fact we gonna use it's resources rightfully to abuse the enemies of the state.

Soomalidana waad taqaaniin Ka wax dilaya wax la waydiiya.  Hadaanu Cid u naxariisanayno qurjiilaha baanu nabad gelin lahayn , anaga waxa naga go,an  in 100% geeska oo dhan ololo ama in dadka loo abuuro nolol iyo nidaam Ka fiican ta aynu maanta haysano.  The choice is yours saaxiibayal.

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On 7/30/2023 at 4:11 PM, galbeedi said:

That is the only true message in your idea. You forgot even to say 5 governors. Saaxil isn't a region, it is a fake. 

You guys forgot that the only way the project reached thus far was by tribal consensus. This was the most centralized system in the world. The parliament is in name only, they never debated a budget or rejected one since Rayaale left. 

Why even elect the mayor since he could be suspended or selected by the interior ministry. The governor is now just like Xogayaha xisbiga, at least kuwii kacaanku awood ayey lahaayeen ay wax ku qabtaan. 

Mid inadaarkaa ah oo gaajeysan ayaa waxa uu iibiyey xafiiskii governorka Awdal. He doesn't even have an office for a while.

I was debating the other day some guys who wanted to save the project this late time where the horses had left the barn. They said , Why not every region elect  their governors, form their government, collect their taxes, build their infrastructure and just be under the ambarella of Somaliland.?

I said if you collect the taxes and use for your own, how are you going to pay the 50 ministers and their fake departments?

System la difaacaa ma yaale, start from scratch. Holding elections for 13 parties is out of the question. Even if Cirro is elected, he is surrounded by Hirsi ( 50 jir $50 million haysta) and the corrupt old guard.

Sida keliya ee ay ku jiri karto waa in gebigeedaba anaga nalagu wereejiyo, waa haddii aad rabtaan in aad noolaataan. I am joking, the best way to dissolve the project and organize a new shir. 

Coleyba anagu waan baxayna mar dhaw.





Somali’s tend to confuse a couple of things, and I fear that we will remain in this endless loop of backwardness till we start defining the scope of issues a bit better and seperate 

1. First of all, one doesn’t need to destroy what is there in order to improve or to build on something better. There is a tendency among Somali’s to think that one needs to first destroy in order to build. Its that destructive behaviour why we have been unable to build institutions, because even if you start something completely new, why do you think the next generations will maintain it and won’t repeat the same and restart destructive cycle that has set the precedence? 

2. There is a genuine need for people to have a greater say and role in the development of their locality and region. Its called devolution or decentralisation, and one should debate it as such. But electing or having a new Central Great man at the helm on whatever governance level won’t lead to that development, as it doesn’t address the central issue for people to have a greater say. Electing regional strong Governors or regional Presidents’ is just creating a new layer of centralisation and administrative burden, which will only lead to further ineffective administration that wont address itself the core issue of development.

e.g. the example of Somalia’s FMS is a good example of what not to do, where each region you have more then two dozens of Ministries waiting for their office to be build, to be staffed, salaries paid, get budgets,  and this is even before a single school, hospital or basic service has been delivered in their regions. 

3. The ‘Wa baxnayna ama taginaa’ mentality. Irrelevant of what governance structure is adopted (Independence, Federal State, Autonomous, Provincial government, municipality, metropolitaan, etc), nobody is going anywhere, as much of the interest of peoples, specially those neighbouring eachother are interdependent and will always remain intertwined, no matter what politics is adopted. And ignoring this interdependence is actually deceptive because it also means you won’t be able to address things separately and neither solve common issues and problems. Next to that your communal neighbors will remain there as neighboring community, the sooner one realizes that the sooner one can start solving the political and governance differences and one can’t prevent inflicting unnecessary collateral damage. 

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This system works we just need to make the president term to be 10 years and the parliament every 15 years less elections and less headaches

and the three parties works fine it worked for decades 

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18 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

This system works we just need to make the president term to be 10 years and the parliament every 15 years less elections and less headaches

and the three parties works fine it worked for decades 

What the hell???

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17 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Thats better instead of elections every five years



We would lose our democracy in the eyes of the world and destroy any path towards U.N membership. You need to think carefully before changing the system and what this could bring. 

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Our next (New)  president must start the process of changing this unstable system.   Based on proper research.  We should take a system that's fair to all of our different communities, a system that costs less to run effectively without mudo kordhin .   

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6 hours ago, AhmedGuled said:

We would lose our democracy in the eyes of the world and destroy any path towards U.N membership. You need to think carefully before changing the system and what this could bring. 

Why are you surprised on this line of thinking? It’s clear Xunjuf doesn’t want an open and democratic system but rather would become an informal and unrecognised autocratic state, a combination of Transnistria and Djibouti of sorts. A sort of hub run as an efficient maffia cartel,  without all of that rule of law and state recognition, as that only would lead to all sorts of formal, legal obligations, commitments and accountability.

Who needs all of that if you can have the cake and eat it, without ever having to pay any price or dues for it.  😂 

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