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What freadom of choice huh!!!!!!!!

since when selling your beauty became freadom of choice that's what these countries use to degrate women body and to dehumiliate woman kind

to the poster

abaayadiis......i would suggest you to show them you got more than beauty going on for you...what happened to being proud and not becoming some object people pay money to watch

use that brain of yours sis and always know your parents what only what's best for you






"Prayer is man's greatest means of trapping the infinite resources of God."


- J. Edgar Hoover

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Miss L it all comes down to you in the end so my advice to you follow your heart


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W'sup MissL,

I'm sure you're beautiful as alot of our nomad sisters are. However, I wouldn't be suprised if a non-somali tells you "you should be a model" since this society is based on image image and image!!! Do u get it? It's a big business and alot of products are dependant on models....or else how would it get consumers money?

Realize that alot of folks from here get their self worth from how they look, the way they dress, and most of all the kind of attention people give them. Whatever happened to appreciating one's inner beauty.


After that long essay, here's my advice to you:

If studying natural sciences isn't your desire, its never too late to change your major and to fulfill your dreams. Just try to convince your parents and am sure they can't force you to do something you dislike. Just read about some of the models you see all the time. They have or had alot of personal problems as a result ranging from drugs to depression. I wish you all the luck.


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illaahay ka baq oo ha is qaawin...MODEL=NAKED=KAALAY AAN ZINAYSANEE SOO watch a doctor and safe lives rather than destorying them..






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You should go for it, and get it out of your system once and for all. then do what your family wants you to do. at least in that case you will never have to wonder what you missed.

Second, I am warning you it is the toughest business to get in, once you get in you will encounter a lot of nasty people, drug addicts, fags, *****s with catty attitude, men who want to sleep with you, did I mention drugs, and alcohol will be part of your life, no matter how strong you are at the time, that is what you will end up using.


The pay is good, if you lucky, if not the

you will not find much work, it is a great part time job, that is if you want to avoid the naked pictures, the alcohols, the drugs, you can always became one of your local models, you will do catalog modeling, it is decent, you will only be showing the clothes most people wear everyday,you can always say no to swim suits. you will do local shows, like big department stores sometimes do Modeling shows, they pay $300-$500 a day. but we are talking about you will only work once a month if you are lucky.


If you need more info let me know PM me.



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Give me u r nimber sis, no just kidding.

Sis i have answer, beyond be leave.

But, i don't want to waiste my time, cause I don't beleave you.Put your picture up, To show to the mases if u r that confident about u r look.

Pehapes the doc can help u with the answer to the question and a little bit of raw romance yes sisy.

Anyway 1 love macaanto!

ow i forgot, please suw u r teacher for me, tell him the Dr said he will hunt ur peaterphile ass.

A 1000 kisses i leave u with macaanto!

Hey send me a private nomadic message to talk!

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I think you already made up your mind about modeling a long time ago, and now you are in modeling school. So the issue is not if you should model or not but rather if you should tell your parents or not and here is my advice.


1) Now that your parents have always been your parents and guided you so far and would like you to achieve the highest/noble profession on this world. They'll always be there for you no matter what. It is dishonest that you have kept them in the dark about your modeling school. There is nothing worest then hurting your parents this way.


2)If your parents' love/respect mean nothing to you by all means go do what you like to do, but you'll never succeed without their blessings.


Beauty is respecting your parents and family, and respect is not having secrets.


Good luck!!

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miss first of all thank allah everyday u wake for tha beauty he gave u.


but i really think that beauty doesn't last that long.yeah is nice to stand in front of tha camera and just smile and get paid for big time. but their is more in life than just money.


i don't know if u realising it but u have a for more greatfuller thang gived by allah. that is your brain.that most beautifull thang that allah has given us.if ur intelligent please use that.

coz if ur model ppl will see u as a pretty one will take u serious..u know just like tha movie legale blond.but if u become a doctor everyone will respect ya (not that they don't respect u now) but u know what i mean. u will get a higher status, and u can help ur ppl, with tha gift u have given by allah.AND we need eductaded sistahz and specially when it comes to heatlh.


SO i hope u make up your mind.and i wish good luck

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It is nice to get paid by looking good, but I have tried and I have to stop for just one simple reason, I can't sleep with almos every body and that is what they told me I had to face. They said sleep with all the big guys if you want to have a good future.

I said NO, I can live with out y'll


So just be who u r, don't sell you soul/body

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Well Miss L, every time a girl asks me that questions (quite common), the first things I do is inspect if she really is modeling material, so in that tradition I ask that you do some modeling for us right here, so that we may better be able to advice you in this quite important matter.

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I realize I have posted here before and I siad do what you want to do after all it is YOUR life

but if you want to be a model so badly ypu should go to the model search america open call ( the free interview) and if your a potential model they will make you stay and if your not they will dismiss you, then after two monthes they have a modelling convention where all the agencies all over the world and casting producers and directors go under one roof. The good thing about it is if you have potetial you can be discoverd by the biggest agenices and its only a weekend so if you want to be a model badly enough do that and stop posting of how you want to be a model in other words stop looking for opinions its your choice after all

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I'm not going pretend that I have all the answers, but I do have an opinion and that is what you're looking for after all. So here it is, DON'T DO IT! My sister, I have no doubt that you are a beautiful girl, but beauty only lasts so long. If you disregard everything your parents and Islam have ever taught you in order to enter the modeling business, I guarantee that you will regret it later, I don't speak from experience, but it is simple logic. In the end, you will be shunned by your community because you will be seen as a sell out because as you already know, it is xaram. You need to exceed people's physical expectations and show them that yes, you are good looking, but you are so much more than that otherwise people will look down on you your whole life. So sweetie from one Somali girl to another, all I can say is use the brain that Allah gave you and do him and your people proud. I wish you all the best.

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First thnx Allah 4 giving u Dat beauty...


Now let me tell u a true Story...couple of months ago me and friend of mine where in Shopping Mall in New Orleans. And a lady at clerk asked us where we from, and after we told her we are from Somalia. the lady didn't know where Somalia was but her Coworker told her its Da same place as Iman Da Model is from. And if u where there u wouldn't believe Da expressions of our faces after, the girl at the Clark Said that, she was saying as if we should have been proud of Iman's accomplishment. But, she is some one who lost what eve moral viper she was born with and married to a fag.

You see we live in a world Dat only the once Dat are close to their faith and are strong can survive. In this Society they want us to believe dat Modeling is a profession, where u sell ur beauty and where almost every one who is involve is either a Fag or has no sense of morals. So my advice to you is don't do it cuz even wat eva satisfaction you'll get from it is only Temporary. cuz, people do modeling for a short time while their body is still fresh after Dat they don't need u and you'll be left with taking pictures Dat only degrade u for the rest of your life.


I am out!


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