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Student suspended for wearing Hijab!

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They let her back in school, After CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations)had contacted them and explained to them that hijab was part of our deen.


Whether its their country or not, we are living in it, and we have the same rights as they do. No one is telling them how to dress, even though they almost walk half naked. It was never a problem until France situation become widely known, and they are trying to implement the same thing here, and I personally dont thing is ever going to happen.

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Those french faggots make me sick!. I feel disgusted that the most civilized girls in the school are being treated in this way!. What they want is for them to where mini skirts and to reveal their hair!. Thats why the highest peodophile ring is believde to be in France!. Makes me proud to be from UK!.





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I repeat it is their country, i mean islamic commission, supreme court DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THE GIVE A REMOTE DAMN ABOUT A MUSLIMS WOMANS RIGHT TO WEAR HIJAB.




I beg to differ.Its not for them to give a damn about our women's(musLim)rights because they are entitLed to their rights just Like everyone eLse and yes if they want to harass(dress code) us then they wiLL be deaLt with even if it means taking to the supreme court.And Like Ameenah said this being their country is debateabLe.


Besides these gaaLos are sickoz...very irrationaL peopLe.Heres and exampLe:When did what type of undergarment you wear become a schooL poLicy because i remember an incident(articLe) where the schooL principaL was checking the girLs under garments in front of everybody...asking them to Lift their dresses and skirts so that she can view-akhaasss!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: <---this is supposed to be a schooL poLicy...puhLeazzz they are just sick period. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Makes me proud to be from UK!.

Don't let them fool you brother, the British have done far more damage to the Muslims than the French could ever dream of.


Trust me, the British are the big daddy of them all, not even the USA has reached their level (only because they are late runners in the game).


It's always uplifting to see the actions of groups such as CAIR.

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hey ameenah and Lucky,


ameenah first of all as intreasting as it is sometimes to argue about the U.S.A really being the whites man country, and watching the red necks get all flustered , if you are even 1% doubtfull of that please stop reading the thread.


you said that the United states is bound by human rights, again i wonder if you have not being paying attention to the course of history for the past 50 years, human rights ala the U.N and liberalism is used to promote sexual perversion, it is a front for the attack on the family unit the building blocks of any society, it actively protects and promotes deviations and abominations.


If you think me hysterical, then consider the greatest human rights document, the united nations human rights resolution of 1965, this document has been used to accuse muslim countries such as iran and saudi arabia, of human rights violations.




> because of polygamy (which has to be stamped out)

> freedom of worship (muslim countrys are not welcoming enough to evangelical riff-raff and free masons)

> sexual deviants( we as muslims do not actively protect and promote homoseuality)


As a muslim how could you support such "HUMAN RIGHTS" how could you live in a country that ascribes to such human rights, but you see ameenah you do so as i do and like i said let go of the righteous indignation and talk of non-existent human rights.


Finaly i would like to know what you would do if this case went to the supreme court and it was declared by some abtuse legal reasoning and according to fundamental human rights that the young girl's wearing of hijab in school is an attack on the others student rights.

what would you do?


to lucky:

I agree with you that galoos are sickos, but again i state it is their country to do with as they see fit.


You talk of a womans fundamental rights, in the U.S as in the west a womans rights is as it has been legislated to be so.


picture this the year 2004 dirty nuclear bomb explodes in miami killing and maiming 3,000,000. it is proven to have been set off by an al-qaeda cell. beards are cut off and legislation is enacted to remove the terrorist threat once and for all. Tell me where your human rights and lol islamic commision will be then?


It maybe far fetched but people are a little too confident with an american dream that has been built on their gullibilty.


concerning the dirty bomb it has been ascertained by a U.N commision that the russians have lost 43 suitcase seized bombsscince the fall of the U.S.S.R.



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^^ Oh bless...we have amongst us a more paranoid conspiracy theorist than even I!


**Bee waves excitedly at LIQAYE** :D:D


I agree that as Muslims living in a Non-Muslim country, we should expect a certain amount of abuse, no matter how democratic or fair that country is. To a large extent tho, what determines the degree of abuse is the size and organisational level of the Muslim Community in that country. A well-represented and well-organised Muslim community can keep abuses against Muslims to a minimum, by using whatever tools available to them....which in this case is Human Rights and similar legislations. I think this is the point Ameenah/Lucky are making. smile.gif

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lol@conspiracy theorist


Big up LIQAYE still...


I think in our world, you're either a conspiracy theorist or you're ignorant (whether you choose to be or not). I say this because ain't no such thing as human rights. The West is famous for double standards. They want to criticize Iran and China etc for a horrible human rights record. But they don't dare look at their own behaviors. Its saddening to see some of you have fallen into this trap.

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The UK in the past committed crimes and the govt will always do so since they are non-Muslims but sista trust me in the UK, I never heard of such a case as this smile.gif And these people call themselves civilised and people who support freedom :confused:


The Dress code here is flexible. No one gives monkeys what anyone else is wearing, in reality the people are too busy trying to get places in a busy world.


At all universities whether prestige or not you will sometimes see women who are wearing almost nothing and other times some women with full hijaab, khimaar, niqaab n the full works :D


This doesnt mean UK is a rosy place, far from it but hey meeshan waa meel ilbaxday, there are anti-discriminatory laws hence why we see many ethnic groups here getting on with their lives :cool:


I just feel sorry for us, living in the west and our country in a state of ruins whereby even they would rob you of your macawiis n' koofiyad :eek:


Peace Out...Mujahid

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Bee i understand what you mean and you have made their argument much clearer, but in the final analysis what matters is what the west calls spirit of the times or zeitgeist, and i hope that all muslims not only somalis understand that we are out side of the spirit of the times ....for a the lack of a better word ..our belifs and religious observances are becoming more and more redundant..and to Joe Public we are becoming more and more sinister.


As an example the last i heard in U.K the traditional way of slautering halal meat was an affront to animal DIGNITY!!!!


A commision of inquiry has even ruled that halal foods as well as kosher foods should be banned.


Were are all the rights of millions of muslim britons? to eat what they want to eat and prepare according to their custom and religious practices?


In the paraphrased words of a socialist




again can people stop talking about laws and constitutions , as men have made them so can they be unmade to handle new threats to civilisation.....uhhm if you havent yet got it that is you and me.

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Allah, hogaayeey. Not only am I being accused of promoting the UN Convention I am also ignorant :eek: I should just go and bury myself.


But before that :D



wow! Walaal you have covered so many issues in your response, I'm finding it hard to decide which angle to approach your theories.


I personaly see this Hijaab case separately to what is happening in the Muslim world and the UN convention. There is a differnce between a Muslim living in the west and one that lives in a Muslim country...the laws are different - obviously!!


Firts, of all this is a case where a Muslim living in a kaafir state is being refused their right to practice their religion. A Muslim is being stopped from worshiping Allah.


In your line of thinking, your saying as long as we are in their countries they can tell us what to do. They have the right to dictate how a Muslimah should dress, they have the right ask you to stop worshipping Allah and we are to sit there and take it like dogz. If thats your arguement walaal. Than aniga iyo adiga are not in the same planet.


What I am saying is, that since we are living in their countries and are bound under their laws. See, if you got burgaled you'd use their judical system right? If a member of your family was murdered you also use their judical system. Now, why shouldn't we use their laws when our rights are being hampered with? What makes harrasing a sister (beacuse being refused to wear hijab is a form of harrasment) any lesser crime?


Liqaye, it is so easy for you to sit there and condemn people for standing up to gaaloda by beating them with their own laws BUT you fail to provide a solution for the problem.


What other options does she have? She can migrate to a Muslim country - not always an easy option besides she could be an American convert and that changes the things slightly.

She can just go home and sob about the victimisation of the muslims in the west. Perhaps, she can wait till she graduates and move to a Muslim country where she can start being a Muslim again. Or she can do a 'Malcolm X' and send that moron of a head teacher to an early grave - I personaly would like the later :D;) -- what would you do?


As for the UN Convention. I didn't once refer to it, so I find your accusation of my promoting it rather amusing. The only refernce I made to Human Rights legislations was with regards to the hijab case. I remeber saying something about consisting of laws that contradict the shariiciyah and that the shariiyah was superior in another topic....!!


As for the state of the Muslim world. Walaal, it might be tempting to sit back and play the victime but the truth of the matter is we are weak because we choose to be. America and the west are only making the most of a situation created by the Muslim world. This reminds me of that hadiith of the Prophet (saw) nations will attack you like a dish.. when asked if it was because of our small number, He said it was due to us loving the world and hating death....


You can either do something to change the situation or keep writing conspiracy theories.... me personaly is not a keen writer :D

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Salaams sister ameenah,


First I have not called you ignorant, and if you were to read my post you would see that I have not said you supported the U,N Convention, I was atempting to make clear to you that what YOU hold as human rights and what is held to be HUMAN RIGHTS by the lawyers , jurists , politicians and public of the countries we live in are two very diffrent things.


There is a saying that goes, one cannot hold down something with out holding down the adjoining, conversley one cannot speak about human rights with out clarifying what it means.

That is only reason why I brought up the issue of the U.N document which is the final document of human rights law in the west , therefore to understand this document and the various applications it has had on muslim counties and peoples scince its inception I think was called for.


I personaly see this Hijaab case separately to what is happening in the Muslim world and the UN convention. There is a differnce between a Muslim living in the west and one that lives in a Muslim country...the laws are different - obviously!!

There fore again i think it was called for to clarify your position.


The laws are diffrent(which incidentally has been my point all along)...indeed they are, they legislated by representatives of the american public, a public which if it does not subscribe to MORAL MAJIORITY antics or the rhetoric of RUSH LIMBAUGH are supporters of liberal human rights, rights which unfortunately mean both nothing to the cumulative leadership of the unitedstates and are directly opposite to what muslims consider to be fundamental human rights.


What I am saying is, that since we are living in their countries and are bound under their laws. See, if you got burgaled you'd use their judical system right? If a member of your family was murdered you also use their judical system. Now, why shouldn't we use their laws when our rights are being hampered with? What makes harrasing a sister (beacuse being refused to wear hijab is a form of harrasment) any lesser crime?

Yes we are living in THEIR countries and we have to use their JUDICIAL system, again you come up with the idea of using their law's, laws which however way you view them are a detriment to muslims way of life in THEIR country.


What I am saying is, that since we are living in their countries and are bound under their laws. See, if you got burgaled you'd use their judical system right? If a member of your family was murdered you also use their judical system. Now, why shouldn't we use their laws when our rights are being hampered with? What makes harrasing a sister (beacuse being refused to wear hijab is a form of harrasment) any lesser crime?

So in the first part you agree and in the second part you are implying (to be kind) that I do not view it as an act of harrasment!

Again you use the word crime a legal terminology one that i can easily leagislate if the social enviroment is tense enoigh and joe public willing enough to cover "THAT LITTLE DISH CLOTH ALL THOSE AYRABS PUT ON THEIR HEADS".


Liqaye, it is so easy for you to sit there and condemn people for standing up to gaaloda by beating them with their own laws BUT you fail to provide a solution for the problem

I did not codemn anybody and as a short term solution it is slightly effective.

But again are muslims really expecting to entrust their religious and cultural wellbeing to Western laws???(feel free to answer this oft reapeted question)


America and the west are only making the most of a situation created by the Muslim world. This reminds me of that hadiith of the Prophet (saw) nations will attack you like a dish.. when asked if it was because of our small number, He said it was due to us loving the world and hating death....

I find it gratifying that you have quoted this hadith because it logically leads to two questions....Is allowing once self to be misled by misinterpretated and tainted western notions such as Human rihts the same as loving life.


And the most important one to my mind why really did the chicken cross the road. :D

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I did not codemn anybody and as a short term solution it is slightly effective.

Aameen to that! Not only is she now wearing hijaab but the school is also aware of islamic rulings with regards to dress smile.gif



And the most important one to my mind why really did the chicken cross the road.

I dunno. Was it being chased by Americans? :D


I have no inclination to explain myself further- lets just agree to disagree.. or we'll be going round in circles for months.....


Salaams and Ramadaan Kariim to you smile.gif

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