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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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Only when the topic is from the Daily Mail. :D

I've been trying to get it banned from the office.

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hello sheh.


anigu i try to be polite, some are nice. but the usual monday updates can be scary.

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get it banned, N!


hi, Juxa. Mondays are bad enough without having to hear about the personal lives of people you don't give a beep about.

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^^ gosh you are mean.


2min of your time wont harm


it is so quite qolkeyga, tii qeylada badneed baa kumaqan fasax. i love summer holidays

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Talking at work for the sake of talking - is it an art?


Here are the usual topics at work:


- So and so is terrible and we are better than so and so.


- The search for a good relationship while sleeping with every candidate.


- Last nights scores of the game?




- The dress and the shoes and the new dress and shoes and the dress and the shoes to wear next monday. :rolleyes:

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Talking about talking at work, is it tiresome?


Look people, we get it. You all have nice cushy office jobs were the biggest work hazard is dying of boredom listening to Betty describe her poodle's hemorrhoid issues while filing TPS reports. It's not like you offer anything profound when your time comes up to chip in your two cents anyway. All you do is describe how your genius son is also a prodigy at soccer and gosh it's a miracle he's even alive considering he had a terrible ear infection just a month ago! Wanna see a picture? Or 20?


Ahem, sorry, had to get that out of the way. How is everyone doing on this fine Monday afternoon/evening?

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Morning Peeps ,,,,



The Somaliland's new President has just been sworn in ..... the whole city was in tense this morning as some of the main roads were closed.


Now i'm here ,, at work ,, basically doing nothing but sipping a coffee and looking at the window to feel the change ,,,, hahahaha

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