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Four-Track Mind!

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Rahima: calm down sis.


This ain’t worst than Tampon User and Butt Firm Exercise. The latter is nastier than Xabad Sowdaa and polygamy.

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That loyalty and obedience are prerequisite for successful and healthy marriage is no point of moot, I assert, and hence not the source of your discontent. It is the manly style and the seemingly colorful manner by which it was delivered that had you disgorge! It would’ve been much better had I indicated that faithfulness is a two way street. Fair?

I think I like you Mr. Xiin :D . Love how you nailed the reason for my discontent.


Now that that has been settled I shall get over my grievance of your part, but I still call for a men’s forum. Imagine the freedom Xiin, the endless possibilities of topics you could all wallow in without disturbance. Of course we too have benefits from it, but that matters not at the moment. What matters is that you men also have your rights. I say we start the petition; we’ll hang some curtains, lay a few carpets and build a small kitchen for the ever wonderful Somali shaah. Soon enough it will be as cosy as our forum ;) .


Rahima: calm down sis.


This ain’t worst than Tampon User and Butt Firm Exercise. The latter is nastier than Xabad Sowdaa and polygamy.

I think you missed the tone of my post ;) , but oh well.


This is a women’s forum and we will discuss matters of concern to us, whether tampons or butt firming exercises. If you don’t like it then don’t open the thread brother- quiet simple really.

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This is a women’s forum and we will discuss matters of concern to us, whether tampons or butt firming exercises. If you don’t like it then don’t open the thread brother- quiet simple really

So topics in this section have to be started solely by women?


The above topic by Xiin involved women. It contained Loyalty,discipline iyo characteristics of a polygamist[What we call playas in modern faraxland,Tihihi].


You know it might actually be beneficial to some xalimos who do not mind Polygamy. So dont shoot it down yet,just becoz its not appealing to wonderful Rahima:)

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This is a women’s forum and we will discuss matters of concern to us, whether tampons or butt firming exercises. If you don’t like it then don’t open the thread brother- quiet simple really


So topics in this section have to be started solely by women?

Not exactly sure how you came to conclude that from what I wrote :confused: . All I was saying was that this is technically a forum for women so that we can discuss matters of importance to us. For a man to complain about the content (especially as they are relevant issues) is really unnecessary and irrelevant. The topic is not meant for him, so if he finds it offensive then don’t open it because it was not meant for you to begin with.


The above topic by Xiin involved women. It contained Loyalty,discipline iyo characteristics of a polygamist[What we call playas in modern faraxland,Tihihi].


You know it might actually be beneficial to some xalimos who do not mind Polygamy. So dont shoot it down yet,just becoz its not appealing to wonderful Rahima:)

Thank-you for proving my point. Nowadays, Somali polygamists are basically seen as playas rather then caring Muslim men who want to dissolve the dilemma facing the many husbandless Muslimahs :rolleyes: . You said it not I, playas many are.It’s the attitude of our culture to the whole practice of polygyny, which irritates me.


Our culture and in particular our men have warped it into the negative. I remember once watching a muxaadara of Sh. Cumar Farooq and he was basically telling the men that to have just one wife meant that they weren’t real men (when Islam teaches that to stay with one is actually better) and that the man with more wives than you was better. Ever since then, anything to do with women, Sh. Cumar Farooq is branded with red in my books. Sh. Cabdicaziiz Xassan Yacquub and Baqolsoon (Rahimuallaj) are my favourites.


Anyways, I still think that there should be a faraxland on SOL if for any reason then so that we xaliimas can have a break from all of this.

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^The sports section and political section should be combined and named the "Men's Dungeon" :D


Polygamy isnt a bad idea. Who wants a man in your house 24/7? Please go and visit the other three ladies...just make sure to scream the right name. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by

This is a women’s forum and we will discuss matters of concern to us, whether tampons or butt firming exercises. If you don’t like it then don’t open the thread brother- quiet simple really.

I never expressed any dislike of any topic discussed in women’s forum. I believe it was you that was making waves about a valid issue raised by men though it involves women. I was just pointing out that discussions of polygamy is not that horrible compared to Tampons, but I guess men have no say in what's goes on in this part of the forum. I heard you loud and clear.


I could be wrong but I think you’re overreacting and misrepresenting all the women on SOL. I doubt if every one of them feels or holds the same view of polygamy as you. If it bothers you that much, plead with Allah. And please do me a favor and remind me next time to run by you before I post any thing in the women’s corner.


And one last thing, tell me more about the Islamic teachings you've mentioned that supports staying with one wife is better than having more than one.

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Not exactly sure how you came to conclude that from what I wrote

I did not conclude anything, I merely asked a question. What the hell is wrong with people,can yall read??



For a man to complain about the content (especially as they are relevant issues) is really unnecessary and irrelevant.

I dont think comparing two topics[The contents if you must] side by side,consitutes as a complaint.But hey! icon_razz.gif


What we call playas in modern faraxland,Tihihi


This simple line created all this[below]



Thank-you for proving my point. Nowadays, Somali polygamists are basically seen as playas rather then caring Muslim men who want to dissolve the dilemma facing the many husbandless Muslimahs . You said it not I, playas many are.It’s the attitude of our culture to the whole practice of polygyny, which irritates me.


Our culture and in particular our men have warped it into the negative. I remember once watching a muxaadara of Sh. Cumar Farooq and he was basically telling the men that to have just one wife meant that they weren’t real men (when Islam teaches that to stay with one is actually better) and that the man with more wives than you was better. Ever since then, anything to do with women, Sh. Cumar Farooq is branded with red in my books. Sh. Cabdicaziiz Xassan Yacquub and Baqolsoon (Rahimuallaj) are my favourites

Walle men & Women are different. smile.gif


My apologies dearest. Koob shah? ;)

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LOL I think Rahima's got an ego problem...The male ego, that is!! :D


C'mon sis, you don't have to throw these sweeping generalizations at anyone who mentions polygamy. Like I elaborated upon in the other thread, there's more than just ego involved when marrying another wife, at least for some of us. For the others who aren't concerned with the Islamic aspect of polygamy, they might as well just cheat instead of marrying another one because they're doing it for the wrong reasons.

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Originally posted by Ducaqabe:

You seem to know what you're talking about. Speaking from experiences??

Maxaa tiraahday? experience(s) Waad ceeboowday!


It was just 99% natural talent, and 1% luck. :D

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^^Natural talent, indeed :D .


Get off Rahima’s back you disgruntled Faaraxs :D , I say! The sister has every right to claim her real state back. Who wants roaming Faaraxs in their midst, I ask? Especially when the likes of Xiin, super sonic Xiin that is, start dolling out tips to implement polygamy plan.


On a more serious note, polygamy is admitted and not encouraged. It is not your cup of tea. It comes with strict rules that few living Muslim men could meet. It is supposed to be a social solution, and not a satisfaction for sexual surge. No matter how tempting is the notion of sleeping with multiple Xalaal wives, I for one think the emotional risks and the instability it causes out weights the pleasure one gets out of it. The wisdom of marriage, as the Qur’an points out, is two; to continue the gene of humanity without descending to an animalistic norm and to create emotional stability between the two genders. As long you could achieve those two objectives the drive for more wives needs to come to a halt.That is if you live with in the bounds of a Muslim country.


If you, however, live in the West, as I do, polygamy should remain fantasy, I say. For if you practice it you’re recklessly risking too much to loose, if you understand its legal ramifications that is. Ad hoc contracts would not work so don’t try to entertain them. If you’re childless and your spouse is unable to conceive, and you determined to have a child (though that’s in Gods hand), a smooth legal release from your spouse is the way to go. To scoff the law in your host country is not a wise exercise. It is a self-termination of sort.


Having said all that, I am not foolishly exempting my self from the enjoyment and delight of having multiple loyal girls :D (of course with an Islamic sanction). But it would be after a long and hard thinking, I promise!

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^^^ long n hard, indeed be careful you maybe a grey head before your days. :D


Interesting read, arent the things he proposed, fruit, honey... part and parcel of a healthy living. Nothing new, really or special for polygamy.


So whats this connection with Habaa Sawda?. I know it has many benefits but never knew its widely used in our community. And how to they use it? Read some interesting stuff(Islamic medicine) but no measurements provided. Benefits of Habaa sawdah- Black seed

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Get off
Rahima’s back you disgruntled Faaraxs
, I say!

Hey, she checked out the thread in the first place and placed her comments! If she doesn't wanna hear us talk about polygamy she shoulda left it alone.

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^^^But remember, good Liibaan, in this piece of real state females rule and we should be good and behaving guests or risk to face the proposed exile to that barren land. :D


The choice is clear, saaxiib.

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I never expressed any dislike of any topic discussed in women’s forum.

Really because I thought by calling the topic nasty you are expressing a dislike. To make a comparison of nastiness, one is referring to both as nasty just in varying degrees.


I believe it was you that was making waves about a valid issue raised by men though it involves women.

Once again you missed the tone of my original post. Xiin understood very well.


That said who says that the topic of tampons is horrible? Like I said women’s forum and it is an issue relevant to us. And please let’s not get overly sensitive and cry foul about men supposedly not being allowed to partake or whatever-that was not mentioned.


I doubt if every one of them feels or holds the same view of polygamy as you. If it bothers you that much, plead with Allah. And please do me a favor and remind me next time to run by you before I post any thing in the women’s corner.

What I find most amusing is how you are misrepresenting (I wonder if purposefully) my point. I have no qualms with polygyny itself, just as it applies to my life personally and the way it is misused. Anyway this is beyond ridiculous, plead with Allah he says. You know I don’t very much like discussing issues with individuals who seem hell bent on twisting things so I think we should leave that before it rears an ugly head.


And one last thing, tell me more about the Islamic teachings you've mentioned that supports staying with one wife is better than having more than one.

Allah's statement,

[مَثْنَى ÙˆÙŽØ«Ùلَـثَ وَرÙبَاعَ]

(two or three, or four), means, marry as many women as you like, other than the orphan girls, two, three or four. We should mention that Allah's statement in another Ayah,


[جَاعÙل٠الْمَلَـئÙكَة٠رÙسÙلاً Ø£ÙوْلÙÙ‰ أَجْنÙحَة٠مَّثْنَى ÙˆÙŽØ«Ùلَـثَ وَرÙبَـعَ]

(Who made the angels messengers with wings, - two or three or four) [35:1], does not mean that other angels do not have more than four wings, as there are proofs that some angels do have more wings. Yet, men are prohibited from marrying more than four wives, as the Ayah decrees, since the Ayah specifies what men are allowed of wives, as Ibn `Abbas and the majority of scholars stated. If it were allowed for them to have more than four wives, the Ayah would have mentioned it. Imam Ahmad recorded that Salim said that his father said that Ghilan bin Salamah Ath-Thaqafi had ten wives when he became Muslim, and the Prophet said to him, "Choose any four of them (and divorce the rest).'' During the reign of `Umar, Ghilan divorced his remaining wives and divided his money between his children. When `Umar heard news of this, he said to Ghilan, "I think that the devil has conveyed to your heart the news of your imminent death, from what the devil hears during his eavesdropping. It may as well be that you will not remain alive but for a little longer. By Allah! You will take back your wives and your money, or I will take possession of this all and will order that your grave be stoned as is the case with the grave of Abu Righal (from Thamud, who was saved from their fate because he was in the Sacred Area. But, when he left it, he was tormented like they were).'' Ash-Shafi`i, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ad-Daraqutni and Al-Bayhaqi collected this Hadith up to the Prophet's statement, "Choose any four of them.'' Only Ahmad collected the full version of this Hadith. Therefore, had it been allowed for men to marry more than four women at the same time, the Prophet would have allowed Ghilan to keep more than four of his wives since they all embraced Islam with him. When the Prophet commanded him to keep just four of them and divorce the rest, this indicated that men are not allowed to keep more than four wives at a time under any circumstances. If this is the case concerning those who already had more than four wives upon embracing Islam, then this ruling applies even more so to marrying more than four.


Allah's statement,

[ÙÙŽØ¥Ùنْ Ø®ÙÙْتÙمْ أَلاَّ تَعْدÙÙ„Ùواْ ÙÙŽÙˆÙŽØ­Ùدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَـنÙÙƒÙمْ]

(But if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or what your right hands possess.) The Ayah commands, if you fear that you will not be able to do justice between your wives by marrying more than one, then marry only one wife, or satisfy yourself with only female captives, for it is not obligatory to treat them equally, rather it is recommended. So if one does so, that is good, and if not, there is no harm on him. In another Ayah, Allah said,

[ÙˆÙŽÙ„ÙŽÙ† تَسْتَطÙيعÙواْ Ø£ÙŽÙ† تَعْدÙÙ„Ùواْ بَيْنَ النّÙسَآء٠وَلَوْ حَرَصْتÙمْ]

(You will never be able to do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire) [4:129]. Allah said,

[ذلÙÙƒÙŽ أَدْنَى أَلاَّ تَعÙولÙواْ]

(That is nearer to prevent you from Ta`ulu), meaning, from doing injustice. Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Marduwyah and Abu Hatim Ibn Hibban, in his Sahih, recorded that `A'ishah said that, the Prophet said that the Ayah,

[ذلÙÙƒÙŽ أَدْنَى أَلاَّ تَعÙولÙواْ]

(That is nearer to prevent you from Ta`ulu), means, from doing injustice. However, Ibn Abi Hatim said that his father said that this Hadith to the Prophet is a mistake, for it should be attributed to `A'ishah not the Prophet . Ibn Abi Hatim reported from Ibn `Abbas, `A'ishah, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Abu Malik, Abu Razin, An-Nakha`i, Ash-Sha`bi, Ad-Dahhak, `Ata' Al-Khurasani, Qatadah, As-Suddi and Muqatil bin Hayyan that Ta`ulu means to deviate [from justice].

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Faarax Brown,


I dont think comparing two topics[The contents if you must] side by side,consitutes as a complaint.But hey!

Tell me horta, is nasty a negative description just in Australia? Last I knew for an individual to refer to a topic as nasty constituted as a dislike and to do so would be to complain (i.e. express their grievances).


This simple line created all this[below]

Downplay it as you like, but it’s true ;) . What you said was right on the money. It highlights the attitude of our culture to the whole thing. Please go for a visit back home and see the negatives of our cultural spin on this practice and then tell me that the playa label doesn’t fit very nicely to almost all the Somali men.




C'mon sis, you don't have to throw these sweeping generalizations at anyone who mentions polygamy. Like I elaborated upon in the other thread, there's more than just ego involved when marrying another wife, at least for some of us. For the others who aren't concerned with the Islamic aspect of polygamy, they might as well just cheat instead of marrying another one because they're doing it for the wrong reasons.

I’m sure there must be one man left with a good intention, but I have yet to meet him. I think I specified that I have not come across one, not that he did not exist. Anyway it still doesn’t explain why you got your knickers in a knot, it is true. Everything that I’m saying is the truth, Somali men whether they are polygamists or not are generally not very good at taking responsibility. On the polygamy issue it seems to become even more apparent. You can’t deny that can you? And before you jump to the same ending again, I am not referring to you personally, just in general terms.


The sports section and political section should be combined and named the "Men's Dungeon"





Muchos Gracias, if only everyone would get it ;)

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