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I have so much work, but I don't want to do anything as of the last hr, I'm even too lazy/ not bothered to read my usual sites.

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^^^Lool @ I come in peace.!


My usual: MPAC, BBC, East Africa news, somaliland times, Timesonline, enough, friends of Palestine, commentsfree and so many others


Sayid: Based on these symptoms and if I remember my A’level psychology; I am a suffer of manic depression, redface.gif , they are denial, yo-yoing between being very happy for unknown reasons, cheerful and full of energy, to sinking feeling, too tired to move or do anything, not wanting to talk to people, people annoying me for walking, talking or living too loudly, lack of sleep.


On a serious note, I have too much work and things to do, and feel like just taking a flight out, leaving everything as it is, maybe when I come back it will all be done. :D


How is you?

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Ms DD   

Reading so much at age will give you ulcer. Bad news everywhere. Gaastorig igu dhacay waa hore ma fududeeyn. Maybe that is what you are suffering.

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LOOOOOOL@Ms DD - meys dhiibtay?? :D in that case no more xogxogosho, rubing, jumping throats and what ever else was coming your way:D

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Ibti - althought i am not doctor - i concur with my new peace partner Ms DD - the diagnosis seems to be coming from reading those sites - all they seem to have is "it if bleeds it leads" illness.

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Case study:


Husband becomes slightly religious (either that or he just trying to pull his weight), anyway he has banned her from wearing make up outside (even lip gloss) (she really likes her make up) So, she is planning how to use her make up without fighting with her husband. I suggest natural looking make up so he does not notice and thereby getting upset, but she thinks that she is going to wear make up when she gets home from work till bed time. Who the hell puts on make up at 6pm when they are staying at home? :confused: She might as well wear make up to bed each night and then take it off before going to work in the morning. She can look pretty while she sleeps. Any ideas on how to get around this?? Oh she is not willing to part with her make up.


JB who told you? your shidan

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^^No does not want make up outside, he said if she must, she has to wear it at home.

No, I don't really care for make up, but it matters to her, so I told her the compromise, that she forgets the bright colours and goes for a natural look.


Wearing make up at home is just not practical, I mean it will all come off anyway. It is easier to take a picture of her dressed up and make up, hair done and then put it by the bedside nooh? That way he knows how good she CAN look. but seriously I cannot imagine someone putting on make up to walk around the house. :cool:

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Makeup on women is a waste of time. Only Arab girls seem to know how to pull it off. All the rest look like they're walking paintings.


Still, it's a brave man that manages to ban his wife from doing something in this day and age. I once 'banned' my wife from using the phone too much. She phoned my mother to complain.

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^^So you like the Arab women look of: Black eyes (like a nice landed right hook)extending to the side of the face, shaved and then drawn eyebrows and bright red lipstick :D what a strange choice.


Lool @ She phoned my mother to complain.

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