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Reer Las Anod will rejoice with this news since they never wanted their MPs selected by Puntland. 

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Lol @ the term “ rejoice”

If these upcoming elections later in the year really turn out to become a one man-one vote sort of affair, and people in different parts of the country get to vote for their own representatives, then not only will Las Caanood greatly rejoice but the whole nation of Somalia as well, for it shall indeed become a historic event and laudable achievement.

  • Thanks 1

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The only way Garoowe used to represent them was through the clan card. Take away 4.5 clan distributions, and they are naked since most of the land mass of Sool/Sanaag is firmly under SL control and there won't be any voting booths that can be setup in Badhan/LaasQorey. 

As there is no clear plans ahead and still there is no consensus on most important and contentious aspects of the eleciton i.e. seat allocations, district damacartion, political party role etc. There is real chance that 4.5 will be the default end position yet.

So do not discount Garoowe yet.

In any case, there will not be any Somalia elections inside Somaliland borders. They will have to select Somaliland MPs from hotel rooms of Mogadishu.

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21 hours ago, Oodweyne said:



I know you still skulking around the corners of SOL, without wishing to come out and be man enough and say, that, I had under-estimated Somaliland's power to win the day against the Pirates of this world and therefore win the day in so far as Sool region is concern, which was what you said will not happen in thousands of year. But, I must say, in the umpteen times (as Suldaanka said it already), no polling booth of any kind for some alleged federal parliament will be seen (not in a millions of years) in an inch of Somaliland.

Not in Las-Canod (which openly and without coercion votes regularly in Somaliland's election, as they will soon do it for Somaliland's parliamentary's election). And not in any other inch of our land. Not in Taleex. Not in Xudun. Not in even Boohoodle.

Now that is a "bet" I will gladly standby it, unlike you who were too coward of the sniffling kind to actually stand by your own "historical bet" when it turn out to be a loser kind of a bet on your hand.     

I pray thee, gentle mortal, sing again: Mine ear is much enamoured of thy note, So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape; And thy fair virtue's force perforce doth move me, On the first view, to say, to swear, I love thee. MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM

{Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Act III, Scene 1, lines 137-141}


Oodwyene, if you choose to self-deceive yourself day in a day out, in here, who am I to tell you stop? You can call me sophist or whoever else your hallucinations presume I am, but in the end, facts on the ground in Somalia remain the same.

From the time Puntland cleared the riff-raff mory@@n from Villa Somalia and established the Federal Republic of Somalia and set the nation on the path it is on today, to today, where all stakeholders in Somalia are getting ready for the upcoming national elections, however dire some setbacks might seems at times and the hurdles ahead insurmountable. I believe Somalia has been making progress.

Progress that you as a hapless, helpless, and hopeless secessionist half-wit should encourage and support.  After all the sooner, the Federal Republic of Somalia becomes a vibrant democracy the better it is for you silly secessionist dimwits to come back in from the cold. Get your priorities straight for once and support the progress Mother Somalia is making and stop self-deceiving yourself.


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1 hour ago, Oodweyne said:


Lool, that is how a coward talk. A cheap waffling spleen from both side of his mouth. You see ninny, we have been chasing you since you last were around here carrying your old name of Sophist, which was way back in 2007.

And therefore if ever anyone, at least in the grand scheme of things, needs a real and genuine commiseration of the sort that is good enough for the hapless cretins of this world, then surely you would agree with me that the very folks who been chased from pillar to post and back again, which is the Pirates you support, are the very specimen of humanity, who in turn needs all that "sort of commiseration".

Furthermore, if dimwittery (or even halfwittery) was the measure you alleged others to be worthy of, then perhaps one can say that it may have slipped your mind, my friend, but the political clique who exist on this earth whilst osculating between two stations in which one is the fact that they are a collection of cowards, and the other being the fact that they are those who depend and seek the "muscle of others", are likely to be folks who are good enough to be the "political candidates" that ought to be thought of as a "bunch of imbeciles".

Hence, I shall quickly pass it over such "own goal" on your part, lest I am liable to be accused of being a bit of a boorish sort of a fellow, who in turn is laughing his heart out at the sight of seeing a chancer (like you) who just impaled himself on his own staff (as it were), whilst he was trying to harm others with it.

And lastly, leaving aside your jocular joking aside, one can easily detect the political fear in your very tones, my friend. Which is why you keep on imploring us in Somaliland to involve ourselves into this federal election of Somalia. Given that you know that the moment they hold (if indeed they hold) this election in Somalia without Somaliland participating in it, then they know it (and you know it too) that the "fictional jig" of claiming that the Somali Federal government (FGS) in Villa Somalia actually represent all of the old Somali Union State of 1960, is effectively over.

And that is the reason they are sleepless out there in Villa Somalia in trying to come up with some "hair-brained" political scam involving Somaliland (however tenuously), which in turn can be stretched into a "quasi-legitimate" version of "legal representation" over Somaliland, in so far as their allege federal election is concern. 

Hence, I am sitting comfortable of where I am at the moment, at least politically speaking. Thank you very much. But no thanks. And in particular, since I know that Somaliland is in a "locked-down mode", at least in territoriality-wise. And no federal election will take place in it in anywhere of it without my say so.

So lets see how long this fiction you are telling yourself about FGS running Somali Republic (including Somaliland) will last before it hit the buffers of truth on the ground. I have my popcorn at the ready. Lets see who will laugh last, since he will be the one who will laugh the hardest and the loudest. 😎  

While I risk wasting a few minutes of my life engaging a prattling and doddering buffoon such as yourself, Mudane Oodweyne, I do commend you that amidst all your endless imbecility you did finally acknowledge that there is indeed a Somali Republic to which Somaliland belongs, no matter the differences you have with the current Federal government of Somalia or your reservations about the federalization process of the country.

That, I dare say, is an improvement from your previous stance of Iidoorland not being part and parcel of Somalia. Now the question left to be answered is “how much?” will Somalia have to cough up before you lot finally give up on the “waanu goosaneynaa” claptrap. 😂 lol 😂 

So, Oodka, tell us... how much do Biixi & Co want to pocket before they start singing a different tune? Apparently, Farmaajo’s  last offer wasn’t the right price. Who knows, maybe the next administration in Villa Somalia might offer monies in the right ballpark.

In the meantime, keep chasing your own tail in here like a rabid mutt trying to sniff his rear-end. I shall wait for the day when you will be singing a different tune in here.😎



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On 3/2/2020 at 5:17 PM, Oodweyne said:


Lool, it seems that when you get this much of disrobing from your intellectual pretense, then it's time to start pretending as if you were just passing by, and therefore have other urgent matters to attend to, lest your nakedness become obvious to others. No, mate, your tendentious line of pretending you were not serious in your engagement in here won't wash.

And more to the point, the fact that I can easily hold your feet to the fire in the sense of showing how defeated your coward lot, the pirated clique, are, also will mean that you will fondly and hastily retreat into song and dance about other stuff. Such as this allegation that hold that I have somehow "conceded" to you to some ground. Which was never the case.

And in fact, the only thing I can honestly concede in here, dear plonker (of the most limp-wristed kind) is the fact, that Somalia is fictional state that has no authority, no monopoly of violence, nothing, nada, zilch, when it comes to her imposing its legal authority over an inch of Somaliland, that includes very much of your Sool region.

Hence, the corollary question that follows from that is who then is the one who is pitifully hallucinating in here?

Is it the one who is hoping a collection of "political chancers", guarded by hired African's Bantu's mercenaries, will amount to much against Somaliland on the ground? Which is what you are in here, or at least that is what you are contending with straight-face. Or is the man, like me, who with safety and will much pleasure, can easily transverse his land, from end to end, in Somaliland, whilst all along knowing full well that his state runs every inch of it without that State needing a bunch of hired foreign troops to do the job for them?

Which is of those two men is closer to the barking at the moon (in the political sense of that word) sort of fellow?

I leave the answer to your much diminished capacity to determined it, even when I know it for a fact that it's not good enough to reason its way out of an empty paper bag. Lets hope you shan't disappoint us in here, mate. For we shall live in hope that you will come through for us with sufficient and fitting answer to that question.😂

As for the kind of "price" in which Mr Bihi, allegedly, will ask for the surrender of Somaliland's independence to others is concern. Well, all I can say is that, that you would even ask me such question is "indicative" of two points, really.

And they are as follows:

Firstly, it shows actually how much your cowardly disposition had indeed "conditioned" you to believe that everything is up for grab if the price is right. Hence, I am not sure it says anything about Mr Bihi or his alleged propensity to haggle away (even if he is allowed to do it, which is not the case at all) of Somaliland's independence, more than it says something about the cheap kind of the honor in which you have in here. And the kind of despoiled sense of dignity in which you would hand-over with it all that is precious to you. Particularly if a "fine dollar sign" gets to be attached to it at the business end of that sort of bargain.

Secondly, the other point it says is that it tells me is that unlike what your bravado says in here, at least at the first reading of it, what I had said about you in-terms of the fear you have about Somaliland exposing the "empty legal game of federal government" over Somaliland, was spot on. Since, you are now so openly haggling with me (as if I am the guy who will decide the destiny of Somaliland) the "price" in which Somaliland will allegedly returned to the fold of the old dead union.

Hence taking together these two points shows what really what is on your mind irrespective of all the other waffle you have tried to use in here, just so that you can hide those two salient points.

Consequently, unlike your cowardly clique who are forever on the look out for a "borrow-able muscle" just to make your way, politically, in the real world, and therefore will ask the price of everything without knowing the value of nothing, we in Somaliland, actually, "we play for keeps till eternity".

Moreover, the notion of destiny, liberty, self-rule, as well as the very idea of being the "master of your own political ship", which is eye-tiring stuff to you in which you only read it in the dictionary, are something we practice for real out there in Somaliand.

And that is long-winded and round about way of saying: "whatever concoction of a political brew that may come with a handy label call Somalia we aren't buying it. Not on this side of eternity, particularly if means Somaliland handing it over its independence to anyone else on this earth".

Perhaps under circumstances you may be better off trying on it with Djibouti. See if they smile for your sale-pitch, since they were known to have, at least allegedly, some sort of a "soft-spot" for Somali-weyn's political ideology.😎 

Ho hum... ka dar oo dibi dhal.😁

I was right to assume that I risked wasting a few minutes of my life engaging with Ina Cawil Mucjiso, here today.

But for what it’s worth,  I did anticipate I’d get bombarded with the most nonsensical hogwash ever penned by a single individual. Not merely for its painstaking bullshit and voluminous claptrap, but for the fact that it was the dryest, deadest, most boring, and most mind numbing screed ever written on this forum. You, sir, have outdid yourself. 👏 Bravo 👏 Bravo!

Oodwyene, sxb, I’m gonna keep it short and simple. I urge you do the same moving forward.

First of all,  who gave you the idea that I ( Tillamook) want a “strong” Federal government that can, as you put it “ have monopoly of power and authority over Somaliland” or for that matter any other state in Somalia?

Au contraire, I advocate for the opposite. I want a weak Federal government that draws its limited powers from its constituent stakeholders around the country which delegate some of their powers to it. You must be confusing me with the current Kacaanist in Villa Somalia or his predecessors who think of reviving a strong central government fashioned after the old socialist regime of yesteryears. But then again, you’re no different from them, are you really?

Secondly, you keep talking about some so-called political chancers guarded by Bantu mercs as if they are the boogie men in a horror film. Methinks, if they keep you awake at night, we don’t suffer such a hysterical malady as you do. 

I know politicians of whatever hue will come and go in Somalia. However, the only thing that matters to me is that the nation makes progress with democratic institutions taking hold  slowly in the Federal government and states.. That is the ultimate goal of all of this. You can huff and puff about activities of whoever takes office in Somalia, but I say it is all moot and a total waste of time.

And lastly, your denials about Biixi getting offered Benjamin’s before he can get you suckers back in the fold, lock, stock and barrel are futile. Farmaajo did make some overtures for reconciliation talks to resume in earnest, however Biixi wanted more concessions before he’d oblige the guy in Villa Somalia. Which is why I asked you what was the price Somalia had to pay for you treasonous suckers to come back to the warm embrace of Mother Somalia, once again? For the life of me, I don’t see how such a simple question could offend your aged sensibilities. 😆 😂 

Saaxiib, I laugh because you won’t be the first person I have offended with the “How much?” question. Some years back, I was hitching a ride on an express train and I sat myself near a secluded corner( the train was not crowded at all). I was then soon joined by a fine looking young wench. When I say fine, I mean fine. She had the works. Coke bottle shaped body with its concomitant firm bosom and booty, which you could easily set a tall glass of water on and still not loose a drop—if you know what I mean. The girl was fire, 🔥 

To  quickly get to the point of the story, I was digging the chick, that is— I was in to her and from the way she was looking back at me I had no doubt, lady was digging the OG Tillamook. She quickly sat herself next to me and we exchanged pleasantries.  I wanted to cut to the chase and see how lucky I could get. I said, “hey gurl, can I ask you question and however odd it might seem will you answer truthfully?” She said she would. I said, if I offered a hundred grand to have a one night stand with her, would she oblige? She hmmed and hummed for a minute, and then after what seemed forever she replied, “hell yeah!”! .” For a hundred grand, I would strangle my own grandma”

I was like “heck yeah!”, all exited and all, and I said, “ but I only got 500 bucks on me right now, so what say you?” She gave me a  sudden double take and then out of nowhere she smacked my face and cussed me out. She teared up and called me all sorts of names. She said how dare I spoke to her like some cheap harlot. Who did I think she was, bla bla bla...

In any case, being the gentleman I am and all, I was quick to apologize and  I said “I didn’t mean to hurt ya feelings babe by what I said, but the fact remained that you were ok a minute ago with the offer of a hundred grand,  but it’s was my second offer that has offended you thus”. I said, “its only a question of how much, ain’t it ?  Don’t be mad at me,  I’m sure we could negotiate ourselves back into a more amicable arrangement, right here, right now”, as I calmed and caressed her little arm next to me. She then became soft and pliable like clay in my arms as she let me make it up to her in the best way I knew how and the rest is history, as it were.😎

Marka, Saaxiib Oodka, how much? Baa idin dhahayaa. 😁 Do us a favor and go ask Biixi, how much? 😂

Weligiin is waala, the day a new administration takes over the Federal government that is willing to pay however much you secessionist assholes want is the day you scumbags will become avid Somali nationalist once more. Until that day comes, I guess we are doomed to deal with your flippancy and folly towards the sacred unity of Mother Somalia.

Ho hum, indeed.



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Tillamook is a funny lad he thinks this is about money. This is about principle your cabdilahi yusuf yey used to beg the late cigaal for an alliance. And you knew the answer. We have enough wealth to sustain our nation for another few mileniums. Our nation of 4 million people will never put their nation before anything else and that is Somaliland. The pirates live on bribe money and playing hide and seek with the likes of the cheese fellow. Marka adeer ha isku kaya xoqin. 

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23 hours ago, Tillamook said:

And lastly, your denials about Biixi getting offered Benjamin’s before he can get you suckers back in the fold, lock, stock and barrel are futile. Farmaajo did make some overtures for reconciliation talks to resume in earnest, however Biixi wanted more concessions before he’d oblige the guy in Villa Somalia. Which is why I asked you what was the price Somalia had to pay for you treasonous suckers to come back to the warm embrace of Mother Somalia, once again? For the life of me, I don’t see how such a simple question could offend your aged sensibilities. 😆 😂 

Ina Cawil Mucjiso and Xaaji Maalaayacni,  I refer the both of you to my previous comments, for blatant denials and self-deception will no longer suffice.

Mudanayaal, I repeat, how much? 😁

Get back to me once you can give us a round ballpark figure!👍

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4 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


What a silly and sniffling bugger. It seems to me, that, this limp-wristed and self-loving cowardly cheap ninny keep on imagining, for some reason, that other folks like us in Somaliland, are as dishonorable and as lacking the fine sense of dignity as his teeming kin and kith in Pirate-land are. Given that they are "chastised and beaten political clique", who really seemed to have been reduced to as "purchasable clique" on one hand, and those who always depend on the "muscle of others" on the other hand. 

In other words, as they say in Somali: "Nin Waliba Waxa Uu Yahay Ayuu Ku Moodaa" (or words to that effect).

Silly doddering old man, keep trying to deny  the facts on the ground all you want, but we Somalis also say, “Waa baryay sacabo laguma qarin karo!” 😜

I urge your simpleton eyes to review Saalax’s latest post.


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14 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


Good grief. Poor lad. It seems when you have run out any weighty argument to which to contend others with it, you have decided to use as an "alibi" the cheap argument of the "troll-in-chief" of SOL, namely that silly and sniffling "sheegato", who posted the stuff you says in here that they make sense.

Is that all you have, yea coward boy?

Or perhaps to put it another way, it could be said that the fault in here is not in the stars of my argument at all. But rather it's in the caliber of your character, which in turn can't tell difference between lies and truth. Or at least can't tell the difference in which honor and dignity on one hand, has, to that of a "piratical predisposition" to sell up whatever one's earthly possession was along with his and her soul if the "price" is just about on the right corner, on the other hand.

And in that sense, you do genuinely have my sympathy in here. And hence, consider this discussion to be over for now. 

Oodka, don’t get riled up so easily. The politics of the Horn of Africa are all out in the open for anyone to see.

Farmaajo courted Biixi in Addis Ababa with Abiy playing matchmaker. I am telling you only what is an open secret.  Negotiations took place. Offers and counter-offers where placed on the table by both sides. Some were agreed upon, others where postponed for a later date.

When Farmaajo  came back to Xamar he issued those sweat nothings about “dhibaatooyinkii shacabka waqooyi loo geystay waanu ka xunnahay”  or something to that effect and on the other side,  Biixi was quick to accept the apology, but let it be known as well, that he still had some reservations about Farmaajo’s overtures for reconciliation. After-all, he still had to keep up the charade for the brainwashed sheep he keeps in Hargaysa.😂

In any case, the question of how much was front and center in those talks behind closed doors in Addis between the two. With Farmaajo being the buyer and Biixi the seller. The upcoming elections later in the year will delineate for us better whether Farmaajo bought expired goods or not from😁

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29 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


Lool! That is the level of a desperation you are in, mate. For you to believe that Mr Biihi is in any position to "sell" anything, or that that he will be allowed to do it, or that he is actually a kind of the guy who "sells" things particularly of the things that has or may have something to do with Somaliland's right to her destiny come what may, actually beggars belief in my view. And in particularly for you to think that way.

In other words, of all the people in this world, for you to believe that Mr Bihi will be the sort of a fellow who does the "selling" of the kind of the stuff in which you are on bleating on about it in here, shows simply of how much you haven't got the foggiest idea of who Mr Bihi actually is. Not just his name and who he was. But what he actually believes in a deep sense of that word.  

Hence, all I can say is to suggest to you to carry on, mate. Particularly with that sort of delusion, since that seems to be the thing that float your political boat, apparently. 

As a colleague of yours on SOL, Oodka, I must insist you not exaggerate Biixi’s importance in here. Like all politicians, he has his price.

Now we shall wait to see if it will be Farmaajo’s government that pays Biixi’s price or not. But be under no illusion, his price will be paid sooner or later, and we shall all witness Mr Biixi singing from a different hymn book.😆

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23 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


There you go off thinking, just like your kin and kith whose their destiny revolves around the "price of piracy" on the high sees, to that of the "price of political accommodation" in which you must pay for being a defeated clique, that everyone else is as wretched as you lot are. And to boot that others organized their lives around on that basis of "knowing the price of the thing of concern" and not "the worth and the value of the thing itself".

What a tragic view of human's soul you must have in here, mate. 

So if that is your bottom-line argument, then I am serenely confident, just as day follows night, that nothing of the sort in which you are on about it now will come to pass. Since I know the stuff I am talking about doesn't "hinge" on the propensity (or the prospect of it) of certain Mr Biihi getting up one morning from his bed and then saying that: "I really feel like this morning the very idea of selling Somaliland to highest bidder" sort of talk. Whilst on the other hand he still hoping to get away with it.

Or even others in Somaliland saying, in a chorus-fashion like manner, that: "Well, our leader, Mr Bihi, decided to sell us and therefore we must consider ourselves being bought by those he did sold to us (as it were)".

All in all, days and the months to come will tell you the essence of my argument. Just make sure you are around here of SOL when you realize Mr Bihi was never what you thought he was. And more to the point, he doesn't actually "own" Somaliland to "sell" it in the first place and do so as he sees fit with it. Even if he were inclined that way, which is not the case at all.

Oodweyne, I admit, I could have been more clearer about my vigorous assertions that Biixi has a price for bringing you h@bro sheep back into the fold. I should have been more precise, but the charitable side of my intellect was attempting to give you the benefit of doubt— hoping that you could, at least, read between the lines. Alack, you are as dumb as a brick.

Saaxiib, Biixi has a price means that the Hargaysa elites, he  represents and is a figure head for, whose whole political gambit is the secessionist claptrap you peddle—ALL have a price.

And for the millionth time, I will repeat it....once we get a Federal government in Xamar that is willing to pay,  accommodate and negotiate whatever demands these ii-door elites want, is the day we will see you hapless secessionists singing a different tune.

Now, how hard can that be, eh? 😎

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52 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:

^^^ Lool, that is the talk of the defeated lot. Particularly of the kind who could not hack it in the battlefield, since that is their legendary history. Who couldn't win it with "borrowed muscle", since that is also their history as well. And now he apparently thinks that he could get it with money and some other price, what he was never equal to in getting it from others.

Poor lad. Keep thinking in this way, mate. One of these days you may even lose your little village of Garowe, if we are that minded to chase you around more than we did it already. 

😂 lol, when cornered like a rat and you have nowhere to escape to...resort to your typical  inanities about your betters. It is common knowledge that your insecurities all stem from your lowborn status( or if I maybe permitted to use a more accurate colloquial term, “laangaabnimo”) in the Somali familial tribal structures. 

Just admit it, Oodweyne, that it burns you that the political destiny of the Somali peninsula is controlled by the agreements or disagreements of D-Block and H-Block. Your irrelevance in Somali affairs is so astounding that for 30 plus year, no matter how much you huff or puff, you still cannot secede from Somalia. Which is the reason I have coined the phrase:” Hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bros” to denote the sad predicament you find yourselves in.

Waa horaa idin dhahay, “ saddex baan idinku qabnaa—meel aad u socotaan majirto ee cagaha dhulka dhiga!”

Just watch on the sidelines like good spectators as D-Block and H-Block  play their political games within themselves and against one another. Sooner or later, these two groups—for better or for worse—will effect a mutual rapprochement for the glory of Mother Somalia, and only then, maybe will you laangaab creatures be given the scraps that remain afterwards.

In the meantime, keep bleating about Sool, Garowe village or whatever else that floats your boat—and which you think will keep you relevant in the eyes of the players on the glorious field of Somali politics. In the end, we all know that such effeminate evocations will have been the desperate cries for attention from laangaabs who have failed to alter their own destinies, let alone that of Mother Somalia.😎


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