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Driving while Black/Muslim-Racial Profiling

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Its great being a woman.When an officer pulls me over ,i usually bring out my sexiest smile,and say "hi officer,how arr ya! do you say your name? ,,you have a nice name....i know why you pulled me over Brain,i am sooooooooo sorry! i won't do it again!

This works for me almost all the time, i just get a warning..and no ticket..sweet!

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LoooooooooL@CC Maybe Khayr should have shown a leg.



CG....That's just ordinal numbers to weed out "beardies" as you lovely call them. There is obviously no chronigical order nor is there any common variable indicating all beardies would engage in terrorism. What's clear however is the dispersion of those that sympathise with "Islamist" views is across the board. Any Muslim regardless of their personal values have an affinity for the current sitaution creating havoc in the Muslim-so any random sample of the Muslim population should fit the profile. I give you this doesn't do much in allocating the resources to fight terrorism, but the decision in doing is purely political that's mired in personal biases.



Xiin....Khayr is little melodramatic...that's all.

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che, in all honesty man, i'm surprised your refusing to acknowledge the wholly ironic and arbitrary nature of actions your supporting.


Theere are 2 ironies of your above statements. First, given than you can't look at a person and say "aha its their * that clinches it", a *hypothetical* pursuit of beardies would at least yield less people (incl. my self) and therefore result in a more targeted approach. Hell how is it worse than any other random feature and at least we know that there are less bearded muslims than muslims, so if your gonna victimise a group, you'd a least have more features to distinguish/victimise with. This numbers game just highlights the futility of such random feature action.


Second, in this situation, the kind outcome you would be after as a law enforcement force dealing with *potential* crimes and hidden motives requires intelligence. You need knowledge, and preferably insider knowledge. Therefore random screening actions such as racial/cultural screening like this case actually works against you, it turns those that would be most helpful to you, against you, because you have criminalised and victimised them arbitrarily. So in terms of logistics and effectiveness, your on to a loosing strategy.


On the other hand your right about the politics, such screening is all about politics, personal, media and social, people showing their prejudices, media hyping it and politicians playing on peoples prejudices by encouraging it.


As anyone that has been on the receiving end of either being stopped 'cos they looked too black for the area you were walking though, or, because their faith is on the current bash list now, it is at the very least humiliating and degrading. SO by any measure of justice, Khayr has a lot to be angry over.

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I checked my baramoter

How Humid were you? They mustave scared the bejeezus outta you buddy. Misna you drive an automobile that uses air pressure? :D


I understand your pain. And you need to seek legal help if you ever get stopped for no reason. You have every right to question why you are stopped & you should question the judgment of a police officer.


Dont panic though,Lifes hard and Inshallah with a little patience(and you need lots of it in this kind of situation)coupled with legal help,cops wont bother you again

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I think Caano G has seized the truth of this matter. Profiling, racial or otherwise, is never a sound strategy to catch criminals before they commit their crimes. If it were after a crime is committed that some sort of profiling is used then it would make a sense because that type of profiling would be based on facts [gathered information about the physical builds, sex, racial background etc]. But this incident, as good Khayr narrated it, just fits in the stereotypical profiling they do and it’s quite ironic and ineffective…


Khayr next time they stop you, make sure you get his badge and report the incident. Reporting him may not give you satisfactory/immediate remedy but it will eventually build a case against such a lousy officer who, as you narrated, stopped you for no apparent reason..

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Salaam I've been racially profiled because of my Islamic attire (abaya, hijab/niqab) and when authority figures purposely stop you it is a horrible feeling wallahi. :( Salaam.

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^^^May Allah reward u sister. Ha murgiin, Alle ba ku la jireey. smile.gif ps: u can always sue if u been discriminated against namean.


Originally posted by Khayr:

"Where you born here?". I tell him "No but I am a citizen"
and gave the proof.

You carry ur citizenship papers in the car? :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

next time they stop you, make sure you get his badge and report the incident. Reporting him may not give you satisfactory/immediate remedy but it will eventually build a case against such a lousy officer who, as you narrated, stopped you for no apparent reason..



When the officer brought up the issue of an "immigration warrant" and me being a possible match-the images ran through my head of all those stories about muslim brothers being sent off to Camp X or in a dark hole and being labelled the "Catch of the Month". :eek:


Had I asked for his badge #, he could have just made up a story and put me away. Ain't no body care about a male black muslim being put away. We are already at the bottom of the pole in terms of our "approval ratings" in the media.


Not a good prospect at all.


Tired as hell, working 2-3 jobs, fasting in ramadan and being interrogated for fitting the atypical sterotype. :mad:


Its humiliating to say the least.

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Some advice for anyone stopped. Take the officer's badge number and ask him which station he works at. It is your right to know and he must give you the details. When he asks why do you need the info just say you will place a complaint against him for racial profiling/racism. He will probably say 'go ahead' but then you tell him about the complaint being a black dot against his name when he applies for that superintendent/CID post next year. He wont be stopping any blackies for a while after that :D

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Never run your mouth to authorities unless you wanna be tasered [anyone seen that loud-mouthed student @ the Kerry rally? L0L] When the cops tell you to do something you do it right then and there..sue later. And if you have to get tasered take your tasering like a real man. :D Grit your teeth and suck it up. There's no screaming in tasering!

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Believe it or not my mum and I were also a victim of an arbitrary pull over.


My mum and I were dropping off my younger brother at a house late one night and as we were doing so a police car happened to be driving past. As we drove away the police car did a complete U-turn, caught up to us and indicated for us to pull over. They were expecting to find some young East African males but got two women instead .


And the compelling reason they gave for going through all that trouble to pull us over?...'A random breathe test' LoL. Random my foot. In the end they didn't even bother to go through with the test, they just let us go.



I remember feeling really angry at the time. Brothers I do indeed sympathise.

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Originally posted by -Nomadique-:

Believe it or not my mum and I were also a victim of an arbitrary pull over.


My mum and I were dropping off my younger brother at a house late one night and as we were doing so a police car happened to be driving past. As we drove away the police car did a complete U-turn, caught up to us and indicated for us to pull over. They were expecting to find some young East African males but got two women instead .


And the compelling reason they gave for going through all that trouble to pull us over?...'A random breathe test' LoL. Random my foot. In the end they didn't even bother to go through with the test, they just let us go.



I remember feeling really angry at the time. Brothers I do indeed sympathise.

Its Hard being foreign. Its hard if your name is obviously foreign,its even harder if your appearance is obviously foreign & its much harder if you have that middleeastern accent. Why stob me?,this is rideakulas!! icon_razz.gif


I have been stopped by a contigent of police cars one time. I am thinking to myself,maanta magaalada maxaa ka dhacay? 5 squad cars & three dhar cad cars blarring horns & sirens. LOL. Sir!!! Getout the car!,waxaan lehya,doqonka muu dhageysto boliska?[Dont tase me Bro!! aa kadhaceyso ee :D ] LOL. Ileeyn waxa loo jeedo waa aniga?! Kix Kix Kix. Microphonka ee kubooden,"Wrong suspect!! Wrong suspect",back off"@!!


Needless to say,i looked like someone they were looking for. It didnt help i was driving a sports car with snood dogg sound track pounding away...

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^LOL! It's funny now in retrospect ya Faarax.


Sometimes racism/bigotry is so unexplainable that it's just funny (ofcourse in retrospect). Ever been called a suicide bomber in a Muslim owned Kebab store?....I have. Nowhere is safe lol.


P.S Ramadan Kareem Faarax.

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Originally posted by -Nomadique-:

^LOL! It's funny now in retrospect ya Faarax.


Sometimes racism/bigotry is so unexplainable that it's just funny (ofcourse in retrospect). Ever been called a suicide bomber in a Muslim owned Kebab store?....I have. Nowhere is safe lol.


P.S Ramadan Kareem Faarax.

It is funny now,but my heart was pounding at that moment & furious on the drive back. WTF@


I have never been angrier and a very patient person. Thanks & Ramadan Karim adigana.

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