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My first job: what I learned while peeling chickens

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Baclow jeeble sigaarkii iyo baalash.


Haa imisaad iigu marin maxaa la i dhahay?


Shan shillin uun, ana maxaan ka idhi. Hehehe


Buuxo, jafaqo miiska meeqaa gadi jirtay? ;)

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Faran,jafaqow ma'aqaan.Kistoo gaas aan gadi jirey oo Feeynuusta iyo iwm lagu isticmaalo.I don't remember how much though.


Nuune, LoL.Nabad iyo Geel raadis baa Galaadi na bartey smile.gif

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Habo gaaslayda ayaa waxaa loo qaybiya labba nooc. Kow, noocooda la wareega gaaska iyo kuwa la fadhiya. Labada nooc waxay ku kala duwan yahiin wax yaabo badan oo qalabka ay istic maalaaniyo qiimaha ay wax ku gadaan ka mid yihiin. Haddaba, jafaqada waxay astaan u tahay kuwooda la wareega gaaska waana walaxda ugu yar eey wax ku cabiraan. Jafaqada waxaa laga sameeyaa daasadaha qasaaca. Waa daasad dhag dheer loo yeelay.


Faynuuska lagu shubo hal jafaqo wuxuu shaqayn karaa habeenka nuskiis hadduusan dun dhumuc buuran lahayn.


Halka jafaqo waxay isku qiimo ahaayeen inta beer sandal ah, noocooda qaacig ah, lagu dhalaaliyo.


Gabadha gaaska wareejisa waxaa la dhahaa fidhiqo magaca kale oo jafaqada loo yaqaan. Haddaadan maqal jafaqo, waa in aad maqashay fidhiqo.

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Afro loool Fitnes Centre aa, ma anaan yaabin hee, ileen waxaad murqaha u yeelatey waa waxaas, alamiinta socotaa tahay :D

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eheheh oo dhax iyo dhabar waad is heesataa dhumuc iyo dhudhuna waad u dharagsantahay miyaa, murqahaaga dhinac iga mari yaakhayoo kaala footo asasiino kuma heshiineeno labadeena :D

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Originally posted by roobleh:

My first job was cutting chickens in Northwest of Kansas meat factory. Not only was the only job available there for unskilled workers like us, but paid better than average with a lot of over-time for those willing to do. Jibril, not his real name, a tall dark guy, stationed in the "kill zone" was the excutioner of our line knocking out chickens with a hammer. If you thinking this is cruel act, read next. And there was Milgo, quite short and stuffy single mom next to him, waiting her turn to fill up a pool filled with poiled water. "fast, fast, we need 50 thousand chickens out of the floor by mid-night." Supervisor will shout! I was there in the "cutting zone," few feet after the poiler wearing a knife-belt and white lab coat like a surgeon and seperating shoulders from breasts. My job was to peel and cut. This was the hardest job that I have ever done with a lot of repeated motions. Others have quit because of injuries such as accidental cuts and self-amputations. I lasted only one week. The experience, though short, made me to start my own business and become a cabbie.


I also quit driving after awhile, but that is another story. The moral of the story is that quitters are not all bad. YES, WE CAN!!


So, what was ur first job experience?

You are not that famous Dabba-Goye @Swift,now are you Roobleh?


Ps.No,I was not there :D

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First job was working in a food and drinks kiosk at a football statdium. I would watch the first half of Premier League games before heading back to the kiosk to serve the away supporters. Bloody hooligans :mad:

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It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who's worked in a slaughterhouse. :D But that wasn't my first job. My first job was a heavy duty mechanic's helper, fresh out of high school and age 17. I helped change motors, driveshafts, transmissions, differentials, did oil changes, got ridiculed non-stop from my boss and the mechanic, and got the nickname "Guido" somehow, all for the extravagant wage of $5.50/hr. Oh, and I also inadvertently got my boss in trouble with Revenue Canada for tax evasion. I was only there for 4 months before I found a better job.

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Waraa JB faan aad eber noogaga dhigtay ka waran. If I come to Hargeysa, darawalkaada macalaa ofice kaada ayaan iibsan karaa even gurigaada lol. laakiin waan kaa ganbisanaa since aad tahay Family hada..


Aaway waraa nuune, dadkaan usheeg shaqadeedi ugu horeysay nooh!! u sheeg in aan bushkuleeti iyo kushaneeto ku kireen jiray taleex iyo number afar and part time jalaato raqay iyo kareem ku gad gadi jiray iskoolka calaasha bacdal iskool nooh.. dadkaan u sheeg in aad duruuc iyo baati toli jiray nuune mise anaa ku qarxiyo iyo in aad ka shaqeyn jirtay makiinadii cajiinka ee suuqa siigaale sheeg nooh waraa!!!



Roobleh, Alberta waxaa kutaalo magaalo la dhaho Brooks.. abkee wixii kawaanle ahaayeen oo dhan ayaa joogaan.. nin waxaan arkay siduu Lo' u dilaaye uu asaga dhan Lo' u ekeeday..maasgaraato in uu xiran yahay ayaa loo qabaa ka waran..Shaqo Qaxooti ayaa ladhahaa waxaas laakiin Caadi waaye waa laga baxaa....


Wareer Badanaa!!!

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My first job was a newspaper delivery, I believe i was 10 or 11, I quit in the winter after a few weeks. Imagine delivering newspaper(and other mail) in -16 degree Celsius weather. Not cool.

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My first job: I was my own boss at 14 . At the golf course selling golf balls to the rich golfers. I used to sell them their own golf balls which they hit in the bushes. I used to collect at least 150 golf balls daily and sell it all. I had hard time running around from the golf course technicians as I was trespassing, but I used to make a killing in those days for a kid.

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Aaway waraa nuune, dadkaan usheeg shaqadeedi ugu horeysay nooh!! u sheeg in aan bushkuleeti iyo kushaneeto ku kireen jiray taleex iyo number afar and part time jalaato raqay iyo kareem ku gad gadi jiray iskoolka calaasha bacdal iskool nooh.. dadkaan u sheeg in aad duruuc iyo baati toli jiray nuune mise anaa ku qarxiyo iyo in aad ka shaqeyn jirtay makiinadii cajiinka ee suuqa siigaale sheeg nooh waraa!!!

Tuujiska aloo banyaa :D:D abaa kun jeer i qarxi hadaa rabto aniga danjire aan ahaa ka shaqeen jirey safaarada Zimbabwe ee Xamar, adigana raqey iyo nanac luubaani aaa iibin jirtey, sxb siyaasada anoo yar ayaan bilaabey :D

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