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LONDON: An online dating agency that allows membership only to good looking people is to launch its website worldwide this week despite criticism of being superficial.


The site,, which was launched in Denmark several years ago, will now operate as one unified website across the globe, the Telegraph reported today.


The lonely hearts website has currently some 180,000 members, who were asked to submit a photograph of themselves, allowing other members to decide through an online rating system whether they were attractive enough to be admitted.


Only about one in five applications to the website succeed in getting through the rating system, which draw flak from various quarters for being superficial and discriminating people who are relatively less attractive.


Greg Hodge, managing director of the site, however, defends the process and says there is nothing wrong in creating a club of beautiful people in the world.


"Is it shallow to want to be with someone you're attracted to? If you are in a bar or a club and you are going to approach someone, you'll approach someone you're attracted to. There's nothing shallow in that," he says.


"People are fed up wasting time and money meeting unattractive people on the net," he argues.


The website, which has presence in the US and the UK currently, promises successful applicants "glamorous parties, a jet-set global network" and "potential contracts from top modelling agencies".

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

"People are fed up wasting time and money meeting unattractive people on the net," he argues.



Jst have a complete make over, send your picture in and if that doesn't work, then admit defeat. redface.gif


(everyone has different strengths :D )

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looooooooooooool@cl ,,, try your luck this time and make sure you share the results with Ngonge and A&T



nuune, waa markaad quraan ku carari jirtaye ,, surwaalkii jilbaha ka daloolay iska bedel oo meeshaas is gee niyow ,,, :D

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Not newsworthy really. There are all types of exclusive dating sites for all kinds of people, fat people,millionares,women seeking only wealthy men, athletic people, and so forth.Each to its own.

I would like to know how the convo will go "Oh you're so beautiful!" "No, you're" "but you're more", lol!

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Dear Jacl- I have a face only a blind mother could love. So I don’t want to waste my energy let alone time for this sort of stuff. But I think you will be accepted instantly. Being black man and all……….

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OOOH BALIIS... tsk tsk I don't need a website, i consult my mirror subax kastay, and saxibkas never lied to me :D



I say, Muraayad, Muraayaad on the derbi, yaa ugu quruxbadaan?

Muraayad: “oo maxa tiri? oo maxa daab baa?tsk tsk deeh waa adiga. (feeling insulted that i even questioned it)



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They have parties just for beautiful people. There was a documentary about this website on C4 a while back- one of their parties. It truly was beautiful people, and they had normal conversations. My poor eyes- the girls were really gorgeous and some of the guys too. I thought it must be some shallow bimbo cult, but some of the ones they interviews were over achievers in life- but beauty mattered to them. I guess it matters to most people- just to different extent.

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This reminds me of a shop called "Tall and Mighty" in Bristol not many people used to go in there. A short friend of mine used to cross the road to the other side when ever he was close to the shop so as not walk in front of it.

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