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Why are Somalis racist against a particular tribe?

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They should bloody arm themselves, and go on a killing spree. That would do miracles for their social status. 'Oh we're a minority clan' doesn't do jerk. The gun does smile.gif .

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^aaaaaaawwww@@@che, did u finally get over the abondonment? Do you still keep in touch with that family?


their name is Madhibaan, isn't it? You should use that instead.

Cadaan, seriously WTH? I didn't even know that term existed, and I am 100% somali and here you are cadaan as ever.


If you didn't post that pic that said "Hi LayZie" from some time ago to prove inaad cadaan eheed, I would have seriously questioned your race, but unfortunately, you proved inaad cadaan eheed ages ago. Or maybe your bestfriend oo cadaan eh aa tiri hold that sign that said Hi LayZie while you took a snapshot? That would explain your deep undercover somalinimo, hmmm?


PS:I don't have a problem with anyone who is you know what, because I didn't even know who was what qabiil and why qabiil this hates qabiil that until few yrs ago, I was never brought up to hate anyone(unlike some people on this very forum) for how illaah made them to be, and I am not about to start.. Now, I recall once commenting about these same qabiil/tribe or however way they are described, a friend of mine was from that tribe, is the only close contact I have had, and I gotta tell you, they are just human beings, but their flaw was that they insisted that the girls married one of their own, hence a couzin and so forth, or else they would get sh*t from the parents, so ayaga aaba the rest of somalida rabinba, so dadkaan who think they have something against those other tribe, is weydiiya, maba nilarabaa first of all? Unfortuntely, my homegrl I speak off, she wasn't for that, she wanted to choose her mate, and it didnt matter where he came from. As early as this year, her little sister married a non somali, first for her family and everyone was beside themselves.(everyone was so happy for her) She married cadaan oo muslimay just for her? How wonderful is he? So, its getting there, but I am sure even they would love to keep it on their own, but some of them are changing with time, so kudos to all sides, thats my advise for the day.

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human beings are naturally racists against anyone that looks different. Those people just need to get over their inferiority complex and stand tall

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Quite frankly, Somalis are rascists towards any human not from their own clan or sub-clan, even the white Doctor who comes at home to treat them free of charge.


For instance, the one Northern tribe I know best for both my parents belong to it, assume as common knowledge that everything South is "suspect", and somehow "naturally inferior".


Likewise for other pseudo-minorities, ie the Madhibaans, who happen to represent neverthless at least 40% (if not 50%), put together, of the so-called Somaliland in terms of population and even slightly more in terms of superficy.


What is supremely irrational is that most of us have at least few grandparents or ancestors from those clans, yet act condescently towards fellow Muslim Brothers (surprisingly enough, even my own "mixed" grandmother wouldn't be pleased with any new "mixed marriage"!).


Hence, why it is both a moral and politico-economical imperative to attack the root causes of such widespread paranoia and superiority complex ( which paradoxically reflects insecurity and inferiority complex) by putting instead the emphasis on our common Islamic identity, the one that really matters for coherent Muslims.


Unfortunately, Northern clan-centred secession ("Somaliland" for PR purposes) as another facet of clan-based nationalism only further exacerbates such anachronistic, anti-Islamic beliefs, as confirmed by my more than a decade long experience.


Another confirmation of the current irrationality of my own kin is that we only possess at best a mere sixth of the whole Somali lands, albeit not neccessarily the most fertile and without any perennial river, while amounting to an equivalent percentage of all Somalis, yet are pretending to be self-sufficient in plitico-economic terms when the 80 millions Ethiopians are experiencing an almost two digits economic growth!


Particularly noteworthy is that one of the main trigger of the Union in the sixties, namely our transhumance lands in the Hawd and reserved area being colonized by the Christian Abyssinian enemy, is more relevant than ever with the increasing scarcity of water simultaneous with global warming, demographic explosion and the central place of the primary sector in any sustainable development plan as well as in terms of food security and the concomitant strategic independence.


Therefore, there is little doubt that reviving and replacing our faith in every sphere of our increasingly acculturated society will lead to our emancipation, not only in terms of dignity and welfare, but also from these counterproductive, medieval prejudices in an era when every other cultural bloc leave no stone unturned in further consolidating its unity...

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Could have said all that without "For instance, the one Northern tribe I know best for both my parents belong to it" BS...We know the reason you wrote all that was to come against a certain clan. Keep it moving though.

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Abu-Salman, I really liked your input. I brought this up because a relative of mine in Somalia got pregnant by a "madhibaan" guy, and the whole family hates her now. It's so sad. I was attacked for sticking up for "madhibaan" people, my aunts actually told me "you are lost". How am I lost by stating they're humans ? Cajeebism. Kool_cat, well why if you fall in love with a madhibaan guy? Would you not marry him b/c of your families opinions?


lol@xubeer, that makes sense doesn't it? start shooting ppl to gain

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Originally posted by Abu-Salman:

Quite frankly, Somalis are rascists towards any human not from their own clan or sub-clan, even the white Doctor who comes at home to treat them free of charge.


For instance, the one Northern tribe I know best for both my parents belong to it, assume as common knowledge that everything South is "suspect", and somehow "naturally inferior".


Likewise for other pseudo-minorities, ie the Madhibaans, who happen to represent neverthless at least 40% (if not 50%), put together, of the so-called Somaliland in terms of population and even slightly more in terms of superficy.


What is supremely irrational is that most of us have at least few grandparents or ancestors from those clans, yet act condescently towards fellow Muslim Brothers (surprisingly enough, even my own "mixed" grandmother wouldn't be pleased with any new "mixed marriage"!).


Hence, why it is both a moral and politico-economical imperative to attack the root causes of such widespread paranoia and superiority complex ( which paradoxically reflects insecurity and inferiority complex) by putting instead the emphasis on our common Islamic identity, the one that really matters for coherent Muslims.


Unfortunately, Northern clan-centred secession ("Somaliland" for PR purposes) as another facet of clan-based nationalism only further exacerbates such anachronistic, anti-Islamic beliefs, as confirmed by my more than a decade long experience.


Another confirmation of the current irrationality of my own kin is that we only possess at best a mere sixth of the whole Somali lands, albeit not neccessarily the most fertile and without any perennial river, while amounting to an equivalent percentage of all Somalis, yet are pretending to be self-sufficient in plitico-economic terms when the 80 millions Ethiopians are experiencing an almost two digits economic growth!


Particularly noteworthy is that one of the main trigger of the Union in the sixties, namely our transhumance lands in the Hawd and reserved area being colonized by the Christian Abyssinian enemy, is more relevant than ever with the increasing scarcity of water simultaneous with global warming, demographic explosion and the central place of the primary sector in any sustainable development plan as well as in terms of food security and the concomitant strategic independence.


Therefore, there is little doubt that reviving and replacing our faith in every sphere of our increasingly acculturated society will lead to our emancipation, not only in terms of dignity and welfare, but also from these counterproductive, medieval prejudices in an era when every other cultural bloc leave no stone unturned in further consolidating its unity...

I dont' see how you can accuse anyone while your post is filled with gross genelization. And nay what you said about Northern folks thinking everyone in the south is somehow 'inferior' has no truth to it. Take that garbage elsewhere man.

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Maybe it was the fact she got

pregnant by a "madhibaan" guy, and the whole family hates her now. It's so sad

Your family will hate you if you got knocked up, regardless of who the guy was.

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