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Do you think there is such a thing as an instinct or a 6th sense? That can vaguely be described as a strong feeling about something that has no explanation behind it but causes you to pause and think hmmmm? On what grounds would you follow this feeling? Or is it just silly? How would you differentiate between which instinct is an advisable/good one or which is misleading?

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Hey Lily. smile.gif


Once my instincts told me to run as far away as possible from something. Everything seemed perfect but the unease and the urge to run would not leave me, it bugged me and drove me mad, until I blindly followed it and run like hell. I dropped it all, went against everything and everyone based on instincts. Three years down the line, I can honestly say I'm so glade I followed my instincts, because looking back now from an objective point of view, things were not as perfect as I thought and I nearly made the biggest mistake in my short life which would have contributed to misery for the rest of my life. Alhumuldiliah say I.


So my new theory is trust your instincts, and use it. I don’t think instincts are misleading, but it might be based on over paranoia or something, but from my experience they are always good. Or you can just pray Salah Tul Istixaarah if you really are at a cross road.


P.s. As of on what grounds will I follow it, It is irrational action so I for me it is not based on any ground, just how strong and how long I have the feeling.


When I meet people for the first time, within mins I can normally tell if we will like each other or hate each other, if they can be trusted or they are shifty and I'm nearly always right! And if you don't believe me, I don't blame you. :D;)

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

When I meet people for the first time, within mins I can normally tell if we will like each other or hate each other, if they can be trusted or they are shifty and I'm nearly always right! And if you don't believe me, I don't blame you.

I'm just like you.

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My instincts never fails me, in fact, the few times I chose to ignore my initial gut feelings I ended up regretting it.

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I agree with Ghanima, Nomad & the rest of you but what if you are wrong? Why would you dismiss someone right out just because you have a 'feeling' you will not like them? I understand this very well but why is this? People aside, couldn’t this negative feeling towards something be just disguised fear?


What of the opposite, when people you hardly know give you the feeling that you can trust them and 'all will be well' in their presence? This is equally dangerous I think, even if you do eventually find out you were right about them.


IF these instincts are as strong and guiding as we all claim then can we safely claim we have 6 senses, albeit the 6th being a little tricky and can only be utilised by some people?


Pujah I totally agree with you on the regretting part, but what if your instinct is totally split on something? And you start to doubt your instinct and this whole gut feeling business?


Oh and do we follow the instincts that are less risky?



p.s. Ngonge, did you have an instinct I would? :D

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Does that mean you can disregard your brain too, logic, proof and the other factors what come into the decision making? I don’t know, I'm answering this just because my guts told me to smile.gif

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Insticts to my knowledge is the best and most honest feeling about something u can have. They never mislead you!



My inticts tell me if you must spend some time in SOL spend it in islamic section, I dont do most of the time.

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Originally posted by Ghanima:


When I meet people for the first time, within mins I can normally tell if we will like each other or hate each other,

So that is why you don't like me :D ,,, now i got it


Heyy ,,thanks yaa ,,,,, for ,, eeen ,,, u know :D

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Williamina, that is precisely the point, what if you had an overwhelmingly strong feeling something was not as it should be, despite the facts and logic? How can you differentiate between irrationality/paranoia and instinct?


Or if there was a situation where there was no evidence, proof, but you just 'know'.

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There is no such thing as instinct or 6th sense, it is all pre-conceived hogwash.


When people usually follow their so called instincts and realise they were wrong they usually go, "I thought that it/she/he/they was/were....blah blah blah...". Jump deep in before you instinct it. Instinct can sometimes can cloud your judgement. Most of the time nothing seems what they're, and in today's world one can almost say nothing is wht they seem to be!

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Everyone has instincts, what a silly question is that?. Isn't 6th sense being clairvoyant; where you can forsee the future? I have a 6th sense I can tell how intelligent a person is before speaking with them. ;)

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