
Kenya expels Somalia Ambassador Tarzan in an effort to annex illegally the Somalia's Ocean.

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Thus is a move of a bully, and shows the weakness in Kenya's hand. 

Nothing will come out making Kenya an enemy at this point in Somalia's overall stage. The response should be calculated,  measured and have song term vision at the heart of it. 

African states are led by imbeciles.  


The fact that Kenya is a bully and looking down on us is clearly indicated in this quote by one of their diplomats.

"By carelessly ignoring the internationally acceptable norms of boundary dispute resolution and or political and diplomatic disagreements, the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia has once again demonstrated that it has yet to attain and embrace the political maturity and diplomatic stance of a normal, well adjusted, and properly functioning modern government," PS Kamau said.


What's a piece of xaar this lot are! This should go into our history books and taught in our schools in the future, never to be forgotten.  Not only is our location hostile and unstable,  we are unlucky to have hostile neighbours too. 

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From what I heard the so called disputed area was not part of what was auctioned in London.

Markaa ma aqaano Kenya waxay Isla waalayso.

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1 hour ago, cadnaan1 said:

From what I heard the so called disputed area was not part of what was auctioned in London.

Markaa ma aqaano Kenya waxay Isla waalayso.

Perhaps this is the real reason behind it?

Warbixin: Uhuru Kenyatta & Farmaajo waxay ku kala tageen Axmed Madoobe

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xog dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxaya khilaafka cusub ee ka dhex curtay dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo dowladda Kenya kaasi oo soo if baxay markii Dowladda Kenya ay magaalada Nairobi kasoo eriday safiirka Somalia ee dalka Kenya.

Khilaafkan cusub ayaa la ogaaday inuu kasii daray khilaaf horey ugu dhaxeeyey Farmajao iyo Uhuru Kenyatta oo la xiriira xilka madaxweynaha maamulka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe.

Wargeyska Daily Nation ee kasoo baxa dalka Kenya ayaa shaaciyay in madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ay isku qabteen dib usoo laabashada madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe, oo uu Farmaajo diidan yahay, balse Kenyatta ku adkeysanayo.

Warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynaha Kenya uu  ergo usoo diray magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasi madaxweyne Farmaajo kala hadlay sidii Axmed Madoobe loogu ogolaan lahaa inuu dib ugu soo laabto xilka madaxweynaha Jubbaland, waxaana taasi diiday madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ergada ku wargeliyay inay la yimaadaan musharax kale.

Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoonaan karo ayaa sheegay inuu Madaxweynaha Kenya bilowgii sannadkan uu Ergo ka socotay Odayaal ka soo jeeda Soomaalida-Kenyanka ah u soo diray Mdaaxweyne Farmaajo si uu uga fekero inuu Axmed Madoobe mar kale ku sii nagaado xilka Madaxweynaha Jubbaland.

Dowladda Kenya waxay horey kaalin muhiim ka soo qaadatay sidii uu Axmed Madoobe ugu guuleysan lahaa  Doorashaddii Madaxtinimadda ee Jubbaland ka dhacday sannadkii 2013-kii.

Codsigii Madaxeynaha Kenya ayaa la sheegay inuu ku gacan sayray Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo Ergadii Somali-Kenyanka u sheegay inay soo xushaan Murashax kale ee lagu bedeli doono Axmed Madoobe,

Dhinaca kale, Wargeyska Nation ee ka soo baxa Nairobi oo aan Warbixintan daabacay ayaa waxa kale oo uu qoray in Xiriirka labada Waddan ee deriska ah uu xiriirkooda xumaaday bsihii Augsut ee sannadkii hore, kadib, markii ay Maamulayaasha Hay’addaha Ammaanka Kenya fureen Baaritaano ku aadan qaabka uu Fahad Yaasiin oo xilligaasi ahaa Ku-xigeenka Agaasimihii Hay’adda NISA, balse hataan ah Agaasimaha Guud ee NISA ku helay Baasabooradda Soomaaliga iyo Kenyaanka.

Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Muqdisho

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This is not the case.  The issue is not Farmaajo and Uhuru Kenyati, as some want to betray it.  Madoobe is not that important for Kenya. Farmaajo does not have plan to ask Kenya to leave Jubaland. It is all about the coming court decisions and the Kenya government is pretending nationalistic and defensive. It is political calculated game for the future of Kenya government. 

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Agree 100% with Duufaan,its about the court decisions which likely will support Somalia' claim.Kenya is trying to bully the federal gov into some kind of out of court settlement.What they failed to recognize is that they no longer dealing with the hapless Shariff or his corrupt ministers.

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6 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

Agree with Dufaan,but what happens after court case

Why wait for the court case when the Somalia Republic under the current SFG can take actions against Kenya Today?...........Finally the Somali government expels the KDF-Amisom from Somalia.


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