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Fat Nation

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On one hand, millions are affected by hunger and starvation in Africa, while on the other hand thousands are dying of fat/obesity-related complications in the UK/US. Such extremes.





UK's fattest cities are revealed


Bradford has earned the title of the fattest city in the UK thanks to its residents' fondness for alcohol and fast food, according to a study.


The results were based on the incidence of heart disease, the amount of junk food and alcohol consumed, and the level of gym membership.


Other cities high in the obesity league include Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow.


Southampton was named as the fittest in the study by Men's Fitness magazine.



Bradford was in 11th place in 2004 but shot up to fourth last year and is now in the number one spot, overtaking Manchester.


Michael Donlevy, Men's Fitness deputy editor, said: "Bradford has leapt up the standings and earned its title by consuming too much alcohol and takeaway food, watching too much television and not doing enough exercise.


"The truth is, as a nation we are not burning off enough of the calories we consume.


"You can ban smoking in pubs and arrest drunks but who is to stop people gorging on junk food in their own front rooms?"


Adult obesity rates have almost quadrupled in the last 25 years, with 22% of Britons now obese and three-quarters are overweight.




1 Bradford

2 Liverpool

3 Manchester

4 Newcastle

5 Glasgow



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The gluttonous west should just eat the starving Africans. They might as well. They're eating damn near everything else. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Castro:

The gluttonous west should just eat the starving Africans. They might as well. They're eating damn near everything else. :rolleyes:

Hehe - perhaps after injecting them with genetically modified hormones etc. - otherwise it's just skin and bones - for them that's totally unacceptable in a meal. :D

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I have a three year old obese cousin who can't stop eating because a hormone called leptin which signals the brain that the stomach is full is deficient in his bloody; I'm not sure when they would give him drugs to help him but its just too early I suppose now.


That experience has really changed my mind about obesity and its causes; I used to just think that it was due to their poor lifestyle choices and laziness but some people's own bodies work against them. It could either be heredity reasons or there is an imbalance of hormones.


Secondly you see that the wealthier one is the less likely he or she is overweight, this is not due to the fact that these people exercise but because their wealth affords them healtheir food choices; the lower income families opt for fast foods and sweets, which are just basically well packaged, fat filled, empty nutrient, high cholestral traps---> because its cheaper. Organic and healthy foods are expensive to the average family; they can't afford to have that luxury. But a whole meal of hamburger, fries, and drink for under $5, who could resist that? Furthermore, the more knowledgable one is about their bodies, how it works, and what you put into them the more likely that they would choose to make healthy choices.


We eat for all kids of reasons I find myself eating when watching tv, doing homework, in class on the bus because I'm BORED and need to do something. Instead of engaging our minds or bodies or just finding some kind of alternative---> we keep on eating. Some people just need to fill a void, I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but we should really look into this before we label people and come up with our own diagnosis of their problem.


These people did not just wake up one day in their twenties and thirties and find themselves grossly overwieght; it starts in their childhood and some of the blame is on their parents and guardians. An overweight child will more often than not grow up to be an overweight adult. What you learn and observe in you younger years carries into you later life; this is proven.


gene linked to obesity 'found'



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:eek: so like, when did the memo come in about "fat is bad"....i must've been out on lunch



Where did that whole "im big and im beautiful" thing go.......BRING IT BACK, i liked it :(

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Dadkan markay cuntada ka dhargaan may is qaras bixiyaan? A box of green tea bag is only $2. I swear, after I eat a big meal and have a mug of green tea, my stomach gets back to being flat right away. $2 well spent I say! :D



Secondly you see that the wealthier one is the less likely he or she is overweight, this is not due to the fact that these people exercise but because their wealth affords them healtheir food choices;

There are plenty of cheap healthy foods the poor can afford, if they choose to. You don't necessarily have to go to a Whole Foods store to eat healthy. Bananas are only $0.65 a pound, there are usually apples or oranges on sale for anywhere from $0.45 ~ $0.99 a pound. A tub of generic plain nonfat yogurt is cheaper than a similarly sized tub of Haagen-Dazs. Drinking water ($0.25 to refill a gallon) is cheaper than drinking soda or juice (which is also full of sugar.) See? Laakin ma rabaan, qashinkay rabaan inay ka dhargaan. Hayska cuneen!

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Bradford!! i though thats where all the Asian people lived and they are skinny, i wonder why London never mad it, i am always squashed by fat people on buses and trains, but i see all the skinny ones at the gym, mysterious world redface.gif


First feed them some dog food to fatten them up. I'm so disgusted with the world today.

Someone has gone through a transformation in thought and opinion, either that or you were “pulling legs before†:confused:


i actually agree with that, i am disgusted too

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Originally posted by ibtisam:

Someone has gone through a transformation in thought and opinion, either that or you were “pulling legs before†:confused:

Transformation without examples is something up with which I will not put.

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With all due respect, most Fat people imply that they have little or no choice by being fat.You Are What You Eat Simple. and those who advocate that Boosting body image at any weight are full of bullocks........

Fact: if people would try to maintain our body weight by balancing what we eat with physical activity then Fat folks would be non existant. More physical activity is better than less, and any is better than none. If your weight is not in the healthy range, try to reduce health risks through better eating and exercise habits.



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^ Hi goes it?



Laba-dhagood & Norf,


Leave yous alone, aa? Heh. Like being deprived and poor wasn't enough, they've only gone and gotten fat as well. Lazy buggers.


London has taken the 'fittest' title for the last 4 years apparently. This year's fittest city is Southampton.

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