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We want General back!

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Originally posted by Mutakallim:

P.S. If the title of this forum does irreparable damage to your emotions, then you do not have to post in this section. Perhaps you might want to try to post something in the Islamic, Debate forums. This way you can "contribute" something to this site and save your precious ego.

I’ve said this before and I don’t mind repeating it once more, you’re seriously pissing against the wind here, saaxib (pardon my language). Your whole campaign against the trivia on this section is akin to a Mullah attempting to preach in a public bar! This was the general forum and the topics on it were GENERAL topics; some were good, some were aimless, some were weird, some were funny and many were without any substance whatsoever. Still, everything was covered and most members (if I might hazard a guess) knew what to expect on this section (still do I suppose).


Your criticism of it at first seemed to be concerned with quality and a desire to see a better forum! Sounded fine at the time, yet now it seems all you had a problem with was a mere WORD! Erm, ahem, A....... Sorry, give me a minute to compose myself! Your objection is now only to the application of the word GENERAL to a forum that has a high percentage of trivial posts? Let me ask you a loaded question (it’s rhetorical really but I’m in a mischievous mood) and say, do you know how trivial that fixation of yours sounds?


It does not bother me if this forum is called general, universal, off-topic, on-topic or even Iska hadal (as some brothers suggested). For this is the only section that seems to remind me of that Paint Advert with the slogan “ Does exactly what it says on the tinâ€. However, I’m more concerned with the other parts of this site and, frankly, I’m surprised that you and the admin who you managed to entice into this pointless rearranging of furniture, are not.


Have you, or the admin, looked at the politics section lately? I realise you can’t request to change the name of that section (what would you call it!), however, if quality is what concerns you then surely the sort of claptrap that is posted on that section would take precedence over the trivia on a section that does not pretend to be anything but trivial.



As for your suggestion that people try to “contribute†to the other sections, well, that in itself is a bit nonsensical. If they’re as trivial as you seem to think they are, then you’re only asking them to spread their trivia into the other sections and join you in this game of rearranging the furniture, again (quite a conga band your building up here, saaxib).



I repeat, the General (off-topic) forum is irrelevant and should not be a priority when assessing the quality of this site. The Islamic, Politics and Debate forums ARE and need the members’ and managements’ full attention (especially seeing the recent outbursts of idiocy on all those three sections).

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And to top it off, have you noticed the contradiction between "Off-Topic" caption and the definition underneath it that says "Only for general topics"? My sensible mind says it is "Off-Mark" and nincompoopish a little lol.

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I c Raami has taken the opportunity to rant :D !


Admin, my topic should not get reprimanded for the complaining thats about to follow. smile.gif

The people have spoken

Indeed :D

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It does not bother me if this forum is called general, universal, off-topic, on-topic or even Iska hadal (as some brothers suggested). For this is the only section that seems to remind me of that Paint Advert with the slogan “
Does exactly what it says on the tinâ€
. However, I’m more concerned with the other parts of this site and, frankly, I’m surprised that you and the admin who you managed to entice into this pointless rearranging of furniture, are not.


Have you, or the admin, looked at the politics section lately? I realise you can’t request to change the name of that section (what would you call it!), however, if quality is what concerns you then surely the sort of claptrap that is posted on that section would take precedence over the trivia on a section that does not pretend to be anything but trivial.




I agree, the politics section could do with alot more administration, but i guess as soon as an attempt is made on clean up that section of the site any nomads effected wll be protesting bais. But i whole heartedly agree i am now going Off the Topic so i guess i agree with the change in title :D:D

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Seven of Nine:- It is not just the topics that require this section of the fora be called "Off Topic"; the majority of the respones to the topics in this section are "Off Topic" as well.


Social chit chat does not fall under the "general" section of a fora; instead, it falls under the "Off-Topic" or "Community" section.


Some would even argue that all general topics are oftentimes off topic( such topics do not pertain to the purpose of the other forums), but not all "off topic" topics are general.


As of late some new members have been posting "personal, introductory threads" in other sections of the fora. The title "general" is, at the risk of being redundant, misleading.


NGONGE: You have expressed a colossal amount of sentiments in one post. How do you manage to do that?


Your criticism of it at first seemed to be concerned with quality and a desire to see a better forum! Sounded fine at the time, yet now it seems all you had a problem with was a mere WORD!


Does it give you a pyschological victory to defeat men of straw? The insinuation that my qualms with this forum revolved around a "word" is a textbook case of a straw man argument.


Fred: "Poverty is one factor that causes crime."

Alice: "You're wrong to claim that all poor people are criminals. My friend Jack is poor, but he is not a criminal!".


The principle of charity, a principle which requires persons to intrepret their opponent's view in the strongest way possible, has been abandoned by many a Nomad. You have made for yourself a view out of straw, and then you have attributed it to me. Congratualtions! You have managed to destroy your straw man argument (i.e. that I was concerned with a "mere word"). How Merciless! Unfortunately for you the real opponent (i.e. the real argument) stands untouched and unscathed. Ethical scientists, I am most sure, would frown upon this caricature.


At the time I had suggested the title to be changed, SOL was experiencing a "pandemic disease". This virus quickly took over the body of the General forum, and biological data clearly intimated that this virus was infecting the other forums. In an effort to "quarantine" this cyber disease, I suggested two options.


1.Change the title to "Off Topic" or "Community" so as to curtail the amount of nonsense posted on the other forums. This way all the garbage of this site can be put in one bin. And perhaps all the garbage from the other forums should either be deleted or transferred to this forum. Do you not think having one big garbage can is better and more effective than having several smaller ones?


2. Ban members who delibrately and "inadvertently" discolor site content. This second option was not, of course, reasonable to the guardians of this site.


As for your suggestion that people try to “contribute†to the other sections, well, that in itself is a bit nonsensical. If they’re as trivial as you seem to think they are, then you’re only asking them to spread their trivia into the other sections


Not all the posters who post in general section are "trivial"; the topics are trivial. You are a prime example of a poster who posts "casually" (i.e. incognitive) replies in the "Off Topic" section, but who also posts good replies in the other sections. So you see, it is not nonsensical as you are a testimony of this.


I agree that the Debate, Islam, and Politics sections be strictly moderated. Evolutionary processes do not occur overnight, so it will take time for the changes to come to frution. I already provided Libaax San-Kataabte with suggestions on how to improve the other forums.


The Adminsterator and his staff (i.e. moderators) are open to suggestions, so should you have any feedback, then send him a PM.


With Salaams


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Originally posted by Mutakallim:

NGONGE: You have expressed a colossal amount of sentiments in one post. How do you manage to do that?


With Salaams


Sometimes, a straw man argument is the best tool when extracting satisfactory replies. :D

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