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How would you evaluate Al-Jazeera T.V. ?

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To those of you who watch it regularly or once in a while should know what that network is all about, others atleast should have some glimpse of idea. This 24 hour Arabic news Most of the people considered it as the CNN of the Arab world. ofcourse they should be since the rest of stations in that region censored and controlled by its government. Although Al-jazeera created by Qater's own Puppet Emir Hamad Bin khaliifa Al-Thani, The vast majority of Arabs believe that it's a free t.v. network because of its up to date news and crossfire-style debate and arguments toward the region and rest of the people.


I could understand the important and need of "free" middle easter network and necessity of having a network that opposes The western biase ones like CNN,BBC, and etc. However, what I still can't understand is their double stander vision and hypocrisy and what they are claiming to be. Al-jazeera is well known to broadcast up to date news from Kabul to Palestine, latest video and audio hits from Osama Bin Laden to his Al-Qaeda, round table debating and discussing of other Arab leader puppets like Kuwait, Saudis, Egypt, and Jordan but never dare to criticize its own Emir Puppet. The biggest military base and Head-Quarter where this war against iraq and Afghanistan is guided locates few miles from the Network's HeadQuarter. I could understand that every country sees the world through the frame of their own values and interests but how could you blame other neighbor countries' leaders their corruption while yours followed one of the stupidest decision by allowing American cruseders to have a huge Military base in order to launch war with every arab countries one by one.


Al-Jazeera should and have to cover its own country's political decisions with the same way it covers others if they want to be called free T.V. network. Everything starts from home...Other than that, I see them as another medium biase for one of the Emir puppet's interest. That's How I evaluated al-Jazeera t.v.!

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Aljazeera sometimes struggles on seperating news from opinion. But in a time of war against muslims, we tend to appreciate the "muslims are doing ok" kind of news coming from non-western sources. In any case, it is pivotal that we get the truth, regardless of who is reporting it.

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Al-jazeera is one of the best news the only channel that is on our TV since the war.... Aljazeera sometimes struggles on seperating news from opinion their slogen "Ra'yiga(opinion)..iyo Ra'yiga kasoo horjeeda" which pretty much explains that they deliver the news with their point of view....


We do live here were we "sepposely" have freedom of press..but they only tell you what they want you to know...therefore, Networks like Al-jazeera is a real helper to know what's actually going on.

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I can only assume that to bite the hands that feed you would be something of a suicide for the Network................i think you could say that there is abit of u scratch my back and i'll scratch yours. But the main point is that they deliver up to date excluse information about the war that the established news meduim smply wont for their inherent bais's. Besides everyone knows that the regime there is a puppet regime so there is no need to say so its quite abvious but ur point is well taken more than a hint of hypocracy there

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Ohh well, I knew sooner or later they will get attack. Even though I was worrying that they may get bomb..guess they did through cyber and got hacked.

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Aljazeera is the only media that shows what really is happenining in the muslim world. If they were to express their opinion againt their own goverment they know they wouldnt last another second.



I heard a rumour saying the american goverment is putting pressure on the qatari govertment to close aljazeera.

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It's their duty to show one or both sides of the story one way or another Since it claims the only uncensored news for the middle east.



Not only it angered Americans but It has been attacked by virtually every government in the Middle East because it airs stories and programs debating and shouting about the corruption of government officials in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, kuwait and elsewheree but except Qatar. Doesn't that explain their ironic method of prideness

itself on reporting on the Middle East from an Arab perspective. Other than that, there's no Question about how good they broadcast up to date news from the globe without context.

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I really cant say noting negative baout it, in a way its our CNN and plus i was brought up in that tiny penisula..i have deep loyalty to that channel icon_razz.gif

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Aljazeera to me is the best TV ever come to existence since in terms of broadcasting News, Documentary, Discussions and questions times every thing came to mind they the one.


At least they broadcast the truth and is the only TV station that i can trust and believe to some extent.


Left's point may be true that they don't cover about internal issues of their country. But u gotta be reasonable on this. This is theirs TV created by the Emir himself and its the duty of Aljazeera to defend Qatar and thier intrest rather than critising their own country. But that doesn't happened and he made it as an independent TV station. Not to forget that no one shoots himself using his own gun unless he's insane.


I believer they are far more better than CNN and BBC which they only braodcast the white house and downing street propaganda. And how can one compare aljazeera ( which covers on their news the hottest happening at that moment) to the other middle eastern TV stations like the saudis Tv(the hottest news is King blah..and Prince hebel..shit) or Egyptians ( hottest news is who did the predisent had a meal with..) ..these are the most discusting TV i have seen I can't tolerate watching such .....


The one and only i love and enjoy watching is none other than Aljazeera


Keep up the struggle and good work.

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Have you seen Control Room – it’s a documentary showcasing the inner workings of al-Jazeera. Clearly al-Jazeera is one of the top five influential brands in the world along with Coca-Cola, Apple and Google, their website had received over 1.4 billion impressions in 2003. Al-Jazeera’s popularity can be attributed to its relationship with Osama bin Laden. Al-Jazeera was the only channel to have exclusive access to Osama bin Laden’s speeches. That is why the channels recognition skyrocketed when they aired video statements from bin Laden.



However, al-Jazeera’s political discourse was outwardly directed against western cultures, it had neglected to criticize and entice debate that was directed towards political institutions and regimes within the Middle East. However, Al-Jazeera did manage to impact some elements of Middle Eastern society. The channel encouraged dialogue and public discussions amongst citizens – why aren’t women allowed to drive in certain countries?. That is why some governments were not too happy to have their citizens exposed to al-Jazeera afterwards.



Even more, al-Jazeera reinforced the collective identity of Muslims in the Middle East and those in the Diaspora. The audience of al-Jazeera has many things in common, such as religion, culture, historical experience and collective memory. The countries in which majority of the audience belong to have experienced state managed media outlets, where media content is closely regulated to fit state propaganda and sometimes to please western business interests.

Al-Jazeera became the alternative for western style media, which is often seen as being culturally imperialistic in its quest to convert individuals into mindless consumers.


Al-Jazeera is well liked in the Middle East and elsewhere because of its uncompromising and yet compassionate display of the collective struggles and concerns of Muslims. The coverage of wars and humanitarian intervention in the post-Sept. 9/11 era made al-Jazeera into a media force, and suddenly opened our eyes to the horrific outcomes of the unmitigated irrationalities of US foreign policy.


The world tuned in, because al-Jazeera showed us the impact of war and human suffering – they humanized the aggression against innocent people. We suddenly became addicted to the realism of war – while western media institutions made the war out to be a spectacle with the embedding of journalist in army tanks – when you can clearly see journalists becoming engaged in the art of war, even pointing out targets, and yelling encouraging words as if they were watching a football match. This attracted people in the western world to al-Jazeera, they wanted to see those on the other side of the tanks – the civilians and the authentic journalists on the front lines without adequate protection or special treatment, the independent journalist. The US army deliberately even fired at al-Jazeeera journalists on a rooftop, killing one.


I highly recommend Control Room and Weapons of mass deception – they both evaluate the role of the media/war after 9/11.

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Originally posted by Animal Farm:

I highly recommend
Control Room
Weapons of mass deception
– they both evaluate the role of the media/war after 9/11.

I've seen both documentaries and while I learned from them, they did leave a bad taste in my mouth as things will get much worse before they get any better.


Al Jazeera rocks. I'd spend many a hot Texas evenings in 2003 smoking sheesha and watching it in a local arab cafe. Then the Iraq war broke and these tinted black Crown Victorias started routinely circling the cafe, even parking in front of it for hours. Needless to say, my travel plans didn't include Camp X-ray at the time so I stopped going and didn't watch it since. My source for news continues to be Amy Goodman on the Democracy Now program on the Pacifica Radio Network. The call it the War and Peace report but it's got local, national and international news of what really matters. You can listen to the one hour show daily online. Try it.

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Castro i am awre of Amy Goodman, but lately i’m fascinated by liberal bashing, the attack on their sarcastic analytical look how intelligent i’m chatter and the phrase godless liberals that is often coined at liberals in general – somehow this is appealing, that's why i enjoy conservative radio shows, and how they bash liberals in general – they just seem more realistic, nonacademic, ordinary, slobby in coverage, and unapologetic. Its not to say that i wear a pro-Bush shirt or like NASCAR racing and think climate change sounds less threatening than global warming. On occasion you need a break from liberal b!tching and picketing – although i find pessimistic liberals to be entertaining.

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