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Everything posted by isqarxis

  1. if this truly happens,it will bring a massive change in the country.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;706662 wrote: This guy needs to be locked up for his own good. for telling the fact????
  3. "Waxaan diyaar u ahay inaan badbaadiyo Somaliland iyo Beeshayadaba, Dawladu waxay u qaybsan tahay Shabaab nasakhan, Basaasiin dibadaha laga keenay iyo qaar Madaxweynayaal u sharaxan" Boqor Cismaan Aw Maxamuud (Buurmadow) Hargeysa, (Qaran news) - Boqor Cismaan Aw Maxamuud (Buurmadow) oo ka mid ah madaxdhaqameedyada beesha bariga Burco ayaa Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siillaanyo ku eedeeyey inay damacsan tahay in Somaliland ay la midayso kooxaha Somalia, isla markaana ugu baaqay beeshooda inay horseed ka noqoto dibad bax Salmiya oo Xukuumadda Siillaanyo lagaga dalbado inay Xilka iska casisho, isagoo intaa ku daray in madaxweynaha ay ku xeeran yihiin koox uu ku tilmaamay in aanay wax khibrad iyo waayo aragnimo ah u lahayn Dawlad nimada, balse ku tilmaamay in dibadaha laga soo waariday. Boqor Cismaan Aw Maxamuud (Buur-madow) waxa kale oo uu ka dayriyay xaaladaha nabad-galyo, Dhaqaale, Abaaraha iyo biyo la’aanta ku habsatay dalka oo uu ku tilmaamay kuwo keeni kara kacdoono Shacbi, isagoo dhinaca kale-na ku eedeeyay Xukuumadda in Meeqaamkii Dawladnimo ee Somaliland ay kala mid dhigeen kooxaha Somalia ee Shirarka loo qabto, waxaanu ka digay in Somaliland ay wax dhaafsiisan xidhiidh Jaarnimo ay la yeelato dalka Ethiopia. Boqor Buur-madow oo Xalay khadka Telefoonka kula soo xidhiidhay Wargeyska Haatuf, isagoo ku sugan dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa isagoo ka hadlaya arrimahaasi, waxa uu yidhi “Madaxweyne Siillaanyo iyo Guruubka ku xeeran ee bilaa khibrada ah, haddaan maanta layska qaban waxay ku wadaan Somaliland oo ay doonayaan inay si bilaa qiimo ah ku geeyaan Somalia, ma Nimanka inala fadhisiyay shan maamul goboleed oo Habar –Gidir iyo ****** ah iyo Sodon urur oo reer Koonfureed ah halkaynu Somalia ka ahayn laba Dawladood oo kala gaar ah Somaliland iyo Somalia Meeqaamkaasi ayay maanta ina marinayaan maamulkani, sidaa darteed waxa aan diyaar u ahay in aan bad-baadiyo Somaliland iyo Beeshayadaba oo aan qaadano kaalinta ay qaateen Sheekh Axmarka iyo Qabiilka Xaashidka ee Yemen-tu ee ay kaga soo horjeesteen Cali Cabdale Saalax oo ka soo jeeda Raaskooda oo ay ku biireen kacdoonka ka socda dalkaasi, sidaa darteed waxaan beeshayada Habar-jeclo ugu baaqayaa inay horseed ka noqoto dibad bax Salmiya oo lagaga soo horjeesto Xukuumadda Siillaanyo ee ay ku xeeran yihiin Kooxo aan aqoon dawladnimo iyo waayo aragnimo toona lahayn, balse aqoontoodu aanay dhaafsiisnayn Xasarad iyo kala fogaynta Shacbiga Somaliland, oo Wakhtigan xaadirka ah ay haystaan duruufo Dhaqaale xumo, Sicir barar iyo Abaaro baahsan oo biyo la’aani u dheer tahay, isla markaana deegaanadii bariga Sanaag dalka intiisii kale laga gooyay, Xasiloonidii iyo amaankii dalku-na faraha ka baxay, isla markaana Colaado laga dhex abuuray Shacbigii Walaalaha ahaa waxa loo baahan yahay in maamulkan iyo kooxdan ku xeeranba ummadu ka Midawdo sidii ay ugu foojignaan lahaayeen qorshayaasha ay ku doonayaan in Somaliland ay si ka liidata midnimadii bilaa Shuruuda ahayd ee 1960-kii Somalia” Buurmadow mar uu ka hadlayey in xukuumadda Siilaanyo u kala qaybsan tahay kooxo kala duwan waxa uu yidhi “Xukuumadda Siillaanyo-na waxay u qaybsan tahay saddex kooxood oo kala ah, Shabaab Nasaqan, Basaasiin Mutadawiciina oo dibadaha laga soo waariday oo Dawlada lagu soo darsaday iyo Niman madaxweynayaal doonaya oo u sharaxan oo iyagu-na aan daacad ka ahayn dalka, Somaliland haddii aanay saddex Wado maanta ka tashanin oo aanay u Midoobin mid ka mid ah dib loo arki maayo inaynu Shabaabka Asalka ah ee aan Nasaqnayn la Midowno, inaynu maamulkan doonaya inay si bilaa qiimo ah inagu geeyan Somalia aynu inagoo qiimo leh maanta tagno iyo in aynu maamulkan iska ridno, Xalku-na waxa uu ku jiraa in ummaddu u Midowdo Masiirkeeda sidii ay u badbaadin lahayd”. Mar aanu weydiinay in loo arki karo baaqiisa ku aadan Xukuumadda iyo beesha uu ka soo jeedo madaxweynuhu mid qalalaase iyo fidmo ka dhex abuuri kara Somaliland, waxa uu yidhi “Horta madaxweynaha waxa isku xeeray oo Qol madow ku xidhay oo uu ka shaqayn kari laayahay koox aan aqoon dawladnimo lahayn, arinkaygu-na maaha mid fidmo aan ku kicinayee waa mid aan leeyahay dibad bax Salmiya ha lagaga dalbado, sidan u hadda dalku ku jiraa-na ayaa ba keeni karta in Shacbigu kacdoon ku sameeyo maamulka maanta jira oo Hargeysa ayaa Gaajo loogu dhimanayaa oo Maceeshadiiba cirka isku shareertay, Somaliland oo la waayo iyo Maamulka Siilaanyo waxa ka weyn Qaranimada oo waxa fudud in maamulkani meesha ka baxo”. Mar aanu weydiinay maadaama madaxweynuhu sheegay in aanay Somaliland qaranimadeedu gorgortan gali karayn oo aanay marti uga noqonaynin in kooxaha Somalia ay gogol kula fadhiistaan waxa uu ku cadaynayo eedaha uu uga soo jeedinayo in Xukuumaddu wado qorshe lagu midaynayo Somaliland iyo Somalia, waxa uu yidhi “Xeerkii labada gole ee Baarlamaanku Somaliland ku xaaraantimeeyeen ka qayb galka Shirarka loo qabto kooxaha Somalia waa kuwii baabiyay ee dhex fadhiistay 30 urur oo kooxaha Somalia loo qabtay, Siyaasadeenii Khaarajigu-na meel liidata ayay maraysa oo Baasaboorkeenii dalalka Caalamka lagu gali jiray waxa ka qiimo batay Baasaboorka Dawlada TFG-da, deegaanada Kal-shaale ee beelaha Walaalaha ah Colaad baa laga abuuray oo waxa ku dhintay 300 Somalilanders ah, waxaanan qabaa in Dambigaasi ay leeyihiin Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo kooxda nabadiidka Buhoodle”. Mar aanu weydiinay inuu magacaabo kooxda uu ku eedaynayo inay ku xeeran yihiin madaxweynaha, waxa uu yidhi “War la qabaa xiiso ma leh, Ilaahayna wuu yaqaanaa dadku-na way ogyihiin waana Xubnaha labada Waji leh ee ah Shabaabka Nasaqan, marna iska dhiga Cilmaaniga”. Mar aanu weydiinay maadaama Xukuumadda madaxweyne Siillaanyo muddadii 9 Bilood ahayd ee ay Xilka haysay ay ku talaabsatay Mushahar kordhin ay Shaqaalaha iyo Ciidamada ay u samaysay waxyaabaha uu dhaliisha ugu soo jeedinayo, waxa uu yidhi “Waxay keeneen Miisaaniyad bilaa qorshe ah oo meel Dakhligeedu ka soo xeroonayo aan la ogayn iyo Kharashaad faro badan oo meel loo raaco aan lahayn oo si indho la’aan ah oo bilaa Khibrad ah ay u soo dhigeen Xubnaha ku xeeran oo qaarkood inta Jawaano lagaga soo Waariday dibada iyagu ilaalinaya danaha Dawladaha shisheeye ee heshiisyadii Shidaal qodista lala galay Shirkadaha Shafron iyo Conoco loogu soo darsaday Dawlada” Mar aanu weydiinay mawqifkiisa ku wajahan xidhiidhka Somaliland iyo Ethiopia ka dhexeeya, waxa uu yidhi “Ethiopia iyo Somaliland in xidhiidh laba dal oo daris ahi inaga dhexeeyo waa mid waajiba ah, muddo dheer-na Cilaaqaad baa inaga dhexeeyay, balse Ethiopia maaha in aynu noqono Shuraako oo haddii aynu Shuraako noqonana wey inaga badan yihiinoo weyn ina liqayaan”
  4. ARISTOTLE said about usury as immoral and unnatural
  5. there is no Secular Muslim.either be a Secular or Muslim
  6. who led Somaliland civil war in 1993-1995?
  7. Warancade is a leader with a vision.he has the creativity, openness and fairness to become future president.
  8. one thing and no one can deny it and that is dhigshiil recruits shaqalaahisa shirkada on clan system
  9. Vans;704139 wrote: I've been converted! I'm a Somalilander!!! u will regret it.
  10. ninkani dukan dhar ayuu islamabad ku haysta.shame shame shame
  11. By Wycliffe Muga Nairobi On 9 July the world's newest country will come into existence - South Sudan. For the South Sudanese, who voted for independence in a referendum in January, it's a cause for celebration. But other countries in the region can also see the upsides. Unemployment among young people - including university graduates - has long been a big problem in much of Africa. Kenya and Uganda are no exception. For although both countries have had very impressive rates of economic growth over the past several years, no less impressive has been the rate at which their populations have continued to grow. On average, Kenyan woman have between four and five children - while the average Ugandan woman usually has no less than seven children. Given this rapidly increasing population, it would take miraculous rates of economic growth, to generate enough jobs for all those entering the labour market. Well, it now seems that the longstanding problem of unemployment among educated youth may be substantially reduced through a piece of good fortune that Kenyans - and Ugandans - are trying very hard not to gloat over. Oil money This is the recent vote in southern Sudan in favour of separating from the north, and forming a completely new country - a country which is geographically very close to both Kenya and Uganda, and also has much in common with them in terms of culture and religion. There are employment opportunities here. On the one hand, this new nation is expected to have plenty of oil revenues to pay for its development needs. And on the other hand, many things in this new country will more or less have to be built from scratch: Southern Sudan has very few paved roads, banks, hotels, or government buildings. Above all, very few schools and hospitals have been built over the past six years, since the comprehensive peace agreement of 2005. And before the peace agreement, there had been a 20-year civil war, which had completely destroyed the little that South Sudan had in terms of infrastructure. Windfall Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Many Kenyan banks have already opened up branches in Juba” Already there are many Kenyan and Ugandan teachers in South Sudan's schools. And there is only a limited number of South Sudanese - who attended schools in the north of their country, or in Europe and the United States - who are capable of running the institutions of the new state. So South Sudan is expected, initially, to import almost all of its skilled manpower from Kenya and Uganda. In addition to this, thousands of South Sudanese students are expected to go to these two countries for undergraduate and graduate studies, which will pour millions of dollars into the Kenyan and Ugandan economies, and lead to an expansion of tertiary training institutions in both countries. Finally, South Sudan is likely to continue to be, in the years to come, a market for goods and products from the two neighbouring countries, as there are few factories there at the moment. In anticipation of this windfall, many Kenyan banks have already opened up branches in Juba, the city expected to be the capital of South Sudan. And so, although there are no outward signs of rejoicing over the recent vote for the succession of South Sudan, Kenyan and Ugandan leaders well understand that the creation of this new nation is a great economic opportunity for their countries.
  12. isqarxis

    USA census

    Every 10 years the United States government counts the national population and asks people questions about how they live. Results from the 2010 census are still being organized and studied. The population grew by 27 million people over the past ten years. That was an increase of more than9 % since the last census in two thousand. Growth in the United States population slowed compared to the last census. Between 1990 and 2000, the nation’s population grew by about 13 %. In fact, the only decade with slower growth was between 1930 and1940 . The country grew by a little more than seven percent at that time, which was during the Great Depression. Nevada had the largest population growth in percentage terms during the last ten years. Nevada’s population grew by about35 % . The state with the largest population is California. More than 37 million people live there. Wyoming has the smallest population of all the fifty states, at about half a million people.
  13. brother nur, make dua for people back in home who are facing the worst and devastating drought ever which is really a huge disaster.
  14. hablu kala wanaagsan Mohamed Mooge Libaan Hamigu waa i jiitaa Warwarkuna igama hadho Oo waa had iyo jeer Hamigiyo layaabkana Hadhka galay kolkatahay Mar baan hilinka tawdaa Talo kala haboonaa Habloow kala wanaagsani Tolo hadal macaantii Hoobaan la moodii Meeday hagarladeydii Halkeey caawa joogtaa? Halkeebay caawa joogtaa? Baydka Labbaad Hurdada waan ku taahaa Riyada waan waan ku heesaa Oo waa habeenkii Hamigiyo naftaydana Waxaan ku hindisoodaa Tolow mays helaysaan Mise waad hareer mari Habloow kala wanaagsani Tolow hadal macaantii Hoobaan aad moodii Meedey hagarladeydii? Halkeebay caawa joogtaa? Halkeebay caawa jiigtaa?
  15. haweenka iyo geelaba Mohamed Mooge Liibaan sida himir bisllaatiyo malab hibitiqaayiyo hooban la moodyey wax aad ka hodan tahay cidna aanay heli karin hilibka iyo qurudaaa lagu kala horeeya haweenka iyo geelaba waa la hida raacaa
  16. If we were Cuban, however, the story would be entirely different. The Cuban government operates a national healthcare system that assumes all financial and administrative responsibility for its people. There are no private clinics, there don't need to be. The country runs close to three hundred hospitals, thirteen medical research centres, 450 twenty four hour clinics, and has approximately 14,000 working family doctors. The Cuban healthcare system, said to have been founded by Che Guevara, a doctor by profession, works -- and brilliantly so -- on one founding principle: no matter what happens in the country, no matter how sadistic the embargo, cuts from the nation's medical budget are categorically forbidden. In 2003 a government official told the World Press organization "You want to know where the billions of dollars we receive from foreign tourists go? You think they go towards uniforms or weaponry? Take a look at our hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centres and you will find the answer there. Exactly half the currency earned in our country goes towards the health care system and it is our policy to spare no expense for that purpose". The facts are proof of Cuba's radical healthcare provisions. According to the World Health Organization Cuba provides a doctor for every 170 residents, the second highest doctor to patient ratio in the world, after Italy. There are 350,000 medical personnel serving a population of approximately 11 million. Cuba has the lowest infant mortality rate in the Americas and one of the highest life expectancies in Latin America. It also has one of the lowest HIV rates in the world, partly owing to its stellar educational system (100% literacy, beat that USA). On average, Cubans who do pay for additional medical care -- and the need is negligible -- pay $251 per annum. Compare that with the $5,711 spent per year on health care by the average American whose country's healthcare system rivals Pakistan's in its utter stinginess and lack of human care. It's not just at home that the Cuban healthcare system serves the people, but abroad too. Cuba has 25,000 of its doctors working outside the country, mostly with the dispossessed across the developing world. Since the nuclear explosion at Chernobyl in 1986, more than 20,000 children from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine have been treated in Cuba free of cost. They didn't pay a single penny. Nearly 2,000 Cuban doctors are stationed in Africa and thousands more travelled to South East Asia after the Tsunami and to Pakistan after the 2005 earthquake. The Cuban doctors who came to care for the earthquake victims were the last of the international healthcare workers to leave Pakistan and only after they had treated close to two million of our people. At the embarrassing donor conference held in Islamabad one month after the earthquake where the Presi-General and the PM held court like auctioneers demanding millions of dollars for the President's Relief Fund, the Cuban envoy stood up and spoke with the full weight of his country behind him. "We are not a rich country and we cannot afford to offer you millions like those of the Western world can" he said, then held up his hands "but we have these. And we will send you our doctors and we will treat the victims of the earthquake for as long as you need us". And they did. If you think I'm biased –some of you have hinted that I tend to rave about unpopular countries– then have a look at what some of Cuba's usual detractors have to say. Kofi Annan, traditionally not one to stray from the US line of thought, said in 2000 that "Cuba demonstrates how much nations can do with the resources they have if they focus on the right priorities - health, education, and literacy". The purveyors or economic evil the world over were no less generous in their praise. Former president of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn, commended Cuba in 2001 for having done a "great job" on education and health. Even the head of the US Interests Section in Havana applauded Cubans for their "incredible dedication to healthcare". The Cuban healthcare system is an example for the world. It is one country where basic human rights are met, where healthcare and education are not for the wealthy alone but for rich and poor alike. Further proof, in my humble opinion, that our rat race to compete with neo liberal economies is a meaningless one. Let's not forget that for all the bridges and fountains and restaurants and inflow of foreign capital that Karachi has seen in the last five years, this is a city in which MidEast Hospital was demolished to make way for a shopping mall. Fatima Bhutto
  17. people in somaliland are facing the worst drought ever ......... i pray Allah to send this minister to hell. Hargeysa (HWN) Ismaacil Faarax Ibraahim oo ka mid ah aqoonyahanka dalkan Somaliland ayaa sheegay in wasiirka wasaaradda Macdanta iyo biyuhu uu iska hor taagay in uu dalka keeno shirkad Laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha oo biyo soo saar Ismaacil faarax ibraahim oo ah aasaasayaashii ururka isla markanaa ahaa guddoomiye ku xigeenkii Xisbiga Kulmiye ee magaaladda Toronto ee xarunta dalka Canada ayaa ku adkaysanaya in haddii qurbo jooga reer Somaliland qayb laga siiyo wax soo saarka dalka in ay wax badan ka fulin lahaayeen. Sidaasna waxa uu ku sheegay mar uu khadka Telefoonka nagula soo xidhiidhay isaga oo jooga Magaaladda Toronto. Aniga xaafadaydu oo ku taala magaaladda Hargeysa waxa haysata biyo laaan baahsan, waxaanay caruurtaydu ku soo dhaansadaan dhabarka, qof kasta oo magaaladda iyo qurbaha joogana waxa haysta warwar aad u balaadhan oo ah biyo laaanta ka jirta caasimadda ayuu yidhi Ismaacil faarax ibraahim. Waxa uu xusay in wasiirka Wasaaradda Macdanta iyo biyaha Somaliland uu iska hortaagay in mashruuc biyo lagaga soo saari lahaa magaaladda Hargeysa, kaas oo uu kala kaashanayay shirkad laga leeyaahay dalka China waxaanu yidhi Markii aan arkay haraadka ka taagan Magaaladda Hargeysa, waxa aan goaansaday in aan keeno shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha oo biyo soo saar ka samayn lahayd magaaladda Hargeysa, laakiin wasiirka Macdanta iyo biyaha ayaa gaashaanka ku dhuftay isku daygaygiina hor istaagay ayuu yidhi. Waxa uu xusay in ay ayaan darro iyo wax laga xumaado tahay in dadka Dalka Maalgashiga ku samayna la hor istaago Waa ayaan darro in dadkii dalka Maalgashiga ku samaynayay la hor istaago, waxaanan qabaa in la rabin in dalka wax lagu soo kordhiyo oo halka ay noloshu maanta taagan tahay sare looga qaado Ugu danbayntiina waxa uu u soo jeediyay xukuumadda in ay qurbo jooga reer Somaliland u ogolaadaan in ay dalka maalgashiyo ka fushadaan si ay sare ugu soo qaadaan baahiyaha aasaasiga iyo waliba camal laaanta ka jirta dalka.
  18. Caano_Geel;699242 wrote: ^^^ Siyaasadba ta Kulmiye ayaa ugu wanaagsan, waayo intii Kulmiye guulaystay ayaan kasoo xaadiray masraxan, intii ka horaysay, naf may lahayn siyaasadu. JB waad fiican tahay, haddaanad marna ka bixin wadanka. Kolay aniga waad iga nasiib wacan tahay. hadii aad jecalatay siyaasada kulmiye then u love politics