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Everything posted by Vanquish_V12

  1. According to this report Cape town university is top in Africa. University of Pretoria also in south africa is second and third u guessed is also from south africa university of Natal. mind you, this report its quite baised, n they mention that in their judgin scheme. neverthless i think it gives a general ideal.
  2. honest to God some of you have no sense of reflection. Anybody that knows history will tell you this basic rule " divide and conquer" Napolean did it, Emperial england did it, so did the french, so did the french, you go in you defeat and you create little states. create some enimosity between them, and play some favoritism and basically you sit back n kick back to watch the friuts of your work. Islam is all inclusive, states can exist but they reoport to one supreme authority, which has executive powers. Example the christians of Spain loved to ruled by muslims so much that some of them to arms against their own christian people. some of you might say that was then, n this is now. and you are right we will never have another islamic empire like that of the past, neverthless we should work on the unification of this ummah, because Allah help will only come when we are united. united ummah is a projection of the strenght of each one of its members, and thats why we are a strong as our weakest link. wasalam
  3. io o dimenticato molto parole, pero capisco i lived trevignano romano, small town on lake bracciano, about 80km from roma.
  4. montreal 6, thats a surprise, i live here, but i wouldnt be here after school. too cold
  5. Idil, parli italian bene? i was born in my grandmothers house in mogadishu lived in italy 3 yrs, came to canada been here since. i dont think i lived in one city longer than 6 years, true nomad on da real peace.
  6. somali chick, we have something better than nationalism, this umman has the deen of Allah. the problem is not the lack of unifying factor, but the lack of humbleness n sincerity in our hearts. nationalism has downfalls, one of them being it tends to isolate a group of people, create feelings of superiority between muslim countries and prevents greater unification of the Ummah.
  7. moral of story is get ur own bed. if u can afford two wifes u damn sure can afforc another bed room
  8. yes, somalia is ur priority, first comes family then neighbours then the community u belong too, then the greater Ummah. Same goes for fulfilling Jihad. i dont know about u, but where I am at it's constantly been on the news, citing all the instances and deaths that occured each time.
  9. killing a muslim is major sin, but somalis have been doin it for 14 years now, there starving children and women in somalia but doesnt seem like we lose sleep over it. people lets get our priorities straight, just cuz the western media chooses to glamourize the shortcomes of muslim countries we dont have to fall in their trap.
  10. i guess u r expecting a rebutal, sorry to disappoint there is no logic in endless pickering.
  11. Obviously u have trouble reading my post, neverthless ama still insist on breakindown fo ya. I dont care what u support, i dont understand the obsession with any given team, i think thats as rediculous as theory of evolution. its tru i just recently started paying attention to the english premiership n thats cuz english football is trash, n if it takes a french couch to add some spice to it thats aight wit me, can u live wit?
  12. Inna lillahi wa ina illahi raji'un people do u forget we are all muslims.
  13. somali needs sincere men and women, who expect nothing for their actions are willing to give all they got for the sake of Allah and the improvement of the ummuh, everythang else is secondary. wassalam.
  14. Haniif, down syndrome is a genetic defect due non-disjuntion of the human chromosome 21, therefore the baby ends up with 3 homologous chromosome 21 instead of just 2. and according to geneticist the probability of this happening increases dramatically as a women ages for example in 20s females the probablity is 4 per 10000 babies but in females over 35 the probablity is 200 in 10000. The reason why only the age of the women matter, instead of both partners, is related to how the gametes are made. in the case of the men sperm cells take 60 days to mature, however in women the oocyte has been in suspended in meiosis for 30-40 years and hence a lot older and more prone to mutations are altertionsl. Therefore, i dont think this applies to only somalis, and indeed it has been observed down sydrome is on the rise simply because women are having babies much later than they used to. i hope this clarifies it for u. wassalam
  15. I dont know how anybody can be loyal to any1 team forever, am only loyal the brand of soccer that i love, and if arsenal is the team that has the brand, indeed i'll be a supporter. i dont understand how anybody can support liverpools style right its absolute garbage, u cant live in past glory, when all the action is in the present na imean. wasalam p.s as expected there is an exception to every rule and the exception to mine is, u'll neva see me cheering for an italian side, rest assured. wasalam
  16. Assalamu allaikum indeed Eid mubarak to u all, Alhamdullilah. wasalam
  17. Vanquish_V12


    man lets face it totti and del piero are both quintessential italian sensations right, all praise and no substance. why do u italians get far in tournaments, two reasons 1. something italians call buscio di culo ( mere luck) 2. they have great diffenders end of story. apart from goalies and defenders italians soccer has nothing else to be praised about, certainly not la totti. i was in roma, when argentina beat italy in da semis of 1990, neva was there a darker day for the italians, but for me that days joy is only paralleled by when italy got mashed up by south korea, when the luck ran out.
  18. obviously the initial response would be no. but say u had a baby and had a genetic defect of some sort that effected the immune system or anythang that requires the transplantation of pluripotent cells from the bone marrow. anybody in the medical field will tell the odds of ur child finding a match are extremely small and if this match was found the chanced of graft rejection would be 50% more likey if he was not related due to genetic differences. but say u could screen out a bunch of zygotes and select a perfect match which also shares the same pool of alleles more likely. of course you wouldnt be selecting the sex, neverthkless its selection. The life of the sick kid could basically be saved with this technique. but is it right to bring a life to cure an existing life. i dont know what the Ulama say about this topic.
  19. Assalamu allaikum Zaylici are u sincere in ur question? if you are, the answer is yes music is not allowed in islam. point finale opinionated can u tell me the scholar that said music is ok. i just would like to know for reference
  20. I cant believe some1 actually said molecular biology, good luck thats some boring stuff, but rewarding am sure for me so its been advanced organic chem course and drug action course. both had to do with how drugs are and progress through the system.
  21. I cant believe some1 actually said molecular biology, good luck thats some boring stuff, but rewarding am sure for me so its been advanced organic chem course and drug action course. both had to do with how drugs are and progress through the system.
  22. arsenal today showed it has no intention of letting money come in the way of acquaring quality players, but whether Reyes is the kinda player arsenal needs is yet to be seen, honestly i dont know jack about this kid, but i know spanish players are exponential superior to the italians. I guess he will be a very good asset against Celta to begin with. i love young players they have more passion and got something to prove, i guess same was the deal with henry. in any case cant wait to see him play.
  23. i would have to guess cameroon first or but male is good they could go all the way, never count out the egyptians though.
  24. wind talker, thats because somalia is a tropical country, and those disease come in epidemic waves, usualy through the same source of contamination. but let me tell u just because u dont hear about it doesnt mean heart attacks, cancers and diabetes are not the silent killers, much like the developed world, i know for certain many somalis suffer from high blood sugar levels, and hypertention.