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Everything posted by Taliban

  1. Originally posted by Tahliil: Any resemblence of any sort at all??? One resemblance I can think of (so far); both are seculars. Ex-president Aden Cade wouldn't allow Sharia'; that's a certainty.
  2. Blanchet said he reversed an earlier rule after he received threats and read reports that some people were planning to wear masks to the polls on Monday. Why allow a rule to vote with niqab and then reverse it just days away from voting? :mad:
  3. Islamic groups blame media for Quebec veil uproar A new Quebec election rule that requires all citizens to remove face veils if they want to vote could discourage some Muslim women from casting ballots on Monday, a Muslim woman says. "If I was wearing a face veil I likely wouldn't go and vote on Monday," Sarah Elgazzar, spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Canada, told the Canadian Press. "I'd be scared." Only a very small number of women in Quebec wear a face veil known as a the niqab, Elgazzar said, blaming the news media for creating a political controversy over clothing worn by Muslim women. Quebec chief returning officer Marcel Blanchet announced on Friday that anyone who wears a face covering will have to remove it in order to vote because the face of the voter must be visible. Blanchet said he reversed an earlier rule after he received threats and read reports that some people were planning to wear masks to the polls on Monday. Elgazzar said the issue has been blown out of proportion. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/24/muslim-veil.html
  4. Taliban

    Is this it?

    Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: Taliban, what? 720 i.c.u mujahideens in Lebanon? That's not an allegation, claim or blatant lie. That truth was reported and certified by many world-class organizations, such as the United Nations.
  5. Originally posted by Tahliil: His materials are in the public libraries, if you ever get that strong urge of curiosity, please don't buy his filthy with your hard earned dollars and pounds but go and check them out from your public libraries...free of charge. Thanks for the tip.
  6. Originally posted by Elysian: Why is it so difficult to accept that there are people that actually do got the brains, beauty, and charm... and then there are those less fortunate. It's difficult to accept 'cause there are no examples to cite. No wonder, you failed to cite an example.
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: ... kan waa la i daba dhigay dee ,,, ilaa jokes section ka buu i daba socdaa ,,, Waaryee, what's with you and porno? You in that business? I see the webmaster of your link has changed the title; good job.
  8. Dating is a Christian, Western or secular practice; it's not Islamic. Therefore, it shouldn't be encouraged or made something positive as part of a joke.
  9. Originally posted by Northerner: Allah knows but i'm not one to speculate. Seriously, it was a piece of cake on part of M16 or other UK intelligence institutions to stage 7/7. All it would take was to instruct a few of their sheikh-agents to incite and provide the materials to some young radicals. If the US government can stage 911, why not the UK government, given the many benefits it will reap? But what did you think about the exchange? Not much, since the exchange assumes those behind 7/7 acted on their own.
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: haven't u heard somaliliin ?? No need to change it to liin. Do you know what Soomaali laan means? You better inform the webmaster of your link to change the title.
  11. A porno joke isn't suitable for Muslims.
  12. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: URURKA QORAAGA SOMALILAND Wrong! It says Soomaalilaan.
  13. Originally posted by Northerner: One of the most important was for the government to hold a public inquiry into the bombings. This would help us to better understand what is "going wrong" and why and how four British-born Muslims became so radicalised. It would surely be indispensable in the fight against violent extremism. The government inexplicably continues to refuse such an inquiry. The UK government refused many times a public inquiry into the bombings, because it was an inside job, just like 911.
  14. Taliban

    Is this it?

    The bottom line, the Zionist state cannot stay strong indefinitely. As the last war has shown, a few thousands Hezbollah fighters and 720 ICU mujahideens managed to defeat the Zionist state with all its might and full support from the sole superpower and the EU. So, Hamas and other legitimate Palestinian movements should model itself after Hezbollah and the ICU.
  15. Originally posted by Elysian: some are born better off than others. Cite a few examples (like known people) of some who are born better off than others.
  16. Originally posted by Cambarro: "If an imam finds it impossible to comply with the laws of this country, and justifies its breach, then they should leave Australia altogether," he said. For Muslims who live in the West, life in the West is only meant to be temporary. Those who haven't made plans to leave the West after a period of time are fools. There are many secular laws a Muslim who lives in the West cannot comply with. Those secular laws clash with the teachings of Islam. Also, many aspects of Western lifestyle clash with the teachings of Islam. I understand many just jumped on the bandwagon of migrating to the West, not knowing better, not having a vague idea of what lies ahead. As Muslims, we aren't supposed to live off handouts. That's right; no excuse, especially after a period of time living in the West. And yes, if you plan accordingly and responsibly, you can leave the West for good, to Allah's vast lands. It's going to be hard work in those lands, but that's how a Muslim is supposed to live. Let's not kid ourselves, and remember if you live off handouts, there will be a mark on your face in the Day of Judgment.
  17. Originally posted by Elysian: You can probably get smart-er if you exercise, but regardless of how much effort you put into it, you’ll never be as smart as Stephen Hawking on a respirator... why because your genes said so. Tough life, but hey, who would want to swap with Stephen? Well, there's a price to pay for every great gift one is endowed with; that's why no human is perfect. However, what one lacks in an area, one compensates in another area. I have met geniuses who lack basic street-smart language and interpersonal skills. I have also met dropouts with great people and communications skills. I wouldn't want to swap myself with someone who's supposed to be great, because I know nothing is what it seems or assumed.
  18. Taliban


    Originally posted by PlayMaker: ..so what is your argument other than being a hater! It's simple; a rapist will always be a rapist no matter how talented he's.
  19. Originally posted by rudy: good ppl always last a long time!! bow bow. Is that the rule of thumb? If so, the foreign president who's about +70 years old must be good.
  20. According to Wikipedia, he was born in 1908, which means he's almost 100 years old.
  21. Originally posted by sheherazade: just to have the last word, eh? Maybe; I am not sure.
  22. Originally posted by sheherazade: You are so sure of your view of the world; it has its charm. For about a nanosecond. Indeed.
  23. Originally posted by sheherazade: how do you know he wouldn't be smarter if could exercise? Because being smarter is something that has to do with reading, learning, studying, observing, reflecting, analyzing, researching, iwm. Those are the exercises that make you smarter.
  24. Originally posted by Awlugeeye: Can Exercise Make You Smarter? Exercising makes you fit and healthier. Smarter? I don't think so. This man,,, ,,,barely moves, yet is said to be among the smartest (with highest IQ).
  25. Originally posted by Paragon: YOUTUBE'S dominance of online video is about to end after News Corporation and NBC Universal announced the world's largest internet video distribution network. I think YOUTUBE will still be dominant since it had a headstart. Besides, it's popularity isn't confined to the availability of sitcoms, TV series, cartoons, iwm.