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Everything posted by Taliban

  1. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: quote: I am not sure if men can answer the question Then you should stayed out of this. Gabdhaha sheekada xaad uga qasay. Well, the question isn't clear, plus the topic contains a picture of a man. If the poster had clearly stated the question is only for women, then I would stay out.
  2. Originally posted by Magool: Which would you choose and why? I am not sure if men can answer the question, but I would choose neither the traditional nor the Western. Instead, I would choose the Islamic wedding which entails a simple wedding with a fantastic qado (preferably at a mosque), one that includes reading the Qur'an and making dua', one that excludes music, dancing or partying, one that complies with the teachings of Islam. I am sure there are many sisters who wouldn't mind a husband who insists on an Islamic wedding.
  3. Recently, I have realized there's not much to gain from the Politics section. I think political analyses or similar topics can be discussed at other sections such as the General. I would like to take this opportunity to bid farewell to the Politics section. This would be my last comment.
  4. Originally posted by Sergeant Sakhar: First who was on it and second what caused the crash? Most likely occupiers were on it, and a missile fired by insurgents probably caused the crash.
  5. Originally posted by Pi: Sooner or later, they will have to be pacified by force just like they were in Buurhakaba. I doubt the foreign government with the help of the occupiers is able to pacify Mogadishu.
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: time is running out for the lone trouble makers of Somalia.. But, you have to take into account the occupiers and collaborators could be defeated and kicked out of Somalia. If you don't prepare yourself and take that into account, the psychological effect of defeat could hit you hard.
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: Xasan Dahir is a loser and nothing more, he always sends others to the front and flees for his own safety. Sheikh Dahir Aweys is a very patient man; he knows liberating Somalia from the occupation requires patience. Under his leadership, Somalis enjoyed unprecedented peacetime, justice, prosperity, iwm. In a short time, the ICU managed to accomplish many positive jobs. Therefore, the Sheikh is a winner. And today's senior leaders aren't necessarily needed to be at the frontlines; that task is reserved for professionals fit for that kind of job, like mujaahid Ceyrow.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: Those who now use clans and last week used religion will lose again.. You promised everything will be rosy in a couple of months. Time is running out.
  9. Originally posted by Sulekha: Why did you break the chain, you should have let him be with his camiraad I was trying to inject the General with a dose of sanity.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: He is behind the clan driven lies and hysteria. That's not true. In fact, yours is a TFG propaganda. Sheikh Dahir Aweys is a man of integrity, character and clean record, unlike the clan president.
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Last time he spoke he won and this time the area and the arms facing them is real small. My advice is to never underestimate your enemy, and take into account the possibility of defeat. Afterall, the deputy collaborator is defeatable.
  12. Originally posted by Garaad Caanood: Good muslim should stand against deviant sects and their leaders more than gaalada How many deviant sects are there? And can those deviant sects be worse than gaalada?
  13. Wow, tough talk by the deputy collaborator. It's doubtful he can accomplish what he's trying to do.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: Enough time was given to them. Enough time to surrender?
  15. Originally posted by S.O.S: This one is titled lion king . Indeed, it pretty much sums up the reality of world politics. Even with the support of the US, EU & UN, Israel has become irrelevant.
  16. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: ********** Captain ********* Now, you're forcing el capitano not to ever use potato. [ March 22, 2007, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. Originally posted by Dhubad: The guy is arrogant, he was on the news night on BBC 2 last night accusing the Iraqis to be responsible of what is happening/happened in Iraq as if he is washing his hands off the whole thing. You're right; Bolton and the administration he used to represent are arrogant.
  18. Originally posted by Violet: That means deeming the action as an acceptable one. You can't reason with the unreasonable. Either what they did was right or it was wrong, there's no in-between. Incorrect. Understanding doesn't mean accepting it.
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: tan ku xigto. I think that's called saakuun.
  20. Originally posted by Violet: Either you support the actions of these people and are okay with the dragging and burning of bodies or you abhor such actions and see it as inhumane. There's a third option; understanding why the action was done.
  21. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: May Allah preserve our great scholars, aamiin! Aamiin.
  22. Originally posted by DigiTalbAct3ria: The TFG needs to tell the foreign troops to leave Somalia. The foreign troops (all of them!) MUST leave somalia. You don't get it; the livelihood of the TFG is dependent on the occupiers.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: Alas you actually belive these sites. Com'on, General; you yourself admitted Qaadisiya.com is a site that tells the truth. Do you remember Qaadisiya.com reported Sheikh Sharif Ahmed wasn't yet in Yemen, but the sites you trust reported he was already there?
  24. Dagaal qaraar oo weli kasoconaya Suuqa Xoolaha Kadib Duullaan Maanta Lagu soo qaaday Xaafaddaasi. Muqdisho,21,March-07 ( Qaadisiya.com) Dagaal qaraar ayaa ka socda duleedka suuqa Xoolaha kaasoo u dhaxeeya dagaalyahanada xarakaadka muqaawamada oo gacan ka helaya shacabka iyo cidamada Tikreega iyo maleeshiyaadka la socda oo xasuuq ba'an ku haya shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho. Dagaalkan ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli maydadka askarta Tikreega iyo maleeshiyaadka Soomaalida ah ee lasoo ay garxan yihiin goobihii maanta ay ku dagaalameen xarakaadka muqaawamada oo taageero ka helaya shacabka iyo ciidamada Kuffaarta iyo kuwa la shaqeynaya ayadoo weli dagaalka uu ka socdo magaalada Muqdisho. Tiradii ugu badneyd ayaa maanta ciidamada Tikreega iyo kuwa la shaqeeya looga laayay dagaaladii maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayadoo mid ka mid ah dagaalyahanada xarakaadka muqaawamada oo ka dagaalamayay agagaarka xaruntii hore ee wasaarada Gaashaandhigga uu u xaqiijiyay in uu arkay bakhtiga in kabadan 20 askari oo isugu jira Tikree iyo daba dhalifyada murtaddiinta ah ee la joogo oo garxan agagaarka xaruntii hore ee wasaarada Gaashaandhiga iyo xerada Oodweyne. Sidoo kale maleeshiyaadka u adeega Tikreega ayaa maanta lagu helay xaafada Juungal, waxaana halkaasi looga laayay askar fara badan kadib markii dagaalyahanada xarakaadka muqaawamada oo gacan ka helay dadka deegaanka ay wadada u galeen gaadiid dagaal oo ay wateen maleeshiyaadkaasi. Dagaalyahanada muqaawamada ayaa ku guulaystay in maleeshiyaadkaasi ay ka xaaqaan agagaarka hotelkii hore ee Garguurte iyo xaafadaha ku dhaw hotelka Ramadaan ayadoo maleeshiyaadkaasi ay u soo carareen dhinac isgoyska Fagax ee degmada Yaaqshiid. Maydadka maleeshiyaadka Tikreega u adeega ayaa garaxan xaafadda Juungal kadib markii maleeshiyaadkaasi ay ku jabeen dagaalkii ay la galeen dagaalyahanada xarakaadka muqaawamada oo ku gacan sarreeyay dagaalkaasi, waxaana lagu soo warramayaa in dagaalyahanada xarakaadka muqaawamada iyo kuwa deegaanka ay xirteen waddooyinka xaafada Juungal iyo deegaanada ku xeeran si ay uga hortagaan maleeshiyaadka Tikreega la shaqeeya
  25. Cabdullaahi Yusuf oo ka cararay xaruntii Villa Somaliya(Naftu Orad bey kugu aamintaa) Muqdisho: Dagaaladii maanta ka dhacey magaalada Muqdisho ee hormuudka u ahaa laba kacleynta Xaqa iyo soo celinta sharafta Somaliyed oo keeney dhimasho iyo dhaawac aad ubadan ayaa sababay in Caawa Odey Cabdullahi Yusuf ka xankakaabto xarunta madaxtooyada ee Villa Somaliya isagoo aan la ogeyn meesha uu ku dhuuntey. Cabdullahi Yusuf ayaa sida wararku sheegayaan ka baxay xaruntii Villa Somaliya isagoo ka cabsadey in dagaaladu kusoo fidaan looguna soo galo xarunta ama lagu soo hago madaafiicda goobta. Wararku waxey intaas ku darayaan in Cabdullahi Yusuf uu ka aamin baxey ciidamada midowga Yurub oo la wareegey xarunta Villa Somaliya. Cabdullahi Yusuf oo ah nin aad u nafjecel ayaa waxa kaliya uu aamini karaa ay yihiin beeshiisa iyo ciidamada Tigreega sidaa darteed ayaan la ogeyn meesha uu ku dhuuntey caawa iyadoo dadka qaarna ay sheegayaan inuu aadey magaalada Baydhabo. Dhanka kale iyadoo ay caawa xaaladdu daggan tahey ayaa waxaa laga cabsi qabaa in barito ay dagaaladii dib u qarxaan. Cali Geeddi Raisul wasaaraha dawladda KMG ah ayaa isagu maanta ku hanjabay in dagaalku uu wali dhimanyahay farahana la isa saari doono marka ay ciidamada Tigreega iyo kuwa Puntland ay go aansadaan iney hubka dadka ka qaadaan. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, haddii uusan Cabdulllaahi Yusuf qaadan talada ree Muqdisho Ethiopiana aysan ka bixin waddanka, waxaa laga yaabaa iney dagaaladu sii socdaan lagana yaabo iney ku fidaan deegaamo kale. KismaayoNews.com