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Everything posted by Taliban

  1. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: So u are against all sorts of peace keepers and not just the ethiopians.In other words,this is the Ugandan invasion right?Don't worry,for willingly or unwillingly u will be tamed and thus be made an obeying subject. Trying to sound tough, chump? Not everyone can be tamed; for some, it's not in their nature.
  2. Originally posted by Cara: How many people would have to be willfully murdered by their own government before you think it's a crisis? That's why I stated your objective isn't to learn the exact number, as it will not make any difference to you. Your objective is to state 40,000 killed is the same as 400,000 killed. Actually, the figure for how many people were killed in Darfur (at minimum over two hundred thousand) comes from NGOs. The US estimates are a lot less, and the UN is simply quoting NGOs like Human Rights Watch. Incidentally, these are the same NGOs who challenged America on the presence of WMDs in Iraq, who say 1 million people were massacred in Rwanda, and who estimate that the Iraq war toll is at 600,000 civilians. You quoted them in each of these instances, but suddenly become suspicious when they say that hundreds of thousands of civilians in Darfur have been killed, and over 2 million have been displaced. Isn't that interesting? Not interesting. Those NGOs like Human Rights Watch were founded by the West, their headquarters based in the West, financed by the West, dominated by Westerners-- therefore, biased. At best, they issue a few condemnations against some Western governments, with the objective of giving an independent or impartial status. Those NGOs are useless, because they can't stop invasions, occupations, holocausts, massacres and genocides committed by the West. Some harmless condemnations here and there, nothing more. But, when they are used as a tool by the West against weak Muslim countries, they make a difference. I'm not even going to point out the logical fallacy of that statement there. You're entitled to a fallacious point outing.
  3. This is a very lame attempt to justify the invasion and occupation of Somalia. I guess this has bothered the clan president, the clan government, the collaborators and their supporters. The foreign government is stinking of collaboration with the invasion and occupation of Somalia, and no amount of perfume or deodorant can change what it stinks of.
  4. Originally posted by Cara: But what is that number exactly? The exact number will not make any difference to you, since knowing it isn't your objective. And how is the truthfullness of Saddam Hussein linked to that of Sudan? The same players (US, EU, UN) who concocted lies against Saddam Hussein are concocting lies against Sudan. Why do you believe the Sudanese government is telling the truth? Because those who have concocted lies against the Sudanese government have a track record of lying, therefore the Sudanese government is telling the truth. Would it be in their best interests to? It wouldn't matter if the Sudanese government tells the truth, because the platform of telling the truth and concocting lies is controlled by the West. Do they strike you as particularly honest or conscientious? This isn't about what strikes me per se; it's about track records.
  5. Originally posted by Cara: How many people do you think have been killed in this conflict, and where do you get that figure? A fraction of the number alleged by the West. I get the figure from Sudanese sources. And I don't think it; I believe it. Why? Because the Sudanese government is telling the truth, just as Saddam Hussein's government was telling the truth about not possessing WMDs or having links with Al-Qaeda. No can trust the West.
  6. Originally posted by Safe_Guy: Should I expose him to his parents whom he respects or just advice him though he won't revert from his criminal ways. Wa alaykum salaam. By exposing him to his parents, what do you think their reaction would be? Also, what do you think his reaction would be if he learns his parents know about his criminal ways?
  7. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: I watched the movie.It was a complete bore.It lacked both the battle reality and military engagements.It was like watching some cartoon stuff,naah,its a wicked movie. Well, well, well. Look at the guulwade making a review of the movie!
  8. Two thumbs up for the insurgency.
  9. Originally posted by Caano Geel: you cant bring everything down to secularism. Well, almost everything negative in the Muslim world has its root in secularism. Secularism in the Muslim world is a cancer that needs to be chemotherapized. Look at theocratic, need we remind you of the behaviour of the people you have named u're self after [actually you probably think they were great don't you] .. In the other topic, you claimed history shows that unconstrained/unquesioned power corrupts and a theocracy places all the power in the hands of a few, and I challenged you to cite a few examples from history, which you failed because there's no such history. I think you probably don't know what theocracy is about, and would find it impossible to believe if I say Israel is theocracy while Saudi Arabia isn't. Yeah, it's a fact. And while Iran is theocracy, it's also theo-democracy. I am not sure if the Taliban's rule could be classified as theocracy. wrt the congo, oil is not everything. Resources such as copper, cobalt, coltan and uranium are immensely valuable, rare and widely sought Like I said, those aren't energy resources. Without energy resources, civilization as we know today will grind to a halt. wrt the sudan, why do you say its 'minor' when millions are in refugee camps, what does it take to become major? I say it's minor because the number of people who have died in this local conflict is a fraction of the number circulated by the West. There might be millions in refugees camps, however, the refugee problem was created by the West's interference.
  10. Originally posted by Artful Dodger: The international community is unconcerned not just with somaliland's push for recoqnition of their indepedence but with somalis in general. we are insignficant people's and have no role to play in international politics so they just dont give a s.h.i.t. the only ones who can solve the somali problems are somali's themselves and i just dont see that happening. ever However, the international community will become very concerned when Somalis adopt Sharia' as their system of governance.
  11. Originally posted by Taako Man: The Courts would have banned Movies. If they banned soccer matches, and cinemas and khat why not, unhajibified women and men seeking them? Incorrect. The ICU would ban porn movies, or movies that contain indecent scenes like semi-nudeness (especially with dirac), kissing, hugging, iwm. The soccer ban was a TFG propaganda, just like the one alleging those who don't pray would have their necks cut off.
  12. Originally posted by Caano Geel: 1. The congo is the most natural resource rich country in africa - everything from timber, uranium, copper, gold and diamonds ... However, those aren't energy resources. 2. A sizeable factor if Dafur in muslim so i don't think its a specifically muslim thing Nearly everyone in Darfur is Muslim. 3. The arab silence has always had more to do with regional power games than justice Arab governments wield little influence on regional power games, because each is based on secularism. Secularism makes each Muslim country weak.
  13. Originally posted by Roobleh: This merciless genocide claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Darfurians and more than two million have been rendered homeless. That's what the UN, US, EU or the West alleges. What each alleges cannot be trusted.
  14. Originally posted by Caano Geel: You mean surwaalgaab or reer seeflabood is Afghan business as Nurrudin Farah claimed? certainly hope so Well, surwaalgaabnimo and seeflaboodnimo are two Western or secular terms meant to dismiss Muslims.
  15. Originally posted by Northerner: I mean, who cares? America cares. Lately, America suffered loses in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and other Muslim countries. 300 represents a victory for America. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: The greatest of among the persian generals were defeated by an arab bedoiun named Khalid Bin Waleed. Khalid Bin Waleed wouldn't have defeated those Persian generals without Islam.
  16. Originally posted by Caano Geel: The congo 'affair' has been the most diabolical travesty against humanity in recent times, but it has come to an end and if not fully has waned down significantly, to such an extend that elections have been held and Joseph Kabila is now in power. This at least means that there isnt the free for all. The days were troops from Zimbabwe, Sudan, Uganda, Angola, Rwanda, Burundi Namibia, Chad were slaughtering each other but mainly the local people are long gone. And its a disgrace on the conciousness of all that the situation was allowed to get were it got to. Now the Darfur is very different, its happening now and the issue is that we should do something now rather than dismay over the tragedy when the otherwise inevitable has happened and we are comparing it to the congo Congo isn't yet stabilized; it could ignite with full intensity at anytime, plus there are still atrocities such as rape, torture, killing, iwm. Congo is just one example I have mentioned where the West wouldn't get involved because there are no profits. Another example is Rwanda; where about a million of its citizens were let to be bludgeoned to death. The West wasn't interested to rescue Rwandans even though most of them are Christians, because there's no oil or profits. With regard to the allegations in Sudan; who or what agencies are reporting it? The UN, the US, the EU, iwm? The UN lost whatever little credibility & integrity it had; didn't it countless times report outright lies and unfounded reports like the one alleging 720 ICU mujahideens helped Hezbollah win its last war against Israel? As to the credibility & integrity of the US and EU; it can't be trusted, especially where it concerns Muslims or Muslim countries. Didn't the US allege Iraq possessed WMDs? Didn't the UK allege Iraq can carry out a nuclear attack in 45 minutes? As a result of the lies of the US and its allies, it led to the massacre of more than 600,000 Iraqis. Recently, Sudan begun exporting oil. It's Chinese, Malaysian and other non-Western companies that are developing Sudan's oil wells and infrastructures. That's where the West comes, creating hoax problems and magnifying it, brainwashing certain Darfurians and arming them, iwm. I know many Sudanis and trust what they report about their country. I would never trust the West where it concerns Muslims or Muslim countries, because the West only cares about oil, dollars, profits, iwm. We have to honestly ask ourselves a question. The West doesn't care about African Christians losing their lives; are we supposed to believe they care about African Muslims?
  17. Originally posted by Jabarjaan: Its true though 300 men defeated a million! It's not true; it's fiction. Most probably those 300 were able to kill few to several hundreds Persians before they were put to rest.
  18. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: In a nutshell, what makes us Soomaali is part of Islaanimo, cannot be separated. It has nothing to do with later-comers of surwaalgaab or reer seeflabood. Nothing. You mean surwaalgaab or reer seeflabood is Afghan business as Nurrudin Farah claimed? Should one decide follow another way of life, s/he can easily forfeit their Soomaalinimo as well; their Soomaalinimo as well becoming void and null, i.e. Ayaan and whoever wants to join her is welcome, as long as ay faraha ka qaadaan Soomaalinimo. I don't think that makes sense. Why? Because Soomaalinimo (nationalism) is a human concept that cannot be compared or equated to Islaanimo. Islaanimo transcends nationalism, geography, race, ethnicity, language, iwm. The two concepts are exclusive. Somalis existed since the era of the Pharaohs or even before, and they weren't Muslims at the time. Ayan and those who have left Islam to become atheist, Christian or Yahuud are still Somalis by virtue of having born in Somalia, carrying Somali name, speaking af-Soomaali, retaining Somali culture and tradition, iwm. In Yemen and Marocco, there's a minority of Yahuuds. In many Muslim countries (Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, iwm) where a majority of the population is Muslim, there's a non-Muslim minority (Christians, iwm), and their nationalism has nothing to do with religion. So, I don't think your assertions make sense.
  19. Originally posted by Taako Man: There is a lot of misguided people. Yeah, the most misguided people are the collaborators of the occupation.
  20. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: But they might want to after this nightmare. There's no nightmare in Darfur; it's minor problems that have been magnified by the West. There's a nightmare in Congo, but the West isn't interested in solving it because there are no profits there.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: Egypt did not help Somalia in any way through out the war period. Didn't you allege before Egypt was helping the ICU?
  22. General, this topic doesn't sound right. It's not your usual stuff of the clan president, the clan government, the occupiers, the collaborators, iwm. I am surprised at this different type of topic you have posted. I think this is a good progress on your part.
  23. Taliban


    Originally posted by Awlugeeye: Taliban, did you see the movie? Please do not tell me you did not like the movie because of its portrayal of the Persians as a barbaric. No, I didn't see it. I don't go to cinemas, haven't been to one for more than a decade. I mostly watch documentaries and news reports. Hase yeeshee, I read some movie reviews at various sites.
  24. Originally posted by abu ansaar17: Darfur is a tribal war, there is no genocide. The darfurians want to secede from sudan, and sudan won't let them do it for they have oil. That's true. Some Darfurians have been brainwashed by the West to fight and seek secession. This is about oil, nothing to do with genocide. Energy resources are dwindling, plus the West wants to profit from the oil. There's true genocide in Congo where 4 million of its citizens perished. Most of them were Christians, yet, the UN, US, Europe and others could care less, because there's no oil there.
  25. Taliban


    For those of you who are moviegoers, I wouldn't recommend this movie. It's not worth because it's all about hype and gore; no story, no plot, no quality. Check the reviews if you're not convinced.