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Posts posted by Castro

  1. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    But of course, monsieur

    Though it's mostly Qaraami stuff. When whoever (meaning Mr F) is ready, give me a shout (and a bit of instruction) so that I can post/link/send or beam them up to you.

    Mmmm. Qaraami.


    Hey, for a prototype, I'll need a webserver. Someone running their own site, like SOL. Even if it has nothing on it. I can set up a local one my machine but it's difficult to test that since outside connection won't see anything.


    I downloaded the radio blog software last night. That, a couple of mp3's and a webserver and we're good to go.


    Baashi, Ngonge: I'll PM you my email address so send me a few songs. Enough to make a decent list out of.

  2. Originally posted by BN:

    so let's see if we're not the sole nomads making this request.

    Yeah really. I'm gonna set this up for myself so I have access to my music from anywhere. No car, no cd player, no iPod, deserted island? No problem. Even on someone else's computer. I can also share this with friends and family. You can't lose with this radio blog thingy really.


    I was just hoping to see Somali songs on here. My collection has very few Somali songs which is pathetic. We'll see.

  3. Originally posted by BN:

    what type of music to play? Is there a way for nomads to chose between the genre's? Or perhaps something different for every section of the forum

    Well, the way I understand the workings of this, you store the songs (in a certain format derived from mp3) and that becomes a "list" to be streamed to each client following the link. I think it's up to the Admin how it would be grouped. It would be up to the user, however, what they'd wanna listen too. It's no small potato getting this off the ground but I think it's a worthy endeavor.


    Seeing that the owners of the site are serious about its value to Somalis everywhere, given enough requests, I believe they would add such a service. The only catch would be volunteers to "set it up". You know, compile the music, create the lists, configure the blog software, do the conversion and finally publish it. The nice thing about this site is, other than the cost of the UBB software, it is basically maintenance free. You need mods to administer the topics but the music would also need it's own mod. Another volunteer, see. It would probably start small, a few hundred songs, but it can grow to house all Somali songs out there. The good thing is, people will not be able to download the songs and steal them. They can only listen to them on the site and if they want it in their cars, they have to buy it.


    So let's begin the petitioning for this. So far, it's me and BN. Any takers?


    P.S. I've completely shunned my iTunes today.


    Edited: One way to show you want this is to post a reply to this thread. If it hits a 100 unique posters, that would be 100/6000 = 1.67% of the registered users on SOL. A clear and sufficient majority to add the radio blog. :D

  4. Ok, so may be I don't go out much anymore but I haven't been this excited since O.J. got off 10 years ago.


    I'm listening to remixes that I never knew existed. Stuff you can't find in a store or on iTunes.


    Do a search on something like 50 cent, Mary J. or The Game. There are gems to be heard. I haven't even scratched the surface yet. Dang. Double dang.

  5. This rules. Barrington Levy rules. My iPod is going to plot my assassination. Thanks Baashi. I wonder how long it'll stay free. I was behind a corporate firewall at work all day and couldn't get to it and now I can't get off. I like the buffering of a new song while you're listening to another. That's cool.


    Upon further study, apparently you can offer streaming audio from any site. MP3 --> streaming format and voila. That's very cool.


    Libaax Sankatabte, since you're back on SOL, you think we can put some MP3's on the server to listen to music while SOL-ing? Think about it? I mean the link for Music is already there but takes you no where. The provides the MP3 -->RBS conversion software. 64-bit compression gives pretty damn good quality audio. All we'll need is some extra disk space to store the mp3's. Bada bim bada bum. If you're short on time, I'll set it up for you. I'll even donate a 40 GB hard drive which could hold all the Somali music we need. What do you say dude? This would certainly take SOL to the next level. A complete Somali Online Experience.


    Let's do this. It can be done, I know it. I've done the technical research and it's what it was designed for. And between Baashi's brilliant discovery and your political clout, we can do this.

  6. Originally posted by waryaa_liibaanow:

    quote:Originally posted by Fidel:

    I must have eaten the equivalent of 10 cows so far this year in beef. I gotta cut down.

    Allow me to say....MOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    I say that every time I order steak.


    Note to self: Must eat more fish and veggies.

  7. Originally posted by Femme Fatale:

    Why are people so selfish? Its good to care about your girls. But how about the children of others?

    Let the others worry about them, FF. That's not true, I do care. I think it's a tough spot to be in and I pray my kids won't ever be involved in a crime, whether perpetrators or victims. Aameen.


    But I ain't kidding about the two-bit cousins. Some of them I'd like to commit a crime against.

  8. For my DNA to be passed forward, my girls must be guaranteed protection at all times and from all threats.


    Other people commit crimes, my girls make insignificant mistakes.


    Hope that clears it up for you FF. We'll wait and see when your own DNA is on the line. Give them up kulahaa! Not over my dead body.


    Now, giving up two-bit cousins and uncles is a no brainer. At the slightest hint of a crime, I'm calling CrimeStoppers and collecting that reward.


    The point is, it has be first class DNA relation. Anything else is fair game.

  9. Originally posted by Zephyrine:

    Haven't been reading or watching the news last couple of weeks. I am out of the loop as it happens.


    As you were.

    As you were? Not after you bring day old bread?


    Since Troll Corner is back, imagine if we had Vent corner? A place where one releases the hounds. Let it all out. Come naked and bring chicken wings type of digs. Nah. Trolling is fine. Anything else is uncivilized.


    Here I come lunch. I must have eaten the equivalent of 10 cows so far this year in beef. I gotta cut down. My heavenly looks are heading to hell in a handbasket.


    Troll away......

  10. Originally posted by Pacifist:

    Spot on Viking whole heartly agree. Education doesn't guarantee you success and money baby today you have tomorrow its gone. Like Brother Viking said look at the character not what is in his/her pocket.

    What are you people talking about? Education is neither mutually exclusive with having a good character nor with being a good muslim. A person SHOULD have all three. Why is this simple topic being twisted to mean those with education lack character and deen. This is ludicrous. Education guarantees nothing to no one, but in this day and age, and no matter where you live, you will not go far with out it. Must I beat this simple maxim into your heads?


    I give up!


    Edited to replace second to last sentence with: Must I ngonge this simple maxim into your heads?

  11. Originally posted by Rihana:

    Is there such thing as
    Emotionally unattached
    relationships? (
    Meaning you care about each other, you enjoy each other’s company but you don’t share a deep emotional bond

    Rihana, I wouldn't know what a deep emotional bond is if it hit me in the face. You can't be detached and also enjoy each other's company. Whatever, or whoever, caused the detachment will make it difficult to enjoy anything.



    Do you think a woman is capable of being Emotionally unattached when is comes to relationships?

    I've seen women do all kinda things. Sure they're capable of it.


    My two cents are, emotional detachment is the last stop on a train that is headed for separation, divorce or worse.

  12. Originally posted by Kashafa:

    One glimmer of hope: Palestinians currently 'out-breed' the Israelis 2 to 1 (some say 3 to 1). If that trend continues, the so-called "Jewishness" of the State of Israel will be obsolete.

    I used to think that too until I realized there will just be more Palestinians for the Israelis to oppress. Outbreeding is not going to cut it. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will come to a head when there is not enough water for everyone in the region. This should take about 30-50 years. That's when all Palestinians and their sympathizers will be expelled from their land (lost some 60 years ago, by the way) to neighboring Jordan and Egypt. Something the Arabs should have done decades ago (i.e. accept their fellow Arabs for they will not defeat Israel). It sucks as an arrangement but its the most likely outcome.

  13. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    I will not be here for ever, you know. Markan ediin ka tago ayaad ku walanaysaan ‘ninka woxo ahaa nin celmi eyo xikmad meedhan leh’.

    You're absolutely right, Ngonge. It's like painters, whose paintings don't become popular, understood or highly valued until he or she is long dead and buried. So, won't you be a good boy and kick the bucket, quick? :D

  14. Originally posted by Kashafa:

    Does anybody know wheher they have a web-broadcast or Hardtalk.. a transcript is kinda dry.

    The Panorama has a link to "recent" video. I can't confirm it's the show referred to in this topic.


    Edited: It's not the show in this topic. I agree the transcript is very dry.

  15. Originally posted by Bishaaro:

    By the time they're 22, many of today's five year olds will atleast have their Bsc. Have no fear, for your girls are safe from the likes of today's scrubs. Anaga noo soo nax! Maybe we should consider looking into other women, or give the pizza dude a chance.

    Bishaaro, idinka waan inii naxayaa but a five year old now is almost guaranteed to not find a suitably educated mate if the trends continue. We may even be out of pizza dudes by then as they'd be snapped up by the now 10 and 15 year olds. It may sound funny but it's painfully so. What's gonna reverse the trend is my question?

  16. Originally posted by Alaina:

    Fidel if I were you, I would take that comment back and apologize to the sista. Unless of course you know hibo very well and know she wont take offense.

    You're right, Alaina. I apologize to you sister Hibo if my reply was offensive or derogatory. Whether I meant it or not, it hit a raw nerve with someone and the end result is the same.


    As for public defender dawoco, please be advised your contumelious remarks have not gone unnoticed. Our response will come at a time and a place of our choosing.

  17. Originally posted by dawoco:

    SOL golden rule 7 - Flaming: absolutely no personal attacks (direct or indirect). Criticize ideas, not people.

    A flame? How do you figure, dawoco? The original poster's topic was career pitfalls for women and how to avoid them. A reply came that says it doesn't apply to them. Yet another reply to the reply said it doesn't apply because a career is a prerequisite for the pitfalls. I'm not sure I see your point.



    Edited to add: I'd rather not begin a war of words here as it is neither necessary nor informative.

  18. Originally posted by sheherazade:

    Fidel, do not concern yourself with your girls. Work on your sons. Make them men. Real men. By God there's a drought.

    If you think there's a drought now, wait another decade or two. I don't have any sons and don't want to have any either. You see nature (earth, the environment, whatever you call it) has decided that men are destructive and cruel. To balance things out, it is decreasing their numbers. And while doing so, it is making them dumber as well. In the long run, men will become extinct as ineffecient and useless creatures. Of course, nature will compensate for the imbalance through some other means. The hard part is surviving the drought (I call it the transition period) for good times are coming. Inshallah.

  19. Originally posted by Kashafa:

    'cuz Hollywood's gonna turn ur brain into mashaari. Not Cool.

    Ain't that the truth. Collateral was a good flick because of Foxx and Cruise. The sub-story about Pinkett and Foxx ended before we saw the move to the suburbs as Alaina fantasizes. Even the makers of the movie know better than to tackle such a hot rod of a social issue.


    And, yes, gaal waa la dhici karaa. Just gotta be careful. In this case, the end does justify the bailing out. Education should be free anyway.


    Originally posted by Alaina:

    Girl starts shopping every afternoon and boy is ready to give her lift. Girl thinks he is decent and decides inay jaf jafato and helps him go back to school.

    Alaina, jaf jafato is going to be really difficult here. Whatever made Boy leave school in the first place will make it doubly hard to return at age 30 or beyond. Man's ego and pride will be the straw that breaks Girl's back.


    I'm not one to throw hadiths around but I recall something attributed to the prophet that speaks of compatibility of potential husband and wife. In terms of wealth, education and such. I may be wrong. It's just common sense, you see.