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Everything posted by StarGazer

  1. La xawla wa la quwata Ilaah Bilaah. Ilaahi U naxaristo walaal.
  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...... DON'T GO ABAAYO IF YOU LEAVE, WHO WILL ASK ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING QUESTIONS ON ISLAM SECTION? I WON'T ACCEPT THIS :confused: *TISSUES ANY1* Walaal, while I can't force you to stay, I would plead with you to seriously re-think your choice. I love the Islam section on SOL, I always learn from you guys.... I'll miss you!!!!
  3. I've been avoiding this day for a long time... By next week I'm supposed to have observed a first I thought it was 'cool', but now am scared to DEATH :eek: . I'm afraid that the whole world would spin around me, and collapse. *it's not funny* Anyway, I was wondering if any1 in here had to observe a body intended for dissection? How was the experience like?
  4. I've been avoiding this day for a long time... By next week I'm supposed to have observed a first I thought it was 'cool', but now am scared to DEATH :eek: . I'm afraid that the whole world would spin around me, and collapse. *it's not funny* Anyway, I was wondering if any1 in here had to observe a body intended for dissection? How was the experience like?
  5. What comes to mind .....Mature, decent,& respectful towards others. Lol Lakkad.....oh come on! Later.
  6. LOL...I can't believe we managed to meet Nafisa.....I almost gave up tracking u down. I'm soo glad you made it to the gathering, and let me tell you that lil chit chat was one of the highlights of the evening. I wish we had more time to talk....I found you to be an open minded, kind, intelligent beautiful being. We clicked instantly..Alhamdulilah. It's true what the girls said, we do have alot of things in common 2 regrets: Missed the conference and I was about few days late for the dinner :mad: But I forgive u all, I know most of you had to go back to school. Flying still, Asraa, MizzUnique, Imperial Lady,& Company....definitely we'll do something next time....maybe sky diving?? I heard many positive things about y'all.....I'm only sad we missed the opportunity. Also, maybe next time the fellaz will be included......Illmatic, Inst.poet, Mobbdeep, etc...forgive us It wasn't intentional..I was there shortly, hopefully next time a big gathering will be organized..N'I won't miss it for the world. Finally, I would like to thank my homegirls Malaika, Angeleyes, and Captivating for making my stay special. We had too much fun for own good. Captivating, next time let me pick the restaurants aight
  7. StarGazer

    Busy, Busy?

    W'sup Sue, aka Psycho Sue aka Curly Sue. So tell us what kept you so busy? am I allowed to be nosy? Wlc back
  8. Flying still, don't leave without me. Y'all are sweet.....London is winning points here in hospitality. Pretty impressive. I promised my cousin who was flying out to UK today that I would visit next summer. Her kids have the cutest british accent.....when I immitated them they would giggle back and say "you're saying it the olden way" lol. In other words, its outdated.
  9. Wa salaam... Thnkz for the brotherly love Mujahid. Good luck this semester to all the nomads going back to school.....this summer was very short!
  10. StarGazer


    Ooooh my goodness... I had to check out what all the hype was all about...went to my my 1st somali mall this week, and it's true....majority were males. It's uncomfortable b'coz they act like inee dumar indha saarin waligood. How is this suppose to be good for business?? :rolleyes: There should be some sort of a mall policy addressing this problem. Another concern is, how come the clothing stores don't have dressing rooms? Walee Shaqo la'an baa heyso..
  11. Nafisa, are you still going? I was wondering if any nomads attended this conference b4? Any tips......would appreciate any advice/help. Thnkz
  12. iska daa ya Flying, she says it isn't her. Me personally I'd be concerned about how closely related we are....a cousin is out of the question :eek: I have a friend who's pursuing her phD and honestly I see how heavy her load gets. These people are constantly working, and when they recieve their phd's, don't expect them to be sitting at home. So whoever she ends up with has to be very supportive about her education because her career will be time consuming, at this point anyway. I believe in compatibility. For your cousin, she has to figure out who she's most compatible with, not just the career aspect. Relationships aren't black & white. It's tough. Much luck to your cuz.
  13. Mabruuk Lovely Me. I bet you'll have a beautiful wedding....Enjoy.
  14. Well...on Thursday I was with a friend who went through surgery, and Alhamdulilah she got out few hours b4 the blackout. Currently, there's no electricity and water in my camping at a friend's, her building just got electricity today....but no water. I need a shower real bad people ...I can't take this Toronto folks.....Atleast you had water running
  15. Baashi I feel your pain sweetheart. I want to work...but I can't!!! We are waiting on a new project within a week.... and until then, we're suppose to chill without pay!!! Tamina is accepting donations(CASH ONLY)...just slip it in the box infront of my pm. Thanx for your generousity.
  16. QacQac...can you please provide the Hadith... Personally, holding hands is not a big issue. Gaalada go all out when it comes to public affection.....constantly hugging and kissing.....and this I find it to be a bit too much and uncomfortable. If I see a hijaabi holding hands with a man, I had to believe that she's lawfully his. As muslims we have to trust each other and not assume the worst of each other. I find it sweet
  17. Progressive. I thought the survey asked some interesting questions.....some were hard.....and some of the answers provided were limited.
  18. Kaafi & Scorpion, Safiyah is a when are we goin to see lil sophie's pic ?? Happy belated b-day lil cutie. I would definitely name my daughter Suuban, I think its an adorable name. Others include Sumaya (my sister's name, also the 1st woman/muslim to die for Islam), Khadija, Tamina, Sundus, Amira, Aziza, Ruqayah, Maryam, *to be continued*
  19. Funniest foreign movie: RUN LOLA RUN . Who could forget Sarafina... :cool:
  20. QacQac, you're right, Abdul Malik delivered his speeches with truth that all couldn't help but agree (bought many tapes of his lol). Hey at one point I felt like a baptist tempted to get up and say ALAAHU AKBAR. lol. He was a favourite of mine. Also Yusuf Estes (so adorable you just wanna hug him) and Munir Elkassem were among some of the excellent speakers on very important topics. I've learned alot and met some old freinds Libaax, come on square one? Let me tell you I almost got lost in the place, that place keeps expanding every year.....what happened? Major urban delopment
  21. Barwaaqo, damn!! Walaahi you gave it to him yaah. Balsam, Abaayo, like sista Ameenah said earlier, thank you for baring your soul here. You're relating your feelings of regret b'coz you feel like you've lost your chance back in your early 20's of getting married. Let me speak of myself. I see my college days as a time of finding myself.....discovering and pursuing my dreams in life. Whether its to get married and raise 10 beautiful muslim children or whether I want to work for NGO's to save the's all part of the experience. During your early 20's, its clear you took the time to define what you really want in life. Don't for a minute regret that, it has led you to this point. You have a bachelors degree under your belt (some sisters would die for that), that's a blessing and in no time you'll have a career of your own. Sisters in Turkey are being persecuted for wearing hijabs in Uni's and therefore imigrated to US/Can. to finish off their degrees ....and some unfortunately don't even have the transcript to prove their status (met a sista) . Why do you act like its a suprise that many men knock on your door at 20 and ***whooop** notice the significant decrease at 30?? Come on sister, it doesn't take a genious to figure out that most Somali men (yes its true) tend to go for younger sisters. I hate to generalize but again am only refering to my 2003 survey report regarding this matter. So again , who's problem is it, you or them? Friends of mine...most married of few yrs ago, Alhamdulilah it's their choices and responsiblities, you and I have ours to worry about. Re-examine the reasons you want to get married. Its a serious issue and remember to always consult with Allah Subhanahu Wa'ala for guidance. Calaf waa garanaysa ..right?
  22. I've attended ^^^^, let me tell you it was very informative MashaAllah he was a good speaker. If you can attend, pls try your best to go. You won't regret it. ================================================== Sunday, August 3rd: "Black Orientalism" Dr.Abdul Hakim Jackson Thursay, August 7th: " Muslims and the Historical Implications of Jihad" Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah Monday, August 11th: "Challenge of Authority in Muslim Discourse" Imam Muneer Fareed Thursday, August 14th: "Building Indigenous and Immigrant Muslim Symbiosis in America" Dr.Aminah McCloud Registration Begins at 7:15Pm All Sessions Begin Promptly at 7:30Pm Fees: $5 per person for one session $25 per person for ALL sessions Madonna University 36600 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, MI 48150 Located on Levan Rd. off of I-96 For more Information Please Contact: