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Everything posted by GaroweGal

  1. ^^ LMAO, as my ever sagacious mother says in defence of my teasing her English "hadaa i fahamtit, waa iska aati ma ahan aayat quran ah nooh" Jokes, it's all good couz. My goal is to learn Somali- I hope you all don't mind me practising my jajab Somali on you
  2. More money= more problems solved- provided your not like some imaanless heathen
  3. Juxa & Aaliyah thanks for the wlc
  4. ^^ Lol nice arrangement. Anika my problem is I'm quite possessive; I get irritated if any of so much as look at my clothing let alone touch Originally posted by Aaliyah416: But, I don't get it isn't expensive to have four wives these days? most guys cant handle one wife. This is not a relevant question nowadays. Ain't that the truth!
  5. ^^Subah wanaagsan!!! Meshan maha laka gabtaa? Is this SOL's version of twitter?
  6. Oh Lordy, remind me to delay domestic incarceration until I'm 60!
  7. GaroweGal

    Do You Smoke?

    Nope, alhamdulilah. I have always wondered what makes one try their first cigg though? :confused:
  8. I can't share clothes with my sisters, you expect me to share a hubby? :rolleyes:
  9. Not a day younger than 33- I'm as young as I feel. :cool:
  10. Honestly, why do I hear time and time again I stories of these no good haasidiin Faraaxs screwing over extremely magnanimous Xaliimos. :confused: As for the topic, I wonder if I'm going to hell for thinking these supposed shayouks are wrong in harrassing her? Smh. :rolleyes:
  11. Masha'Allah, adeer Farole is doing a great job. :cool:
  12. GaroweGal


    Yeah, its called "qaraabo". Please, hastily introduce me to my long lost cousin.
  13. GaroweGal


    Greetings qaxootis! Part time observer, thought I might just give this foruming thing a try. About me: the name is Garowe Gal; no further explanation neccessary. Born and bred there... (okay I lie.. wasn't bred there at all unfortunately) Full-time student My aspirations include hoping to become the first female Somali national coastguard. :cool: ~Peace, Garowe G.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: Would you as a member of the "big" clans marry from these clans? Wouls you allow your children, and many of us are parents to marry into these clans and vica versa? Do share It's the 21st century and we are asking ourselves this question. Truly sad. This is why Somalia is in the dire situation it is in today. We are the most backwards group of people and need to emancipate ourselves from this neanderthal-like mentality of clan superiority. The sooner we admit to this the better. I hold the notion that there are worthier characteristics of an individual that are more deserving of an appraisal than their clan.