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Everything posted by GaroweGal

  1. ^^ I always add 's' at the end of Somali words lol. Lakin inta kale aa shegta waa iska nac nac P.s we don't use adeero? :confused: Adeeryaal sounds gay, so I'm going stick with adeero. Hal wax aa idin weetiyey & waa ka soo bixiweeydeen, unwelcoming section. I about to go now. :cool:
  2. ^^ Oz, you watched HS musical? Ku dhac! Originally posted by fatboy: pasty white women thinking its exotic having a black guy by ur arm, and wats the deal of somali hijabies in the middle of a lupe fiasco mosh pit but wont even look up when u say salamu calaykum? Lmao :eek: Perhaps a holiday will do you a world of good Fatboy.
  3. Originally posted by fatboy: marrage is best done in dubai, its called jumca to jumca, get married for a week do your business then move on to the next Ain't that like haraam, to get married with the intention of divorce? :eek: Gurkii bey ku ayaareen
  4. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: G.girl adigana horta...qof dheh..kof waxay..meelkasta oo "q" waxaad u badasha "k"...whats up with that LOL... my 2 cents salaam Lol thnx macalim, I use some letters interchangeably- they sound hella similar to me like d & dh, k & q and x & h give me a hard time too grr! :mad: By the way, how much are you charging? I'm willing to pay the student discount.
  5. Originally posted by Lychee: LOL@ ^^ Are you implying that I fornicate? :confused: G:Gal. Your af Somali is so much worse than mine. Hahahah! LMAO omg no girl! Only the constant delay can tempt any one of us marka that's why we the deen encourages us to get married young that is all I meant. My bad if it came out wrong. P.s ka qaleey about my Somali walaalo waa ku jihadayay nooh :mad:
  6. Originally posted by Lychee: Is it normal for a women to have a commitment phobia? Maybe I should seek some medical help. I mean, it's usually men who have these issues, right? :confused: Kof fican bilaash hadi u diideesid caati ma ahan o waa inaa codurkan taawo o ratisaa waaye zina waa laka fiicanyahay.
  7. What's wrong with Australia Fatboy?
  8. ^^ Atikana yaa aheed bal? :rolleyes: I ain't got anything to prove to you lot but let's just say I would get a red carpet treatment from my adeer Farole himself if I happen to chance in Garowe so fall back.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Adeer you seem to be talking to yourself. No, shyt sherlock holmes. How am I fake exactly? :rolleyes: I assure you this is one Puntland Countess you're speaking to so isdaji adeero. :cool:
  10. No need to rush, one at a time folks... :rolleyes:
  11. Anyone kind enough to translate the article? I had a go but could not decipher much unfortunately. :confused:
  12. Wth :eek: I read nearly the whole topic and cannot ascertain what on God's green earth y'all are on about. :confused:
  13. ^^Lol creepy to say the least. Thanks Kool_Kat
  14. You won't truly know a person until you live, eat & travel with them. So it don't matter whether you give it 6 months or 6 years. Inta aad ka baratit waa iska polished version of them, true? Either ways, I personally do not wish to see me domestically incarcerated just yet.
  15. She should be allowed to wear her niqaab regardless of when she choose to put it on. However. the other 'demands' as you say seem far-fetched. If she does not like it then should stay the heck home. Truth is she don't live in a Muslim country and shouldn't expect that much segregation, no? :confused:
  16. GaroweGal


    As a fellow 'alien'( how offensive) :rolleyes: I would like to take the time to welcome you.
  17. Originally posted by Cara.: Oh god, not another one nattering about a village in the middle of nowhere Hello trollers! Welcome GG, but please can all the Garowe talk. So you were born somewhere on the globe. Guess what, everyone was too, and not one of us filled out applications choosing where we'd start life kicking and screaming and covered in blood and mucus LOL okay, i'll allow the Garowe talk although I was not the one to bring it up in the first place :rolleyes:
  18. Currently flip flopping between "Think & Grow Rich" By Napolean Hill & Animal Farm by George Orwell P.s The Twilight series is an epic fail!
  19. Who the heck is Duke? :rolleyes: About my location; I support our national coastguards. (Where is the thumbs up emoticon? grr!)
  20. Originally posted by BARWAAQO: I read mysteries and crime nowadays and I gotta say my favourite author is Janet Evanovich . She's written a series of books about the hilarious escapades of a bounty hunter called Stephanie Plum. Her books are seriously funny! Oh dear me, I loved the Stephanie Plum series! Didn't you just fall in love with Ranger? Such a manly man!
  21. How's this any different to Faraax's ho.e-ing around with caddan girls? Answer; the new reverts weey istejiyaan.
  22. Born in Garowe- hence the name :rolleyes: Raised in, meel aduunka ka tirsan
  23. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: ^everyone knows where Garowe is, he just wanted you to admit it lol.. you should have said yes it is a pretty flower What's with the isyeel yeel, shako la aan baa heysa ninku :rolleyes: Juxa, I appreciate you words of encouragement walaal.
  24. Originally posted by Oz: Is Garowe a flower or a pretty perfume name! fill me in. and wlc on board. LMAO @ flower Garowe =my hometown & the capital city of Puntland. Thanks for the wlc too Oz. Ain't you folks a friendly bunch..