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Everything posted by Raamsade

  1. Good news and kudos to Mukhtar Roobow for sparing rer Baydhabo bloodshed by leaving the town without firing a shot. I'm still not too keen on armed Injirleey strolling Somali towns.
  2. Sayid, I have huge respect for Mandela but the man was a leader and a politician. The quote you cite sounds something like, well, a politician would say. The heart is an organ that pumps blood. If something, other than blood, goes in/out of your heart than you're in big trouble. But if you wanna flatter or cajole others surely there are other means like feeding them, regaling them with jokes and stories, or if you're Somali boring them with the endless wonders of she-camel... anything but a useless language like Arabic or heaven forbid revolting language like German whose speakers sound like a senior citizen with a bad case of constipation. Thanks but no thanks. Taleex, Where is your Somalinimo? Don't you know we Somalis consider all non-Somalis and their dumb languages, cultures, customs etc as inferior and not worthy of consideration let alone spending time and energy learning about? Don't embarrass man, no self-respecting Somali will learn languages of inferior races like indhayarta be it cat and dog eating Chinese or Bengali rice farmers. Lets be true Somalis and be proud in our ignorance.
  3. Sayid, that is a slander. I don't hate Arabic; I just think it is useless language compared to say English, French, Hebrew, Japanese... if you're academic research and need to read up on the latest in your field, your best bet is English followed by French/German, Romance languages, Hebrew, Japanese. Taleex, the whole Arabic world (300-400 million) publishes fewer books that Spain. Or was that the whole Islamic world? Can't remember. Anyways for a language that makes sweeping boastful claims, Arabic continues to underwhelm all in its lack of published works - the only true measure of a language's usefulness.
  4. ^Of Egypt; it was mentioned in the article in the link provided. Why reply to the thread if you haven't even read the furnished link? Typical Somali! NORF, the Mufti needs to first take off the Fez and khamis, throw away the tusbax and drop all pretense to knowing what happens after we die like all Wadaads, then we may listen to this Mufti. From reading the article, all I sense is a man who recognizes the end is nigh for the age of Wadaadism, especially Wadaad bullies; the onward march of modernity led by science, the internet, Facebook, Twitter is relegating his ilk to oblivion. No one likes becoming insignificant. I mean these Wadaads got grown **** women to ask them what verse to read while menstruating and convinced scores more that polygamy is good for them. So it is understandable that his ilk would say anything to stay relevant.
  5. I'll take a polymath over a polyglot any day of the week. While it is good to learn one or two useful languages besides your mother tongue (useful languages are languages which publish large volumes of acadmic papers, novels, magazines, newspapers,etc - good examples include English, major European languages, Japanese, Hebrew, etc), language is merely a medium of communication. The content of what you're saying is more important than the language you're using unless you're a hot chic whispering in French or more locally in reer Xamar accent. Are what you're saying factually true? Are they logically sensible? This is all the more important in today's space-age, sophisticated world where a citizen's ability to make sound decisions depends on their competence in science, math, finance, law, history and critical thinking skills.
  6. Yaa is feeray? I watched the whole thing. It was cordial by Somali standards. But you can watch good old fashioned Somali qabiilism.
  7. Wadani, looks like my point sailed right over your head. I said most potential humans undergo natural abortion. There is also miscarriages all the time. These are not things human have any control over. If you believe in an invisible guy hiding somewhere in space called God, who pulls all the strings in our universe, then God will be biggest abortionist in the world. So where is the brouhaha over God the biggest abortionist? Don't miscontrue what I'm saying as a ringing endorsement of abortion. I'm against abortion at the 3rd trimester and later. I'm not so sure about earlier stages.
  8. Well, hope is all we have and all that is worth living for.
  9. Old news. Somalia was already partitioned along clan lines, autonomous administrations, secessionist enclaves, Alshabaab, Ahlu-Sunah wal Jameeca, Galmudug, Ximan iyo Xeeb, Dooxada Shabeelle, TFG, Kenya controlled regions, Ethiopia controlled regions, pirates controlled regions, etc. So lets not pretend there is anything to divy up. I have no doubt that nothing but positives will emerge from this conference. Somalia will finally be brought in from the cold after decade plus of isolation and neglect. The world abandoned Somalia in the aftermath of Black Hawk Down fiasco and that didn't help Somalis one iota. In fact, Somalia became safe haven for international fugitives, criminals and terrrorists like Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zwahiri who oddly enough never took their dear Jihad to their native lands of Saudi Arabia and Egypt respectively... but somehow they found willing recipients in Somalia because as you may know Somalia is inhabited by the dumbest people in all of human history. Isolation did Somalia no good. I welcome the re-engagement of the world for a change. And it shouldn't bother us the Brits may have their own ulterior motive for organizing this conference because Somalia's interests and that of Brits mirror each other. The Brits and the world by extension want pirate free Indian Ocean and Red Sea, so do we? The Brits want the defeat of terrorists in Somalia so that their own Muslim population don't go to Somalia to get terrorism training coming back years later to the UK with devastating effect, so do we. The world wants some semblance of law and order in Somalia oversee by semi-competent administration, so do we.
  10. Allow dadkan dhulka la gooy! War soo ma ogidiin gabadhan in reero ka dhallatey? In walaalo iyo ehelo leedahay? Sidee u aragtaan haddii walaashiin oo kale sawirkeeda website la soo bandhigo sida halkan? War Ilaahey ka baqa ee sawirkan meesha ka tirtira; waa marka killi aa Allah cabsi darteed idinku wacyigelin. Marka ka faa'ideysta fursadan. Inta kale gabadhan waa maasha'allah lakin I agree the eyesore Hijab has to go. First, we're not Arabs. We Somalis are black Africans and as such we're into hips, legs and bottoms. Horaada is for Europeans. Asiatics including Arabs are into hair hence why this Hijaab/Chador business originated from them. Ever seen Arab women seducing a man? Looks like some kind of perverted shampoo commercial with the girl shaking and throwing hair all over the place. So let the girl show her fine and ever widening hips. It is natural part of growing up.
  11. Garnaqsi, This is what happens when people adopt, wholesale, medieval thoughts. You got medieval behaviours like this. Or like mobs salivating at he sight of lactating mothers being stoned to death, beheadings of poor souls for "apostasy," amputation of petty suuq thieves and a whole gamut of ridiculous and petty tantrums like banning bras and tampoons, bikinis, books, education (Boko Haram), science, diversity, progress or anything suggesting the world has moved on from the 7th century Najd and Hejaz. Is it any wonder then that the Islamic world is such hotbed for dictators, autocrats, sadistic tortureres like Saddam, and crazed religious leaders? And what is this nonsense about stupidh Holocaust Denial laws in Europe? Who gives a shid about the West? Sounds like you guys have a serious case of inferiority complex. You can't do a damn thing, even shid, without thinking what the West thinks or does. No one gives a damn about obscure law in some European countries that affects virtually NO ONE save for neo-nazis, rabid anti-semites and their sympathisers. No European loses his fundamental right of Freedom of Speech. To prove my point, the West even allows Al-Qaadica sympathisers to utter bile like how they hate the West, love Osama bin Laden and hope to see the day Islam conquers Europe. Besides, even if the West is wrong in outlawing Holocaust Denial, how does that justify what Saudi Arabia is doing to this writer? Shame on those of you who sub-contracted your conscience to the lame argument that "if you break the law, you must do the time." It smacks of intellectualy laziness and abdication of independence of thought. What if the law is wrong? What if the law is misinterpreted? What if it is unjust and unfair? Laws are not meant to be followed blindly. You should questions, change, revise, amend laws if their costs outweight their benefits. And the cost of less or no freedom of speech far outweights any potential benefits. If you disagree then please tell us the benefits of blasphemy laws.
  12. When is a fetus a full human deserving of the protection and care we normally accord humans? At conception? In the 3rd trimester? Because if it is at conception, most fertilized ova never impregnate. Most potential humans undergo "natural" abortions. So why all this hue and cry about abortions by humans?
  13. Of course the Quran can't challenge Athiests because the Quran can't write/talk. And the Quran's advocates aren't up to snuff.
  14. Carafaat;788749 wrote: Blue, send me a private message saying she will leave SOL. So sad. You silly boy. You really think Blue PMed to tell you she was leaving? The girl wanted to talk to you. Any topic will do. The stars, shapes of ice crystals, and the ever popular the weather.
  15. Samjamaa, If you ask very nicely, I'll tell you why you're not married. Ok, you asked so I'll tell you. Here are the assets and traits men all over the world look for in a woman. If you don't possess them, work on getting 'em. 1. You have to be dumb to the point where people think you're mentally retarded. Think about it. What would a man do with a woman's intelligence? He doesn't need her brains he needs her body. So, stop accentuating your intellectual prowess and the 1001 different degrees you have, that's just not sexy. Being dumb and coy is sexy. It is actually dementingly sexy. Start emphasizing your cooking skills instead because that is all that men want from women. You range of skills/talent should be limited to the bed, kitchen and perhaps housekeeping. Intelligence, degrees, or anything suggestive of higher mental capacity in a woman is a huge turnoff. 2. Ideally, all your relatives will be dead, dying, in jail or exiled to some distant planet. No one wants to deal with pesky relatives; especially in Somali context which means sending money to some bozo back home so he can lead life of opulence while I bust my nuts in -50 degree C. No way! Also, you must not have any friends. We don't want them teaching about your rights, how to call cops, women's rights nonsense, now do we? No, absolutely not. 3. You must be uber-stingy and very price-conscience when you do shopping. No man wants a woman who splurges his hard earned money because she can't tell the difference between $100 and $1000. 4. You must be ugly. I know this runs contractory to popular belief that men desire good looking women. But men also don't want the burden of worrying about other guys hitting on their wives. So, how ugly then? It depends but my litmus test is if I can leave her in a room full of professional athletes assured that no one will hit on her, then she's wifey material. Besides, ugly women are interesting. All the good looking women in the world are boring and uninteresting.
  16. Samjama, what is wrong with rejecting Islam without knowing it? You and most Muslims reject lots of religions that you're ignorant of. It is sad though, she embraced even more ridicolous believe system than Islam.
  17. Aabida;786989 wrote: your other point of so called "hatred" is again another fundamental part of islam, It is part of our faith to reject any other religion except islam, infact all other religions adopt this way of thinking, all religions denounce the faith of others, this isn't a new concept. Also your point on oppression of women, the somali culture historically has always been opressive to women. Women who got divorced had to leave their children behind simply because they were financially unfit. Women had to work extremely hard whilst the men mostly did simple things such herding goats, housework was defintely not split evenly. Also it was seen as morally correct to beat your wife! So, hatred for others is part and parcel of Islam? All these years Islamic apologists were busy peddling to the world the mantra that Islam is all about peace and love. Was all that just a ploy to dupe unsuspecting Kafirs? Don't worry yours truly was always iffy about them apologists; I'm always suspicious of anyone who is so full of himself and his side. But I know alot of well-meaning Western Liberals bought that "Islam is peace" mantra hook, line and sinker much to the detriment of their foreign policy vis-a-vis the Islamic world. And you're absolutely wrong about Somali women. I once read somewhere that before Islam arrived on Somali shores, Somalis were matriarchal society. This is highly probably given that we're black African people and in traditional black African societies, matriarchy is the norm. Regardless, we always treated our women better than Arab societies. Islam has been in Somali peninsula for at least a 1000 years and in that whole time not one single lactating Somali mother was every stoned to death for adultery, or lashed, or amputated, or forced to don alien sounding outfits like chador, hijab, niqab, etc. In fact, our women braided their hair, wore guntiino or other traditional clothes and roamed freely and broadly on the Somali peninsula. Our mothers (mid-1980s and earlier), grandmothers, great grandmothers, great great grandmothers, going back hundreds of years never wore Hijab or Niqab or Burqa or whatever Arab dress that is in vogue nowadays. Question for you: were they kafirs for not wearing Niqabs/Hijabs/Burqas?
  18. Raamsade


    Is the kid ethnic Somali? Never seen a Somali that fast and strong.
  19. ^Waraa, don't encourage the kid. He may actually buy into the hype and inundate the site with pap.
  20. Of course Alshabaab aren't the only morons... most Somalis are morons. How else can you account for the recent fighting over some godforsaken dusty village called Buhoodle that isn't even worth dried goat shid resulting in more death, mayhem, refugees for poor Somalis?
  21. There is also Meder of Hiiraan region. Tinixi was big in central Somalia (Galguduud, Mudug) while Tincarro was worshipped in Northern Somalia.
  22. The disturbing thing about this study is the daftness along with the attendant chauvinism and bigotry will continue in perpetuity as the truly daft tend to marry each other. The results of this study probably apply to religious literalists ala Alshabaab who literally believe in spy angels perched on shoulders 24/7, talking snakes, Jonah living inside a big fish, Jewish guy water skiing in the Red Sea 2000 years ago, Biblical/Quranic creation story implying incestuous human origin, and miscellaneous religious morons who go around threatening people for simply having different views.
  23. Xaawo Taako died needlessly in a needless Hanoolaato protest. I'm not sure what she did to warrant a statue. But the duuflaal, cirweyne iyo giiryaale extraordinaire Ina Cabdulle Xassan should never had a statue to begin with.
  24. Carafaat, I think you're doing a great disservice to Siyaad Barre. What you call Siyaadism was the brainchild of his clansmen not the man himself. His greatest crime was surrounding himself with poisonous qabiilists like Morgan and Gebyow as we've seen in the recently posted video. There is no evidence to show that Siyaad was bloodthirsty qabiilist. But your little cute analysis ignores an inconvenient fact. Halyeey Maxamed Faarax Ceydiid repeatedly warned your adeer Cigaal about coup plots being hatched by disgruntled officers in the national army. As is typical with leaders from your clan, he dithered and waited for directions from his master rather than be decisive and take the initiative to foil the plot at once. Had your adeer Cigaal done that we wouldn't be having this discussion; I'd be in Somalia running my Camel Milk Ice Cream business celebrating my success with quality Jowhar Rum, Oodweyne would be probably best selling author of international renown on his way to collecting his third Nobel Prize in Literature and you would likely be chasing Somalina around Xamar. Instead we're here in the diaspora overfed, over educated, over entertained, over medicated, and over leisured. This lack of decisiveness and dare I say courage among your folks is manifesting itself again in 2012 in form of bunch of ragtag militias who only take shower twice in their lifetime harrying your army around some unpronounceable two goat village named Buhoodle.
  25. samjaama, Educated Somali is oxymoron because when it came to Somali's turn to get brains Allah was on a tight budget bestowing them with borderline retarded mental capacity. Except yours truly of course. Show me an educated Somali and I'll show you a man educated beyond his intelligence.