Sherban Shabeel

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Everything posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. making the first move doesn't necessarily mean coming across as desperate. Sometimes guys feel shy or don't see your signals. If you think it's worth it, go ahead and say something. Anything. lol just ask me for a cigarette or something and I'll get it. Otherwise, it can be difficult to get just from glances.
  2. I don't think wearing the niqab (or the hijab) should be discouraged, but I also don't think it should be mandatory by law. It's not the law's business what the woman does with her modesty. She wants to be modest, cool. She doesn't want to be modest, cool. She's gonna sort it out with God when the time comes, and it's nobody else's business.
  3. Good for them. After all that they've been through, they deserve to relax a bit.
  4. Just because the Taliban screwed it up, doesn't mean Somalis have to screw it up as well. Sharia doesn't necessarily mean reverting to the Middle Ages. I mean, seriously, have you seen Ash-Shabaab floggings? That stuff is a joke. It's way more about public humiliation than actual physical punishment. As for that teenage girl that got stoned, that was an abomination and I'm sure those responsible were dealt with.
  5. Somalia has the potential to be a paradise on Earth. Beautiful pictures!
  6. loool nice! One of my friends had to kill his python because it tried to eat him while he was resting in the bathtub.
  7. Yeah but you can't have rule of law if there is a segment of the armed population who isn't satisfied. Everyone needs to be satisfied in order to have order.
  8. I was a big believer in the new government, because I thought it could bring everyone to the table no exception. Now after the Seagate affair with Kenya and mortars flying in Muqdisho again, I'm not so sure anymore. I have also read posts complaining about the state of Somaliland, about the state of Puntland, about the state of all Somali people living in what used to be one Somalia. I think there is one way to a better future that I still believe in. It's a strangely simple solution and I wonder why it hasn't been given a shot. The solution is to stop assuming things and to organize ONE BIG POLL. An objective third party should send out teams of people that will reach EVERY SINGLE SOMALI and ask him or her what he or she wants. Then compile all the answers and analyze them and find a way to satisfy the significant majority. How hard can it be? You only need to reach 9-10 million people. There's too many militias in Somalia, too many weapons, lots of talking and little listening. Question every single member of every militia, of every group, every man, woman and child over the age of ten in every village and every city. Every herder in every pasture. And find out what they want. Then give them what they want. And maybe then we can have peace.
  9. I find it amusing that people whine about piracy when Puntland is ruled by certain politicians that would make Mugabe blush.
  10. I will never judge the pirates for doing what they do. Maybe because I'm just like them at heart. When you see that honest work won't get you anywhere, when everyone steals, you too will want to steal. I'd rather have my children live in luxury built on theft than have them starve because their daddy's "honest".
  11. WOW! WOW! WOW! Thanks!
  12. today your bank, tomorrow your house Obama may dress in a Somali outfit for the camera, but he is no Somali
  13. Also, foreign ships passing through the area - but not headed for Somalia - will be charged a passage fee and pirates will attack those who do not comply.
  14. In 100 years Somalia will be a country with glistening white cities with sewage, green pastures, beautiful deserts, misty highlands, lush jungles, waters full of fish, making billions of dollars from camel exports, from fisheries, from banana&plantain plantations, from incense trees, from the millions of tourists that will come there every year to dive at Somalia's famous coral reefs.
  15. Nothing has begun, stop dramatizing. For the first time since 2006 there is finally a ray of light in Somalia and a flicker of hope. It's about time people started recognizing that and stopped throwing dirt around.
  16. Here is a religious song from my country. Tell me how it sounds: om/watch?v=8Bt76H642 Rk
  17. Do you have beautiful things to say? Tweet them over to K'NAAN and your lyrics might wind up in his People Like Me remake. http://www.amoctone. com/knaan/plmtweet/ Are you guys thinking of participating? I'm down for sure!