Sherban Shabeel

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Everything posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. Originally posted by GAAROODI: So saxib your insecurity has to be sorted out if you want to survive because these hijab wearing youth are comming. lol I'm not from Puntland
  2. I will be more than happy to design a new flag for Puntland, NW Somalia (wait lalaland already has a flag!) and South Somalia.
  3. only the shade of blue is different lol and the size in my post
  4. 1. Shabaab won't take Xamar. If it didn't in May 09 it won't ever. 2. If Shabaab DOES expand North, Somaliland better watch out.
  5. Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: Actually in Italy, Roma or Gypsy are considered to be lowest of the low. Somalis by comparison are seen as normal. I think, the current news coverage on Somalis has been slightly exaggerated. Yes but Italians are shitheads.
  6. The TFG needs to give me 500 men and I will send these fake mujahideen to God.
  7. Moonlight, The advice I have given pertains to ending a civil war, not to the ascent of the soul to heaven.
  8. Most esteemed leader of the Somali nation, It is my belief that you can yet be the man who ends Somalia's civil war. These are my step-by-step recommendations for attaining that goal: 1. You have been a teacher, then a sheikh, now you are a "cool president". It is time for one final image change: military dictator. Always wear that military uniform and those shades (they all suit you very well may I add) and declare you will not step down at the end of your term. This might mean lessened support from the international community (but what good have they done you anyway?), but not by 100%. After all, the West would rather have a cozy dictator (a la Hosni Mubarak) than an East African caliphate. 2. Take charge of your army and limit the influence of your ministers, advisors, counsellors etc.. Otherwise they will be your downfall. Those who resist your reforms and speak of rebellion must be shot for treason. 3. Understand how the armed groups you are facing do their training, and let your soldiers train accordingly, not for conventional war but for guerilla war. 4. Use terror tactics against the rebels - roadside bombs, ambush, slit the throats of captured fighters. Intimidate them, send them letters written in blood, phonecalls, text messages, threaten them in any way possible. Keep applying these tactics until their courage fails and they rout. But try not to kill children. 5. When the rebel armies are in disarray, offer an amnesty to all fighters who surrender to the government. Invite commanders such as Hassan Turki into the government (keep your enemies close) but have Sheikh Aweys publicly executed. Declare and end to the war. The people of Somalia are behind you, most esteemed President. Apply these tactics and history will remember you as the man who brought peace to Somalia - the country will be yours to rule until your death. I am your most humble advisor, -Sherban Shabeel
  9. Happy New Year to my internet family! May you guys be loved.
  10. I'll have all the time in the world to read in heaven IA P.S.: The Alchemist is SO overrated
  11. Hate if you must but it was all DELICIOUS
  12. Nur, Please bear with me. I know I haven't yet come up with the summary of who-killed-who since May 2009, but it's been EXTREMELY hard to compile reliable figures - as embarrassing as this is to admit for a journalism student. I haven't yet given up, I'm still on it.
  13. My question for this debate is one I have asked on multiple occasions on this board, only to have it ignored time and time again. Why is evolution automatically associated with atheism? Why the refusal to reconcile belief in a Higher Being with the mechanism of life? My personal opinion as a God-fearing man is that God (and I don't mean some guy with a beard) created the mechanism to life (evolution) and - given that He (or It if you prefer) is omniscient and knows the results beforehand - it's as if He had created all the species himself. I believe that many of the things said in our Holy Texts are metaphors and should not necessarily be taken literally.
  14. Vlad Dracul? I believe he is of my grandmother's clan indeed
  15. Jesus Christ! Where can I sign the petition? Who can we e-mail?
  16. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: Ro boy! plz your support is not needed here, your folks are the reason that we as somalis are in this nitemare step! Remember 2006, somalia was cool then, but guess who didnt like this picture? Your uncle gw bushwage mofo! remember that! plz dont play dumb now. You are not the first who's told me to step from this forum. That being said I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me "mofo". Perhaps you should watch your tone and explain how "my folks" destroyed Somalia and how W bush is "my uncle".
  17. It's disturbing how easy it is for a group of ex-rapists and murderers to gain support by simply slapping an "Islamic" label onto their group. Shabaab's appeal to certain members of this board (who don't live under their rule, may I add) is absolutely mesmerizing and beyond reason. Just like fools in the West automatically associate "Islamic" with "terrorist", fools in the Muslim World associate "Islamic" with "hero". One needs to look deeper than a name or a label. I'm a Christian and yet I would have been proud to fight against Christian Ethiopia (may I add that their form of Christianity is exactly the same as ours in RO) when they invaded Somalia. Just because a group calls itself "Christian" doesn't mean I'll blindly support them - it's the actions that I'm looking at, and if the actions aren't Christian then the name doesn't matter much to me. Are Shabaab's actions truly Muslim? I've said it before and I'll keep saying it until my tongue falls off: Shabaab of the invasion period is not the same as Shabaab of 2009. During the Ethiopian withdrawal, many resistance fighters gravitated towards the government and towards the restoration of Somalia, while the youngest soldiers of God finally found themselves without a war to fight, and therefore without a reason to exist. Shabaab of 2009 is a disgruntled group of violent young men who grew up with civil war around them, who don't have a solid leadership, who DO NOT KNOW what peace feels like. Al-Shabaab has been REPEATEDLY given the chance to sit down and become part of the new government, of the new age of restoration. And yet, out of greed, or madness, or bloodlust, or who-knows-what, they went to war against the government in May, FAILED to unseat it (as I'd rightly predicted) and PLUNGED SOMALIA BACK INTO THE CESSPIT IT WAS CRAWLING OUT FROM. 2009 is the year when Shabeel has turned his back on Shabaab. I can never respect traitors, and I cannot respect people who respect traitors. If you support Shabaab because your cousin is in it, it's cool. But if you support Shabaab ideologically, after all that has happened, quite frankly you're a clown.
  18. Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: speaking of more hot somali chicks, this UK chick is too busy getting comfortable with a black man. Jealous much?