Sherban Shabeel

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Everything posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. He kind of looks like Rufus Sewell. Very handsome man!
  2. It's really easy to make (unlike the venison roast lol). I like to have couscous for every occasion.
  3. Roast of bambi's dad (stag?) - I made it. Kiss the cook! Seafood that came from China (hopefully in a freezer) - I stir fried those babies in a nice thick sauce. Sarmale made by my stepdad. Cous-cous made by me.
  4. Thx everyone! Happy holidays! Cooking pics coming tomorrow
  5. I've been spending the whole day cooking Christmas dinner. Venison roast, cous-cous & veggies, stir fry sea food mix. KISS THE COOK! (I'll be posting pics soon lol)
  6. Thank you Nigerians, for providing Romanians around the world with a means of surviving adverse conditions, unwelcoming countries and banking crises!
  7. Thank you so much for the pics! They really do fill one with a deep longing...
  8. ^Thankfully Shabaab isn't in charge of SOL, so public stonings are frowned upon. A private slap on the wrist through PM is the way to go.
  9. Everyone has a point. The difference is how far are you willing to go to push it?
  10. You'll feel it. At some point in your conversation, if it's going well and you're both having fun, you'll both stop talking. What may be mistaken as an awkward silence is actually the moment for you to go "for the kill". You'll feel a bit funny, and light-headed, like there's something in the air, this TENSION, this ELECTRICITY. Don't think about it, just lean in and kiss her, gently and slowly. The closer you are to her face, the less chances she will resist.
  11. Maaddey is the propaganda cyber arm of Shabaab, just like I'm the propaganda cyber arm of Shariif.
  12. Caddow is right, members shouldn't be scolded on the forum. They should receive PMs explaining how they broke the rules.
  13. FB got me into so much trouble lol I've decided I'm never arguing with people on fb again.
  14. Originally posted by The Zack: ^for your information cutting the moustache and leaving the beard a lone is part of the sunnah. I never disputed that. I think you're missing my point.
  15. Since when are a bunch of teenagers, ex-rapists, ex-murderers, and ex-bandits, entitled to enforce the Sunna of the Prophet PBUH?
  16. They should arrest the president instead.
  17. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ...and that proves u r not a spy?? the fact u wanted to go in 2007 makes u a big SPY! How so? :confused: The fact of the matter is I believed in Shabaab back then - like many others - because they were fighting for the Somali people. But then Shabaab of 2009 reared its ugly head and showed its true nature. I do not support them now, and very few people still do. Again, all my info is on this site. I got nothing to hide and I'm not afraid of anyone, be it Shabaab, CIA, Mossad and all the rest of them mothaf___az.
  18. lool yeah its Pirates of the Burning Sea. If you ever decide to get it, join the Blackbeard server and let me know