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Everything posted by Jaabir

  1. Salafi.. me dont know non about no Shukaansi.. so i guess me dont date :rolleyes:
  2. How about Sac magaalo.. this dude is dump and country as hell..
  3. Originally posted by Emmy: Salam All, I must admit that I’ve registered in Somaliaonline Forums just to reply to this topic Qa3 Qa3 (Btw, your nickname remind me of one of our Prophet Mohamed Peace Be Upon him Companions, his name is :Al Qa3Qa3 Ben 3amr, may allah be pleased with him, I completely admired his personality when I read his biography from a book called “Men around the Prophet peace be upon him”. Peace N DA Middle East أخوي أيمي :- وش عرف هالوريا بالقعقاع بن عمر رضي الله عنه و أرضاه !!! ترى هو يوم ما سمى نفسه Qaac كان قصده المعنى الصومالي للكلمه واللي هي "متخلف" لوووووووووول رد أروع من الرائع هاالله هالله عليك يابو الشباب,,,, مبين عليك انك انسان فاهم و ملتزم ماشاء الله .... حياك الله في بيتك الثاني صوماليا اون لاين اتمنى لك التوفيق الدائم واشكرك على ردك الجميل اخوك هــــــــــــــــاشم
  4. Do you guys know the army intelligence officers who were conducting the interrogation => torture in Abu Graib prison were Israelis?? And does any of ya all recall when the Iraqi resistance bombed a prison in Bagdahad and killed 20 prisoners.??? many people thought the resistance was off course and they were targeting Sunni Iraqi’s.. the truth of the matter is, they were trying to rescue the imprisoned Iraqi’s who were being tortured.. i feel sad for the nomads who's prime source of news is Fox News Network..
  5. aint no fun in South Minneapolis.. and thats fo sho.. :rolleyes:
  6. Muna.. its not deleted.. its right Here good luck with your fund raising..
  7. Why you gotta lie saxib.. you are not the only one who been checking Horseednet.net Caruurta ku jidha Ciidamada Daraawiishta oo loo isticmaalo Siyaabo kala gedisan Maxkamada Darajada koowaad ee Boosaaso ayaa Axadii lasoo dhaafay la horkeenay Maxamed Axmed Mire oo loo heysto inuu dilay bishii November ee sanadkii 2003da Marxuum Mire Xassan. Dilkaan oo ah mid horey xiisado uga dhaliyey magaalada ayaa dhacay taariikhdu markay aheyd 10kii bishii Novermber ee sanadkii lasoo dhaafay 2003, waxaana weli la isku khilaafsan yahay cidii geysatay dilkaan. Maxamed Axmed oo ah wiil 17 jir ah, ayaa loo heystaa dilkaan wuxuuna kamid ahaa ciidamada Daraawiishta, ayadoo la sheegay inuu dilkaan geystay kadib markii uu rasaas ku furay gaari uu watay Marxuum Mire Xassan. Hasayeeshee wiilka dilkan lagu soo oogay Mr.Maxamed Axmed iyo Qareenada difaacaya ayaa sheegaya in dilkaan uu geystay nin kale oo la yiraaho Cabdinuur C/laahi oo asaguna kamid ah ciidamada Daraawiishta. Mr. Maxamed Axmed ayaa horey loo soo taagay maxkamad milatari ah si qarsoodi ah ayadoo maxkamadaa ay ku xukuntay dil, isla markaana la sheegay in 7 markhaati lasoo hortaagay Maxkamadaa milatariga ah. Balse Qareenada Mr.Maxamed ayaa sheegay in maxkamada milatariga ah ay tahay mid shirqool ah oo ay soo agaasimeen xubno kamid ah saraakiisha Daraawiishta oo markaa la rabay in danbiga laga wareejiyo ninka asagu dilka geystay oo ay Qareenadu ku sheegeen C/nuur C/laahi. Dilkaan oo ka dhacay magaalada Bosaso 7 Bilood kahor ayaa ah mid aan illaa iyo hada loo ciqaabin cidii ka danbeysay ayadoo ninka hada loo heysto oo ah Maxamed Axmed uu 7daa bilood ku xidhnaa xabsiga dhexe ee Bosaaso. Qareenada Maxamed Axmed oo ah 17jir kana mid ahaa ciidamada Daraawiishta ayaa sheegay in la siidaayo daayo ninkaasi maadaama aan illaa iyo hada lagu cadeyn dilka lagu soo oogay. Gudoonka Maxkamada ayaa sheegay in Qareenka Dacwada soo oogayey inuu maxkamada horkeeno markhaatiyaal, asagoo markaa muujiyey sida uusan ugu qanacsaneyn cadeynta la horkeenay Maxkamada. Ciidamada Booliiska ayaa sidoo kale lagu dhaliiceynayaa in ay ka gaabsadeen in ay faraha la galaan baaritaanka dilkaan ayadoo uu dilkan ka dhacay meel u jidha 400 oo mitir xarunta ciidamada Booliiska. Booliiska ayaa la sheegay in ay arrintan ka gaabsadeen maadaama ay ka dhex dhacday goob ay gacanta ku hayaan ciidamada Daraawiishta ee ka amar qaadata Col.C/laahi Yusuf. Arrintan ayaa ah mid si weyn loo hadal hayo magaalada, ayadoo ay dadka qaarkiis aaminsan yihiin in la rabo in danbiga dusha laga saaro ninka 17jirka ah ee kamid ahaa dhalinyarada da' ada yar ee kamid ah ciidamada Daraawiishta. Kooxda C/laahi Yusuf ayaa horey loogu dhaliiceeyey in ay hubeeyeen dhalinyaro Da' ayar intuu socday dagaaladii Sokeeye ee Puntland, isla markaana ay in badan ku dhinteen dagaaladii ka dhacay deegaankan, halka in badan oo kamid ah lagu dilay iska horimaadyo ka dhex dhacay isla maleeshiyadii Darawiishta ay la socdaan iyo kuwo kale oo lamid ah Maxamed Axmed oo dusha looga tuuro danbiyada ay galaan ragga qaan gaarka ah ee kamid ah isla maleeshiyadaas. Caruurta da'ada yar ee ku jidha ciidamada Daraawiishta ayaa xaalada ay ku nool yihiin tahay mid aad u qalafsan. Marka laga soo tago nolasha xun ay ku nool yihiin iyo waxbarasho la'aanta loogu bedalay qoryaha iyo in ay kala guraan rasaasta, ayaa hadana waxaa usii dheer in loo adeegsado danbiyada waaweyn sida shirqoolka iyo falalka kale burcadnimo oo ay geystaan maleeshiyooyinka kamid ah Daraawiishta. In badan oo kamid ah caruurtan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale loo geystaa jir dil iyo dhaawacyo kale marka ay iska horyimaadaan maleeshiyooyinka ay kamid yihiin. Waxaa sidoo kale jira dhalinyaro aad u da'a yar oo ciidamada Puntland la qoray wakhtigii ay socdeen xiisadaha ka dhex taagnaa deegaanka Somaliland iyo Puntland, taasoo dhalisay in ciidamada Puntland ay 40% ay noqdaan caruur da'adooda ay ka yartahay 18 jir sida ka muuqata Masawirkaan oo laga soo qaaday xarunta ciidamada ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Maamulka C/laahi Yusuf ayaa asagu ka gaabsaday inuu wax tilaabo ah ka qaado caruurta la qorayo ciidamada oo badanaa khasaaro weyn kala kulma nolasha adag oo ay ku nool yihiin maleeshiyooyinka hubka sida. Note: Hussein Farah (Keynaan) Bosaso, Puntland
  8. Waraa Lakkad.. i didnt watch the video and i dont intend to. these type of acts are wrongly linked to Islam. the fact that those killers claimed to be Muslims wont make them any. cuz we all know that is not what out religion propagates. so disgusting walaahi....
  9. I am sure the third philosopher has hit the bull’s-eye.. I know some ladies may refuse his logic due to self-esteem issues.. but hey.. I can understand why… See at any given day, if a guy meets a group of girls and happen to like one of them and starts to give her all his attention you will notice the rest of the girls will get pissed and definitely try and screw that hook up… happened to me many times… girls will retaliate if you don’t give them the same amount of attention u gave her better looking girlfriends….
  10. Originally posted by rudy: polar bears! aka! mini soooodha! i feel you pain but your azz is grass! the kings will smoke u boyz/gals! aigt! no hard feelings!lol Polar bear my aaaaaaaaaaaaaaas niguuuuuuah.. tonights game was somthing else walaahi.. Go T WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLVES
  11. Jaabir


    is it me or does all indian movies have he same sorry a$$ story line?? besides.. all the female singers sound the same!!!
  12. i hope she comes to her loved ones safe and sound.. ameen..
  13. two philosophers were once debating an answer for this question.. Why does women adorn (beautify) themselves so much? The first philosopher said.. Women adorn themselves to attract men's attention.. The second said.. I disagree, women are so keen in beautifying themselves simply because they want to make other women jealous. The debate heated up between the first and second philosopher.. until a third philosopher interrupted them and said: Fella’s you are both right, see when a woman adorns herself so much she will definitely attract men’s attention and consequently that will make other women jealous!! Now if you ask any woman the very same question she is sure to say that she doesn’t adorn herself to attract a man’s attention nor to make a woman jealous…. So my question to all ya all ladies is… Which philospher do u agree with? and if none then tell us why???
  14. For those who speak Arabic.. i am sure you gon find this qouite funny..
  15. thats exactly what i hear when he talks
  16. Hollywood has been a kindergarten for the new left for decades now. Why be surprised? It's the ultimate propaganda machine, as it is willingly financed by it's victims. Besides, Disney gets millions of dollars in tax credits thanks to President Bush. So I guess they cant bite the hand that is feeding them.. For he record though.. I watch Bowling for Columbine documentary. And man was Micheal moore telling the truth or what.. its currently showing on Showtime channel.
  17. Walaahi I am still reeling in disgust at the turture the Iraqi prisoners had to go thru in the hands of some sick b@stards.. But please make no mistake about it, this torture is not the work of them sick hillibillies, rather it’s a planned torture meant to break the will of the Iraqi people and inflict them with maximum humiliation and dehumanization so they would stop resisting the wrongful occupation of their country. I am defiantly not surprised by what these animals did, as a matter of fact this is something one would expect from a colonial warfare better known as War on Terrorism.. The picture of that gloating b!tch posing over a naked Iraqi prisoner, and the picture of the Iraqi man stripped naked, handcuffed to his bed with dirty panties gloving his head is the democracy the punk a$$ president Bush promised the Iraqi people before the war. I urge all the nomads who are US citizens to vote against Bush, specially those who are in Mn, Mi and Ohio since they are a battle states that Bush is likely to lose.
  18. Pssst.... sue, have you tried system restore function in your XP :cool:
  19. Jaabir

    W O M E N!!!

    Ilaaho nag mas cunta ha ii siin
  20. Stereotyping = Ignorance.. :rolleyes:
  21. Walaahi the Wolves earned their win tonight.. what a great game..