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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by *Ibtisam: But more kanco with the rain and smell after. :eeeeg uuuf I was hoping you wouldn't say India! I plan to go there in Sept. insha'allah...My mother was telling how it doesn't rain, but the ground is always wet, from candhuufta ee dhulka ku tufaan! Akhas...Aduunkana waxaan ugu necbahay qof candhuuf tufaayo inaan arko...How bad is the smell? I am really considering a change of destination! Good day hablo/wiilal! Look away, Juxa.. I was once on a bus in India, think I was headed for Udaipur after a many hour journey, anywho, it was about 5 am when I woke from sleep, stretched and opened the window for air. The woman in the seat in front of me, throws herself out her window and khaaaaakhsss for India. The propulsion flies back alongisde the bus, enters my window and sprays my face. I am going to be sick at the memory. Naftaa iga baxi gaadhey is what I'm saying, folks. I wiped everything I could find on my face as I gagged and cursed India for the millionth time. When I got off the bus, a tuktuk raced me to my guesthouse. I ran into my allocated room, dumped my bags and flew into the toilet to wash. I turned the tap. Nothing. The other tap. Nothing. Nooooooo. There was no water. I fell asleep exhausted and nauseas. The smells were another level altogether. But that's another story. Ibts has more. LoL.
  2. uff, got nowt better to do, this Dubai lot, ayaamahan.
  3. omg, C&H was I sick again? What the. Ha ii saadin! No idea, Lily. I thought those things were meant to be processed qashin.
  4. Never @ holla. I would sound demented.
  5. is there a convention somewhere? No one's around to troll. **Hello-ow-ow-ow-ow**
  6. ^somehow I don't think they respond to 'Holla' but good luck. LoL.
  7. there's a difference between not having paid a fare- you get fined on the spot- and masquerading as an oap. The latter is worse but I don't know how much worse. Just pay the fine. PM Juxa.
  8. ilaahey baa ileh! Maana maantoodhan xaar kala guri kara? Damn.
  9. hate to be a paty-pooper, folks but if you find something that warrants deletion from a moderator please don't quote it over and over again. It's like finding a pile of poop on the ground and instead of leaving it there, walking through it and contaminating the entire path. Ta.
  10. Ah, Ibts. Been there and did not do it all. You may do more than the average person but you probably have a longer, more demanding list than most. Either relax your rules or hold yourself more accountable. Quality vs quantity- that goes for people too. I had a profund thought. Oh, it's gone. C'est la vie. As someone who has been too often ill, lol, I will say health is the most important thing. Everything else pales in comparison when you get over something health-challenging.
  11. ^it gets worse the older you get. They start to step so hard and often, you'll get corns.
  12. don't respond to it then. Remind us this is one person's version of a series of events. Well, duh. They're not helping, they're just saying take him back. Not the same thing. It may sound like a talk show but this sort of thing actually happens. Men can be that disgusting. Better perhaps that you clarify THEIR job?
  13. we're responding to the topic so what's the problem? Why make it generic? That's stuff and nonsense. Her life can't get any more ruined. Lol @ impulse(two years). It's best he left; she would have given him her kali as well if he'd needed it. If she had enough self-worth, she would have flushed him down one of those toilets she cleans long ago or better still brushed his teeth with a toilet brush for him. Uff. She doesn't need a sheikh or a warqad or a divorce, she needs therapy. For a moment when I read the story I thought I was related to C&H unknowingly. But no, the story, like G-J says is all too common now. :eek:
  14. If she hasn't had a shag in two years, she ain't married. Many times over. Tell her to get some sense and a pit bull called Ball Cruncher.
  15. ^LoooL. Why garaac her? I have a whole 18 months left on an expensive contract. I'm not pssing my number to a family member. All my sir will be..oh, the thought. LoL.
  16. ^I don't think I can do that. Feel ill @ the thought. thanks, Juxa.
  17. ^not a Somali hairdresser, please. I don't want to turn into a mummy while I wait. :eek: The one I'm after is very close to TPL station and allows for those that don't want to be seen by walk-byers. I think they are Ethiopians. I absolutely can't arrange a damn thing, Ibts. I am up to my eye balls. :eek: Does anyone know how to get out of a mobile phone contract without getting the bailiffs involved? :confused: Do I have to die? Join the army? What?
  18. I hope you gave it away to someone who can't afford eating at expensive places, Ibts. You know you wouldn't have to eat a lot to get the £150's worth, the food is expensive anyway. Did the £150 include booze? Why do I care? LoL. Just want to know how good what you waved at us and gave away was. Do arrange something Ibts. I am running around. Going to eff off again middle of the month. Wish I had a PA. Mid kurux badan that I can order about. There's a hairderessers in TurnPike Lane, North London that does your hair in the back(not the back of your hair), anyway, does anyone know if they are any good and what they are called? LoL. I know nothing else about it.
  19. miskina @ her and you. Hope she gets better. Just spit at her knee and she'll be ick-ed enough to get well soon. Used to work on me. Night. I'm off too before I start writing lullabies.
  20. ^LOL, I dodn't say so specifically..I'm so tired. How come you're up?
  21. Originally posted by Khayr: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: Hey Ibts, I have a lot of errands to run unfortunately. I'm sitting here in paralysis lol. I'm good, S, et tu? While you are in paralysis, can you clear your inbox? You are in high demand! don't have the time or patience to clear out old messages. Maxaad rabta? No whinging, please.
  22. loses its potency when it's spelled like that. LoL. Blessed, I had one of those once, maybe I stole it from my ma. Any idea..where your mum...oh, my I just realised I have a pot of real kohl somewhere. Does it expire? LoL. I have way too much ish.
  23. ^not by me. there seems to be a trend by some to get deleted or appeal for deletions. If you see some of what I see, what gets deleted and what stays would make more/even less sense to you. :confused: