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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Allah waa tii. Akhas, why are folks making excuses for her 'ignorance'? Making such a comment about Muslims she wants to help. PR 101: when trying to be a hero try not to antagonise the people. Duh. Waxii tan hero ku sheegey ayaa wali na daba wada. Uff. Shhhz, next we'll be excusing the Israelis and BP for their 'ignorance'. :rolleyes:
  2. how awful. I don't why but I assumed the other 18 year old was there at the same time(which would further complicate the situation). :eek:
  3. ^the only thing that can turn it on is by doing something. Only an act can get you back on track even if your heart's not engaged at first(personal igisbiiriyens). Juxa, I think Tayibun do do private tuition. LOZ, that's fantastic but at least you have method to your good madness. I learn what my like here and there lol. I want to know that I am getting it right like Malika said. I have been lazy about getting formal lessons but now am worried that I have a learned a lot by myself. Unlearning errors can be difficult.
  4. yup the Tayibun folks seem good, heard postive feedback re them but ladies I am away from home and don't intend on being home for a long time so need something online that can follow me in my nomad footsteps. The motivation is there I just need good instruction. I have realised I have memorised a surprising portion of the Quran just by listening to it over and over. Now I hear an ayat and can read along and know what surah it came from. I MUST DO SOMETHING WITH THIS PROGRESS SO PLEASE HELP ME FIND SOMETHING. LoL. I am happy about that(but still moody hehe).
  5. sigh. What a gloomy mood I am in and now more talk of death here. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun. I rarely have violent thoughts against individuals but God knows I'd headbutt A Hersi and happily sit in a prison cell. :mad: Too many posts of her on here. Avoiding juma prayers as I don't want to be talked to AT ALL. If only people could keep the silence during the khutba at least. Listening to Quran, that's all I can manage for now. Does anyone know of any Quran memorisation programmes online, even if there is a human being on the other end? Must be something in this age of web cams and messenger.
  6. OMG, guru, OMG, yes, in a nutshell it is that, PISS-TAKE ON MOFO REPEAT. LoL. Same theme, every time. Anaa ka daran to be honest; giving benefit of the doubt each time, hoping it won't happen again and lessons have been learned. Ah, guru, it is I that is not learning! Xanaaqi wuu igu bakhtiyey/qaboobey whatever. I am trying to find a new way of 'being' about this. I forget the number one rule; you can't change people, you can only change yourself. So I shall respond to this new, yet deja-vu experience differently by changing how I interact with said person here on in.
  7. I was hoping you would say you talk like that ALL the time. You would be my guru. There is someone aan currently jeclaanlahaa inaan ku mantago verbally but I am going to be all zen about it and confuse the fcukadoodle out of him. Maxey kula tahey, guru?
  8. LoooL. This is the Brits' summer thread; it will be active all of 7.5 days this summer when the sun makes an appearance.
  9. ^juxa you will never suffer from illnesses brought on by suppression.
  10. KK, Lol I can't ban anyone much as I would love to sometimes. Grrrr. DD, gotta love the internet give or take a Max.
  11. ^on the other you and all your other self-absorbed(* 5) TROLLING, alter egos are here way too much; shifts ayaad noo soo gashaan. Nuuc naac, I farted and will be fined, nuuc naac I'm so transparent SOLers think I'm Max..uff. Next you and your brothers and sisters(mon Dieu) will be forming a UK online coalition government. Yo, DD, HI!!
  12. Only the mother attendedd? If death doesn't make you go to a funeral, you know you're free of familial emotional blackmail.
  13. Finally British politics gets interesting. They're all a bunch of power-hungry bast*rds. I hope they crucify one another in the next few days. I hope the Queen says 'We, WTF..' during her speech. I hope there's another general election this year. I hope the markets go haywire. All for my amusement. MWAHAHA. A very special friday feeling. LoL. Hello everyone.
  14. yours kuye naag rag ah naag ma ahe cayda iga daa. Shidh.
  15. I just read it somewhere, was hoping never to have hear of it again. Uff.
  16. no it's not disgusting per se. Most people just don't find a great age gap attractive without an incentive(chemistry, power something). I just don't believe they'd boast about it.
  17. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by -Lily-: I bet none of you would be taking this so lightly if it was young girls and old white men. How tragic. Because it is simply not the same. Those young men probably boast about their conquests (even having paid for it). The girls are either forced or simply do it for the money. so, 'last night I did the nasty with a 65 year old Englishwoman' is a boast? Vomit. I'm yet to meet a man or woman boast about such a 'conquest'. Mostly they have Dettol vapour on their breath, they drink the stuff, they're so disgusted with what they do for money or a ticket out.
  18. men's humour forgets to growtheFup with them. Yawn.
  19. when I used to ask my mum where she was going when I was a kid she would say, 'Dhulkaa ilaahey' which would annoy me no end. I escaped the island for another. The earthquakes, eruptions, winds and floods are abundant this year, no? Gulp. Not to mention the stuff in Thailand and Krgy(should know how to spell it by now lol). Not to mention business as usual in Pakistan, Iraq and Palestine. And we're already into mid-April 2010. Does it really matter if we brush our teeth or pass exams afterall?
  20. ^^ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. How are you and why are u always studying like Stoic who has stooped to not brushing though he is a student of ilko. LoL. Hi, GJ.
  21. raaliyo shmaaliyo. After all that dodging of body fluids in India, you need a man slave. Please. You would have to pay me with many man-slaves to return to India willingly but I think everyone ought to go as a right of passage. Ibts, heading for Rajasthan? It's full of forts, colour and history. Head north to cool off.