OG Moti

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Everything posted by OG Moti

  1. Imaam Axmed baa warsaday nin murtiile ah, " sideen uga nabad galaa dadka?" Wuxuu yidhi Murtilihii: 1. Wax sii, waxna ha ka qaadan 2. Garta ayaga sii, hana la garramin 3. Kuna sabir dhibkooda, hana dhibin, Markaasu yidhi imaam Axmed, wey adagtahay, markaasuu Murtiilihii yidhi, weliba waxaa dhici karta inaadan sidaas uga baxsanin. Checkmate, man i feel the same... walahi i never knew these words were said by Imaam Ahmad, however My common sense told me long time ago, that the only way you gain other's respect, if you dont need them or ask them help, while not turning them if they need your help, that way we can build a society of independant and healthy members... Nur Jazakal lah kheyran sxb, can you please write the same words in English or Arabic, not that i am saying i dont know somali.. it for two reasons 1. Many here are ciyaal maayaqaalif, or whatz up people.. 2. Afsomaliga waa language complicated ah, mana aha complete language, sidaa daraadeen markaad murti ku isticmaasho, dad badan oo wali somali fiican ma fahmayaan durba, waa inaay kafakiraan oo aaah hadaan gartay dhahaan 3 saaco kadib... wa salaamu caleekum peace
  2. Sister Amaani i am not getting defensive this is not a debate, this has lots of hidden agendas, see first of all, in terms of women abuse and human abuse, I don’t see it here.. the lady was safed and I am sure her family and husband were happy, beside the doctor consulted with the husband before he even operate.. BBC ? they want a debate.. let them go to Iraq or Afghanistan, they can have what they want, US, Iraqis and Afghanis all 3 will give them the debate they looking for… Let me go back to Somalia and Women: Somalia is one of the few countries that women have a lot of powers, Somalia is a unique country see - Women have a role, they know it and they do it well, and the men know it and don’t interfere how women perform they duties in live - Men have a role, they know it and Somali women know it, some men now a days may not perform their role well, which making Somali women complain about it, and exaggerate and dramatize their complaining stories.. however I only blame women, cause Somali men don’t beat up women, it is a shameful act in Somalia if you beat up a female, so if the man is not performing his duties, she can walk away and don’t look back, instead they choose to complain and make fuss out it. To my sisters: I honestly advice you to think for yourselves and don’t fall to these Westernize ideas, western people like drama, and Somali women are good in creating Dramas, so don’t seek they approval by bashing your brothers’ reputation, I know some eat Qaad and are not responsible, but they don’t harm you, they harm themselves and if you are a wife of one of those.. walk away, that is all you have to do instead of hunting TV shows and newspapers by building a drama and ruining your country men… Go east (Indho yar, Kenyati) or Go west (Cadaan ure, negerian uff, Jamaican akhas)[/i] Somali man will be the only one who appreciates you even if he doesn’t show it… peace
  3. This is where i get upset with our sisters, a stuupid Western channel uses a report whether it is true or not is not the issue, the issue is our sisters start to calaacal and criticize their beloved country, this story is weird and I have some skepticism about its legitimacy, first of all “geel wax bixiyo majiraan hada” sida kale qof xamar joogo geela laga bixinayo xaguu kayimid, mise waxaa lamaqlay geela waa liska hel helaa..? This is brain wash to the Muslim females and it seems to be it is working pretty good with Somali girl … Allaha hana ga soo gaaro Amiin dhaha? PEaCe
  4. 1. Luuq Luuq marow, laami aas kudanbeeyaa 2. Nin isfaaniyey, waa sac heeso laheen 3. Fulay ilmo aas koriyaa, geesi qabri aas ku ordaa 4. Odey bareeray, waa naf dhibootay 5. Baraf ninkii cuna, hargab yuusan ka qelin , these are the most wise and well known sayings in all over Somalia... peace
  5. one more point ... Dawaco sometimes there are just no excuses can help, when these times come.. you should stand up high and say I apologize I FORGOT, and if it is not working add THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN…. announcement :Dawaco has nothing to so with the card, and when I asked her what is today to remind her about the event .. her reply was Kir, war Bax war shaqa doono .. nadaa aan kaa shukaansanee… that is the truth of Dawaco and I had to expose her.. cause she cant go doing this to people, forgetting about them, and not having any interest in other people’s affairs, I hope she will change soon to better person, cause by nature she is a good person and kind when she wants to be… peace
  6. ^^^loool nin madow oo gaaban ? haye.. waryaahee, sheekada sidaa ma aheen maad sheegtid, horta waa runtii wax gaaban baan ahaa oo madow, laakiinse aduunkii wuu isbadalay, gaabnidii tagtay inkastoo madowga wali jiro, hasa ahaatee, chickmate dow, miyaadan ogeen nin madow waa ladoon doonayaa, dumarkii wey garteen .. nin madow uun baa lala noolaankaraa, waayo nin madow dhibaato aduunyo wuu soo dhameystay, jiljileecna nin cad baa lagu ogaa, laakiinse maxa suusataa waa eynu shinoomo nasar wada tagnay anagoo wada socona, oo flin hindi ah oo ladhihi jiray "Amal, Akbar, Antony" kasocday shineemada, meesha waa labuuxay, markaad ticket juxa u soo iibin kari weydey oo ey iska oyday, sow aniga ma aheen kii taw dhahay oo dadka kahoos baxay oo soo noqday isagoo 2 ticket haya, oo intaan juxa gacanta kudhagay shineemada galnay adigana dheeridaada dibada lafadhiday, horta imisa saacadoon baan dibada nagu sugeysay? loool ala markaan soo xasuusto waagaa waan qoslaa.. maxasuusataa.. aroortii na dugsiga quraanka aad ka soo daahday, markaan kuweydiiyey maxaad lasoo daahday waa adigii yiri.. maanan seexan xalay oodhan.. peace Happy Birthday ... Juxa
  7. Happy Birthday to Juxa, cumri dheer iyo caafimaad iyo cibaado suuban ayeynu hawada kuu soo marineynaa Juxa's brief background - Born in Somalia, and amazingly start walking within 3 weeks from the day she was born. - At early age she has shown unusual intelligence, at age 3 and half she could say words like ... hilib, caano, kir, bax - At age 5 she decided not to wait another year to join dugsiga xoose, one day she decided to walk to the school, and found herself a classroom and sat waiting for the teacher to show up - At the age of 14 she decided to establish first Somali women's rights, breaching equality and right of determination for Somali women.. - as a teenager her best hobbies were "sabaaxad" or jilaafo with the boys and never been beaten by anyone .. she also liked body building and long distance marathon.. - her future plans are to establish an NGO .. non government organization … for abused men and victims of 911 (the telephone number), 666 Her legacy continues to amaze many of her generation and her amazing achievements are yet to come… happy birthday loads of love from me and all members of SOL We wish you best of the best
  8. It is about time, I take over this government called SOL, because it does not represent all citizens of SOL, there is clear discrimination and taking sides, this government focus on some and totally ignores others, moderating is given on bases or connections and favoritism, no elections and no intentions of asking the members their opinion in actions taken, the following is examples of dictatorial actions committed by so called SOL governors or as they like to be called moderators 1. They put together parties for only certain members, 2. They announce to the public coded messages that could only understood small portion of the population of SOL 3. only them can PM and be PM(ed) We have members in North America, Africa, Asia and other parts of the world, these members are skilled and very competent with considerable good level of education, thou I heard North America people’s knowledge is limited to within the state they live in. But that can not be used against them and alienate them. Therefore I demand changes… I also would like to mention, we can give a second chance to these governors if and only if they perform the following tasks and activities 1. Public apology for discriminating members 2. Putting together a party in Asia sponsored by SOL or they can do fund raising. 3. Arrange a party in North America.. preferably in Canada and invite all, help in the ticket price if possible 4. They should observe all expenses including accommodation and local travel for the members who came from far lands. Note: They refers to the SOL government body. Peace
  9. OG Moti

    Just For Fun

    Thanx OG ..through this game i discovered i am very intelligent person .. the game was surprised with me.. not even one mistake... i think it is about time i utalize my intelligence ... peace
  10. Everyone wants to stay young... stay young or get older is not a problem .. many young people feel old, many old people feel young... people want to be young to stay healthy.. but no one will live forever... You want to stay healthy is the issue not stay young.,,, Read Quran and pray a lot... and try to stop running after the dunyaa... walk with the dunyaa dont run after it... take ur time.. and do what u need to do.. dont treat dunyaa as it is the only achievement you will have, but remember your big achievement is to scape from hell and enjoy Janna ... Live for this one (dunyaa) as you will live forever, and Live for next one (Akhira) as you die tomorrow then you will always be healthy and feel young... peace to all
  11. nuune are trying to discredit ourselves.. i announce all my topics were full of wisdom and useful information, well researched and well planned for... that all i have to say.. peace
  12. This is not right.. I am taking the girls conditions seriously, men baabah is a dangerious word to say.. something or someone must hurt these girls.. I am open to renegotiate with the girls about this issues.. and I am sure after talking to me .. you will change your views about men... Juxa my dear my good friend dont be a hater, dont be dhiblooy, look at the bright side.. a man such as me and few others are still there.. full passion and carring and helpful and so dedicated to human rights specially towards women.. so please before you judge in this inhumane way.. communicate with those few men and then you will see the difference and you will regret saying those horrible words about men.. peace
  13. Juxa how can you say no good men left when the OG_moti and few others are still out there.. this is inhumane and against all human rights.. please Apologize and state the reasons behind saying such horrible words... peace
  14. ^^ with yourself how that can be a Sin? and how can you do a Sin with yourself....I am married to my Computer.. i am even thinking to make it official ..., marrage does not mean any bad thing.. it just means committed to something or someone.. the man was committed with himselve and that is all to it... peace
  15. Somali people became like westerns .. Paranoia ayeyba keeneen.. who the hell cares if someone is watching u.. so what.. it is not your fault.. so no sin involved... for the females i know the fear u might be in.. imagine you undressing in a website oooooooooops. Waryaada iska daaya paranoia macna laheen... i am worried for u, cause soon u will start doing like white people .. "that guy is following me/ why is he looking at me / i think someone is wants to kill me " your mirror paranoia will cause u asking question like these and u will be living in hell... by the way if u wana check .. do this break the mirror and if there is nothing behind it.. then lose the fulaynimo,
  16. Lucky he means "Neird" in a possitive way... by the way "Do you wear glasses..? i am fat asss glasses like without them u cant do nothing"........... Peace
  17. In Cambodia.. You dont pay your bills, and if the electricity for instant is cut.. get a wire and connect from the street, by the time they realize you did that it would be 2 years, and when they do, you tell them I dont know who did it... it is the mistake of the electricity company guy.. he mistakinly connect this wire and dropped it in my house.. it works, Rent this one is tricky.. you dont pay, they give u a couple of months, then the whole family will move with you (owners family) and it is ok you can share the bed with one of them.. and they share with you .. your towel, tooth brush, and cloths.... School Fees You sit in and by the time you graduate.. they will not find your name in the records, but you can argue and produce witnesses including teachers, and after negotiation for few months, they will give you a deal, pay all the tution fee one time .. since it is big 20% off and you can have your certificate, you must negotiate again for the transcript of records and what grades should appear there.... Cable TV even better, they cut you off, pull any cable you see passing your window cut it and connect with yours .. but dont cut it totally share it with the owner and expect the owner would be happy cause you didnt cut him off totally, cause they wont know what went wrong .. too many ovelaping cables... Want to be protected by eveyone? change $20 into small bills .. and select those who can be muscles for you, and shake their hands once awhile but leave $1 or even less in their hands .. you are the boss... These are tips how to leave in Cambodia and it is applicable on Philippines too peace
  18. Waar Ma anigaa yaabin, waligey tanookale ima soo marin.. yaa Short words and easy words baaba laraadin, Somali 101 would be a new subject included in the school text books in somalia from now on.. this is amazing i pulled the little hair i had in my head... yaaab.. bal ukaadiya sidan ma ba noqon karto mid la yeli karo... i will teach you from unit one... 1. Qoodha iyo xerada = Bilaahi caleek (arabic)= for god sake (english) 2. Xil baa ku saaran = Responsibility on your sholders (english) = Mas uuliya kabiir cala katifak (Arabic) 3. Waan indha caseeyey = Opened my eyes (english)= cuyuun maal anaa kabiir 4. War kadaa = Dont do it (english) = laa yaa walad (Arabic) 5. waa iska caadi (somalis use it when they want to avoid problems, and when they want to be irrisposible) = it is normal (english) = Caadi yaa akhii (arabic) Assignment 1. Daba cadeeye ? 2. Nurug 3. Ashuun 4. Galey 5. Nabsi state the meaning of the above words and use them in a sentance Deadline for the assignment Tomorrow evening ...May 29, 2004... 8:00 PM Cambodian time Good luck peace
  19. The Number of From Back Door Comers has increased .. is this mean some of the Neirds are teaching the other Nomads how to take back doors to get here? ..... it seems you doing good job... loooooool ... libaax sanka sorry bro for these neirds not giving you time to do your maintenance ...looooooool .. they will bring everyone from back door... I only brought one person and that person means a lot to me so I had to bring that Person in sorry ... looool good luck bro you and the others for the good job you doing to keep the nomads away from Bars and streets and Cafe shops... SOL is becoming weekend hang out .... peace
  20. Hayaay.. Reer afqalooc baa lugadii nagu baranaya anagan odeyaasha ah.... war wey aqliyeesteen .. iney lugadii bartaan iyagoo si wanaagsan noo weydiisan bey rabaan... looooooooooool waxey yiraahdeen Aqal iyo Gabar ma anigaan qoslin? looooooooooooooooool Bariisna kudara bal idinkaa war haya loooool Geesinimo big word ... it is my nick name.. it means Libaax sanka taabte or in somali slang "Bravery " ... My word is : War Anagaa Wax aragnay.. Balo peace
  21. loooooooooool Somali people walahi dadkeyga "someone can make money out of them teaching them Ms word and Excel and Powerpoint"and show them something moving on the screen .. like we do in Cambodia and make $20 an hour.... The Site was Up all the time All you needed was to go directly to General section by using the complete address of the General section... I visit it here everyday using the back door and I use to see only few.. to be exact there were about 5 people those are dangerious dont accept any e-mail or attachment from them they might be hackers.... looooooool i wont say their names...? i dont wont to expose anyone, I leave that to Derman loooooooooooooool Welcome back All... Juxa And OG_girl and others as long as i am alife you dont need to be Neirds ... P E A C E
  22. OG Moti


    Sticky Fingers Moti Shmoove this is unacceptable ....
  23. Guys only those who used their computer technical know how and manage to access to SOL by by passing the main page.... what is up with the site's main page.... i can see less and less people cause most couldnt bother to think or didnt have the know how to by pass the main page ... is this mean our Nomads have little knowledge in technology? that is scary .. computers are becoming part of our life and if they cant do this little trick then we are in deep trouble as a nation .. I was thinking a lot of computers neird will return to Somalia and it will be a competetitive market if Allah willing those in Kenya commit mass suicide and let us leave... but i am wondering now that this will not be the case... we need to encourage our people to get involved in technology and be a modern nomads .... Admin what is up bro...? any soon this technical problem would be solved .. this site means a lot to many nomads out there.. it is like home to them... peace