OG Moti

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Everything posted by OG Moti

  1. Ya Allah (my version of magnoona_girl's jeeez) ... good point brother Qac Qaac... yaa Allah thanx grab tuujiye, I posted so many topics hopping someone will read it.. thanx man like checkmate waad isharaftay Allaha kusharfo...... anyway ofcourse there are people that everyone here dont miss to read their posts specially during the class breaks .. as i found out through research some of our nomads when they have 5 min. break between classes they run to the computer center just to see what is going on in SOL so u cant read all. u must choose certain people's topics... as for me i am enjoying old man's legecy so i take my time and read everyone's topics .... some make me laugh till my fake teeth fall.. some make me feel romantic and remember when i use to run like a bull, some depress me and make me wonder (sad topics like the prisoner's abuse), some make me ilko caseen like i found myself.. some piss me off and make me say if i only saw these face to face and if i only were as 10 years ago when i was a boxer .. so all of u keep the good work.. True nomad u all are true family we seem to be... peace
  2. Once we were dignified people... people use to stand when a somali enters the place.. Arabs use to say "Somali majnuun-- khaliih calaa xaaluh" in a good way.. some because of fear the somali might kick ur asss.. some because they know a somali person is honest and no musuq maasiq... Today we are the lowest human beings.. Who to Blame? I dont know ... But I am sure Warlords shouldnt be blamed, cause they are utilizing our ignorance and lack of selfrespect we use to have... I blame everyone of us Why? lets take example.. the SOL people.. we all condemn trabalism but when every single of us use it when it suits them... for example .. when we are among our tribe .. we all say that tribe is to blame they are xoooolo they did that and this.. North says "waa koofur waxa qaska wada" South says "Qaldaanka kibir ayaa kujira" and again we say no tribe it is not good but we use it everyday and blame everyone but one's tribe... so it is us... we did it... I am trying to adopt the situation we put ourselves in.. my options are limited and i am utalizing it.. Cambodia is good for me so far.. i will focus on maintaining it that way.. everyone i expect to do the same.. to hell with the passport and to hell with the warlords.. but again the circle is becoming closer to my neck .. like one of the members said .. somalis always find a way out .. it is our distany to Survive equally whether u are educated or not.. our focus is what if i cant travel what if they stop giving visa.. in Cambodia visa is different levels ... one month, 3 months ..6 months ... 1 year... and so on.. we take the maximum looooooool cause u never know what happens... so as u can see at least it tought us to plan strategically... good luck to every Somali .. thou i feel sorry those who are in kenya and Russia ... peace
  3. loooooooooooooooooooooooooool@ checkmate .. man u funny walahi..., the sheikh said dont reveal....and u said i wont mention names .. balaaaayo kula ilka dheeraatay ma beydhabaad kudhalatay........... war salafi sheeqow waa kusidee miyaad cidlootay, waamaxay date and i want to know what sol people do, sheeqow maad kadeysid, this the first steps of cimaamad tuurid... bal kadaaa oo dadkan modern ka ah oo over educated ah ku lumin .. i always said education is dangerious, (Pil Pot of Cambodia way of thinking) i think he was right.. now Cambodia can be managed better no educated people... you know what they say about education...............like the somali sister said ameenah
  4. This issue is serious to me … now I am stuck where I am .. with no hope to move on… see recently I tried to visit Vietnam and they said sorry we no longer give visas to Somali passport holders, Thailand the same case, Indonesia, not to mention Hong Kong and Japan, Korea and other neighboring countries … Malaysia is as far as I can go, actually the only country I can go.. I am university instructor (preferred professor in Cambodia), with a very good salary but I can travel no where, when a backpacker, child abuser, can travel freely it just pisses me off.. The war lords Sins are paid by a whole nation isn’t that sad? They have no shame or a drop of human dignity … they are the lowest human being as far as I am concern.. and I wish they die in the worse form possible and in the next life a bullet-train to Hell the deepest part of it… say aamiin.. They took our dignity from us … we are lower than animals … to me Somalia is dead till these animals disappear with the help of God (nacalad ha kudhacdo ilaahey ayaan ubaryay) peace
  5. I think the Question asked by Lakkad was not his identity .. the question was is this way of killing allowed by the Islam religion .. using the word innocent may confused many of us here... but his identity or whether he deserved it or not was not the question, the Question again was Does Islam allow this way of killing a human being .. qalid toos ah .. like a chicken ... My view still stands an eye for an eye.. i can not say it is islamic cause i dont know .. but what they did to our innocent children and women and men is unacceptable and Retaliation was needed and they provided .. Note every Muslim was touched by what is happening to our brothers and sisters in Iraq and around the world.. and their words of “how can a free Muslim sleep and be happy when his brothers and sisters treated that way, was 100% right” aside of that I don’t know … Our only problem is we display our limited brutality and they have a strong media to make it look like a huge crime, when their unbelievably huge brutality against us indiscriminately (the Afghan police man who was forced into sexual activities with the soldiers is an example) is hidden from the camera .. and they have all these excuses and justifications of their actions and calling it at the end of the day “collective damage” and apologizing about it.. expecting arrogantly an apology is enough .. then I say this case is nothing and it is not a big crime at all, and Islamic speaking I don’t know but logically speaking it was a justifiable act and much needed to stop what they doing to us…. P.S. the father of the man said his son was killed to pay Bush and Ramisfeild’s Sins and I think his words were words of wisdom… so no more arguments the man was technically killed by Bush and his administration not Iraqis
  6. It is me again............. NGONGE do you really want an answer for Lakkad's question? I am not a sheikh and I cant make a fatwa... but what I can tell you is .. I really dont know if it is Allowed or not allowed... my Muslim Logic tells me .. an eye for an eye.. is a fair justice.. they kill your people .. you kill theirs ... it is a fair deal, I will ask if this allowed.. Islam is a religion that promotes PEACE, but also tells u to protect yourself by any meaans... no die like a chicken and say i am promoting a peace.. then why dont you join Buddhism (thou buddhist are the most violant people i ever seen)... peace
  7. The man is dead... he took a risk and it didnt work... his death is just another death.. not something to debate about... thousands of ?Iraqis died ..children, women and men... women were raped.. houses were distroyed for no reason but they were upperhanded and they were considered second class citizens in their own country... They said we are sorry, it is "collective damage" thousands been killed and all they say was collective damage.. and no media coverage for their death cause they dont make difference they were extra humans ... one man died all the media on him, his was visited, his background were mentioned in a day he turn to a hero... why? simply because he makes a difference and his case determines American strategy in Iraq, sometimes it is not that he is important but his death changes a lot.. Iraqis are like ants they die it is ok we got planty of them .. they all useless. one American dies ooh we lost a Son and a hero.....for god sake Lakkad and NGNGO one question .. What makes one Kaafir American's life worth a million muslims? ... i think it is Sad to kill any human but hey his death means nothing to us when a thousands of us die everyday and it means to them a victory.. guys to google.com search for pictures .. Iraqis killed in the war.. most Children and they were not killed by Saddam .. they will killed by a kaafir called American and British... open ur eyes .. jiljileeca naga daaya.. your brothers and sisters are getting killed like nothin... and i am not sad either for my brothers and sisters getting killed cause i know atleast they died Muslims.. and that means a lot to me... peace
  8. Waryaa Gediid ilko weyne, dont u see the result of the poll... we staying bro... anyway let me say this once cause i think a wise man like me should not repeat himself much... pay attention: Most of u are not saying the truth.. or u just are confused.. Human being like attentions whether a male or a female... that is when they are young.... so what happens.... 1. Young men want older women .. attention? .. they want mama ..someone to depend on ..ring a bell? 2. Young girl wants older man ... attention?...they want papa... someone to depend on yeah? then the human being grows up, gets mature.. understands life.. seeks a meaning for his life .. this is what happens 1. older men .. want to feel they are important .. then they realize a young ladies seek attention.. so they want young ladies.. he gets the status he wanted .. he feels he is important... the young lady gets what she wants .. attention and someone to depend on.. 2. Older women .. want a younger men... she wants to have a meaning for her life.. she wants to feel a life... and someone needs her.. young man wants attention and someone to depend on.. remember? so everyone gets what they want... so that the cycle of life... so dont lie to urself and follow the theory it is a well proven theory and young ladies Holla on me,.... i will prove my theory even further.... P E A C E
  9. waryaa nuune... war maad kadeysid.. maanta waa maalin ciid ah.. maanta kacaankii kafiican... juxa is back and we welcome u with big smile and hugs.. never leave again... today i will celebrate ... my juxa is back .... peace
  10. looooool Ameenah dear sis I get that a lot .. people sometimes cant know my joke from my seriousness.. in this case both, the smoke part was a joke, however i read an article that tea has more negetive effect than coffee on health .. I m not a medical expert or even close to... but that gave a releif since i am a coffee adict and i hate tea... peace
  11. Can a teacher be there... u know to help when things heat up, and to put some limitation of drug abuse and chick abuse... can a teacher be there.. and free too... u know i be ofcourse sitting alone on the side since students do not want to associate with teachers after the exam... but i am for the free drinks and maybe one canjeero or 2 ... i am trying to save money so wherever there is a free dinner i am in... peace
  12. you want to give up tea .. u have to smoke ... or drink coffee or both and they are less harm than tea so u choose urself .. i gave my advice.. peace
  13. Someone told me the tiny little SOL girls are looking old and wise men like me... what is going on.. isnt the old man like me have a saying in it.. maybe the old man dont want tiny 18 -26 girls ... maybe he aint interested .. have u thought about that ... walahi anagaa wax aragnay... u all want older cause of the Gold ... older men saved some money and they will traarax soon .. so u can enjoy all his assets... anagaa wax aragnay ... peace
  14. This is not right I do agree with Lakkad, however, if they want to revenge they should look for these who are in charge on the prison, not just anyone who wants to take risk and become a rich man taking advantage of dismentaled countries, the guy was risk taker, and either u succeed or u lose ur life.. he lost his life and i think it was sad way to die, but things happen, Americans killed innocent people for no reason, children and women, raped men and women in jails and in their houses and country.. so an eye for an eye...all i can say is .. you go to Iraq to make business u taking risk.. u die in the process that is the way it goes.. and ARab has nothing to do with this... Humans are full of shiiit, and to me this shows all humans are capable of doing bad things... but not on TV... peace
  15. OG Moti

    W O M E N!!!

    Sinorita yes it is true and u can see the pictures to support the facts... women do weird things and there is no doubt about it... peace
  16. OG Moti

    W O M E N!!!

    Mz. Practical, i did analysed the article particularly the point u made, i realize that his wife put the snake there ... to create herself a name .,. these weird cases only happens to women .. ,, Ilhaam thanx sweety .. i still love u.. no matter what, but please watch what you laqid from now on.........Peace
  17. Cawo I agree with you.. thou i think you posted this to win an admin position but hey waa shaqeesatay and u deserve it .... guys the girl is right... either you post a conistructive posts and words of wisdom like myself and my words and do what you do but contribute some c$sh .. Somali people never appriciate what they got till they lose it.. i advice you guys to give some ... so that men like me can continue posting their words of wisdom and encouragement ... peace
  18. NGONGE brother still .. we dont know what she has experienced... we should be supportive... dont alienate her.. lets give her a chance, i am sure there is a good heart behind her anger, she needs to be discovered and helped to trust again and to give love again, to belong.. dont forget she suffered banning and who knows what else.. she might be abused beyong imagination... she needs support.. lets give support.. she shows potentials and lets dont take that away from her by further abuse and violance towards her.. sister express.. u came to the right place.. where u r welcome no matter what... peace
  19. sister... u may be banned from Snet.com, for simply expressing yourself, but in here love and care is waiting for u.. and we all shall give it to u without conditions ... enjoy your stay and express ... tell us what bothers u and i assure u nothing but support u shall find... we concern about u and about any nomad, and london bridge in never the solution, there are other ways .. the new somali way.. communication and listening skills... we listen that i promise you, we care that you shall have no doubt ..anyone who showed any violance towards you, we apologize in advance and we have no what so ever support for such person.. . peace
  20. BrotherNGONGE I have two problems with your suggestion of Dharbaaxo 1. I am a lover not a fighter and i dont believe violance will solve any problems 2. Violance is not the solution.. why cant we sit together and negotiate with her and calm her down.. and if we get violant with her she will get more violant ... it wont solve the problem.. maybe she needs support and she doesnt want to seem weak by asking it nicely, we have to give her a sholder to lean on, since she mentioned the problem and the reasons of her unusual anger "banned from S.net" sister it was your own good, that site was never productive anyway, and it only promotes hate... why hate when u can love, why hit when u can hug, why shout when u can whisper.. why run when u can walk.. sister express we all listen.. and we support u all the way.. u are going through difficult moments and our hearts without exception are there for u.. and we should give u the magic hug ... and dont say this sounds Indian movie .. no it is the new somali way of solving our problems and taking care of our own .. peace
  21. I m a professor at the University...and I am putting together online learning materials, with corporation with other professors.. it might be very useful to my someli people... i will let u know soon about the address ...peace
  22. Guys i had to put this topic.. cause this sister passing through is upset about something and every topic she replies to .. her words are violant and unfriendly so i decided to ask her... why so angry? what is wrong? loneyl are u? dumped are u? so young yet so angry.. what is wrong ? tell us we might help.. tell us we might comfort.. tell and express.. we all been there.. we all got depressed, you are not alone.. express and lets bring the good out of u.. dont be so violant.. life is short.. leave a good impact.. love ur kind... live and let others live... peace
  23. OG Moti

    W O M E N!!!

    loooooool cute_lilgirl, u dont know why i called it women.. cause only women do these weird things, like swallowing snakes, Roaches crawling out of there mouth, only women do that… I am for got sake what would a snake do in her tummy, unless she deliberately, animalisticly swallowed the poor snake … like Derman said ilaahayow naag mas laqda ha ibarin oo meel eydagan tahay ha igeyn … looooooool peace
  24. OG Moti

    W O M E N!!!

    MS Word nagadaa hee... Roaches started crawling out of her tongue that is halowsi socdo.. nagadaa yaakhi... i said nagadaaa.. this is the biggest made up story i ever heard.. naga daa looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool peace
  25. celeron is not bad thou .. it is good for cool places... try to add another fan in ur system unit... and upgrade ur memory it will cost a bit more thou... but to remove these files go to regedit and from there i suggest one of the faaraxas around u who has been around pcs to help removing these files.. or to solve the problem .. backup ur data and reinstall windows .. i suggest windows 2000 much better than xp it is a headache thou it sounds fancy but security is a real issue and it has lots of functions that arent easy to understand... want to download a free all the expensive software including windows (all) go to http://www.click-now.net/downloads13.htm peace and enjoy .. dont tell anyone