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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. That qaran express is located in the waqoyi part of galkayo so they robbing puntland traders. War nimanka yaa naga ceeshto oo islam ah. It's about time their is response given to them and hell with abdullahi yusuf and his "pledge" to aideed because these people want to kill us now rob us what tommorow? I dont want to a find out, its time to sweep thru baraxlay and put it on bandow and manage that lawless district where galmudug has just vacated it and left it in the hands no man. Ahlul sunnah apparantely took over is what I read last week but beesha galmudug oo wadaad noqday oo imaamat xirtay oo guri islameed dhex seexdo hamar diinta muxu ka yaqan ilahi baan kugu dharshe lol. Stop your wadaad politics because u cant lie to God
  2. Gaalkacyo:Xawaalada Qaran Laanteedii Gaalkacyo oo Saaka laboobay. 31. juli 2010 Gaalkacyo:(Allpuntland-Koox Malayshiyo ah oo ka kooban 8-Ruux ayaa Saaka waxay Weerar ku qaadeen islamarkaasna boob baahsan u geysteen Xafiiska Xawaalada Qaran ee magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ku yaalay halka lagu magacaabo Cajabta oo ah halka ay iska galaan Xaafadaha Koonfureed & kuwa Waqooyi ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Kooxdan Sideeda ruux ka kooban oo la sheegey inay kasoo duuleen islamarkaasna ay iska soo abaabuleen Xaafada Koonfureed ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa rasaas xoogan ku furay Shaqaalihii goobta,waxaana halkaas ku geeryooday Hal ruux halka Waardiyihii Xawaalada oo ilaalo ka ahaa Goobtana uu dhaawac culusi soo gaaray,waxaana ay kooxdani boob baahsan u gesyteen Dhamaan wixii Lacag ahayd oo ku jiray Khasnadaha Xawaalada. Qof goobjooge ahaa ayaa APL u sheegey in qofka geeryooday oo Rayid ahaa uu lahaa goob ganacsi oo kasoo horjeeda halka falkani ka dhacay,waxaana uu intaas kudaray inuu indhihiisa ku arkay Malayshiyadan oo wadata Khasnado waaweyn islamarkaasna usoo cararaysa dhanka Koonfureed ee magaalada Gaalkacyo. Midkamid ah Shaqaalaha Xarunta Qaran ee Gaalkacyo ayaa APL isna u sheegey in khasnadaha la dhacay ay kujirtay in kabadan $500,000 waxaana uu intaas ku daray inay jiraan lacago kale oo ay goobta ka qaateen oo iyana aad u farabadan,waxaana uu sheegey in Ciidamada Amaanka ee gobolka Mudug aysan goobtooda imaan. Falkan lagu dhacay Xawaalada Qaran ayaa noqonaya falkii ugu horeeyey ee in mudo ah ka dhaca gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo kaas oo goob Xawaalad ah lagu dhacay,waxaana ay Malayshiyadii falkan geystay oo ka faa'iidaysanaysa jiritaan la'aanta Maamul fadhiya oo kajira Koonfurta Gaalkacyo ay imika kusuganyihiin Koonfurta Magaaladaas. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  3. Garoowe:Boqolaal kamid ah Dhinacyada ka qeybqaadanaya Xaflada 1-Augost oo Saaka Dhoolatus Garoowe kusameeyey. 31. juli 2010 Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Waxaa saaka Waaberigii Xarunta maamulka gobolka Nugaal ee magaalada Garoowe isuguyimid Boqolaal Ruux oo kamid ah dhinacyada la rajeynayo inay beri ka qeybqaataan Xaflada weyn ee lagu xusayo Sanad guurada 12-aad ee dawlada Puntland kuwaas oo saaka Dhoolatus ku hor sameeyey qaarkamid ah gudiga Qabanqaabada Xafladan ee uu dhawaan Magacaabay madaxweynaha dawlada Puntland. Dhoolatuskan oo ay sameeyey qaarkamid ah Shaqaalaha Wasaaradaha Shaqada,Shaqaalaha,Dhalinyarada & Isboortiga,Ardayda wax ka barata Dugsiyada kaladuwan ee Magaalada Garoowe,Shaqaalaha Wasaarada Waxbarashada,Wasaara Caafimaadka,Wasaarada Kaluumaysiga,Wasaarada Amniga,Wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha & Cutubyo kaladuwan oo katirsan Ciidmamada Daraawiishta ee dawlada Puntland kuwaas oo ay salaan ka qaateen Mas'uuliyiintii goobta joogtay. Ciidamada Baambeyda Puntland ayaa maanta siweyn uga dhexmuuqday Dhoolatuskii lasameynayey,waxaana ay wateen calanka Cusub ee dawlada Puntland iyagoo sidoo kalena Heesta Calanka ee Puntland oo qaab Muustiko ah u qaadayey,Madaxda katirsan gudiga Qaban qaabada Xafladan ayaa khudbado kaladuwan halkaas kasoo jeediyey waxaana ay dhamaan dhinacyadii Xafladan ka qeybqaatay ugu baaqeen in si sidan ka qurux badan ay beri u sameeyaan Dhoolatuskooda. Wasiir xigeenka Wasaarada Deegaanka,Dalxiiska & Duurjoogta ee dawlada Puntland oo kamid ahaa Mas'uuliyiintii saaka Khudbada kasoo jeedisay goobtii Dhoolatuskani ka dhacay ayaa aad u amaanay shaqaalaha kaladuwan ee Wasaaradaha dawlada Puntland,waxaana uu sheegey in Shacabka ku dhaqan magaalada garoowe & Magaalooyinka kale ee Puntland ay aad uga shaqeeyaan Amaanka islamarkaasna Xukuumada isgarabtaagaan. Cabdiqani Xayir
  4. Long Overdue this work. More road projects are needed in the remote districts. Hafun Finished 54km feeder road that connects them to the main road galkayo-bosaso garowe tarmac road. Bargaal-Caluula have created the lafa goray feeder that connects the two towns to the Main Tarmac road. We still have many degmo's that are cutt of from the tarmac road and should start working on way to get them connected which will increase trade and development for those towns. Plus we still need to create a road system for bosaso which is long overdue however its probably more urgent to do priority jobs like the remote communities because they dont even a feeder road that connects them to the rest of puntland. I wish to see every degmo connected to the tarmac road. It doesnt have to be paved it can even be just a dirt road. But smooth dirt road. Anyways lets getting moving puntland. Remember the 5 year plan were falling behind greatly considering where we should be at according to the plan.
  5. Dayactir Balaaran Oo Ku Socda Wadada U Dhaxeysa Magaalooyinka Garowe & Gaalkacyo. Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Garowe Garowe (RBC Radio):- Dib u dayactir balaaran ayaa waxaa uu ka soconayaa wadada laamiga ah ee u dhaxeysa magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Gaalkacyo ee maamulka Puntland. Dayactirkani lagu sameynayo wadada dheer ee laamiga ah ee isku xirta magaalooyinkaasi aan kor ku soo sheegnay ayaa waxaa dib u habeynteeda iska kaashanaya maamulka Puntland iyo Hay’ada Maxaliga ah ee NESHA, waxaana wadada inta aad ku safreyso indhahaagu qabanayaan qalab iyo gaadiidka hawlaha guud oo wada hawsha dib loogu dayactirayo burburka ku yimid qeybo ka mid ah wadadaasi. Dhinaca gobolka Nugaal goobaha dayactirka laamiga lagu sameynayo waxaa ka mid ah Inta u dhaxeysa magaalada Garowe iyo deegaanka Rabaable oo ay ka socoto shaqo balaaran, waxaana gaadiidka oo laga xiray wadada ay si kumeel gaar ah u isticmaalayaan meel ka yara baxsan laamiga oo ah wadada rafka ah. Waxaa iyaduna lagu guuleystay in si toos ah loo dayactiro wadada isku xirta magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo Beesha Bacaadweyn ee hoostagta Gaalkacyo, halkaasi oo ay ku tiilay wado aad u bur bursan oo gaarigu in cabaar ah si dhib leh uu ugu soconayo, inkastoo weli dayac baahsan uu ka muuqdo wadada isku xirta degmada Xarfo ee gobolka Mudug iyo degmada Burtinle ee gobolka Nugaal, iyadoo hadii labadaasi degmo inta u dhaxeysa lagu guuleysto ay noqon doonto in la hagaajiyey guud ahaan dayacii ka muuqday wadada dheer ee u dhaxeysa magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Gaalkacyo. RBC Radio
  6. Dabshid I wouldn't trust that untill awdali source verifies that this song is indeed something that created for their region or it's most likely a youtuber just trying "exagarrate" the current mess in awdal if the song was uploaded a year ago or something it might hold some truth but being uploaded just yesterday lol dont fall 4 it. I see alot of fake puntland videos also on youtube and ican tell which are real and fake. Usually slideshows indicate fakeness in majority ofthe cases. A LIVE video indicates realness of the clip. So look at it that way!!!
  7. Dabshid alot of people wish death upon us but we survived. The only clan that can claim to have survived knock-back after knock-back and still have smile on our face and crying for somali unity. Lets look at what we been thru history. The italians bombed us in bari literally destroying much of everything boqor osman built in that region only 1/8th remains as ruins. The darawish threw us off cliffs inflicting a genocide on us at that time considering the populations of somalis was nothing like it is today. Then came the Siyad persecution and the mudug scorth earth policy where a reported 2000 thousands died in mudug from thirst. And u dont want to know what dying of thirt is like. Its like dying slow death knowing u will die and u cant do nothing about it. Then after siyad left and we were well known opposition front against him all of a sudden aideed switched his anti siyad policies to anti tribal policy and started his campaign to tribally cleanse mudug from our people. Over 700 people were killed in a day and even elders were thrown into wells and women raped. Then we had the al-itihaad genocide occur in bari occur around the same time as mudug genocide. Over 500 people in bari were killed for simply refusing terrorism. After we survived all that we attended every somali reconciliation conference up untill 1998 with a smile on our face and even accepting unfair govt positions in particular when aideed and mahdi formed an all usc govt but with our patriotism and love for our nation we overlooked that and swallowed our pride. After seeing 1991-1998 that no govt is coming and with alot of yelling coming from our local constitiencies to have a mamul we formed puntland an autonomous region that stands up for somalia. Today you still have the same ppl mogadishu and even parts of hargeisa who still wish to see us dead which is sad but we dont care we still welcome all people regardless of who they or what clan they come from anagu somalinimadu ayaa nala wayn. And this article in 1996 just proves it. The locals of Bossaso were always welcoming bunch of people maybe this govt in garowe has tainted that image a bit with onlf hand-overs and idp deportation buts that's their qorsho the govt policy however from this 1996 article it's clear the people of puntland are welcoming people. We are not like the hamar guys as u can see from this article and what they do to their locals. And were not the hargeisa guys who hate all thing somali and u can see that when u go to hargeisa ppl will "hamarawiga dooni mayno" and stuff like that iskaba inay wax u gabtan.
  8. Originally posted by Dabshid: quote: The city also has a reliable power supply and, thanks to businessman Ismael Abdi Ahmed, a telephone system for the first time in its history. Two and a half years ago Ahmed, 35, bought a satellite dish and opened the Netco phone company with 20 lines. Today there are 260 lines throughout the city, and two buildings where residents line up at phone booths to place local and international calls. Netco ,one of the first Telcos in Somalia, but disappeared after they failed to innovate. The interesting parts I liked about this article was. Mohamed, a tailor, could not leave his home in Mogadishu without being robbed or shot at. Three of siblings died during the war. His wife and children lived at the mercy of thugs who camped in front of Mohamed's house and sometimes offered food. He rarely had money. Today he works 12 hours a day, six days a week. He takes home $50 a week, a fortune for him. He is planning to build a house and is looking to buy a car. And although his clan originates in southern Mogadishu, he said he has had no trouble in Boosaaso. "This place is like Somalia's United States," said Mohamed, 23. "It has been nine months, but I feel as if we just came yesterday. I cannot say how happy we are. When you have peace, you can have a life." And Also How Bossaso is Truly a Multi-Clan Not Just On Paper But in Practise something unheard of in somali inhabited regions. Ahmed, the town's wealthiest businessman, has established a business where employees come 10 different sub-clans. In Somalia, entrepreneurs typically saturate their companies with members of their own groups. "I do not look at what [sub-clan] they belong to, which is very abnormal in Somalia," the businessman said. "They just have to be professionals--people who are educated and smart. The main thing I'm interested in is whether they can do the job." And Finally This Something Cowke Would Say. "We have had to go back to our roots," said Gen. Mohamed Abshir Musse, Boosaaso's de facto administrator. "We have had to go back to traditional ways of solving our problems, traditional ways of working together. Otherwise, Boosaaso would not have peace."
  9. Im proud of puntland very proud when I read these sorts of stories. It's amazing in 1996 with no govt in place we were still thriving. But mashallah today we do have a govt and it's all advancement. But funny how the article says "Businessmen want an investment code to protect the international entrepreneurs, who currently balk at bringing projects to Boosaaso because it has no such shields" We do have an investment code today however still the foreign investments are not coming in. Maybe it's time we start up an insurance company to guarantee asset protection. The insurance company can hold all our business-men asset as liability and thus transfer that into hard currency as a guarantee that the anything invested in puntland will remain safe. I doubt that any of it will be burnt down by locals so I hope the puntland chamber of commerce really holds a "is-waydarsi" on how our state can guarantee protection to investors rather then waiting for this silly govt in hamar to stabilize its city. We really shouldn't fall into that "we will just wait for hamar to sort themselves out" attitude which kept us 1991-199 sitting idle without a govt. We should think about how we can secure investments into our citie by providing assurance to investors without needing the tfg as "collateral" damage. I hope the bosaso community addresses this major issue because right now we need more factories and processing plants. So far the factories i know of in puntland are. Pasta Factory Rice Factory Fish Factory Boat Factory Leather Factory Chemical Factory Their could be more then that but those are the ones I am aware of so really we have long-way to go. Salt Factory is mandatory. Frankincense factory is needed also. Lobster factory. Even tobacco factory as local tobacco grows there. There is so many production facilities we can do for ourselves and also provide for the world if we only had the committment and this will creates hundreds of jobs for the locals. If we do that plus have the mashrucs coming in from the ngo and the oil drilling happening and attracting foreign investment all at the same time hormar la taban karo baan gaari karna. Im not going to speak about amniga because that something every avg abdi knows wa muqadas.
  10. The Washington Post. Sunday, March 3, 1996. Boosaaso: A Somali City Thrives Without Aid Stephen Buckley. Boosaaso, Somalia --For much of its history, this dot on northeastern Somalia's mostly barren desert landscape has been a dreary, underdeveloped outpost with a battered economy, few government services and virtually no infrastructure. Then, in 1991, Somalia's government fell. The country tumbled into an ongoing civil war. And Somalis were left to fend for themselves. In Boosaaso, that has meant harnessing community resources and talent to jump-start its import-export-based economy and provide crucial services. A businessman has established a citywide telephone system. Teachers work for no salary. A volunteer police force has been created. Boosaaso's council of Muslim elders effectively acts as the town's judiciary. Today Boosaaso, without a formal government, has become a boom town, with one of Somalia's busiest ports, a burgeoning population and the kind a daily stability envied by much of this deeply troubled East African country. Boosaaso's story is increasingly common throughout sub-Saharan Africa, where many communities, abandoned by governments that either dissolved or hopelessly dysfunctional, have had to forge their own paths to survival. In Liberia, paralyzed by six years of civil war, rural residents have banded together to improve food-growing techniques, working on each other's farms to make planting and harvesting more efficient. Rural Nigerians, victim of a vicious economic downturn that has brought prohibitively high prices, have fashioned food-sharing schemes to ensure that their communities do not starve. In Zaire, where citizens have suffered under three decades of one of the continent's most corrupted regimes, businessmen have stepped in to pay salaries of soldiers and policemen. "Throughout the continent, governments have been conspicuous in their absence," said Rakiya Omaar, a Somali who heads the london-based African Rights organization. "They have not provided basics such as water, schools, hospitals. For a large percentage of people, government has just not been there. They have to learn to cope on their own." In some cases, Africans have revived, or strengthened, traditional cultural habits and institutions that dominated their lives before Western-style governments came to their countries. "We have had to go back to our roots," said Gen. Mohamed Abshir Musse, Boosaaso's de facto administrator. "We have had to go back to traditional ways of solving our problems, traditional ways of working together. Otherwise, Boosaaso would not have peace." Much of this fractured country has not found peace, as fighting between groups loyal to clan leaders Mohamed Farah Aideed and Ali Mohamed Mahdi continues. Since U.N. peacekeepers left Somalia a year ago, Mogadishu, its capital, has remained the country's most unstable area. Mogadishu's port, once Somalia's most important, is closed, and thousands of the city's residents have bolted for the countryside. Burst of fighting still ripple through Somalia's rural areas, but some communities have carved out a semblance of normalcy. They have formed governing authorities. Schools are open. Police forces are set in place. Perched between desert wasteland and the stunning blue vastness of the Gulf of Aden, Boosaaso, 905 miles north of Mogadishu, shimmers with evidence of its economic and social success. Hotels, some with satellite dishes, have sprouted all over town. Piles of rock, signifying places where residents are about to build, litter the city. Trucks, hauling goods and construction material, clog roads. Boosaaso's population estimated at 100,000, has increased fivefold since Somalia's government disintegrated. Although members of the ***** clan historically have controlled the city, Boosaaso has lured Somalis from other major groups, unusual in a land riven by inter-clan tensions. The central city in a region called Bari, Boosaaso also has attracted refugees from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Tens of thousands of former Mogadishu residents have flocked here. They are people like Amur Ahmed Mohamed, who traveled nine days-- mostly through bush to avoid bandits--with his wife and three daughters before arriving here last June. Mohamed, a tailor, could not leave his home in Mogadishu without being robbed or shot at. Three of siblings died during the war. His wife and children lived at the mercy of thugs who camped in front of Mohamed's house and sometimes offered food. He rarely had money. Today he works 12 hours a day, six days a week. He takes home $50 a week, a fortune for him. He is planning to build a house and is looking to buy a car. And although his clan originates in southern Mogadishu, he said he has had no trouble in Boosaaso. "This place is like Somalia's United States," said Mohamed, 23. "It has been nine months, but I feel as if we just came yesterday. I cannot say how happy we are. When you have peace, you can have a life." Boosaaso's primary source of revenue is its port, build just as Somalia's government was collapsing. The facility on the shores of the Gulf of Aden crackles with daily activity, as dhows and ships from Arab states bring a bevy of goods that fill Boosaaso's stores and markets. Boosaaso relies on exports of livestock, annually sending tens of thousands of goats, sheeps and camels into Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The port contributes to the upkeep of the town's police station, schools, hospitals and power stations. A handful of U.N. agencies and local and international aid groups also provide financial support. The port helps keep institutions such as the Haji Mire primary school running. At the school, Boosaaso's largest, every student has pen, paper and workbooks. Their teachers have chalk. Such basic tools are often missing in sub-Saharan Africa's schools. Teachers and administrators at the 900-pupil school work for food supplied by two U.N. aid groups, but most supplement that "income." Headmaster Mohoud Aheol Mohoud said community elders help supply his food. A host of relatives provide shelter. Yet he shrugs off his hardship. "When we had government, we were not paid very much anyway," he said. The city also has a reliable power supply and, thanks to businessman Ismael Abdi Ahmed, a telephone system for the first time in its history. Two and a half years ago Ahmed, 35, bought a satellite dish and opened the Netco phone company with 20 lines. Today there are 260 lines throughout the city, and two buildings where residents line up at phone booths to place local and international calls. Ahmed, the town's wealthiest businessman, has established a business where employees come 10 different sub-clans. In Somalia, entrepreneurs typically saturate their companies with members of their own groups. "I do not look at what [sub-clan] they belong to, which is very abnormal in Somalia," the businessman said. "They just have to be professionals--people who are educated and smart. The main thing I'm interested in is whether they can do the job." Like other Boosaaso businessmen, Ahmed want a government that will oversee the Bari region. As the city grows, residents say they need the structures of a formal local government to keep law and order and to provide essential services. Businessmen want an investment code to protect the international entrepreneurs, who currently balk at bringing projects to Boosaaso because it has no such shields. Civil servants want salaries. Truckers need an organized road system. Builders and merchants need regulations for constructing homes and establishing businesses. Justice authorities need a regional court system. A body of politicians, elders and businessmen has strained for two years to form a regional authority that would address such issues. Last week the groups began final negotiations, and it hopes to have a governing council in place within weeks. For now, Boosaaso's clan elders and sub-elders are the closest thing to government, mediating a range of disputes from criminal acts to traffic arguments. If one Boosaaso resident slays another, for example, elders decide whether the aggrieved family will receive a payment of camels or whether the accused will be executed. "We have tried to encourage more execution in order to discourage people from killing," said Baldogle Ali Farah, of Boosaaso's council of elders. Yet Farah said the elders know they cannot carry the society on their shoulders. "We definitely need at least a local government, because the elders are confined only to solving problems," he said. "We just cannot provide the kind of administration that governments provide."
  11. freedom at least i get something out from ethiopia whilst you get nothing from ethiopia. Why are you allied with ethiopia? dont u want to be recognized? well guess what ethiopia will be the last to recognize you. Guess what? Ethiopia supports the federal program sxb because caqlikeygu ayaan taas ku gaadhay and I made ethiopia follow my policy. Ethiopia never brought the federalism project since 1991 till 2004 federalism wasn't even applied to somalia untill abdullahi yusuf came. So get a life u moron you dont know politics thats why your in the current state of nothingness whilst i am an oil emerging state and your burco people are depedent on my port just tells you who copies who who. U copy us and form a jabhad, now u copy us by coming to our port. Ur the sorry loser that sitting in hamar politics but u will never see me anywhere near u either politic or business because i know i am better then you. Maxan ka baran kara waba ka fican ahay. Even tarikhda ayaaba sidas ba lagu yiri go read this official english government record where they sent an official to find out about somalis and said the history and said the boys in the east are the most superior clan in all somalia. Tarikh Of My Superiority Thats why the hamari boys whenever they hear my name they cry and yell. Whilst when they hear ur name wayba ku amaanayan sida nag la gabo oo kale lol. Marka sxb is-deji and go play else-where i know i am the best but the only difference is I RUB IT IN PPL FACES where-as most of my fellow clans-men don't
  12. This is 6 part serious the length is 1hr but worth watching. It is school that was built in qandala and it's grand opening of the school. The community, elders, mayor, and students are all present in the video and they explain how important this school will be to the city and also they speak of the needs of the town. It's very triumphant story of a town where no roads go to and their tryin their best to advance themselves still alot more needs to be done but 1 step at a time qandala will get there. PS: I just want to say I love you qandala illahi ha idin siyadiyo dad barakaysan oo aanan xuman cid uu rabin bad tihin oo dooneyo dadkina iyo degankina inad hormarisan wallahi this put me to tears wallahi.
  13. Nasir well farole knows that the PIS are called ashahado la dirir that indicates the lack of community support for this institution and lack of community support means whenever a killing happens the community will remain quiet about who did it and even hide them in their houses. To solve this problem is to reform the PIS with the consultation of the community of bari and reach consensus because there no point the PIS operating in a place that is totally against them.
  14. Sxb sanaag waxad ka tahay minority xun. Half of erigavo iyo tuulo xun ceel-afweyne baad ka degta. War hoy sanaag shukul kuma lihid wala yaqan dadka dego war anigu kuluma doodayo over sanaag because markas waxad helaysa "credibility" kind of like how the hamari politicians ignore your secession cries lol. As for toghdheer i did include that i said 2 states. waqoyi galbeed is 1 state and toghdheer is the other. The fact of the matter is your only 400,000 population according to your election votes, and according to indepedent news agency it was high turn out and ppl came from all the way to harar. Nin iyo Nag over 18kaga waa 400,000 waa great shame marka iska amuus. Somalia hal tuulo ba 400,000 degto iskaba daa reer miyiga oo wadanka ugu badan waryaa weliga aqoonsi laguma sinayo ma qasab bad mooda inad wax naga qadi kartid? niyahow wixi qolka kugu soo xeeray wa baqdin iyo cabsi aad naga gabtid waana og tahay waan ku karbashi karna anytime. Dont think the hamar politicians dont know your weak man and only survive while the lions focus on the lions But when the lions stop playing they will come and get the hyena of the north we will probably start with faysal as his name suggests what his power strength is
  15. This is a good website detailing the hard work of one of the great puntland minister casho geele. Wa wadaniyat dacad uu ah dadkeeda iyo dalkeeda with batchelor and 5 years experience in her current post. She was re-elected for second term in the woman minister role which just shows that she is cherished. Read here Caasho Geele Background
  16. HM is doing an interesting poll regarding puntland development. The Question Is. 12 Sano Kadib Sidee U Aragtaa Puntland? The Results So Far are: Horumar ayey ku sii talaabsatey 27% (12 votes) Dib u dhac ayey sameysey 47% (21 votes) Halkeedi kama dhaqaaqin 24% (11 votes) Waxba kama ogi 2% (1 votes) Total Votes: 45 Interesting When I voted I said Halkeedi kama dhaqaaqin lakinse I was suprised to see that the development of our region has actually languished since the creation of puntland. Bal wax ba qaldan marka. I think the heavy use of NGO'S is partially or even fully responsible for it because since those guys opened up shop in puntland it's like they sit there milk the cash cow from donors and just put it in their pocket however this administration has started getting tougher with then ngo's which is good sign the administration said that all ngo's will need to produce a quarterly report on what work they have carried out for the state and also the funds they have recieved from donors. So it's positive move the puntland admin is pressuring the ngo's because if you dont walahi waxba ma qabaneyan meesha uun bay iska fadhnineyan lacag bay kugu kor qadaneyan for their retirement nest-egg. As for private investment from the diaspora it hasn't been as strong as I would like it to be but they are starting to slowly invest now according to mubarak construction company he has a number of contracts going for commercial related buildings. As for production outlets their needs to be more and the puntland chamber of commerce did hold an important 4 day seminar last month calling on all businessmen to invest into the state. Foreign Investments are slowly happening in the oil sector but very slow needs to be paced up. As for other foreign investment their is talks of foreign companies investing into the fishery sector if it turns out to be true it will be an excellent achievement. Security is not great lately and a very sour point. The puntland administration needs to really address the PIS issue at least reform it and set procedures and protocols for the organization on how they must operate in the state. This is a huge aspect that I havent seen puntland even table. But yes puntland needs to strongly improve all-around. Governance hasnt been so bad. Soldiers are paid on time, parliament is operating smoothly, multi party system seems around the corner. But the weak points are Less domestic/foreign Investments Less Production facilities Security Those 3 areas really need to be improved upon. Domestic and Foreign investments will create jobs. Same as Production facilities. Security is a mashruc in itself without it you can't have progress as the place will be burning to the ground. So we have a long way to go ourselves before we celebrate but I think we can hold 1 night party in August and see some hot chicks in their puntland outfits Bring over yasmin warsame love to marry her
  17. Freedom jabuti/kenya/ethiopia/somalia are right next to each not like iraq to morrocco. Secondly arabs or other people situations wont help you because each unity and seccessionism case is decided by the people of that country. At the end of the day 80% somalis dont want it. AWDAL TO JUBBA all want unity whilst waqoyi galbeed doesnt. Your simply outnumbered if you want to use the democratic approach which the western world uses. End of subject really. there is 18 states in somali only 2 regions and 1 clan is calling for seccession whilst 16 regions and multiple clans and majority of somalia are calling for unity. Somalia war is not about unity and division lol its about management and the international community knows that they dont want to make it worse by dividing the place up and creating another tense war scenario situation. So keep dreaming qowdhan boy. Your being smashed left right and center
  18. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: No one paid him what you don’t understand is these elders signed the Somaliland agreement in 1991 and then later in 1993, and later adopted the Somaliland constitution Like the rest of the people. The people who demonstrated were apparently from the same subclan and wanted one more wasiir. Cowke you’re a funny man how the hell can you put the tfg and beesha calaamka awoododa in the same sentence as for Ethiopia you give these short nappy haired Ethiopians to much power Somaliland has its own interest its own future its own people and our own political ideology. We don’t follow Ethiopia Blindly like you do my friend You sell your port to ethiopians and they haven't recognized you for 20 years yet you call me blindly following habashi? At least the habashi recognize my political program which is federalism which is the tfg foundation. What do you have to show for yourself for following ethiopia? 1 university I think lol And as for your weak response about signing constitutions and in 1991. What at the point of gun? Thats not free will. That argument goes right back at you when u joined somalia 1960 yet you have backtracked today PS: Dont think I believe your aqoonsi program I know why ur politicians use it just to keep you animals from killing each other but in reality they know the zeylac to kismayo border mamulkisa ama kala goyntisa ayaga waxba laga waydin mayo wa langaabyo
  19. Jabhad from I read that article was put in place to separate the tigray and eritrea from ethiopia but ever since then it's just been dried ink on paper lol and never can be raised up and if it is your labelled a terrorist or rebel. Anyways I can sort of see what the onlf are fighting for now they are simply trying to exercise their article 39 right which hasn't been given to them. But Ethiopia simply wants that oil now however it wont risk it's steady $2 billion dollars in aid money for undemocratic practises. They know full well they get that aid money based on how well they democratize. If ethiopia left the onlf state it might be used as launching pad by the eritreans or even shabab like type people but im sure ethiopia already controls somalia therefore the onlf state will pretty much fall into line as the rest of somalia has. So ethiopian rather then using direct rule over the onlf state it should use indirect rule as it does with other somali regions and therefore they will remain safe from any attacks that can come from somali areas. As for the oil well the oil is going to be hard to lose but sometimes u gotta sacrifice for the greater good whats the point of the oil if u cant send people in there to drill because of instability? noone will benefit not the onlf nor addis ababa. So If I was meles I would sign an agreement with the onlf and give them separation but the key catch would be they must rejoin somalia which is another kilil anyways lol and indirectly rule it. This will satisfy the onlf.
  20. Jabhad well under ethiopia federal context nation can be applied to oromia or somali regional state and not only that but it says "people/nationality/nation" wishing to secede. So that can mean the onlf people who want to secede have to hold referendum among their people and get 2/3 from their legislature. Anyways I'll do some research into it
  21. I just read that and wondering who paid him to say that the tigray official in hargeisa or silanyo? Anyways this guy should know that he represents his people and what his people want hadusan sameyn he might just find himself not representing anyone in the near future. I advice the saladiin of awdal dadkkagu waxay doonayan waa inay matheelan ma ahan inay matheelan meesha ay xooga lacag ka helayan. Hadad mamul samaysatin qaadkaga ama waxad doonaysid reerkaga baa ku qaadi doono marka I don't undestand honestly. I don't know why he goes with snm. Xog waxba idin maka qadan karan because calamka indhoole ma ahan, tfg ba jirto oo isla marki la xiriri karo u.nka oo ciidan loo diri karo waqoyi haday kugu soo duulan. Anyways I think ethiopia wants to see united waqoyi similar to 1960 and when hamar gets solved dalka federal rasmi ah laga hir-galiyo. I can respect that however awdal should have the right to be mamul of their own under the federal context and cid u didi karo ma jirto. A united waqoyi that is not wanted by the people is not good idea and ticking timebomb. Anyways I read what the isim has to say and taken note.
  22. Originally posted by Freedomfighter007: And that the mistake you lots make you can't say don't force ssc to join you but also say at the same time you stay in the union. Arabs a the same but have many different countries. This notion of brotherly people sticking together is why Somalia is in the current issue it is in Firstly the arab situation and somali situation is not the same. The arabs live in expansive land stretching from iraq to morroco. Secondly to have united arab nation stretching from morroco to iraq would mean the minorities living in those countries would be at a great risk of arab domination. Can u imagine the coptic people of egypt surviving in 250 million plus muslim population? So to compare the arabs to somalis is bit out of touch and unwise. Each case of seccessionism has it's unique reasoning behind it which lacks for somaliland.
  23. Interesting but that agreement the UWSLF signed with ethiopia states that says that article 39 in ethiopian constitution allows for seccession of any region in ethiopia. However after reading the ethiopia constitution and article 39 it also says Article 39 The Right of Nations, Nationalities and Peoples 1. Every nation, nationality or people in Ethiopia shall have the unrestricted right to self determination up to secession. 2. Every nation, nationality and people shall have the right to speak, write and develop its language and to promote its culture, help it grow and flourish, and preserve its historical heritage. 3. Every nation, nationality or people in Ethiopia shall have the unrestricted right to administer itself; and this shall include the right to establish government institutions within the territory it inhabits and the right to fair representation in the federal and state governments. 4. The right to self determination up to secession of nation, nationality and peoples may be exercised:- (a) where the demand for secession is approved by a two thirds (2/3rds) majority of the legislature of the nation, nationality or people concerned. (b) where the Federal Government within three years upon receipt of the decision of the legislature of the nation, nationality or people demanding secession, organises a referendum for the nation, nationality or people demanding secession. © where the demand for secession is supported by a simple majority vote in the referendum. (d) where the Federal Government transfers power to the parliament of the nation, nationality or people which has opted for secession. Now firstly what I want verified is this section where the demand for secession is approved by a two thirds (2/3rds) majority of the legislature of the nation, nationality or people concerned What legislature do they mean? do they mean that they must secure 2/3 a 60% majority in the somali regional state legislature? or in the Federal legislature at addis ababa? Also need verification on this section where the Federal Government within three years upon receipt of the decision of the legislature of the nation, nationality or people demanding secession, organises a referendum for the nation, nationality or people demanding secession. © where the demand for secession is supported by a simple majority vote in the referendum. Do they mean a referendum must be held through-out all ethiopia? or do they mean a referendum within the somali-regional state? My analysis on this would be if they need 2/3 majority in the ethiopian federal legislature and also majority vote in a ethiopia-wide referendum then the seccessionism stands no chance for the onlf guys. However if they mean they that they need 2/3 majority in the somali regional legislature and majority vote in the somali regional state then yes they will get it. However i am leaning towards thinking they mean you need 2/3 or 60% majority in the federal legislature in addis ababa and a majority vote in ethiopia wide referendum. Thats just never going to happen. Getting 60% would require habashi parties would not just let it go when they see oil and gas in the onlf state. Anyways if anyone can verifies this constitutional article it would be good. Because when it says nation/people/nationality in ethiopia federalism context the somali regional state is viewed as nationality and people and thus a nation. But it can also mean ethiopia as a whole nation it's not very clear. Judging from history when eritrea separated they held a referendum inside eritrea however the 2/3 legislature was held in addis ababa legislature. However that was different time because eritrea wasn't regional state nor did it have legislature and so forth. Today is different story in ethiopia where every region has parliament/legislature and is viewed in their own right as nation according to the ethiopia constitution
  24. freedom Well I can answer you from positive way and negative way Positive Response to you question would be why woud the south want to let hargeisa/burco/berbera go for they are brothers and sisters just like other somalis? A Negative Respond to your question would be why would the south want to let hargeisa/burco/berbera go markan canshur ka heli karo? A Realistic answer to your question would be Somalia doesnt get anything from having hargeisa/burco/berbera in the somali union but we dont want see the somali ppl divided more then they already are. We tried the greater somalia project and it didnt work now to say we will divide the somali republic even further is not wise decision for hamari politician.