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Everything posted by Cowke

  1. Kooxda RPS Oo Isu Diyaarinaysa Ka Qeybgalka Xuska 1-da August Oo Garowe Ka Dhici Doonta (Sawiro) Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi RBC Radio, Gaalkacyo Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Kooxda Kubada Cagta ee RPS ayaa isu diyaarineysa ka qeyb galka ciyaar xiisa badan oo lagu maamuusayo sanad guuradii 12aad ee ka soo wareegtay aas’aaskii Puntland, ciyaartaasi oo ka dhici doonta 1-da Agoosto magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland. Kooxda RPS oo ka mid ah kooxaha heerka koowaad ee kubada cagta magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa labadii maalmood ee la soo dhaafey waxaa ay wadeen aalamiito ay ku sameynayeen Garoonka kubada cagta ee Cawaale Stadium Gaalkacyo, si ay firfircooni dhinaca kubada cagta ah ay u soo bandhigaan maalinta loo dabaal degayo munaasabada sanadguurada Puntland oo bilowga 1-da Agoosto ee sanad kastaa laga dhigo caasimada Puntland ee Garoowe. Qaar ka mid ah Ciyaartooyda kooxda kubada cagta ee RPS ayaa Wakaalada wararka ee Raxanreeb waxay u sheegeen in ay aad ugu rajo weyn yihiin in ay soo qaadaan koobka loo dhigayo laba kooxood oo ka kala dhisan gobolada Nugaal iyo Mudug, iyadoo labadaasi kooxood tii soo baxdana la siin doono abaalmarinta koobkaasi lagu maamuusayo sanad guurada 12aad ee ka soo wareegtay aas’aaskii maamulka Puntland. Ciyaarta kooxda RPS ay u diyaar garoobayaan ayaa bilowga bisha soo socota ka dhici doonta Garoonka kubada cagta ee Mira Awaare Stadium ee magaalada Garoowe, halkaasi oo ay usoo daawasho tegi doonaan Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Dawladda Puntland iyo dadweyne farabadan oo ka kala tegi doono gobolada maamulka Puntland. RBC Radio.
  2. Well if siilanyo can why can't farole. Its very strange farole position towards ssc and its not a wise one
  3. Barlamanka Puntland oo xilka ka qaadey Xildhibaano 28 Jul 28, 2010 - 6:16:40 AM GAROWE ONLINE Xilka qaadista Xildhibaadan ayaa timi ka dib markii Xukuumadda Puntland ka gudbisay eedayn la xiriirta jabinta qawaniinta dalka iyo gacan siinta kooxo doonaya kala goynta Puntland sid ku cad qoraal xeer-ilaaliyaha dowladda ka hor akhriyey aqalka Wakiilada. Xukuumadda Puntland ayaa eedeeyntaan u gudbisay Xeer ilalinta muddo hore iyadoo saaka 28 July goloha Wakiilada codbixin ay qaadeen 26 Xildhibaan u in xasaanada laga qaado halka 21 diidey Afarna ka amuseen. Sedexda Mudane ee maanta Baarlamaanka Xasaanada kala noqdeen waxay kala ahaayeen: 1. Ibraahin Maxamad Guure 2. Abshir Cabdi’Casiis Shiikh 3. Cumar Jamac Saleebaan Eedaymaha lagu eedeyey Xildhibaanada xilka laga qaaday ayaa ahaa sidatan; A) Jabinta Sharciga dalka B) garab siinta kooxo doonaya kala goynta Puntland. c) la shaqaynta Jabhada SSC oo ay hanti iyo xoogba ku taagereen. d) In ay abaabuleen ciidamo iyo kooxo ka soo horjeeda Puntland islamarkaasna qaadeen talaabooyin lagu burburinayo ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland Waxaa uu intaasi ku daray Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Puntland in ay eedayntaasi u hayeen cadaymo iyadoo ay jiraan markhaatiyo, cod muuqaal ah iyo sawiroba leh. Cumar Jamac Saleebaan oo ka mid ahaa mudanayaasha xilka waayey oo saxaafada la hadlay ayuu sheegay in xilka qaadistoodu tahay mid sharci daro ah siduu hadalka u dhigay una arko mid laga soo shaqeeyey balse wuxuu ugu yeeray mas'uuliyiinta dowlada ee xilka haya ay si wanaagsan ee daacadi ugu jirto howlahooda u gutaan.
  4. Somaliland oo sheegtay inay waan waan ka bilaabi doonto Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn July 28, 2010 Madaxweynaha cusub ee maamulka Soomaliland Axmed Siilaanyo ayaa maanta ka hadlay dagaaladii ka dhacay deegaanada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, asagoo sheegay in xukuumadiisa ay waan waan la geli doonto beelaha ku dhaqan gobaladaasi. Axmed Siilaanyo oo maanta ku dhawaaqay golihiisa Wasiirada, ayaa khudbadiisa kusoo qaatay in dowlada Somaliland ay dooneyso in si nabad ah ku dhameyso xiisadaha ka taagan gobaladaasi, asagoo sheegay in waan waan ay la geli doonaan cuqaasha iyo issimada kasoo jeeda deegaankaasi. “…dagaalada maaha kuwo cid ay dani ugu jirto, waxaanu ku dadaaleynaa oo xooga saareynaa in aan si nabad ah ku dhameyno…” ayuu yiri Axmed Siilaanyo. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliland ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay dagaalada ka socda koonfurta Soomaaliya asagoo sheegay in ay ka xun yihiin dhiiga uu weli sii daadanayo, asagoo ugu baaqay kooxaha ku dagaalamaya koonfurta Soomaaliya inay ka waantoobaan dhibaatada soo gaareysa shacabka Soomaalida ah. Macadda waan waanta uu ku dhawaaqay Madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliland ee SSC qaabka ay noqon doonto iyo habka uu u abaari doono, ayadoo ay horey u jireen warar sheegaya in uu jiro xiriir hoose oo dhexmaray dhaq dhaqaaqa SSC iyo Axmed Siilaanyo, walow wararkaasi ay beeniyeen maamulka SSC oo sheegay inaysan wax wadahadal ah la gelin Somaliland, walow aysan meesha ka saarin in mustaqbalka uu wadahadal imaan karo. Sidoo kale waxaan la ogeyn kaalinta ay ka qaadan karaan waan waantan Issimada SSC oo ayagu horey arrimaha gobaladaasi kaalin weyn ugu lahaa aasaaska dhaq dhaqaaqa ka dhanka ah Soomaaliland. Waxaan ayaduna cadayn kaalinta Puntland ee ayaduna deegaanada SSC sheegata iyo habkii ay uga jawaabi lahaayeen siyaasada cusub ee Soomaaliland ee ku wajahan gobalaasi ee ah in wadahadal lala galo kooxaha hubeysan ee deegaankaasi u istaagay. C/risaaq Shiino Horseed Media
  5. Originally posted by Beer-Gaal: Very sad indeed! extra judicial killing is not the way forward for Puntland!I knew the guy personally he grow up in Baargal he migrated from there recently. Yeah the guy born and raised up in bargal he is from the ssdf clan and not makhiri as people think. You will need to research into yourself But alot of the ssdf so called "yar-yar" are among the atam forces because they feel they are being persecuted in bari just like the makhiris in galgala feel. Anyways god help m home region wallahi cadaalad xumada ma jecli ee waxan dhan waxaa keentay wa cadaalo xumo. The bari guys don't like PIS. Thats why they are all going into atam camp because the PIS targets makhiris and ssdf so called "yar-yars". They see atam as a way to crush the ashahado la dirir from the region. I think when farole was talking to galgala guys a couple of month ago they wanted the PIS to leave puntland and farole didnt accept that and hence the negiotation collapsed. Anyways its quite hard but we cant get rid of the PIS because they are there protecting the region from terrorist but at the same time they do arrest and tribally profile people from yay-yar clan such as "ducale guy" who is from so-called ssdf yar-yar clan and same with alot of the galgala guys who are all squatting out in prisons of bosaso due to the PIS. Thats whats caused this atam guy to rise up and gain such a force from the locals. But we will see but the PIS needs to get monitored to make sure it follows procedures. Its not good sign when many many ppl are complaining about the same issue always
  6. Chief, Silanyo knows the reality and it shows quite well in his ministry allocation. Sool and Sanaag ninyahow puntland ba ka taliso iyo hadaysan ka talin 6 wasir and 3 wasir ku xigeen iyo madaxweyne ku xigeen ma sin lahayn shacabka ssc put it that way. Anyways sool iyo sanaag anigu kama doodayo anymore i just trust garoweonline because i know they speak facts even though they spin it as much as they possibly can to the garowe circle but they always remain factul. As far as the debate on aljazeera lol that is why i am suprised that guy is going to represent somaliland in international scene lol. He was chewed up and spit out on al-jazeera. My boy elmi didnt even raise a sweat believe u havent seen hardcore fadhi ku dirir untill u seen bosaso and qardho cafe matches it considered one of the tougest and gruelling in the whole nation. But I think elmi was going soft on the victim at hargeisa kinda like how americans go soft when they debate a jew about the holocaust lol.
  7. Come on guys who you think your talking to here? Im not pipesmoking qowdhan that can be fooled or lied to so easily. Look how easily editable such pathetic attempts can be made. You should try video-recording it. Even that is editable also with video-editing software. Again your evidence stands no chance in Qardho Court of law you pipe smoking qowdhan
  8. Caqil thats why i love garoweonline, it may be biased however I tell you one thing they damn tell you the truth on what the reality on the ground is. The unrecognized separatist republic claims Sool and Sanaag regions, which are disputed with Puntland, a self-governing federal state that has never declared independence. Somaliland's election did not take place in most of Sool and Sanaag regions, as Somaliland forces control a very limited area in these two regions. That explains why ssc and makhir are given hardly anything in somaliland yet awdal is Somaliland has little control in sanaag and sool thats the reality of the matter and the only place they do control is las anod in sool and half of erigavo.
  9. The number of wasiro a clan is given is what affect they have among somaliland. The makhiris/ssc have no effect in somaliland because majority 90% of their people and land are separate and distinct from somaliland that explains why silanyo doesnt bother giving them any more wasiro. Thats reality to show u somaliland doesnt control nothing in cayn. Las anod only in sool. Half of erigavo.
  10. Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil: This is a joke. There already 26 Ministries and now instead of really reducing Ministries and Ministers to 15, he made the same as UDUB. And besides I thaught he was serieuz about including Sool and Sanaag people in to new administration, but this is a triangle party. Same old story, Nothing new. I hear the ssc folks only got two ministers if thats true I don't blame silanyo for doing that after-all its only two subclans of ssc that actually are apart of somaliland the rest are not.
  11. Can u guys provide a website to show how it has been divided by clan-wise. I know u cant post it on SOL but I just want to see the clan composition of the cabinet
  12. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada iyo xidhiidhka caalamiga ah Dr: Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar :eek:
  13. Chief 18 years of war and no answer in sight is very disturbing. 1 clan can't solve somalia I can tell you that much. My clan can help out when it comes to clans that we don't have any beef or historical issues with. Clans like rra/ali mahdi folks/hiiran folks etc. But we just can't seem to get across to people that we do have historical beef with such as the dahir aways folks and that is where other neutral clans or even allied clans such as the snm can step in and talk to these people and calm them down. If every clan did their bit in somalia we wouldn't be stuck in such a pothole. The huge problem I see is that when another clan becomes president in somalia most clans stop cooperating with that president and the cycle never ends. It's kind of like "if you dont respect my presidential term why will i respect your presidential term when it's your time to rule" This endless cycle just continues and continues and never ends. My solution would be to hold huge meeting again but a big meeting. Allocate a quota of how many politicians/waxgarads/ulama/ganacsato each clan can send. Make sure their is criteria on assessing the candidates that are brought to the conference. They need to be educated/well respected among their clan/well respected by wider somali community/ and other criterias befor even sitting down at the negiotation table. This will guarantee that each clan brings decent candidates to talk rather then filth. Once that is done. Talk about how future government is to be shared between the people. I suggest sharing it 4.5 untill we get rid off the enemy(shabab) and once regional administration are established across each region allocate a quota to each region based on fairness. Don't give a region anything less then they warrant nor give them more then anythng they merit. Once that is done. Share posts based on regional allocations. Stay in this system for at least 5 years untill the people have some of their sanity back before transitionining into federal democratic somalia. Once transferring to democratic nation we can have federal parties at federal level and regional parties at the regional level. Regional parties will strictly play within their own region. Deal with mainly social/education/health/job/security creation and other developmental/security concerns of their region. Federal parties will play within their own sphere inside the capital. Their needs to be pact signing between all the regional administrations that if "one region" commits treason or is not looking for the national peace of the nation we must all attack them as nation no excuses for anyone. Shabab can be easily defeated if all somalis united and form national liberation movement to expell al-qaeda from somalia. Puntland Somaliland Hamar Kismayo all combing their forces to chase away the little dirt bag shabab. Once shabab is gone the implementation phase will start and reconstruction of our political and national systems. I also suggest alot of thing be carefully decided. Never allow govt to manage land because this will cause great conflict in the near future. Leave land-management to elders. This will keep the reer miyis from killing each other because say "if my clan becomes president of somalia" and gives me nice bloc land in baidoa just cause im his cousin this will lead to injustice and we all know what injustice creates= civil chaos. To keep corruption out. Take note of all bank balances and asset ownership of every politician that steps into office. When they get paid make sure its archived under their name so towards the end of the term you will know how much money they made and if they have something ridiculously above the estimated bank balance or assets they acquired whilst in office take him before court for prosecution. I guarantee that sort of system will lessen corruption in office and make majority of politicians be dacad for the nation. Power-sharing will always be one of the tenious issues however I am certain everyone will not mind so much if their not president in hamar everytime because they can be leader. in their own region when hamar refuses them to lead the nation. This will also guarantee better competition between the states and competition guarantees excellence. I like having competition with somaliland over hospitals and and investments and stuff why? because the winners at the end of the day are the locals. I wish to enjoy that same sort of competition with all other region in somalia but their isnt other regions in somalia to enjoy that with now. Thats just a few of my suggestions but somalia problems are not that complicated it just doesnt have the right stakeholders in place.
  14. Jacalybaro wheres all the articles "if the election is peaceful and successful somaliland will be recognized"? Isn't that a prediction? How many sort of those prediction have you clowns in hargeisa been making for the past 20 years? What do you have show for it? Zilch. U see I am better man then you my friend I know when I am wrong you wouldn't even know if u even pissed on yourself Your easily manipulated. Thats why they chose godane to lead shabab so he can manipulate u. Everyone in the south knows your clan are just dumb as bricks bro and high 24/7 can't even tell difference between whats reality and fantasy. Now get lost you just been SMOKED OUT
  15. Jacaylbaro I made 1 wrong prediction and I already congratulated silanyo for entering office unscatched. Yet you diabolic pipesmoking qowdhans have being making the same 20 year prediction that you will be recognized tommorow and I don't see u ever apologizing for misleading your people. Just to add more salt your wound. British Ambassador says somaliland will never be recognized Somaliland Recognition Dream Dies Another Death
  16. This is a VOA interview of a british official at the inaugration of siilanyo. He says the world will help somaliland in terms of development, conflict resolution, and streghtening democracy but no recognition. No Recognition 4 Somaliland Kind of reminds me of horseedmedia when they said. Haddii doorashadu ku dhacdo si nabadgelyo ah isla markaana xisbiyadu u hoggaansamaan natiijada ka soo baxda, waxa ay sumcad iyo amaan balaaran u soo jiideysaa Somaliland, taasi ma horsedeyso in ay helaan ictiraafka ay muddada dheer raadinayeen, laakiin waxa beesha caalamku tixgelin gaar ah, iyo kaalmo dhaqaale, sidoo kale waxaa gacan laga siin doonaa dhisida kaabayaasha dhaqaale sida jidadka dekadaha iyo wax soosaarka kale. Verification below
  17. Ok People, I know alot of people can see this issue that the south is warzone yet the north-east and north-west is peaceful. Ok firstly when I look at the south I don't lump it all together because most of the south is peaceful when you hit the ground the only place where there is constant warfare is mogadishu. It's not happening in kismayo/baidoa/beletweyn etc. Sure their may be the odd skermish here and there but that's not what I deem a crisis. So why is hamar the magnet field for warfare? some say it's the capital and therefore everyone wants to take over it an establish themselves as the ruler of somalia, whilst others say it's because of the local clan in hamar not reaching a consensus and sorting out some sort of power-sharing formula between the usc bloc. Other's say it's historical problem and goes back to the colonial days when italy ruled the south and used to isolate clan-elders from influence and thats why today the south the clan elders have near to zero power or influence and can not be used for conflict resolution. Some say it's foreign interference that is causing the problems in somalia which is definitely true but as far as im concerned those foreigners didn't just happen to take advantage of somalis but it is somalis who called them so they can use them in their advantage over other clans/resources/politics in somalia. Some say that their is huge internal division within the usc bloc where other clans in somalia are taking advantage of this and putting the usc head to head destruction. Some say the ssdf bloc is using the ali mahdi vehicle to destroy other usc clans most notably (dahir aways/qanyare). Some say the rra folks are trying to get their revenge for the 1992 starvation that occured in baidoa and want to avenge the same back on the usc bloc and using the qanyare bloc to destroy the usc within themselves. Then you have the mix of godane and fuad shangole. Now these guys dont necessarily have power but have been appointed into important positions for political reasons as far as im concerned. I think the shabab block after securing hamar want to use fuad shangole card in order to get supporters inside puntland whilst using godane to get the snm folks on-board. So what you guys think is causing the mess in hamar? Plz don't say it's foreigners because the question will be who invited those foreigns and we all know who did. Please don't say Historical reasons because italy colonized all the way from ras-casayr till jubbayoinka and puntland manages to use clan elders very effectively in securing the peace in our region. But their was less influence of italy in the north-east which can probably explain that. But the odeyo are used strongly in jubba and gedo and remain big reason why their is peace in that regions. So I find the historical and colonial idea a bit hard to swallow why hamar is so stuffed up. What we do know their is alot of clan hatred and alot of power hungury ppl who want to secure positions of power and the power struggle is happening in hamar and there are alot of players all with different political positions. There is the business community/ulama/intellectuals who are also supporting whoever they view as in their interest. But since 1991 till today puntland has been relatively stable and peaceful and growing. This can be seen from the simple fact that ppl come there to seek refuge and work from other parts of somalia and even africa. So we must be doing something right because honestly dont see puntlanders going to dhusomareeb As for Somaliland they have also been relatively peaceful but that can be attributed to alot of things. They are surrounded by peaceful neighbours. Djibouti on 1 side and Puntland on the other side plus ethiopia on another side. Puntland doesn't have any expansion plans of taking hargeisa whilst hargeisa has no expansion plans to bosaso. Plus jabuti is not on expansion plus somaliland doesnt to expand there either. Same applies with ethiopia. Somaliland peace is not just something I can attribute to their people even though their people did do a great part in building the peace but lets be honest they dont have much of threat on any side to their existence nothing like puntland with maniacs in baraxley and dhusomareeb just a stone throw away who are always thinking about expansionism. Plus somaliland staying out of hamar affairs has also reduced usc seeking revenge against them where-as puntland is very much involved in hamar as prime minister and also shabab side fuad shangole. I think that 2008 bombing of hargeisa has alot to do with the more fara-gelin they started doing at an (un-official) level with godane and such. So what you guys think has made hamar such a hellhole? what can be done to seriously reach a long lasting peace? We cant just leave hamar to their own devices we tried that from 1995 after UN left and hamar was in their hands but they sat there since 2000 till abdiqasim came along and that guy was just president on paper and couldnt even enter the country lol. Anyways Lets be realistic. What can solve hamar? leaving them on their own has been tried since 1995-2004 and what has it produced? nothing. Abdullahi yusuf came and ruled for 5 years and controlled pretty much the whole country and their was hope but they rejected him solely based on clan reasons yet they say "they are wadani" ? Now we got this Sharif guy and he is just as pathetic as abdiqasim except at least he is in the capital city but in very small precinct So what can we do if sharif can even pull his own sub sub clan? because i doubt we will be able to unless through sheer force. What you all think of the usc numbers today? I am suspicious. I don't think there is many of them today or else why would they use kids and derbi jiif kids as soldier base? why not use their own manpower? ma dadki ba yaraday after 20 year war? wa sucale kale taa. Please contribute your opinions in scholary way because what can solve hamar. Anigu waxan tagan ahay weli "guriga taliya anigu gurigeyga baan u talineya iyo wixi qaranka naga dhexayso waan ka wada hadleyna at federal level" lakin kow waxaa muhim ah inad haysatid mamul iyo nabad at your regions before we talk about qaran stuff. Taas baan tagan ahay anigu. Shabab solution is using islam which is good in a way and can help bring peace to the south by using FEAR but lets be honest will the international community accept such a system to be established in Somalia? you think they will just sit by while seeing another taliban state form when they just destroyed one in afghanistan? They wil take strong measures against somalis if shabab establish themselves. Hawala sanactions Port Black Listing Diplomatic ties cut Foreign Invasion Those above are all possible options for the international community to use against a shabab led somalia if it becomes true and none of that is in the interest of the average abdi in somalia is it? Not to mention the fact that somalis deep down don't even like shabab but only live under them through fear. So I possibly can't see shabab as solution to somalia it may bring peace to us but no progress and will infact put us in harms way against the world since they have expansionist plans and all sort of madness. Separatism is another solution posed by the snm clan which is works excellent for 1 clan but ignores totally everybody else in somalia and unfortunately xalka somalia hal qabil dean hargeisa iyo burco ma ahan. It's not viable option to solve somalia infact if you look at history using colonial policies in africa was disaster to begin with to re-implement such a mistake is just something a crazy pipesmoking qowdhan will come to the table with. Seccessionism solves 1 clan issues but not all the stakeholders if you get what I mean. Plus their is also foreign players who also don't want to see two somalia's for their own reasons. So zero external acceptance and 1 clan internal support just doesn't seem like it will ever cut the mustard. Just look at the 18 regions of somalia and only two states want seccession. waqoyi galbeed and awdal. I say awdal hesistantly because I believe they are simply coerced into expecting this for their mere survival sakes. 2 out 18 states? 80% majority want unity. 20% doesnt? coupled with zero internatioanal support for two somalia means the pipe smoking qowdhan needs to re-assess his politics. This is why I am such verment supporter of federalism not because of tribal reasons but because run ahanti we have crazy brother in hamar and pipesmoking brother in hargeisa with two wild political positions that is so far away from reality that I hold onto federalism with my dear hand and say "XALKA SOMALIA WA FEDERAL" Federal is supported by lets check? it has internal support from puntland/galmudug/tfg. More new mamuls are being created as we speak such as banadirland/hiiranland/jubbaland. It is also internationally accepted by the world and recognized as the solution to solve somalia. It's building block method. So international acceptance. plus lets check how many regions want it. bari mudug sool sanaag mudug tfg The other regions expected to be onboard are hiiran banadir jubba bay The regions vehemently against it galgudud waqoyi galbeed That's why I support it, we are nearly there guys why ruin it? and it's fair system hadi dhabta laysku sheego.
  18. Excuse me I don't do sigo waryaa. LOL. Here is my youtube account it only has puntland 2010 video.
  19. Your right about 1 thing passions are very high about puntland lately especially in qurbaha. You can just notice how many meetings we have nowadays. It's like every month at least. Not to mention sanad gurada which is now become a tradition. But their is 1 thing that is been huge problem. Unity of the people at degaan level which is lacking whether I like to accept or not. We rely so much on the odeys and clan elders and forget to reach out to the avg abdi in dhahar and buhodle. Puntland needs to get this multi party thing going so the people and citizens can feel apart of the process because I think that's what makes somaliland really strong when it comes to unity aspect. As far as seccessionism of hargeisa sxb thats just pipedreams and no matter how many doors are knocked on or how many calanyahow ha dhicin are sung won't give them recognition. The best bet they have is accept federalism or at worst stay isolated. If they do accept federalism they will need to do their bit and contribute to pacifying the south especially around the hamari bloc. They would be good addition to have as an ally especially because they can talk to those total nuts of yusuf garad people. We already have managed to pacify the sharif bloc and the little qanyare bloc will be lost without such backing from rra/yusuf garad ppl. If the snm get the yusuf garad to sit down and accept the federal card. We can guarantee that rra will sit down with us because we dont tend to have bad relationship with them. The qanyare guy will be left out on his own and we will can all go in 4 the kill and finish the remainding dissedents. As for the jubba issue leave that to us we know how to talk to them and believe me they only shabab because they know they surrounded by crazy usc elements. Once the usc element threat is taken away the jubba guys will fall in with the federal card. So their is some use we can have from the snm clan if they do their bit.
  20. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: who uses bayonets anymore, seriously Abdullahi Yusuf was not good developer when it came to progressing our regions but 1 thing all puntlanders can agree upon is he treated his soldiers good.
  21. Excellent army and police in 2010. Posting pics of unoperational tanks from 2005 aint going to cut the mustard boys. That is your militia and the current state they are in just as of yesterday. While mine
  22. Puntland forces clash with Al Qaeda-linked militia By Mustafa Haji Abdinur (AFP) – 1 day ago HARGEISA, Somalia — Fierce fighting broke out Monday between the forces from the Somali breakaway state of Puntland and an Al Qaeda-linked militia, officials said. Security officials said at least three Puntland soldiers died while Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole claimed that 13 rebels were killed in the clashes that erupted near Galgala in western Puntland. "There was fighting near Bosasso this morning where terrorist-sponsored elements, including foreign fighters, attacked our forces. Thirteen of their bodies were counted near Sugure and several of their senior commanders were captured in the fighting," Farole told reporters. Puntland had for some time been planning a major operation in the cave-riddled mountains where officials say local warlord Mohamed Said Atom has been building a force of several hundred militants. "The operation was launched early this morning. So far, we have lost three soldiers. Seven were also wounded," Colonel Abdurahman Ali, a security official in Puntland's nearby economic capital of Bosasso, told AFP. Officials and residents in the mountainous area straddling the unofficial border between Somalia's northern breakaway states of Puntland and Somaliland had voiced concern recently over Atom's stepped up activity. The local warlord has been singled out by the UN Security Council for violating an arms embargo and is believed to be a key supplier of arms to the Al Qaeda-inspired Shebab group that controls much of the rest of Somalia. They said the remote mountains risked becoming an ideal hide-out for Somalia's growing Shebab-hosted contingent of foreign jihadis, akin to Afghanistan's Tora Bora mountains. "Those terrorists have tried to undermine security in our region twice previously but were defeated by the local communities. I call upon you to stand up again to defend your land as well as you did in the past," Farole said. The president of the semi-autonomous territory also urged support from the international community. "This war terrorists have launched on Puntland today will not be limited to this region. If the international community does not assist us, the war will spread all over the region. Indeed it has already reached Kampala," he said. He was referring to July 11 suicide attacks which killed 76 people gathered at entertainment spots in the Ugandan capital to watch the football World Cup and were claimed by the Shebab. Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved
  23. Thirteen insurgents killed in Somalia's Puntland Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:12am GMT HARGEISA (Reuters) - Thirteen militia from the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group were killed in clashes with troops of the semi-autonomous northern Puntland region of Somalia, President of Puntland Abdirahman Mohamed Farole said on Monday. The insurgents were killed after attacking Puntland's forces in an area to the south of Bosasso, on the same day when dozens of soldiers, insurgents and civilians were killed during fighting in the capital Mogadishu. "Al Shabaab and foreign terrorists attacked our forces at an area 40 km to the south of Bosasso today. Heavy fighting took place and we killed 13 of them. We also captured several of them including a senior commander," Farole told reporters in a news conference held in Garowe, Puntland's capital. Farole said three Puntland soldiers were wounded in the fighting, but that the troops managed to defeat the insurgents and take their positions. Puntland has been relatively stable compared with the rest of Somalia, but violence and instability have risen in recent months and the region is also a major base for pirates who have been causing havoc to shipping off the Horn of Africa. An African Union peacekeeping force in the capital, AMISOM, said it re-took a government building in the capital from the al Shabaab after heavy fighting, with casualties on both sides. "Seven of our soldiers were killed by our own misdirected shell. As we advanced, I counted 18 dead bodies of al Shabaab" Mohamed Nur, a Somali military officer who fought alongside AMISOM troops told Reuters from the scene by phone. Elman, a human rights group, said at least eight civilians were killed and 42 others were injured in the fighting. Al Shabaab and another Islamist militia have been fighting the Western-backed Somali government since the start of 2007. They control much of the capital in a country deprived of an effective central government and mired in violence since warlords toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.
  24. Xudeedi WAKE UP WILL U Al-Shabaab spreads attacks to Somalia’s Puntland state By ABDULKADIR KHALIF, NATION CORRESPONDENT Posted Monday, July 26 2010 at 19:49 MOGADISHU, Monday Abdirashid Mohamed Irro, the minister for commerce of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, stated yesterday that his government was aware that militias trained in Southern Somalia have been sent to cause instability in Puntland, a semi-autonomous state in Northeastern Somalia. Minister Irro said that the radical group Al Shabaab, has trained and sent militias to destabilise a previously unwavering region. “At least 50 regional officials have recently been killed in Puntland by al Shabaab organised militias,” said the TFG’s commerce minister who hails from the Puntland region. He urged the authority there and the people to collaborate in tackling the growing menace and added that the flow of fanatical militants to the region was high. The government in Puntland has accused a cleric, Sheikh Mohamed Said of keeping militias in the mountain range overlooking Bossaso, the commercial capital of Puntland, 1,500 kilometres northeast of Mogadishu.