- Femme -

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Everything posted by - Femme -

  1. Am I the only one that's a little put off with the over-the-top patriotism? The flag, the singing, the defensiveness -- just too much. Nice link though...thanks.
  2. Dr. Google is enough for me. Inshallah it never comes back. Is Tuujiye - you made me smile even though I don't know what in the world you wrote. Ur nuts. Thank God for that.
  3. Does anyone else find Sarah cute? She is just sooo adorable with the sweetest voice.
  4. ^First of all, what is Tahliil? I don't like people laughing at my expense when I don't understand it. It's rude.
  5. Depends on the pay, perks & benefits of the job. Oh yessiree...I'd give up a lot for the right type of job.
  6. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Glad to know I'm not the only one (although there is a lot of research about it, knowing that other somali, muslim people experienced it makes me feel better...). Esp. Malika..thanks for both. Ngonge - I was waiting for you to say something like that. Thanks for trivializing my traumatic experience. I will pray that you feel the same way
  7. What is sleep paralysis? Sleep paralysis consists of a period of inability to perform voluntary movements either at sleep onset (called hypnogogic or predormital form) or upon awakening (called hypnopompic or postdormtal form). Sleep paralysis may also be referred to as isolated sleep paralysis, familial sleep paralysis, hynogogic or hypnopompic paralysis, predormital or postdormital paralysis What are the symptoms? A complaint of inability to move the trunk or limbs at sleep onset or upon awakening Presence of brief episodes of partial or complete skeletal muscle paralysis Episodes can be associated with hypnagogic hallucinations or dream-like mentation (act or use of the brain) Symptoms of sleep paralysis can be either one of the following or a combination: Paralysis: this occurs after waking up or shortly before falling asleep. The person cannot move any body part, cannot speak, and only has minimal control over blinking and breathing. This paralysis is the same paralysis that occurs when dreaming. The brain paralyzes the muscles to prevent possible injury during dreams, as some body parts may move during dreaming. If the person wakes up suddenly, the brain may still think that it is dreaming, and sustains the paralysis. Hallucinations: Images or speaking that appear during the paralysis. The person may think that someone is standing beside them or they may hear strange sounds. These may be dreamlike, possibly causing the person to think that they are still dreaming. Often it is reported as feeling a weight on one's chest, as if being underneath a person or heavy object. These symptoms can last from mere seconds to several minutes (although they can feel like much longer) and can be frightening to the person. There may be some body movement, but it is very unlikely and hard for a person to accomplish. Has anyone experienced it? I have last night and I have to say that is was the MOST terrifying experience of my entire life. I really felt like I was going to die and going straight to hell. I can't describe the feeling of being fully awake but paralysed, unable to scream or move a fraction of an inch. Then all of a sudden my vision went all black and I saw lightening and heard these low, scary sounds. I am not making this up. The moment the paralysis state passed I got up (around 2 am) and started reading the Quran.....
  8. I hate hate hate cooking. Everyone pray that I marry someone who loves to cook (and clean - I know I'm stretching it) --- it's ramadhan and your prayers might be granted
  9. Thanks for the replies girls. Ibtisam --- honey or rat shit, does it really matter what I put on my face as long as I get the results I want? I think not.
  10. Do they really work? I'm debating whether to try them for a while or just go and buy cleanser/exfoliator. And how soon do you wash off the huruud so you don't get that yellow glow? Share your secrets girls. I've been having horrible breakouts and I'm getting pretty annoyed.
  11. Is this really a story? And surprising to anyone? Someone notify me when a woman marries 4 men or a man marries 2 women, a monkey, and a shoe...then I'll be really surprised. Until then....meh
  12. The person I love most in the world is my mother and I've had countless arguments with her ---- so love doesn't equate with no arguments for me. Laakin walaal --- you describe an ideal, peaceful, & loving marriage. Good luck with that & cherish it. To the rest...the girl specifically said married for four years and have not had one argument, no fights, no cussing, no attitude, nothing like that She didn't say that they never had disagreements --- just no fights, arguments, & cussing. You can have a disagreement without making a scene and that sounds OH SO LOVELYYYYYY.
  13. I know not modest but very, very cute!
  14. ^I would call creating a rift and bitter feelings between family members a pretty big sin. And as he said he didn't ask her hand...they eloped and then he asked for a hand that was already his! And I doubt that this story is about A&T's life --- I'm commenting on it generally. I know of a slightly similar case and it just sickens me.
  15. Whether or not this story is true -- these kind of scenerios do actually happen. Forget about sisters, cousins or other family members --- I wouldn't even DREAM about having ANY KIND of relationship with the guy of a distant friend. SICK SICK SICK. Some people have no boundaries or loyalties anymore it seems. There are too many men in the world to be falling for that kind of dumbassery. After reading that story I didn't get a whiff of bravery anywhere. It just reeked of the lowest kind of scumbag behaviour on both the younger sister and guy's behaviour. And age cannot be blamed - a 16 year old is old enough to know right from wrong. Truly, the elder sister lucked out.
  16. The student loan thing is a brillant idea (one that I had for a while ). What better way to start a marriage than debt & headache free...sounds lovely. *sigh*
  17. First time I felt like a troll. I finally belong in this thread.
  18. LOZ, I'm giving you the stink eye...but with your developmentally stunted eyes I'm pretty sure you wouldn't notice. Kool-Kat -- I'm getting hives just reading that. At times I wish I was a man. They don't get how good they got it.
  19. ^How unimaginative can you be? With macawiis, the possibilities are unless. You can throw it on them and run away while they struggle to free themselves, you can use it as a rope and pull yourself up a fence/building, you can can jump down a building and use it as a parachute, you give a suggestive dance and confuse them thereby escaping while they figure out what the hell is going on, etc. etc. etc.
  20. hahaha@ Cara. LOVE IT. Esp. number three. How deliciously devious. Castro -- I love kids ---- that belong to other people And stay far away from Canada --- it's pretty but it's also hella boring (or maybe I'm boring? dunno). Bella - P -- Hope you're not taking this too seriously. Don't run way when your asked to explain yourself. Peace.
  21. It's times like these I regret being a moderator. LOL@ Sii soco. Good bye dear and don't let the door hit ya on ur way out. [Edit]. Castro, I bet you would. I don't know...I think work sucks and staying at home sucks. Don't know --- what else is there to do other than those two? I'm at a loss. I deeply hate both options.
  22. Then can you please tell me what you expected when you posted this? What was your goal really? (I'm being sincere, swear). Were the commenters rude? Yes. Were you? Um, yes. I really didn't read the whole thread --- I skimmed over it and got the overall point. I was reponding to your posts.
  23. Macaawiis are cute (if a man is fit).
  24. Well what do you say about Khadijah, who still worked even though her husband was the head of a vast empire? It's ok to say that you prefer to stay at home etc. etc. etc. I and everyone here would support you 100% in your choice. I personally get angry when people make fun of a woman making the choice to stay at home and take care of her husband, children & household. It always bothered me that some people thought they were dumb or had nothing to live for. However, where people might be annoyed is where you become snotty and insist that your way is the right one and everyone else is ******, morally bankrupt, wrong etc. etc. for making the choice to work. You express surpise when people disagree with you...what do you really expect when you attack their choice in life? As long as the husband and wife agree and are making the best choice for them and the welfare of their 84 children...it's really no one's business what they decide to do. I think as women we should really be supporting each other, whether we want to stay at home, work, have children or not, etc. etc. etc. instead of tearing each other down and finding ways to say how our choices are superior than others. *off my soapbox now* P.S. Welcome. And please don't feel intimidated about expressing your opinions. Disagreeing does not equal insulting.