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Everything posted by Alle-ubaahne

  1. I thank you wilo for posting this intriguing topic of great emphasis. I think it deserves many analysis since its dimentions are broad with current global instances of different forms of child soldiering to child abuses. Child Soldiering or the use of children to expose warzone conflicts as shields or other means is a great concern with huge emphasis in the circles of international debates. Its something we've seen as the result of the civil unrest in Somalia whereby kids had become very knowledgeable in the usage of the weaponary as well as the aimlessness of the tribalistic wars among the Somalis. This is more evident when you look at the families who are directly affected by the wars and lost their members (esp. parents) before their eyes, or in the presence of the kids. Questions that can arise from these discussions of child soldiering are always blinded by the fact of the underlying causes and circumstances that enabled these kids to have an easy access, either voluntary or forced one. But its also apparent that all of these were triggered by tragedies we inhereted from the civil war. I remember a BBC documentry that I read about the state of Mogadishu children who have lost their parents in the war. This very interesting documentary has focused a young kid who is named Mukhtar. Mukhtar has lost both his parents in the war at the age of three. He was then adopted by a Mo-ri-yaan, who then trained him to take part of the war and road blockages. He sheltered at nights in an abandoned vehicles or places where people sold the narcotic khat in the daylight. This kid grows having no opportunity in the sane world of being voilence-free. And gradualy he falled in love with guns and killings. In his own words, I remember Mukhtar saying that his dream is to become a famous warlord in Muqdisho so people get scared of him. Sometimes when the reporter ask Mukhtar who is your hero, he mention Saddam Hussein. At the age of 12 or 13, (I don't recall which one exactly) he owned an AK-47 gun and used to wonder around places where Mo-ri-yaan eract their street checkpoints to get hired for his gun. This young and active Mukhtar has finaly died as a result of waking up in one morning his Mo-ri-yaan fellow from asleep and which then costed Mukhtar's life, by receiving an angry reaction and a deadly shot right on his head. The reporter of this documentary has mentioned that Mukhtar was an intellegent and a suitable character of his film but has become a predator as the result of the war atmosphere as well as the tragedies that claimed for his parents. Its very sad indeed if you look at somalia from such perspectives whereby the psychological mindsets of our children in back home is one of total devastation and gloom. The negative impacts of these perplexed wars among our mindless people will definately remain in the minds of those kids like Mukhtar (if they survive) in many years to come since they vividly had experienced the traumatizing tragedies as they unfold. N.B. I will proceed from here as time permits, but let me make sure to gather my scope and previous understandings towards this significant topic as I come back soon, insha allah.
  2. ^^ Classique, I gather that you are somewhere in the arab countries, and you tend to say 'have a good weekends'. Do you mind telling me what is considered to be the weekends in the Arab countries? Isn't there the Islamic calender in action and people observe it rather than the western calander ? Am just currious, ok, since I never being there.
  3. ^^ That is right raula, indeed. To support your muslim brother/sister is the underlying importance for the whole concept in this iisoodhiib matter. However so, we need to not worry about the future term consequeces, because this circumstances that has created the environment will never remain the same. And as you can see today, we've gone long way from the previous situations where the whole country has experienced the economic shut-down and total starvation due to the wide-spread of the civil unrest. Oh yes, I believe this iisoodhiib will never prolong as it has being and affect to the cominig years. Something major will take place soon and the iisoodhiib will totaly disappear from the scene. (God willing). Caaqil, you must be concerned this because of some recent calls you've recieved from the callers at home! That is alright, you and I are all in the same struggle to save our people. and insha allah we'll overcome, though.
  4. Ninkaan rudy la dhaho marwalba waa iga qosliyaa, ar asaga iyo dumar maxaa kala heesto! Kaalay laakiin sheekadaan soomaali uma eki ah soo looma qaadan karo aniga quruxleey baan ahay oo af carabi ah? lol Haa, dabcan dad badan oo waxaa jira aaminsan in carab hadii loo egyahay oo qofku qurxoon yahay ama cadaanka oo kale ama hindi oo kale. Waxaas waa sheekooyinka uu maskaxda kaga qabsaday gumeystaha dadka midabka madow leh. In my opinion, I think those are the stories of the colonial times, not now!
  5. ^^ Are you for it or against it? It seems to me that you are justfying the dismissal of Aakhiro according to your little observed western theories towards the Resurection Day.
  6. Professor-nimada la sheego horta aniga maba fahmin. Professor wixii tuugo ah oo ilaah ka furtay ayaan u aqaan oo gaalo raac ah. Laakiin waa runoo Nur wuxuu sheegay wax jira. Dad iyo dalal ayaa ka dambeeya arinta uu sheegay Profoshiirka is mooday inuu aduun iyo aakhiro wax ka ogyahay. Waan sugeynaa waxay la yimaadaan, waxaana abaal marin u ah Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ee wadanka iyo Aakhiro xisaab darani u taal.
  7. Nazra, Walaahi weey iga qoslisay gabartaan yar. Gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax gax. Ilaahoow na cafi.
  8. W/S Caaqil, Indeed, you are absulately right on all counts. Aid is always in an ambiguous agenda with all the evil elements at our peril. These organizations make multimillion dollars on behalf of the Somali people. They create some illusive problems and then ask for their philanthropic christian brothers to financially contribute for the alleviation of the problems they had imposed on us. Its like exactly what is taking place now in Iraq or else where in the world. They destroy you and then they send you some technical experts who can relief you, at least to sense the other side of their humanism! Marmar waxaan arkaa islaamaha qaarkood oo leh, "Caku iyo gaalo intaas waxbeey qabanayaan oo umadeey caawinayaan marna lug iyo labeey ku gooynayaan". Therefore, these are all an indicators for the demise of their reign and world dominations.
  9. MMA, Ok widaayoow, waan ku cafiyay. Waxaa tahay wiil fariid ah hada laga bilaabo ee orod shaah iisoo shub. lol Haye hada saaxiib kheyr baan kuu rajeynayaa hana hilmaamin dagaalka waa socdaa anaka iyo Ethiopian-ka foosha xun.
  10. Waan ku raacsanahay gabarta ka xanaaqday arinta ey carabtu ku kacday markeey umadii islaamka ahaa daadadku wax kasoo gaareen. Waxaa jirta Qoraal maalin dhaweyd lagu soo qoray Jaraa'idka la yiraahdo (Wall Street Journal) oo ka hadlaya sanadkii 2003 lacagaha hay'ada UN-ta ee WFP lasiiyo ineey ugu yaryihiin wadamada Islaamka, gaar ahaan, Carabta shidaalka ka dhargay. Koleey aniga Soomaali baan ka ahay, Wixii Muslim ah ilaah haka leexiyo Masiibooyinka socda, wixii dhibaata ahna gaalaan ku ogahay. Waxa carabta ka jira oo dhan macaa siyaasada Middles East waxaa masoo ka ah reer Galbeed. Period. Anyone can come to enlight me if otherwise exists in there!
  11. Caaqil, Your iisoodhiib questioning misses an important fact that exist with many sociaties, including Mexicans, Indians, Jews, Pakistanis, African communities in the diaspora, as well as certain Arab countries who depend on the iisoodhiib they recieve from their family members in the overseas. I happen to read an article awhile ago, speaking actualy the Xawaala system (remmitance) and countries who have some considerable numbers of people in the U.S., imagine that Mexican people in the States send back $10 billion annually! That is only one single country's population and as you know, Mexica is considered to be one of the well-to-do nations in the fore-front of oil producing countries! What is then wrong with their people in Mexica? Sending money back home should never become a matter of concern, but we have to look at the praisworthy factors that our money plays in saving the country. Somalia is the sole country in Africa that is leading with a decent living standards in the absense of central government. Look at the stinking Ethiopians who are suffering more than ever and currently applying some economic programs from the IMF and World Bank! They are indeed starving. I don't know if you heard this or not but I gathered somewhere that the hanger that exists in Ethiopia has prompted the govt. to ask European countries to come for adopting Ethiopian Children. This could happen our country only if we were Christians and so forth. Let's not see iisoodhiib as something of no significance to our people and country. And insha allah things will soon change for prosperity as every hardships lies some properities.
  12. Medical-ka bal inoogu yara kaadiya aan intervention gabay ah ku sameeyee. Marka hore, waxaan rabay inaan sheego tix yar oo gabay ah oo aan ugu tala galay iney dadweynaha aqristaan laakiin ujeedooyin kala oo aan halkaan lagu faafaahin karin la socdaan. Waxaana runtii garan kara macnaha iyo nuxurka tixdan qof sifiican u dhuuxa oo fahma dulucdiisa. Waxaana iri sidatan: Abdibeyba gabay kuma hawoon iyaba geeraare Inkastoon ka gaban maansada waan ku guudmariye Bal aan gabyo galabtey arin ila gudboon tahaye Wax lagalo guur baa u weyn oo lana go'aansho Gaarimaayo ruuxaan gacloon gabar asaagiise Gabar baan u haasaawe tagay goordhaw aan fogine Geeskaan ka eegaba ilaah qurux ku gaaf weeray Garaadkiyo caqliga ilaah garasho waa u uumay Gabigeedba kuma an arag gayiga aan joogo oo Geenyaan ku matalay qurux ku goobataye Gablamiwaa kii ilaah tan gees mariyo Guri ninkeey kula jirtaa gooriyo ayaan leh Oo Guur inta ugu dhacoo malin la gudoonsiiyo Aleylahey soo guul ma'ahan iyo jano lasoo gaabshay? ________________ Bal soo duceeya inuu ilaah midaas ka dhigo caruurta mustaqbalka hooyadood, .
  13. Yasmine wrote, In using the term bride price, I think the author was referring to yarad, not sooryo. Oo yarad iyo sooryo xageed ukala saartay walaaleey? Waa anigoo dhaha magacaaga maaha yasmine ee waa Yes-Mine, Anigaa kuleh lol. Marka naga daaya luuqadeena maaha in si qaldan loo fasirto. Soo waxaa garatay maaha, walaaleey!
  14. MMA, Saaxiib ma aheyn inaad itoobiyaanka foosha-xun nooga nacamleyso, waa inaad wax ka tiraahdid arinta kor u hadlida ah oo aad soo jeedisid talooyin iyo afkaaro wanwanaagsan oo waxtar leh. Tusaale qaldan ayaad noogu soo qaadatay waliba dad cadow inoo ah oo naceyb iyo dagaal naga dhexeeyo. Waad ku qaldantahay arintaan aad soo gudbisay ee fadlan waxaad dadka weydiisataa cafis iyo inaad naga raali galisid, dadku waa qaldami karaan. Marka waa sidaas saaxiib. Or should I say to you otherwise so as to undermine the respect my people deserve of me?
  15. Am very appalled with the intensity of racism towards our women that exists in the U.K. What else should we expect a typical Gaal who is active in his very cages! :eek:
  16. Ma anaa la ii tashaday maantana? Haye waan arki doonaa waxaan kala helno!
  17. Shukaansigii shaah shaaheey muu isku badalay? Waxkalena waan sugeynaa aqyaarta. Koley aniga daawadayaasha aan ku jiraa film-ka!
  18. Ar kheyr alaha kusiiyo walaashiis, wax fiican baad noo soo daabacday. Laakiin mar baan ku qoslay oo aheyd: NO PROMOTION UNLESS YOU'RE SEXUALLY TERRORISED. AND IS THIS LIBERATION? Walee gaalo iyo sir waa labo arimood oo aan kala harin. Balaayaad xor u sheegatiin, inteey dumarkoodii baabah kaga dhigeen saqajaanimo bey ku leeyihiin naagaheena waa xor!
  19. The author of the article has said the following, Every society justifies and glorifies its economical mode. The Somali nomadic system depended economically, perhaps partially on the transaction of the brideprice. Walee waan qoslay, hadaanan reer baadiye ahaan laheyn waxaas oo been ah baan qurqurin lahaa! Let me correct the author for what he grossly miscalculated about the Somali Dhaqan and values. Brideprice! wait a minute, do we have a price tag for our girls either historicaly or currently? What is going on here, it sounds like we were a sociaty that had an economy which revolved the selling of girls and so forth. Sooryo is the proper name for it, and in no way can it be called brideprice or price tag. In the 1800's, I believe, Somalia was the richest of all countries in Africa. At the time or prior that time, there were only three types of Somali people, (Xoolo dhaqato, Kaluumeysato, iyo Beeraaleey). And none of these three groups had known anything of brideprice. Sooryo is not a transaction, its a religious and cultural values where people express their gratitude for the wedding and the creation of a new family. Brideprice is nothing but a foreign defamatory description to both our culture and religion. It is something always used by the west to downlook our culture. We need to understand the fundamentals of western tricks that are solely designed to detach us from our beautiful Diin and Dhaqan. I already see some people here who are whole-heartedly taking this formless research at heart. Come on, let's stop the mere inexcusable dissatisfactions with our culture.
  20. Great Article, indeed. One thing, I believe, is absent from the article is the historical archivia in which the poetry has been for our society. Other than that, the writer has presented an excellent work that deserves an special emphasis on the part of our Nomadic females. Sorry that I didn't read the entirety of it.
  21. Wax walba waa shax shax wiilo. Ilaah mahadiis, kheyr baan halkaan ku heynaa. ehehe. hawada ka waran iyo cimilada sidee tahay xagiina?
  22. Ii warama hadaan soo galee, maxaa la sheegay?
  23. War ma waalatay, maxeey tahay waxaad ka hadleyso? Ma hadaad bilowday inaad kaligaa isla hadashid, sida wax kor laga soo tuuray!
  24. The mother of my all plans is Paradise. What other plans do you want me to embark? :cool:
  25. ^^^ Saddam Xuseen iyo American aniga koley wax iskuma keey dhaamaan, laakiin markuu Saddam joogay iyo hada waxaa u dhexeeyo farqi weyn. Sidaas darteed waxaan ku oran lahaa iska yaree "propoganda"-da aad ka dhuuqeysid reer galbeedka saxaafadooda oo ey marwalba kusoo celcelinayaan Saddaam dadkiisii ayuu laayay, sun ku shubay, tirtiray, qabuuro ka dhigay i.w.m. Sunta yaa siisay Saddam, ma is weeydiisay? Yaa kaalmeeyay Saddam inuu Iran la dagaalamo? Yaa yiri weerar Saddam wadanka Kuwiat? Waxaas oo dhan baad inta iska indhatirtay baad ku hadaaqeysaa waxay gaalada idaacadohooda ka sheegaan! Daciifnimada iska daa walaal, nin rag ah waa kii raadiya runta, markii loo sheegana ka mahadceliya. Marka walaal, waxna yuusan hadal kaa tagin, fadlan dib ugu laabo "contemporary history" oo naftaada kala dagaalan jahliga eey Galbeedku faafiyaan ee aan dhihi karo waa "Doqoni-garatay". Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaan ku oran lahaa marlabaad, Aniga kuma dhihin waxaan ahay Muslim Qawi ah, hana iga sugin inaan sidaas ku dhaho. Waxaana shaqsi ahaan qabaa inaan Muslimka aniga ugu liito, saa waxaan maata ku sheegto Islaamka ayaaba iska yar. S/C