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Everything posted by Kulmiye

  1. Kulmiye


    Lychee said it well- no one is perfect- dont let society scale your worth. We all have a gift- and who you share with that gift is an imminent- only God knows your destiny.
  2. "No room for women in Somali politics" I dont see why is that surprising considering how little we have progress from the 18 century to now? i mean still most of our bathrooms have a holes... you have to seat in a stone with a full of xaraar underneath. our streets have no signs or lights- just a man controlling the traffic with a whistle. markaa why are we even talking about putting women in office when it looks like we still live in the stone ages?
  3. looks like some of us are waving the colors of double standards- like "Aaliyah" and many of you said, don't expect a fresh apple' if you're not able to return the favor.
  4. someone's norms is another one's taboo. ironically this social norms in the african-american community is still a relevant issue.
  5. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/monster-door-9894303?&clipId=9894303&playlistId=9894303&cid=sitepla yer Man, Somalis this days- there goes more media coverage- more "Somalis" on CNN and Fox. even the somalis are saying “You know these Somali people. They are no good. They just get you in trouble or they want something from you. It is better to stay away. I tell my children when you see Somalis don’t talk to them...they are just trouble!” http://lostinnostalgia.wordpress.com/
  6. why would anyone wants to waste their time to research the most obvious things is beyond me- I mean if you could see that the water you want to drink are dirty and have an odd colors- do you need to do a research to understand that they're dirty? US should be concern about their health problems and high unemployment rate-
  7. "Median Net Worth of Single Black Women in Prime Working Years: $5" http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2010/03/median-net-worth-of-single-black-women-in-prime-working-years -5.html Isnt that crazy?
  8. yeay! my Togdheer people doing well for themselves:) mansha'allah- ku'wii dalkooda iyo dadkoodaba wax tara Ilaahay haydinka dhigo( AMIIN)
  9. how does she walk around with a dirty mouth? ufeey jessica is coming! run for your life. lol
  10. Cumar Dhuule is my all time favorite singer and song writer/ but for the moment i have to go with this song by Cabdi Tahliil:) *Hawlaahagii* huqdoodaan la taahaa hurgumadii jacaylkey i haleeloo heegada isaaree halbawlaha wadnaha iyo halistii wareentee ma ii hiilineysaa ma ii hagar baxaysaa ma ii huri karaysaa waan kuu haweynoo waan kugu hamiyayaa sida hilaaciyo hirdoogliyo canab waqal hadheeyaay haween ha igu noqonine hubiyoo ila garo hagaagoo hurdo nimaad u diidoo kuu hiloobey baan ahay ma ii hiilineysaa ma ii hagar baxaysaa ma ii huri karaysaa waan kuu haweynoo waan kugu hamiyayaa taan haweenkiyo hablaha kale waa hore ka doortaay waa tan heshiinee hawraartiyo haasawaha dhameynee hagar daamiyo ciil anna yaan la hoyanine ma ii hiilineysaa ma ii hagar baxaysaa ma ii huri karaysaa waan kuu haweynoo waan kugu hamiyayaa
  11. Yaa diidan Qeylodhaan both songs bring a relevant message-one that speaks valumes. "Yaa Diidan" raises a great question' more importantly its a sound for the youth- which gives special attention to the history as well as the existence of the current problems in Somalia. more videos like this should be giving to a wider audience of our young generation as a wake up call. The future of Somalia sits in the shoulders of the younger generation.
  12. Aaliya, it was meant as a figure speech- literally means a wolf and lion have a different rules of hunting.
  13. haha- waxa liyidhi dawoco iyo libaax waa kala dookh oo sibay wax ukala dabraan:)
  14. alla maxaan gabadh yar lugooyey- mid'ba tay ka qurux iyo dabeecad wacantahay ayaan dabba ordaa. Commitment maaaha taydu- waa conflict of interest*
  15. 20 years for what? robbery for 20 years? thats insane. justice system with no lawyers- wax walba ka sug.
  16. I think one needs a great amount of money to experience the best of many places. however one should not lose all his time to harvest plenty to enjoy life.
  17. JB, looks like you mirror down every possible criticism against Somaliland, yet you always fail to acknowledge the sovereignty of unified Somali. its in the best interest of Somaliland to blend with the Southern region and find a mutual ground that will expand their progress and build a government that will serve both South and North. Because of their progress and their strength in the political process- the Northern Somalia can be the building process of Somali-nimo. When can argue that it hasnt work before- but if giving a chance I belief that greater Somalia is imminent only if we set old bitterness and your experience of tribal discrimination. One- Somali is an essential to the landscape as well as the economic development of both north and south. We just need the leaders- a Professionals that can seat together and inspire each other with a vision of progress and peace. a men with a common goal- not money motivated rats, but a men of great ethics and the possibility to cure our land from the illness of clansmen and old habits.
  18. JB, saxib i think he is little too tall for a singer- perhaps he should tryout for Togdheer football team. Or the basketball if there is one:)
  19. I admire the work of Rageh, and the argument that he has a secret amusement for somaliland is a myth in the air. the man loves his people equally, he visited somaliland, one- because Hergaysa is said to be his home- two he is a news man, and he was there to bring something new to his audience. nothing more nothing less*at least to my knowledge.
  20. Walahay i'm getting sick of somali music nowadays- the same instruments for each and every song- akh-
  21. Kulmiye


    Originally posted by Khayr: quote: unjust gesture to the SOL-male community Yeah man, how you going to enter the Lion's Den and not pay respects to the Lions and dare to only mention the birds. :mad: haha, I suppose the birds brought this gentleman to the forum... so let him express his joy for their harmony. speaking of which- i need to pay my respect as well, but i dont know where or who to started from...hmmm
  22. does it matter? i am 24 if that feeds a hungry kid:)
  23. "charity begins at home" waa run. the amount of money that was raised for Haiti in one day was ten times more than what was raised for Somalia for 20 years. *just a thought*
  24. BISMILLA HIR RAHMA NIR RAHIM - ALLAHOOMMA INNI AS'ALOKA TA'JEELA AAFIYATEKA AV SABRAN ALA BALIYATEKA WA KHOROOJAN MINAD-DOONYA ILA RAHMATEKA In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. My Allah I ask Thee quick recovery or else endurance on Thy trial from this world towards Thy Mercy. God Bless Somalia.