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Everything posted by MZanzi

  1. There is a saying in Puntland that "haddii shibiri dhuusto shacabka dhexdiisa, shabakad baa lagu soo sharixi sheex la'aan".
  2. Horta Ninki jin lahadli jiray aaway ? nuune
  3. Wow, you guys are having a field day! war nimanyaho dadkan muslimka ah walaalihin cadaawada uqabtin weynan badana
  4. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Che sometimes you have to sacrifice alot to achieve all your goals. ^^waryaahe sidan recognition kuma heleeside yuusan hadal kaa tagin Is there any hope that you will get that recognition?
  5. مأ دى! الشباب حركة لأ تعرفون شئ من التاريخ! و١لتأريخ في حأضره ومأضيه يشهد بذآلك! إذآ، من فرعنك أنت يا فرعون؟!ألم تقرء القرءان عمرك مرة؟ الصومال أمة تحتاج الى اتضامنْ والتآزرْ والتعاونْ. الشباب فرقةٌٌ ضالّّة منحرفة. الله يهديهم.
  6. ^^ how do u know if someone is HIV positive? Misa waa iska qiyaas waxaada?
  7. MZanzi

    Nigerian scams

    hehhhe war waxu nacasana.
  8. ^^ carab gajay fooqul carab gajay ..afsomali fiican so qor ninyoho PS. Mardhowna waxaa so wadin hada reer SL tihiin raaxneeka disaan aw u oos racfaa
  9. ^ sxb waxkale aad ku dacaayadeso maa weysay with all due respect You're not very Creative ee ninyoho dib iskugu noqo wax kale oo dacaayad noqon karo laso shir tag
  10. MZanzi

    Fitness Freaks

    Has the pain been building up from previous workouts or only after the last lift? i only felt the pain after doing squat this morning but it seems like now i'm getting lil bit better if your a big fun of squat and deadlifts read this article it was on FLEX Magazine few months ago Air…The Secret to Big Squats and Deadlifts, Safely! When it comes to squats and deadlifts perfect form is a reoccurring theme in almost every article, blog or advice column. It is with good reason proper form is reinforced. Be it powerlifter, bodybuilder or fitness athlete the most free weight anyone will move is during these two exercises. When done properly they provide nearly complete stimulation to almost every muscle fiber in the body. Additionally the synergistic effect of the heavy weight boosts natural growth hormones, which not only builds muscle but improves overall health! That being said the most overlooked key to safe and strong squats and deadlifts has nothing to do with form and everything to do with the air we breathe. A common practice among lifters is to breathe out when exerting under the strain of heavy wieght, and normally this is the correct technique for most exercises. However, it is this very practice that weakens the core and sets up the lifter for a guaranteed injury. For those waiting for the secret to big squats and deadlifts here it is…never breath out on the upward or downward movement of any squat or deadlift. Why you ask? Think of it this way. Take an empty plastic bottle and tighten the cap. Now crush it or try to. Go ahead squeeze with all of your might. In fact you can even run over a small half liter soda or water bottle with a car and it normally won’t break or pop. Now take the cap off. Crushes easy doesn’t it? The same thing happens to you. Breath out hard and your internal pressure drops to nearly nothing. All of that stress goes to the only thing left holding you up…the spine and its disk and the supportive muscles in your back. Crush an open bottle and it crumples. The stress from being crushed causes a sharp deformation in the first weak spot to go. The fear that a squat bar will do the same and crush a lifter is one of the primary reasons many people avoid doing the squat! Fear no more and get back under the bar or start pulling it from the ground! Our bodies act exactly like the closed bottle when it is under stress. So long as you hold that air, the core stays very strong and stable. For those physics majors this is a Boyles law being applied to a real world application. By holding the air in your lungs the internal pressure is distributed equally in all directions, which means throughout your entire core and not just your back. Now your spine and all those erector muscles aren’t doing all the work. The whole body is increasing core stability dramatically! Not only does holding your breath take stress off of the spine it also builds your abs. Now let’s switch to a balloon analogy. Hold a balloon tightly around the middle with your hands and it can handle several pounds of weight without popping. Release it and the weight will crush the balloon and it pops. In the case of squats and deadlifts your abs are just like your hands around a balloon. They must resist the outward force cause by the internal pressure from the weight you are bearing. The more weight you support, the higher the internal pressure and resultantly the more your abs must work and get stronger. All of which depends on your proper control of air under stress. Now let’s put this into practice. First, don’t take a giant breath. It should be just enough to keep your core solid. Too little air and you can’t apply enough pressure to your core and it becomes unstable. Too much air and you will find it hard to hold the air in, and it will be very uncomfortable to move through the lower portion of the movement if not impossible. To perform the squat hold your air through the entire down and up portion of the movement. Take a fresh breath at the top of every rep. Then repeat the cycle for every single rep. When doing the deadlift hold the air in when you start the lift until you are upright. You can take a breath at the top, but before returning the bar hold the air in again. Once the bar has returned to the floor take in your next breath and repeat the cycle for every rep. Most deadlift injuries occur during the downward movement as many lifters relax their control or purposely drop the bar. With breath control being the centerpiece to a safe and effective lift it is absolutely important you control the lifts every single rep! In using strict breath control you will find your rep rate will decrease moderately. This is a result of having to breath in and out only during certain points of the lift movement. However this is an added benefit as it will increase your form awareness, and your overall lifting technique will be enhanced synergistically. Also remember…although breath control is key to the success of these lifts, there are several other aspects that will enhance the squat and deadlift performance and safety. More to come on those pointers in my next secrets to powerlifting success article! Fear not the bar and get out there and starting using the two most important muscle building lifts available to any trainer. Just remember that air does a lot more for you than just provide oxygen!
  11. MZanzi

    Fitness Freaks

    waraada horta what are the symptoms of Slipped Disk ... I hurt my back squatting today I've always been afraid to lift much on squat and deadlift to hurt my back. right now i'm feeling pain on my lower back and hip
  12. somali dadka ugu honest san burco eey ka imaadan ..i have two friends oo reer burco ah waligay somali kafiican ma arkin
  13. MZanzi

    Fitness Freaks

    LOOOOL@I had dinner at 9pm and woke up still feeling full disgi dhan baad kucasheesay
  14. MZanzi

    Fitness Freaks

    ^^Norfy...your a big fun of KFC ...war ninyoho KFC maxa laguugu sheegay ibti.Dont feel proud on skipping your breakfast as tht's the worst thing tht u can do for your body.after all, skipping breakfast will not make you thin,but instead it will make weak and fatigued.
  15. Ngonge c'mon awoowe qardho looks like a paradise island miyaad arag sideey u cagaarantahay
  16. ^^^Burco badar lacuno miyaa? Waxanu leenahay ..labadan tuulo boorka kakacayo fankooda naga baandheeya
  17. ^^^LooL waraa horta seey nooga bad badiyeen maka yaabtay ..Burco & qardho
  18. lool@i wanna gain weight sidi oorso camal ..if u wanna gain weight sidi oorso camal ..inject ur asss with steriods lol... waraa haye run haumaleyn yaah ..haiskugu dhawaan cirbad lol
  19. ^^LoL Juxa I have a passion for baking,but i know only Bake sweet potatoes lol but it really enjoy reading the Cake TALK ...ayaantan waxad umaleysa inaa sheekadisi kabaxdeen lol waraa Garab tuujie salaam camii
  20. sheekadi Cake'ga snow maa ku badasheen
  21. midii baa jaq jadooda lo dulqadan karine ..4 ninka damco wale asaa cirka roob ku'og