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Everything posted by rudy-Diiriye

  1. sorry bro! i was just teasing yah! welcome bro & break on the clown!!lol..
  2. sorry bro! i was just teasing yah! welcome bro & break on the clown!!lol..
  3. sorry bro! i was just teasing yah! welcome bro & break on the clown!!lol..
  4. sorry bro! i was just teasing yah! welcome bro & break on the clown!!lol..
  5. Amen barwaaqo! how true yet we praise ppl who slaughter, push boats back in the sea where many women and children die, yet who tells us that they r our muslim brothrens but stab us in the back. can anyone tell me why there is no single refuge camp in saudia to help desparate refugees, while poor nations like kenya etc where the first to give refugees shelter. Problem with somalis i notice is they have problems separating their enemies and friends!!!!
  6. i crack up loudly too whenever i come across this thread bro! specially the names! silent sista and dhuusaye! its too funny.
  7. i crack up loudly too whenever i come across this thread bro! specially the names! silent sista and dhuusaye! its too funny.
  8. i crack up loudly too whenever i come across this thread bro! specially the names! silent sista and dhuusaye! its too funny.
  9. i crack up loudly too whenever i come across this thread bro! specially the names! silent sista and dhuusaye! its too funny.
  10. i like to cover my head when i go to bed and leave the lites on!
  11. u folks heard of las vegas, they have a drive by wedding condoms as side order) couple of buddies did it:)
  12. lemme put my 2cents. i would like ce this. all east africa to unite in one nation and kick the ass of following countries. egypt, saudi arabia and yemen. and let them pays for all the ppl they stole as slaves since the dawn of civilization... u ce pay back is *****!! word!!
  13. but is ne saas af somali, i looked up a dictionary couldnt find it! also, i never heard this word before....but will take a note!!
  14. for the record, i am guy og-gal! so anyone in la wants to hookup! come to yankee doodle at santa monica promande this saturday between 9:00pm to 2:00am. lets shoot some pool and then socialize.
  15. i am terrified of you since you could be a virgin
  16. hey is possible to pray in english, and if so do u have it in english!!
  17. all i could come up was viagra! well! i guess homie u the man!
  18. og-gal, u is welcome anytime! lemme ask this though.. i like u, sistas, bros in kuwait throw a little get together of the nomads there! sort of like quick, instantaneous thingy. just pick apartment, mall, cyber cafe and just do it etc. then we will organize all the cities around the world. i will do la! ok...what do u think! I will wear my hijab...seriously and go as women!!
  19. same hear walaalayaal! may he look after all of us! please show unity/love to those effected. thx
  20. rudy-Diiriye


    babe u is sick, distrubed and evil walaahi! but then again u could just looking for attention. okeeye.. i would sista, just hold your held up, seek help if u have to, but shaydanka isknaar ok, and fear allah! cuz one day your judgement day will come! u is the first person that touch my heart and i want u to know that u r in my prayers!
  21. its all small talk! so how U been! ce!
  22. thats a sad story really. good luck there bro! i am sure u gonna have a wonderful time. i was born but dont remember nothing there! my favouriate thing down there will be visting the radio station!>
  23. xalimo!hah! i wonder if i would ever meet her in this life! does she talk, smile, get happy or sad.. i wonder why she is so doubtfull sometimes! while i got her back 100%