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Everything posted by J.Lee

  1. @Diigaale Who remembers Loc Dog from Don't be a Menace: I watched that movie when I was 9 and I still haven't forgotten his pick-up line. *Cocks gun* gimme your #. GET YOUR COAT LOVE YA PULLED what exactly does this mean?
  2. What else could they do walaal but depend on the kindness of strangers? When Somali families first migrated to America, they had to beg Uncle Sam to receive some of his government cheese because they weren't able to stand on their own two feet and support themselves yet. Maandhow, I see a little difference with that situation and this. Besides, maxaa ka horeeyo even if they decided to go back home? Would their situation or living conditions change?
  3. Very sad, the people need educating big time. They all seem to think Yemen, Dubai (or UAE in genral), Saudi (all be it on a hopeful transit to the EU) are good places for them. If only they knew Igu raac ama iga diid, but those places are far more better than Somalia: Think about it. How bad must the conditions of our country and that of our neighbor be if its citizens are risking death and Allah knows what else rather than live there? As far as they are concerned it can't be worse than what they are running from walaal.
  4. J.Lee

    Somali Vs English.

    Castro: we all can't be blessed with the wisdom and knowledge of old age maandhow, ee give us a break and lend us your (in)sight instead of mocking us.
  5. J.Lee

    Somali Vs English.

    ^ Somali is far more describtive than English. Critter: Ginger Tea or unsweetened tea ring a bell. (I'm curious, who did you ask, mom or dad? ) Yeah, Kurus is what I meant.
  6. J.Lee

    Somali Vs English.

    ^What do they mean horta? I have near heard of them before. Karuur is the hump. Wallac: enceinte or first trimester Suuro: Attitude or sass Jeeb Tuug: deceptive, underhanded, a Moocher! Garaangar: Wheel Go' round. Milk: Mac geel: Camel Milk Garoor: Sour (buttermilk) milk (there is a specific word, but I don't remember it right now) Labeen: butter cream Tea: Waarikow: Tangawiis Milk or without milk: dry or wet: shaax sijui Food: Canjeelo: Flatcake Ninac luubaani: lollipop (sweetdrops lol) Icun: Jelly cookies Gymnastics: Gacmo socod: Baby steps (west coast slang) Derbi saar: Wallcrawler
  7. If I could kiss your fingers right about now, I would:I'm almost in tears.
  8. I'm into the '70's (complete with an afro) and "conscious enviro" with a Somali twist this season. Black and white: a long tunic shirt almost to the knees, khamaar, flat veggie shoes, hoop earrings, a cropped jacket and a lot of bangles. I have never gone gaga for goo Dolls over a mainstream designer or their style (aside from Stella's veggie shoes) so I usually get most of my shopping done at independent trendies: what I like about them is that they can custom make clothes for you. (A major plus) I'm not by all means a fashionista but I like to look clean and I like nice things.
  9. J.Lee

    The N-word

    ^ if any of your brothers are over 6'3, I wouldn't mind being a min yarad. Speaking of brothers, none of mine are married and I really want to get rid off them especially the one that posted before you, so if you know any hablo oo guur diyaar u ah ama guur raadis ku jidha, send them flying my way please.
  10. @Freaks for justice: considered yourself so disowned. B.T.W Whatever laugh I may have had at my own expense was to mask the pain I was feeling. ( )
  11. @They can't reap what they neglected to sow That reminds me of a G. Carlin joke. My take on this is that: if you fear Allah then you should obey your parents and do right by them even if they neglect their duty to you. Horta, does having a "healthy" relationship (read: being friends) with your parent/s really matter in the long scheme of things?
  12. J.Lee

    The N-word

    SB: Thank you for the kind words: I'm overwhelmed maandhow. To the above posters: If you use nayaa to describe women and you believe that there is nothing wrong with its usage then you should have no problems addressing your mother(a woman)by that term. Laakiinse hadaa eraygaas hooyadaa aada u quurin, then you shouldn't call another girl by that phrase: after all, these girls,insha'allah, are going to be somebody's mother: for all you know one of them might even be midaa calafkaada ku xidhan lahayd oo guri geysan lahayd. Have a nice day
  13. J.Lee

    The N-word

    Atheer: I'm just a concious penny-pincher. Ahura: ceremonykaa sheegaysid maxaa weeye? Dude, yaradii iyo zooryadii haduu bixiyey inanku,oo hadana maherkii aan isku raacnay, and he donated to some of my favorite health organizations wax kale aan ka rabo ayaaba iska yar. What is the point of vacationing when you are on your honeymoon? You are throwing ubber salt in the game plan maandhay.
  14. J.Lee

    The N-word

    ^Maandhay, not only is it irresponsible it's completely stup!d : it's also f*ckava waste. Lacag intaas la'eg ayaa kaa baxayso for what? 6 hrs of non-stop partying and a dreamt about moment of glory that will completely be out of the minds of the attendees within a week? Shiidaad badanaa. Critter:
  15. J.Lee

    The N-word

    What spells? what husband? dude, I'm not married. Ahura: any man who pays £50k for a wedding is a dayuus that deserves to be neutered; he is not fit to reproduce nor should he be married. Irresponsible
  16. J.Lee

    The N-word

    Foxy: I guess it is different strokes (or in this case races) for different folks: Runtii, kudos to you walaal for not going by the book, unlike you fulay baa ahay anigu. Monkey Man: I think it's an Aries' thing. Back to the topic: Usually when a guy calls a girl nayaa, I noticed she either replies: "adhi miyaa i naagaystay oo i uureeyay?" or "[expletive] naarta ka naagnaagey naagtaada ma ihiyee" : their reactions led me to believe that they wouldn't have objected if the man had been their husband. ( :confused: ) So my question to you SOL ladies is, would you allow your husband to call you that?
  17. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind ma is tidhi.
  18. J.Lee

    The N-word

    ^I.Personally, I'm not attracted to non-Somalis. Don't get me wrong though, there are some (non-somalis that is) that I find so handsome they make me want to send a thank you note to their dead ancestors but there is no attraction what so ever (at least on my part ). Weird innit? II. My Somali is perfect, well at least when I'm around dhalinyarada, laakiinse it's when I'm speaking to waayeelka particularly ayeeyooyinka that I have a problem. I tend to get into what my brothers term an "anti-social somglish mode". I give short and monotone answers in both languages to questions that ask for a more defined and clear jawaab: I answer as if I just can't wait to end the conversation. My brothers seem to think inaa kas ama kibir daraadeed aan u sameenaayo but honestly, I don't even notice I'm doing it or why I do it.
  19. ^miniga minikaaga waaye dheh.
  20. If criticizing Israel comes under the heading of or leads to acts of terrorism (which I believe is the implied assumption here) then they can use certain clauses of the Patriot Act as means of extracting information or at least a form of "lawful" monitoring. So what exactly would be the point of passing this bill? I'm just curious.
  21. ^U aint the only one walee. I get goosebumps whenever I listen to either her, Anita or Ms. Joss stone. Song of the moment: Field mob ft. Ciara- So what? Jay-Z feat Nas and Notorious B.I.G. - Who's the Best MCs? Saigon - Shot In The Boooty Papoose feat J. R. Writer - Style Wars
  22. I think ol' boy may have more critical acclaim than commercial success but he definitely has the potential to make it and blow up big (at least as an underground artist) Here we go, from the poorest and blackest of people: to surviving in the streets of Mogadishu: The most dangerous and armed and lethal: yet peaceful: we know evil
  23. ^ No, but at least unlike the beaners they're insured (full cover) and have a valid license. If anybody should be barred from driving, it should be senior citizens especially those that drive 40 mph on the I-5 express lanes. God lord, waayeelka are so eager to meet the reaper they don't mind taking you along for company. Just plain scary.
  24. How do you know he is faking? Could it be that you believe that simply because that is what you'd be doing if it were you in that given situation? Lol Ar dee ninyahow, run hadaa rabtidh, your understanding of the human psyche especially the males is bit screwed. First, stop generalizing! We each, though there are traits which may unify us, have a personality that is independent of our sexual classification: each woman and man is as unique as a fingerprint: what applies to one doesn't apply to another; it is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition. Ma i fahantay? Second, our mind understands its surrounding environment by using frames: associating frames is how we interpret and translate information so that we are able to form a viewpoint or rather an opinion: form some sort of understanding about what the things that take place in everyday life. In your example, certain things we see on the screen may mirror some images of our past or what we believe may likely be our future: it's kind of like a know-new contract. So even if the image is one of make belief, the frame we associate it with, the one that is conjured, is a reality to us. As a result, we express ourselves, whether by acts of aggression, nonchalant repression, and so forth. One that is mostly favored by humans is emotional expression, particularly in the form of tears. It allows us to get rid off what ever grievances and feelings we may have toward whatever frame the image that we are viewing or analyzing produced; it's like exhaling, in a sense you are breathing out CO2 (negative associated feelings) and breathing in clean Oxygen or rather a better balanced and calm outlook.
  25. Death is too easy of a sentence: they should use the Chinese torture system where this incestuous pedophile is concerned.