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Everything posted by Malika

  1. ^^^I know, probably its time to adopt a excuse to snoop around the
  2. Waar Emperor, dee Arusha kenya kumaa taloo,its a TZ city. Paragon,.., Mombasa sounds like my old city Dar es salaam!, I sure do miss the mishaki,mihogo ya kuchoma and madafu juice....those long evenings strolling around the city... Enjoy your trip!!
  3. Shehe, he probably did a manual count..I couldnt see the figures anyway..yep I was that bored,I
  4. Jacaylbaro...which one of those guys on that picture is you?
  5. Will it make any different if she is short,stocky and men tend to find women whom serve them quite attractive. I was listening to a lecture by a sheikh from Mombasa,walle the dude was hilarious.He was talking about ladies of luxury,sending the maid to do everything ,including serving their husbands needs[not as you would be thinking]but just the usual,fetching his shoes,socks,water.Serving him meals etc etc..including making the bed in your room,she then[the maid] becomes more visible to your husband,he grows a soft spot for her,as I cant believe men actually love to be served this much....What he was saying dont bring another woman in the house expecting her to take your role and for your husband not to be confused..who is
  6. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: It seems those so-called major 'wonders' always are located currently in Muslim lands or were built by Muslims. It always seems that. The new list on that site has those: - Taj Mahal - Hagia Sophia - Timbuktu - Pyramids of Giza - Petra MMA,Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers all facets of human life, while the West was enveloped in its Dark Ages,Islamic teaching laid the foundation for scientific, thought and paved the way for the scientific developments we see in the world today.Also,the Muslim World was at the height of learning and development. It is a known fact that the Renaissance was due in great part to the advancement and transmission of knowledge from the Muslim Civilization.
  7. All that beauty, stuck indoors,staring at a pc all day, I could have been a farmer,a ranch owner..or running a sucessful beach resort, if only, if only..aaarg!!
  8. Xanthus, you have already been to Miyi? that was a quick trip, baal igaa waraan geel jiree yashii? Have fun!
  9. ^^^Why? are you one of the types mentioned...
  10. Lool,these women described here are just emotinally damaged people whom lack balance in their view of themselves and how to relate to the world around them..., nothing to be scared of.. and avoided. How come the faraaxs had mr educated,rich etc etc..and the Xalimos have ms spoiled,hate,nag..bisinkaa this is damaging image dee sure there are many ms educated,rich etc are those to be avoided??? Why are women always viewed in a such a negative way?..if a woman is into her image,and would only spare her time talking to a like man,she is viewed as arrogant..but a man is allowed to choose,and actually women are encouraged to look their best for the men...double standards!!!
  11. ^^^^Loool,this place is quite educational...!
  12. Allamagan,it wouldnt matter if the Somali families are claiming benefits,as the goverment will add the cost of looking after the adopted or fostered children.
  13. Ameen to Maya Angelou...indeed a phenomenal woman!!
  14. ^^Rudy care to enlight us,it seems the longer we are in the west the more we seem not to get the faraax's... Which type of faraax's should we be avoiding?
  15. BEHIND EVERY GREAT MAN THERE IS A GREAT WOMAN!!!! [/QB] I find this disturbing,Crystal clear..sister a great woman is by all means not a dumb woman.A great woman is a clever,smart,intelligent and independent thinker,she is who she is and in order for her to be able to aspire a man to be great she darn well need to be a smart woman. Behind every great man ,there is a great woman...indeed, this woman would be supportive,inspirational,dedicated and committed to the betterment of her life,which means his and their children[if any] tell me how is a dumb woman going to inspire anyone to be great,when she cant even inspire her ownself and be who she is...claim you God given right..and be who your are,the clever sassy woman you are.. phew! Girl Power!
  16. Khalaf there are no guarantees with marriages,either be with someone your parents think is suitable or someone you brung home to them... As for the high divorce rates,lets blame the trauma sydrome..
  17. A mix bag is needed here,a bit of all makes a perfect Faraax!! ancitipating the list of Xalimos to avoid,I am sure I would be one of
  18. ^^^Heck no!! you dont have to,be yourself and the warrior will present The most frustrating thing is pretending to be something your not,as long as your intellect isnt a threat to the relationship,you should never have to be less then who you are..If the man cant appreciate your intellect then he really isnt what you need.
  19. Emperor, what an image!very powerful,a boy armed with only stones against a mighty powerful weapons of destruction!! can they fight an ideology,how can they oppress a desire for freedom!! MMA,had you asked for these kids permission to post their images? I like the captain Somalia..,stricking!!
  20. Loool, you lot make Chuck Norris sound so delicious!
  21. MJ ,safar salaama.. As for those poor xalimos back home,dee uqaleyaa gabdahaa,waa iskaa cadii dee hadee insoo doweyaan..jeez ungrateful so and so's..if they didnt you lot would be complaining whats wrong with these Xalimos..are they into so and so and ignoring their brothers..if they come in flocks to welcome you complain there is no winning with the faraax's. Me this summer heading to sunny Dar-es-salaam,then Zanzibar for a whole 7 weeks..I am sure I would come back with a great sun tan!! so I could gloat at
  22. I dont believe beauty has any thing to do with the intellect of a girl/Woman.The men I know,prefer women whom are smart,independent.. But I am not saying there arent those men out there whom prefer mentally unchallenging women,makes them feel good,it complements their ego's..
  23. ^^Looks like the police has taken the position of elders..Marriage life in the west can be an isolating business,if your going through a difficult patch and your not equiped to deal with such conflict, who do you turn to? Marriage counselling is alien to us...while if you have a good family network that can support the marriage and get elders involved to help solve whatever the conflict might be.We need support,we need spiritual/cultural guidance when dealing with conflicts within the marriage. It is sad,the faraax in this case,doesnt have enough courage to stand up to his wife,she also need to learn to respect him as a person not only as a cash machines.