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Everything posted by Ahmed_Guree

  1. Nope duke might just replace him if the old man refuses to wake up from his Kennel in the Royal Vetenary Institute of London
  2. charcoal traders? dude didnt you not come to the west from charcoal trade revenue? Man you guys leaft the juba landscape quite deplorable
  3. so are you going to send guys like Xalanle and Co? to do the dirty work?
  4. ^^I just found out that am really from the clans from Mogadishu Is it not a wonderful coincidence
  5. Let me help you why dont you rephrase it this way. Somalia cannot have 3 presidents. 1.Yeey 2.Cade 3.Riyaale
  6. more news as the 11th hr approaches. http://kismaayonews.com/newsdetails.php?subaction=showfull&id=1173981405&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1&
  7. SNM Abwan with due respect, I call it a terrorist orgarnisation that were selectively targeting communities rather than apprehending their foes. My uncle was killed by this animals nor was he a civil servant nor a Govt mercenary.
  8. I hope you dont mean using them to decimate Mogadishu. This time however i wouldnt support an Ethiopian mole unleashing their wrath on civilians in Mogadishu. Xalanle dont tell me same tactics will be used in Mogadishu. this will inturn lead to the demise of the TFG.
  9. You see the somalilanders are good at making stories. They claim that clip is Morgan. Though i wouldnt support the indescriminate use of artillery on civilian population,i do support the Govt hunting down of the culprits. The SNM were much as culprits than the Govt. Infact SNM was sabotaging the daily activies in the region,kidnapping,raping and killing civilians and blaming it on the Govt. I would blame SNM for the attrocites that happened. SNM was an Ethiopian Mole in somalia and were hiding under the excuse of Qabilism.
  10. This is what is called pschodrama. They pretend they will fight incase they fight the casualties of war in both sides will be Muslims thats the 21st Century war tactic of the Xabashi.
  11. 1. http://shirqool.com/details.php?image_id=612&sessionid=ee880902f633fb098fce8ec322f2695c 2. http://shirqool.com/details.php?image_id=613&sessionid=ee880902f633fb098fce8ec322f2695c
  12. You see the Clan Govt is in a dirty mission of revenging the 90's civil war that so the Exodus of Mogadishu residents. You see when you talk of disarming it means selective targeting one community and a declaration of War. But what is going to happen in Mogadishu is a blood bath. may Allah safeguard the Masakiin.
  13. http://kismaayonews.com/newsdetails.php?subaction=showfull&id=1173900445&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1& This is what i call the revival of old Hostilities.
  14. Duke since you leave in a world of dillussions why dont you just cast aside the story and Fabricate it as 'Fire crackers leads to pendamonium' coz the more you mention of the problem the more their is a case. where there is smoke theres fire.
  15. Talking about 'political prostitute' did you bargain with her and turned you down?
  16. Duke you need to get a pay rise for your unwavered support for the Clan Govt seems you work tirelessly day and night propagating the Clan Govt I can say you can beat Idamaale only if you translate your work to Af-Somaali for bigger audience :cool:
  17. Takoo that also means that the ICU have also acquired IIdamale Coz recently Beenta baa yaradhey from 100% to staggering 10% shows some new admin
  18. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Juje: Somaalida aya horey uu sheegtey fuley wax ka qoryo badan maleh. Ila iyo sanadki tegey ayad waxa ku heysa "4000 armed forces - finished traning and deployed", welina wax kaso naasa cad maleh. Jenerale halke bey saladu iska qabsan la'dahey saxiibo? So Juje is no longer voting with Duke? What has changed yaa Juje? I thought you decidedly wanted Courts defeat. You see the post that Duke promise to give to Juje once the ICU are riden of has been mistakenly been given to Yoonis. thats when Juje Decided that the TF were Clan Govt Am I right Juje http://www.aminarts.com/Mar_1_2007.htm
  19. Kamalu Ceeb dude who Somalidoon btw me and you. dude i dont need to be baptised by a ******* of your nature into my family. comprende. ____________ Afxumada ka ilaali meesha. [ March 14, 2007, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  20. JB wats up with your pro-TNG reporting or is it due to Bubaa being your Adheer.
  21. Rome was not built in a day Neither was it build with the help of the Carthaginians