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Everything posted by Maaddeey

  1. ^ Maya, aniga kolley!. Kulligood including the USC baqti bay ahaayeen dhibaato dadka baday, e adigu ma SNF baad qiil u raadinaysaa?.
  2. 'face to face aan Obam ula fariistay, side to sidena Clinton aan ula istaagay' miyaa sheekadu!.
  3. ^ Salaam, Juxat. Hilibka soocan baan sheegayaa, walaalo. Subax qabow.
  4. Ciidamada AMISOM oo dad xoolo dhaqato ku xasuuqay deegaanka Leego Siddeed ruux ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay geeriyoodeen sagaal kalana ay dhaawacyo ka soo gaareen kadib markii ay ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan deegaanka Leego ay rasaas ku fureen qoysas xoolo dhaqato ah oo ku nool deegaan ka tirsan Leego. Dadkan waxyeelada ka soo gaartay weerarkan ayaa la sheegay in ay ahaayeen xoolo dhaqato iyadoo dadka geeriyoodayna ay ka mid ahaayeen haween. Sidoo kale weerarkan ay ku qaadeen ciidamada AMISOM dadkan xoolo dhaqatada ah ayaa waxaa waxyeello ka soo gaartay xoolo isugu jira geel iyo ari. Guddoomiyaha Leego Cabdifataax Alcadaala ayaa sheegay in dadkan ay si ulakac ah u xasuuqeen ciidamada Uganda ee ku sugan gobolka Sh/hoose. Xildhibaan Daahir Amiin Jeesow ayaa ugu baaqay dowlada inay baaritaan degdeg ah ku samayso falka weerarka ah ee lagu qaaday dadka xoolo dhaqatada ah, waxana uu xildhibaanku sheegay in kacdoon uu ka dhalan karo xasuuqa loo geystay dadka rayidka ah. Dhacdadan ayaa noqonaysa tii ugu xumeyd ee ay ciidamada AMISOM u geystaan dad rayid ah. Mana jirto illa iyo hadda wax war ah oo ka soo baxay ciidamada AMISOM iyo dowlada federalka ah. Lamana oga sababta keentay in ciidamadan AMISOM ay maalin cad ay rasaas ku furaan qoysas xoolo dhaqato ah. Dadka ku dhaawacmay weerarkan ayaa badankood la dhigay isbitaalka Madina ee magaalada Muqdisho. Nabadoonada beesha ay ka soo jeedaan dadkan waxyeelada soo gaartay ayaa ugu baaqay dowlada Soomaaliyeed inay si degdeg ah jawaab uga bixiyaan weerarka loo geystay dadka xoolo dhaqatada ah. Toddobaadkii aynu ka soo gudubnay ayaa sidoo kale ciidamada Uganda waxa ay ku dileen labo ruux oo rayid ah deegaan ka tirsan Leego. Ururka Alshabaab ayaa waxa uu weerar ku qaadayay gaadiidka maraya deegaanada ku dhowdhow Leego sidookale burcad hubeysan ayaa ku dhibaateysa deegaankaas dadka safarka ah ee maraya wadadaas. Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed
  5. A British man who was killed in Kenya on Saturday was a special constable with the Metropolitan Police. Jamal Moghe, 26, from Wembley, north-west London, also worked as a civilian employee of the Met based at Ealing in west London. He is believed to have been killed by bandits while travelling on a charity trip. Ealing borough commander Andy Rowell said: "We were all shocked and saddened to hear of Jamal's death." Mr Moghe was a criminal exhibits officer in Ealing and also worked as a special constable - a volunteer police officer - in his home borough of Brent. Cdr Rowell said: "He was a popular member of the team at Ealing borough and he also chose to serve his community by volunteering as a special. Our thoughts are with his wife and family at this time." A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We can confirm the death of a British national on 12 January and we are providing consular assistance to the family at this difficult time." Visiting family A source told the BBC Mr Moghe had been on the way to Marsabit, on the border with Ethiopia, to see his family. It was Mr Moghe's first visit to the region in about 15 years, the BBC understands. He is understood to have been buried in the town of Isiolo within 24 hours of the attack - in line with Muslim tradition. North-eastern Kenya, bordered by Ethiopia and Somalia, is a remote and sparsely populated area where lack of security is a problem. The BBC understands the bus in which Mr Moghe had been travelling was sprayed with bullets by the bandits and no passenger was singled out. But the BBC's Noel Mwakugu, in the capital, Nairobi, says official details of the attack are sketchy and Kenyan police do not have further information about the incident. Odiambho Joseph, from the BBC's Swahili service, says banditry has been on the increase recently and in the last year several Kenyan policemen have been attacked and killed by suspected Islamist militants from Somalia. The Somali al-Shabab group vowed to take revenge when Kenya sent troops into Somalia in October 2011 to help the UN-backed government seize territory from the militants. The Times's Africa correspondent, Jerome Starkey, tweeted: "Brit cop Jamal Moghe was shot in a moving vehicle and nothing was stolen once the truck overturned, say provincial Kenyan police chief." He said there were only nine passengers in the vehicle.
  6. oba hiloowlow;908409 wrote: Pictures of the dead soldiers. hal nin sawirkiis lee waaye! 's'ta ka bixi, sxb!. and the website's title goes like this: Daawo Sawirada:Maydka Sarkaalkii Hogaaminayay Kumaandoosta Faransiiska Ee Somaaliya Lagu Dilay Oo Lasoo Bandhigay.
  7. An insightful article about the series in Arabic:
  8. Lix qof oo shacab ah ayaa sidoo kale ku dhintay dagaalkaas, kuwaas oo la sheegay inay ku jireen haweeney uur leh, cunug yar iyo nin oday ah, iyadoo la sheegay inay dadkaas toogteen ciidamadii dhulka ka dagaalamayay ee Faransiiska ahaa.
  9. The Frenchs' invasion and their killing is good 'violence' nooh?.
  10. Maaddeey

    Camel Hump

    Sol, waa hallaawday!. Suurtagal miyaa in 5 sano Johnny B lee gaal ka joogay, markuu Garnaqsi yimidna ay darandoorri u dhasheen, kabacdi kulli isku nooc waaye, si kastooy kala duwanaansho isugu dayaan!.
  11. Ducaysane, SNF kas maa uga tagtay?.
  12. Abu Salman, even in the times of The Nabi and before that their Kitab was re-edited, and that didn't make them out of the fold!. Ilaa aakhiruzamaan waa jiraayaan Ahlul Kitaab.
  13. Jacaylbaro;906651 wrote: Heedhe adna muran badanidaa ,,, Just say HAA or Maya even if he missed daliilka iyo waxaad tidhi ,,,,, I would buy it, haddaan iri, ee uu weli ma xalaal baa soo taaganyahay, 'haa' maxay u tareysaa?. Sheeko raqiis ah oo 'ahlulkitab'ka quraanku sheegay adduunka waa ka dhamaadeen naga daaya!.
  14. Ma caado baad rabtaa mise sharci?. Waxa aan soo daliishaday ma aragtay, mise iyadana waad ka ilduuftay?.
  15. ^^ No, you didn't read me right (as always), when did I say big mac?, refer to the part NG is asking me if I eat from Burger King and my reply, fudayd baad ku ba'day, ninyahow!.
  16. NGONGE;906633 wrote: ^^ That's hearsay and unless you have proof I can't really take your words for it. I'd rather that risk than buying my food from a mulxid. Its not hearsay, bro. It happened at my local butcher/supermarket!, But I like your cautiousness (tawarruc).
  17. some of the local Abduls sell dead (already) animal's meat, sxb. ka fogow, ka carar, the Halal certificate alone, won't help!.
  18. Aghlabiyyah aa la isticmaalaa, beledka waa beled ahlal kitaab, sxb.
  19. ^^ No, because of what I said about the mixing, using same cutlery etc. But i would buy fresh meat from Tesco's
  20. ^^ Why not, as long as it i not cooked/mixed with non-halaal meat/oil, it is Halaal!. 'Wa tacaamu alladeena uutulkitaab'