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Everything posted by OLOL

  1. Ngonge, Saaxiib, I don't need to go in lengthy pointing out your absurd indictment against our beautiful religion. (most of the borthers and sisters who did reply to you, perfectly articulated and put it beautifully why Islam is not the issue but the self-interested foreign policy of the West towards the Middle East and the Islamic World) The majority of Muslims (99.9%) have nothing to do with terrorism and are not culpable for the actions of few militant nut-heads motivated by political philosophy. Saaxiib let us talk about the "Root Causes" of terrorism. Let us put aside our biases & narrow interests and attempt to define terrorism first.. that should be our priority here ... And this is no personal attack or character assasination but you coming across as someone working hard to please some authority. Without a shred of doubt,U have proved your loyalty and devotion to them! So spare us of this hogwash and borrowing a word from your blog .......Saaxiib K. I. S. S! = Keep it So Simple! Your protracted rants, even though they augment and embellish the whole debate, can be summarized to the "three points" mentioned above by brother Fidel. Or do you have more to say? Yeah Let's talk about sex!!
  2. a preview of the so-called war within Islam.... !! We heard so many times from "The West" that Muslim moderates have to speak up against those few "fanatics" hijacking their beautiful religion.. and there you have my brother, Ngonge as a Muslim apologist heeding to that call! what a trap!! Well, it is good to debate and enagage each other in this subject... you all seem to have some points and we are all here to learn and see who is right and who is not. I want also to see Ngonge's emotions on this (below)? is it geneocide? state-sponsored terrorism? or just a conventional war? what is your definition on Terrorism? and on what premises can we justify it? Bush & Blair are "good-doers" who are fighting the "evil-doers" in their own turf! I feel sorry for the Alis or Aishas being bombed from 3000 feet above in Baghdad and elsewhere .....No one cries for them and their death doesn't count and invoke such emotions from our avant-grade "apologists" Their killers " young Anglo-Saxon pilots " are definitely not terrorists! Thanks Xiinfiniin! U said it eloquently for all of us! we don't differentiate terror! http://www.iraqbodycount.net/ “Change the channel†- Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt's advice to Iraqis who see TV images of innocent civilians killed by coalition troops. [NYT 12th April 2004]
  3. Ali "Babe" lives happily in an obscure ghetto corner or some Mirfish hellhole in London, chewing Qat all night long....Once a while, he ventures out of that darkness and reaches the internet café in the corner-store to spew some filth in here. How oafish folks can be!
  4. exiting = Examining X-ray Contaminations In The Intesively Nuclear Grounds of Somalia. Somalia = Some Old Moron Limping In Africa Toxic waste dumping in the COAST of Somalia have been going on for more than a decade. COAST = Coalition of Activists for Somalia's Tommorrow. u do the DECADE
  5. Somalia ties up with Sobha Renaissance for e-passports Our Bureau / Bangalore July 22, 2005 The Somali government, as a part of its plan to boost its secutiry and streamline its immigration process, has signed a $25 million contract with Sobha Renaissance Information Technology (SRIT), an Indian IT solution provider. The company was short-listed from among 15 global companies by the Somali government, Sobha executives told reporters here on Thursday. The company will help the government implement and deploy a National Passport solution. It will also help it in executing the national ID programmes, automation of driver licenses, vehicle registration and national health programmes. The project will start by September this year and will be executed in six months, the executives said. The Somali government will issue e-passports and start the process of e-authentication through fingerprints. "The electronic identification is highest level of security that can be provided and this will also fasten the immiration process," said Madhu Nambiar, CEO, Sobha Renaissance. This comes at a period when governments across the globe are confronting a rise in forged or altered identity documents. The deputy minister of foreign affairs, Transitional Federal Government of Somalia Hasan Ahmed Jama said that the topmost priority of his government is national security and e-governance program will help in that cause. "The strategic mandate is to automate the entire process of authentication of an individual’s identity and verify permission," he added. Somalia is among the first developing countries to take up this programme. The e-passport and e-authentication programme, at present, is used in 46 countries across the globe, most in European countries. India is yet to take up this programme.
  6. Yes, we all heard and inundated that Banglore is the over-hyped famed IT capital of India with a cheap labor and so on. But that is not the point! Tell me why do we need passports and driver license when millions of Somalis are starving? …have no access to clean water? …The infant mortality is so high? When there is scarcity of water everywhere? When you have ongoing clannish warfare in every region? …that 25 Million could have been used to at least work out on one of these social and environmental problems in one region. My whole point is prioritize and deal with neccessities first....stabilize and pacify the country first...then when you have a stable viable peaceful society, then think of providing services and administrative functions! one Banglore mishap: The Northwest Airlines outsourced to Banglore to have its airline reservation system programmed and got a disaster end-product alla Bollywood. a minor example, The Indian programmers there had a man on crutches instead of wheel chair as a handicap checkout! they had so many other mishaps that forced the whole company to contract some one in Minneapolis to program their whole system...with even less money and less time. They had to discard the Banglore version. That is Banglore! They are good and cheap too!!
  7. Ali Baba! (reminds me of The thief of Baghdad )doesn't like the southern Mudugh folks...they are from the enemy clan who may have defeated his clan in some clannish mêlée and thus holds resentment against them....that is logical in the Somalia’s accepted wisdom...His whole furor and generalization above is just a sign of an entrenched Somali malaise that has no remedy. so let the chap vent out and villify all southern Mudugh folks for the actions of few militia boys, that may be therapeautic for him. The militia boys from his camp, North Mudugh, are in fact well-disciplined and trained Somalia's future army forces who will march south to liberate Mogadishu from the Illegal occupiers,....That is a noble undertaking of our North Mudugh clannish uncle!! our beloved president Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed! Some here speak the language of Fadhi Ku Dirir, of sweeping statements, of irrational deductions and so ..while others in the forum are educated and balanced individuals living in the modern civilized world where they engage each other in the language logic and common sense...and civility... I have also to remind people forum rules and maybe to invite moderators to come in and edit some the posts for they are undoubtedly so provocative, skewed and uncivilised. and if we try to address and engage these folks we may at the end become like them and be banned for good.... ----- Direct personal attacks --- Insults --- Name-calling --- Indirect tribal insults --- Tribal names --- Bad-mouthing a whole society/region These have become the norm in this section lately. We will not tolerate this any further. This forum is a moderated forum. It is not an "open for everything" forum. There are folks here who feel insult, not intellect, is their only weapon for any political discussion. Very sad indeed. We have reached the conclusion that some individuals must be banned from this forum in order to bring stability and high level discussions back to the political section. That is the only solution to this mayhem. We will keep monitoring this section and ban silently those individuals who are here to ruin the quality of this section. For us this is very, very personal. Again, we apologize to our readers. ----- Ali Baba and Sky have to be chastized for their above fracas!!
  8. Somali programers in Canada and US could have done the whole thing voluntarily.... They could have created a new database programs and software application systems to issue Social Identification Cards, Driver license, passports and so on without even asking any money. so simple and so available in your own back yard.. It is a waste of money and by the way, there is not even a need for such system right now. They should first focus resolving their differences and use that money to empower Somali elders and civics to pacify the warring clans. They could also resurrect the Municipality Anagraphs and Recording System Barre left. It is still there and you still have plenty of experienced folks familiar with that system. There is a food shortage,draughts, water scarcity in most regions. Use that money to purchase well digging and water preservation/purification equipements, wind mills, solar panels and so on. Buy mobile ambulances, train girls to become nurses and midwives, rehabilitate militias.....do something constructive and above all prioritize. 25 million to an Indian software programmer? give me a break!
  9. http://www.radiomarka.com/Allow%20wax%20nala%20qabo.wmv " Yaa Jaliil, Yaa Jamaal, Yaa Raxmaan, Yaa Raxiim, Alla waan kala qubanayee wax nala qabo e " Amen! P.S: I can sense Zainab Laba dhagax's voice in the Chorus ladies. My ultimate dream is to play the oud like him!
  10. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050720.wcomment0720/BNStory/International/ By AFYARE ABDI ELMI Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Updated at 2:43 AM EDT Special to Globe and Mail Update As Stephen John Stedman of Stanford University's Center for International Security and Co-operation has observed, a badly designed and poorly implemented peace agreement can lead right back to renewed civil war. In both Rwanda and Angola, more people died after peace agreements were signed than during the conflicts themselves. Now, there are growing concerns that Somalia - which recently ended more than 14 years of civil war and established a transitional government - may slip back into violence. Last Thursday, the United Nations Security Council rejected the Somali government's bid to have the UN's weapons embargo lifted. On July 11, a well-known Somali peace activist, Abdulkadir Yahye Ali, was shot dead inside his Mogadishu residence. The transitional government, operating from exile since October and from within Somalia for only three months, has now officially broken into two factions. President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi are on one side, with the parliamentary speaker, Sharif Hassan Aden, and several Mogadishu warlords on the other. In other words, that painstaking, two-year-long process has resulted in two parallel and hostile administrations, one based in Mogadishu and one in Jowhar, a city 90 kilometres north of the capital. There are three main reasons for this split: the flawed mediation practices of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the direct meddling of hostile neighbours, and the incompetence and lack of political will among Somali leaders. Advertisements Instead of giving Somali groups the ownership of the peace process, IGAD allowed Somalia's neighbours to dictate the outcome of the conference. Not only have Ethiopia and Kenya forced a charter, a parliament and a government of their own design on Somalia, but Ethiopia is providing weapons to many Somali groups. Although the Somali people and the international community expected the transitional government to lead a reconciliation government to prepare the country for democratic governance, the two factions lack both the will and the political skills necessary for this complex task. Because of their own deep mistrust for each other - and because of outside meddling - the two are no longer even talking as they prepare for another round of civil war. At the core of their deadlock are two issues: the location of the capital, and whether or not to invite in Ethiopian and Kenyan troops. Mr. Yusuf and Mr. Gedi insist that troops of the front-line states will be part of the regional peacekeeping forces. They're creating a pretext whereby Ethiopian troops can enter the country to help them shore up their weak administration. Although they agree that, ultimately, Mogadishu will be the capital, they cite security reasons for their opposition to locating it there right now. The parliamentary speaker and the Mogadishu warlords, on the other hand, do not consider Ethiopia and Kenya to be impartial third parties. They believe the President and the Prime Minister want to use foreign backers to eliminate their rivals. They also reject the government's proposal for Jowhar as a temporary capital. Ending the protracted Somali conflict requires a balanced approach. Since no group or clan was able to defeat others militarily, the Somali conflict must end in a negotiated settlement. All sensitive issues must be addressed by a consensus among major stakeholders. And the international community must understand that Ethiopia is the principal spoiler of the Somali peace process. To achieve peace in Somalia, it will be necessary to sustain pressure on Ethiopia. Ethiopia receives significant aid from Western countries - the United States alone provided more than $550-million (U.S.) in 2002-2003 - and it is therefore vulnerable to political pressure from donor countries. Nor should the UN stand aside when the Somali people need it most; the UN must lead the Somali peace-building efforts. The role of the African Union has not been entirely helpful so far. The AU was not considering Somalia's interests when it decided that it would be acceptable for Ethiopian and Kenyan troops to enter Somalia as peacekeepers. But the AU's current leaders (South Africa's Thabo Mbeki and Nigeria's Olesegun Obasanjo) will truly threaten Somali independence if they actually implement their decision to allow Ethiopia to send in troops. A lasting peace will also require the political will and commitment of the Somali parties to the conflict; the current leadership must be pressed to look beyond short-term, vindictive objectives. The involvement of a credible third party and the development of a sense of Somali ownership of the political process will certainly help in the long term. But, to prevent the civil war that looms once more, the world must press the Somali government's two groups. We must send the message that, if Somali leaders start another civil war, there will be consequences. Perhaps the Security Council should consider involving the International Criminal Court, or establish an international criminal tribunal for war crimes in Somalia. In any case, any support for the transitional government must be linked to the government's performance in the reconciliation process. And the international community should send a clear message to the opposing factions: They must end hostilities and unite under one administration. They must avoid more bloodshed at all cost. Afyare Abdi Elmi is a Somali Canadian journalist based in Edmonton, and a PhD student in political science at the University of Alberta.
  11. Wow! Cheer up folks! This was just an imaginative spoof ! nothing more than that! just a parody to ridicule someone's obsession with how Ghedi will be meeting Condoleezza Rice in Dakar. Unfortunately, your reaction to this prank shows of how the residents of the political section are deficient in the field of political humor and satire. !none of you have that artistic proclivity whatsoever! you all sound like some frustrated geeks! eerie! isn't it?
  12. ..... heh..how funny..takin off your clothes for a fag) [/i] . [/QB] for a second, I was confused there, but then it occured to me that you guys are in England where a cigarette and fag are basically the same.!! what a language!! Here, across the other side of the Atlantic, that sentence would have had some homosexual connotation....and would have sounded sickeningly bizzare.... It is these bigheaded double standards (singling out Muslim women for some negative discretion) that shuts out a lot of decent folks who are so romantically and intellectually interested in ourt beautiful Islamic culture.
  13. don't they( both sexes) smoke Hookah and Tobacco non-stop in the Arab streets? I don't see what is so controversial about a well dressed Muslimah smoking some cigarette? I know a large number of Somali mothers, aunties, grandmothers who are chain smokers...it is not nothing new. Some even chew Qat and transgress in other unhealthy habits. aren't we becoming so small minded and Alarmingly over-zealous on trivial matters these days?
  14. I don't think forum members can handle the graphic nature of the novel’s eroticism. And I am positive that even moderators (including you) will not allow us to post such salacious and raunchy narrative in here. But we can have our own book club through Private Messaging and compare notes. Yeah, why not?
  15. I am just laughing at some of her weird lascivious stories, some are over the top and others are familiar. it is really crazy novel. But I must admit she is bold and daring. She tries to shock you by venerating her sexual adventures and carnal knowlege. Let me finish it and I will then give you a full review. R U reading it too?
  16. - The great Unravelling: Paul Krugman New York Times Bestseller. - The Almond: the sexual awakening of a Muslim woman....by Nedjma ---
  17. Ghedi, The Somali Prime minister is rumored to have fallen in love with Condoleezza Rice, the American Secretary of State and the two were supposed to venture into a secret romantic escapade while in sojourn in Dakar, the Senegalese capital. The two officials, one from the poorest country and failed state of the horn of Africa, Somalia and the other from the only world super power and richest nation on earth, United States of America, met in an invitation to a house party at Dakar thrown by the president of Senegal, Mr. Abdulaye Wade. This brief rendezvous provided a perfect opportunity to Ghedi and Condi in order to take a break from their respective exasperating schedule. The two were planning to break away from the chaos of politics and diplomacy for a relaxing and romantic evening. But the lovers' plans were foiled when their first cozy interlude of the weekend was disrupted by the appearance of a stunning Senegalese Model, courtesy of the Senegalese government. Ghedi was disappointed with the disruptive hospitality of his Senegalese hosts. Nevertheless, he abanodoned Dr. Rice and left with the Senegalese call-girl. Ghedi, the new Somali PM, an African gigolo and womanizer, after ten months of grand adventures, touring around the globe in search of handouts, was successful to secure seven million American dollars from the eccentric leader of Libya, Colonel Qaddafi. The Somali PM is notorious to throw away the donated riches to the poor country of Somalia on sumptuous orgy parties. His recent Paris vacation has shown how openhanded and extravagant the playboy Prime Minister is. With her reputation forever tarnished by this African indiscretion, Condoleezza Rice is now resigned to forget the whole incident and will embark on her planned visit to Sudan.But the tittle-tattle spinners are predicting that John Garang, the newly appointed Sudanese VP, a rebel who had known the pleasures of African American women while he was a student in Iowa, will try to seduce the US Secretary of State and will definitely make sure to rub out the Somali PM’s peeved affair from her mind. Dr. Rice said that Ghedi, the Somali Prime minister seemed very sensitive and high-minded man. and she said that she didn’t expect him to run off with the Senegalese Model. Condi confessed that she finds herself falling head over heals in love with corrupt influential African men
  18. Ghedi, The Somali Prime minister is rumored to have fallen in love with Condoleezza Rice, the American Secretary of State and the two were supposed to venture into a secret romantic escapade while in sojourn in Dakar, the Senegalese capital. The two officials, one from the poorest country and failed state of the horn of Africa, Somalia and the other from the only world super power and richest nation on earth, United States of America, met in an invitation to a house party at Dakar thrown by the president of Senegal, Mr. Abdulaye Wade. This brief rendezvous provided a perfect opportunity to Ghedi and Condi in order to take a break from their respective exasperating schedule. The two were planning to break away from the chaos of politics and diplomacy for a relaxing and romantic evening. But the lovers' plans were foiled when their first cozy interlude of the weekend was disrupted by the appearance of a stunning Senegalese Model, courtesy of the Senegalese government. Ghedi was disappointed with the disruptive hospitality of his Senegalese hosts. Nevertheless, he abanodoned Dr. Rice and left with the Senegalese call-girl. Ghedi, the new Somali PM, an African gigolo and womanizer, after ten months of grand adventures, touring around the globe in search of handouts, was successful to secure seven million American dollars from the eccentric leader of Libya, Colonel Qaddafi. The Somali PM is notorious to throw away the donated riches to the poor country of Somalia on sumptuous orgy parties. His recent Paris vacation has shown how openhanded and extravagant the playboy Prime Minister is. With her reputation forever tarnished by this African indiscretion, Condoleezza Rice is now resigned to forget the whole incident and will embark on her planned visit to Sudan.But the tittle-tattle spinners are predicting that John Garang, the newly appointed Sudanese VP, a rebel who had known the pleasures of African American women while he was a student in Iowa, will try to seduce the US Secretary of State and will definitely make sure to rub out the Somali PM’s peeved affair from her mind. Dr. Rice said that Ghedi, the Somali Prime minister seemed very sensitive and high-minded man. and she said that she didn’t expect him to run off with the Senegalese Model. Condi confessed that she finds herself falling head over heals in love with corrupt influential African men.
  19. My abti has this sexist joke about his female relatives whenever there is Sab or family gathering - "they don't get satiated and will keep munching until they get tired." obesity is a disease and unforunately Somalis still don't realize that fact.
  20. Yes, true that Faysal Waraabe is a revolutionary man but look at the background of the current president Riyaale, an Ex NSS officer and lackey of Afweeyne. It is a shame that he presides over the people who suffered most at the hands of his ex Boss.
  21. one day the ONLF will win and liberate Somalis under the Abyssinian colonialism. Keep on the struggle! It took three long decades of fighting and struggle for the patient and brave Eritrean people to gain their freedom and independence.